def cleanup(): if xbmcvfs.exists(tempdir): dialog_msg('update', percentage = 100, line1 = __localize__(32005), background = __addon__.getSetting('background')) log('Cleaning up temp files') for x in os.listdir(tempdir): tempfile = os.path.join(tempdir, x) xbmcvfs.delete(tempfile) if xbmcvfs.exists(tempfile): log('Error deleting temp file: %s' % tempfile, xbmc.LOGERROR) xbmcvfs.rmdir(tempdir) if xbmcvfs.exists(tempdir): log('Error deleting temp directory: %s' % tempdir, xbmc.LOGERROR) else: log('Deleted temp directory: %s' % tempdir)
def cleanup(): if xbmcvfs.exists(tempdir): dialog_msg('update', percentage=100, line1=__localize__(32005), background=__addon__.getSetting('background')) log('Cleaning up temp files') for x in os.listdir(tempdir): tempfile = os.path.join(tempdir, x) xbmcvfs.delete(tempfile) if xbmcvfs.exists(tempfile): log('Error deleting temp file: %s' % tempfile, xbmc.LOGERROR) xbmcvfs.rmdir(tempdir) if xbmcvfs.exists(tempdir): log('Error deleting temp directory: %s' % tempdir, xbmc.LOGERROR) else: log('Deleted temp directory: %s' % tempdir)
def check(): setting = get() settings_faulty = True while settings_faulty: settings_faulty = True check_movie = check_tvshow = check_musicvideo = check_centralize = True # re-check settings after posible change setting = get() # Check if faulty setting in movie section if setting.get('movie_enable'): if not setting.get('movie_poster') and not setting.get('movie_fanart') and not setting.get('movie_extrafanart') and not setting.get('movie_extrathumbs') and not setting.get('movie_logo') and not setting.get('movie_clearart') and not setting.get('movie_discart') and not setting.get('movie_landscape') and not setting.get('movie_banner'): check_movie = False log('Setting check: No subsetting of movies enabled') else: check_movie = True # Check if faulty setting in tvshow section if setting.get('tvshow_enable'): if not setting.get('tvshow_poster') and not setting.get('tvshow_seasonposter') and not setting.get('tvshow_fanart') and not setting.get('tvshow_extrafanart') and not setting.get('tvshow_clearart') and not setting.get('tvshow_characterart') and not setting.get('tvshow_logo') and not setting.get('tvshow_showbanner') and not setting.get('tvshow_seasonbanner') and not setting.get('tvshow_landscape') and not setting.get('tvshow_seasonlandscape'): check_tvshow = False log('Setting check: No subsetting of tv shows enabled') else: check_tvshow = True # Check if faulty setting in musicvideo section if setting.get('musicvideo_enable'): if not setting.get('musicvideo_poster') and not setting.get('musicvideo_fanart') and not setting.get('musicvideo_extrafanart') and not setting.get('musicvideo_extrathumbs') and not setting.get('musicvideo_logo') and not setting.get('musicvideo_clearart') and not setting.get('musicvideo_discart'): check_musicvideo = False log('Setting check: No subsetting of musicvideo enabled') else: check_musicvideo = True # Check if faulty setting in centralize section if setting.get('centralize_enable'): if setting.get('centralfolder_movies') == '' and setting.get('centralfolder_tvshows') == '': check_centralize = False log('Setting check: No centralized folder chosen') else: check_centralize = True # Compare all setting check if check_movie and check_tvshow and check_musicvideo and check_centralize: settings_faulty = False else: settings_faulty = True # Faulty setting found if settings_faulty: log('Faulty setting combination found') # when faulty setting detected ask to open the settings window if dialog_msg('yesno', line1 = __localize__(32003), line2 = __localize__(32004), background = False, nolabel = __localize__(32026), yeslabel = __localize__(32025)): __addon__.openSettings() # if not cancel the script else: return False else: return True