Beispiel #1
def list_api():
    Display the list of tokens. Using different parameters you can choose,
    which tokens you want to get and also in which format you want to get the
    information (*outform*).

    :query serial: Display the token data of this single token. You can do a
        not strict matching by specifying a serial like "*OATH*".
    :query type: Display only token of type. You ca do a non strict matching by
        specifying a tokentype like "*otp*", to file hotp and totp tokens.
    :query user: display tokens of this user
    :query viewrealm: takes a realm, only the tokens in this realm will be
    :query basestring description: Display token with this kind of description
    :query sortby: sort the output by column
    :query sortdir: asc/desc
    :query page: request a certain page
    :query assigned: Only return assigned (True) or not assigned (False) tokens
    :query pagesize: limit the number of returned tokens
    :query user_fields: additional user fields from the userid resolver of
        the owner (user)
    :query outform: if set to "csv", than the token list will be given in CSV

    :return: a json result with the data being a list of token dictionaries::

        { "data": [ { <token1> }, { <token2> } ]}

    :rtype: json
    param = request.all_data
    user = get_user_from_param(param, optional)
    serial = getParam(param, "serial", optional)
    page = int(getParam(param, "page", optional, default=1))
    tokentype = getParam(param, "type", optional)
    description = getParam(param, "description", optional)
    sort = getParam(param, "sortby", optional, default="serial")
    sdir = getParam(param, "sortdir", optional, default="asc")
    psize = int(getParam(param, "pagesize", optional, default=15))
    realm = getParam(param, "tokenrealm", optional)
    userid = getParam(param, "userid", optional)
    resolver = getParam(param, "resolver", optional)
    ufields = getParam(param, "user_fields", optional)
    output_format = getParam(param, "outform", optional)
    assigned = getParam(param, "assigned", optional)
    if assigned:
        assigned = assigned.lower() == "true"

    user_fields = []
    if ufields:
        user_fields = [u.strip() for u in ufields.split(",")]

    # filterRealm determines, which realms the admin would be allowed to see
    filterRealm = ["*"]
    # TODO: Userfields

    # If the admin wants to see only one realm, then do it:
    if realm and (realm in filterRealm or '*' in filterRealm):
        filterRealm = [realm]
    g.audit_object.log({'info': "realm: {0!s}".format((filterRealm))})

    # get list of tokens as a dictionary
    tokens = get_tokens_paginate(serial=serial,
    g.audit_object.log({"success": True})
    if output_format == "csv":
        return send_csv_result(tokens)
        return send_result(tokens)
Beispiel #2
def list_api():
    Display the list of tokens. Using different parameters you can choose,
    which tokens you want to get and also in which format you want to get the
    information (*outform*).

    :param serial: Display the token data of this single token. You can do a
        not strict matching by specifying a serial like "*OATH*".
    :param type: Display only token of type. You ca do a non strict matching by
        specifying a tokentype like "*otp*", to file hotp and totp tokens.
    :param user: display tokens of this user
    :param viewrealm: takes a realm, only the tokens in this realm will be
    :param description: Display token with this kind of description
    :type description: basestring
    :param sortby: sort the output by column
    :param sortdir: asc/desc
    :param page: request a certain page
    :param assigned: Only return assigned (True) or not assigned (False) tokens
    :param pagesize: limit the number of returned tokens
    :param user_fields: additional user fields from the userid resolver of
        the owner (user)
    :param outform: if set to "csv", than the token list will be given in CSV

    :return: a json result with the data being a list of token dictionaries::

        { "data": [ { <token1> }, { <token2> } ]}

    :rtype: json
    param = request.all_data
    user = get_user_from_param(param, optional)
    serial = getParam(param, "serial", optional)
    page = int(getParam(param, "page", optional, default=1))
    tokentype = getParam(param, "type", optional)
    description = getParam(param, "description", optional)
    sort = getParam(param, "sortby", optional, default="serial")
    sdir = getParam(param, "sortdir", optional, default="asc")
    psize = int(getParam(param, "pagesize", optional, default=15))
    realm = getParam(param, "tokenrealm", optional)
    ufields = getParam(param, "user_fields", optional)
    output_format = getParam(param, "outform", optional)
    assigned = getParam(param, "assigned", optional)
    if assigned:
        assigned = assigned.lower() == "true"
    user_fields = []
    if ufields:
        user_fields = [u.strip() for u in ufields.split(",")]

    # filterRealm determines, which realms the admin would be allowed to see
    filterRealm = ["*"]
    # TODO: Userfields

    # check admin authorization
    res = self.Policy.checkPolicyPre('admin', 'show', param, user=user)

    filterRealm = res['realms']
    # check if policies are active at all
    # If they are not active, we are allowed to SHOW any tokens.
    pol = self.Policy.getAdminPolicies("show")
    # If there are no admin policies, we are allowed to see all realms
    if not pol['active']:
        filterRealm = ["*"]

    # If the admin wants to see only one realm, then do it:
    if realm:
        if realm in filterRealm or '*' in filterRealm:
            filterRealm = [realm]
    g.audit_object.log({'info': "realm: %s" % (filterRealm)})

    # get list of tokens as a dictionary
    tokens = get_tokens_paginate(serial=serial, realm=realm, page=page,
                                 user=user, assigned=assigned, psize=psize,
                                 sortby=sort, sortdir=sdir,
    g.audit_object.log({"success": True})
    if output_format == "csv":
        return send_csv_result(tokens)
        return send_result(tokens)
Beispiel #3
def list_api():
    Display the list of tokens. Using different parameters you can choose,
    which tokens you want to get and also in which format you want to get the
    information (*outform*).

    :query serial: Display the token data of this single token. You can do a
        not strict matching by specifying a serial like "*OATH*".
    :query type: Display only token of type. You ca do a non strict matching by
        specifying a tokentype like "*otp*", to file hotp and totp tokens.
    :query user: display tokens of this user
    :query viewrealm: takes a realm, only the tokens in this realm will be
    :query basestring description: Display token with this kind of description
    :query sortby: sort the output by column
    :query sortdir: asc/desc
    :query page: request a certain page
    :query assigned: Only return assigned (True) or not assigned (False) tokens
    :query pagesize: limit the number of returned tokens
    :query user_fields: additional user fields from the userid resolver of
        the owner (user)
    :query outform: if set to "csv", than the token list will be given in CSV

    :return: a json result with the data being a list of token dictionaries::

        { "data": [ { <token1> }, { <token2> } ]}

    :rtype: json
    param = request.all_data
    user = get_user_from_param(param, optional)
    serial = getParam(param, "serial", optional)
    page = int(getParam(param, "page", optional, default=1))
    tokentype = getParam(param, "type", optional)
    description = getParam(param, "description", optional)
    sort = getParam(param, "sortby", optional, default="serial")
    sdir = getParam(param, "sortdir", optional, default="asc")
    psize = int(getParam(param, "pagesize", optional, default=15))
    realm = getParam(param, "tokenrealm", optional)
    userid = getParam(param, "userid", optional)
    resolver = getParam(param, "resolver", optional)
    ufields = getParam(param, "user_fields", optional)
    output_format = getParam(param, "outform", optional)
    assigned = getParam(param, "assigned", optional)
    if assigned:
        assigned = assigned.lower() == "true"
    user_fields = []
    if ufields:
        user_fields = [u.strip() for u in ufields.split(",")]

    # filterRealm determines, which realms the admin would be allowed to see
    filterRealm = ["*"]
    # TODO: Userfields

    # If the admin wants to see only one realm, then do it:
    if realm and (realm in filterRealm or '*' in filterRealm):
        filterRealm = [realm]
    g.audit_object.log({'info': "realm: {0!s}".format((filterRealm))})

    # get list of tokens as a dictionary
    tokens = get_tokens_paginate(serial=serial, realm=realm, page=page,
                                 user=user, assigned=assigned, psize=psize,
                                 sortby=sort, sortdir=sdir,
    g.audit_object.log({"success": True})
    if output_format == "csv":
        return send_csv_result(tokens)
        return send_result(tokens)