Beispiel #1
def run():
    buff = base64.b64decode(''.join([line.rstrip() for line in open('set1/e6.txt', 'r')]))

    # Number of sample blocks we want to use to calculate hamming dist
    avg_blocks = 4
    keys = []
    for key_size in range(2,41):
        # Grab first X number of buffer blocks
        blocks = [buff[i * key_size:(i * key_size) + key_size] for i in list(range(0, avg_blocks))]

        # Calculate hamming dist between them
        hamm = sum([hamming(blocks[i], blocks[j]) for i in list(range(0, avg_blocks)) for j in list(range(i, avg_blocks))])

        keys.append({'size': key_size, 'hamming': hamm / key_size})

    skeys = sorted(keys, key=lambda s: s['hamming'])
    print("Key size: %d" % key_size)

    # Transpose the buffer into key_size number
    #   eg: for ks: 4 and buff: '123456789' -> ['159', '26', '37', '48']
    blocks = [bytearray([buff[(key_size * j) + i] for j in range(0, math.ceil((len_buff - i) / key_size))]) for i in range(0, key_size)]

    key = bytearray()
    for i in list(range(0, len(blocks))):
        res = find_best_xor_match(blocks[i], 1)
        key += res[0].mask

    print("Key: %s" % key)
    print(key_encode(buff, key))
Beispiel #2
def run():
    matches = [item for sublist in [find_best_xor_match(bytes.fromhex(line.rstrip()), 1) for line in open('set1/e4.txt', 'r')] for item in sublist]

    print("Found %d total possible matches" % len(matches))

    sorted_matches = sorted(matches, key=lambda s: s.diff)

    for match in sorted_matches[0:40]:
Beispiel #3
def run():
    match = find_best_xor_match(bytes.fromhex('1b37373331363f78151b7f2b783431333d78397828372d363c78373e783a393b3736'))[0]