__author__ = "nsantoshpatel" import time from lib import notify N = notify() N.popup( 'Important Notification', 'Try to be active all time. Else you will be kicked off from the trend.') N.close()
def main(): train = cri.CrCollection.load().filter_by( dataset_index=0).tri_label().labeled() if SAMPLE and SAMPLE != 1: print("Sampling {:.0%} of original training dataset".format(SAMPLE)) train = train.sample(frac=SAMPLE) folds = train.k_split(K, seed=K_SPLIT_SEED) stats.print_collection_stats(train, "Training/Validation Set") stats.print_fold_stats(folds) for key in MODEL_KEYS: run_all_lrs(key, folds, depth_index=DEPTH_INDEX, lr_index=LR_INDEX, fold_index=FOLD_INDEX) if __name__ == "__main__": try: main() except Exception as e: error = traceback.format_exc() error += "\n" error += str(e) print(error) notify(error)