def test_random_udf():
	lib.upload_udf("test_module.lua", udf_module)
	# initialize all records to have just one bin "testbin" with value 1
	lib.run_benchmark("--workload I --start-key 0 --keys 20 -o 1")
	# the UDF should eventually reach all 20 records, incrementing "testbin" to 2
	lib.run_benchmark("--duration 1 --workload RUF,0,0 -upn test_module " +
			"-ufn increment_bin_to_2 -ufv \\\"testbin\\\" --start-key 0 --keys 20 --random",
	lib.check_for_range(0, 20, lambda meta, key, bins: lib.obj_spec_is_const_I(bins["testbin"], 2))
def test_random_udf_subrange():
	lib.upload_udf("test_module.lua", udf_module)
	# initialize all records to have just one bin "testbin" with value 1
	lib.run_benchmark("--workload I --start-key 0 --keys 100 -o 1")
	# the UDF should eventually reach these 20 records, incrementing "testbin" to 2
	lib.run_benchmark("--duration 1 --workload RUF,0,0 -upn test_module " +
			"-ufn increment_bin_to_2 -ufv \\\"testbin\\\" --start-key 15 --keys 20 --random",

	assert(len(lib.scan_records()) == 100)
	lib.check_recs_exist_in_range(0, 15, lambda meta, key, bins: lib.obj_spec_is_const_I(bins["testbin"], 1))
	lib.check_recs_exist_in_range(15, 35, lambda meta, key, bins: lib.obj_spec_is_const_I(bins["testbin"], 2))
	lib.check_recs_exist_in_range(35, 100, lambda meta, key, bins: lib.obj_spec_is_const_I(bins["testbin"], 1))
def test_const_map_async():
	def check_bin(meta, key, bins):
		assert("bin_1" in bins)
		assert("bin_2" in bins)
		lib.obj_spec_is_I1(bins["bin_2"] - 256)

	lib.upload_udf("test_module.lua", udf_module)
	# the UDF should eventually reach all 100 records, writing both "bin_1" and "bin_2"
	lib.run_benchmark("--duration 1 --workload RUF,0,0 -upn test_module " +
			"-ufn read_object -ufv \"{\\\"write_bin_1\\\":b,\\\"random_value\\\":I1}\" " +
			"--start-key 0 --keys 100 --random --async",
	lib.check_for_range(0, 100, check_bin)
def test_const_fixed_map():
	prev_bin_1 = -1
	def check_bin(meta, key, bins):
		nonlocal prev_bin_1

		assert("bin_1" in bins)

		if prev_bin_1 == -1:
			prev_bin_1 = bins["bin_1"]
			assert(bins["bin_1"] == prev_bin_1)

	lib.upload_udf("test_module.lua", udf_module)
	# the UDF should eventually reach all 100 records, writing both "bin_1" and "bin_2"
	lib.run_benchmark("--duration 1 --workload RUF,0,0 -upn test_module " +
			"-ufn read_object -ufv \"{\\\"write_bin_1\\\":true,\\\"random_value\\\":I1}\" " +
			"--start-key 0 --keys 100 -z 1",
	lib.check_for_range(0, 100, check_bin)
def test_set_bin_fixed_bool():
	true_cnt = 0
	false_cnt = 0
	def check_bin(meta, key, bins):
		nonlocal true_cnt
		nonlocal false_cnt

		assert("bool_bin" in bins)
		if bins["bool_bin"]:
			true_cnt += 1
			false_cnt += 1

	lib.upload_udf("test_module.lua", udf_module)
	# initialize all records to have just one bin "testbin" with value 1
	lib.run_benchmark("--workload I --start-key 0 --keys 20 -o 1")
	# the UDF should eventually reach all 20 records, incrementing "testbin" to 2
	lib.run_benchmark("--duration 1 --workload RUF,0,0 -upn test_module " +
			"-ufn set_bin -ufv \\\"bool_bin\\\",b --start-key 0 --keys 20 -z 1",
	lib.check_for_range(0, 20, check_bin)
	assert((true_cnt > 0 and false_cnt == 0) or (true_cnt == 0 and false_cnt > 0))