def upload_topo(api, request, id_): if not api.user: raise AuthError() if request.method == 'POST': form = UploadScenarioInfoForm(request.POST, request.FILES) if form.is_valid(): f = request.FILES['topologyfile'] file_content = api.scenario_modify(id_, {'topology_info_json': file_content}) return redirect("scenario_info", id_=id_) else: return render( request, "form.html", { 'form': form, "heading": "Edit Scenario %s" % id_, 'message_before': "Here you can upload a topology file to update the topology info of the scenario." }) else: form = UploadScenarioInfoForm() return render( request, "form.html", { 'form': form, "heading": "Edit Scenario %s" % id_, 'message_before': "Here you can upload a topology file to update the topology info of the scenario." })
def info(api, request, id): #@ReservedAssignment if not api.user: raise AuthError() info = api.topology_info(id) #Load Tutorial. tutorial_state = {'enabled': False} #Legacy Tutorial saves (#TODO: remove this in the next release) tut_stat = None tut_url = None allow_tutorial = True if info['attrs'].has_key('_tutorial_disabled'): allow_tutorial = not info['attrs']['_tutorial_disabled'] if allow_tutorial: if info['attrs'].has_key('_tutorial_url'): tut_url = info['attrs']['_tutorial_url'] if info['attrs'].has_key('_tutorial_status'): tut_stat = info['attrs']['_tutorial_status'] tutorial_state = { 'enabled': True, 'url': tut_url, 'step': tut_stat, 'data': {} } #New Tutorial saves. These have higher preference than the legacy ones if info['attrs'].has_key('_tutorial_state'): tutorial_state = info['attrs']['_tutorial_state'] return _display(api, request, info, tutorial_state)
def list(api, request, show_all=False, organization=None): if not api.user: raise AuthError() toplist = api.topology_list(showAll=show_all, organization=organization) orgas = api.organization_list() for top in toplist: top['attrs']['tutorial_enabled'] = ( top['attrs'].has_key('_tutorial_url') and not (top['attrs']['_tutorial_disabled'] if top['attrs']. has_key('_tutorial_disabled') else False) #old tutorials ) or (top['attrs']['_tutorial_state']['enabled'] if (top['attrs'].has_key('_tutorial_state') and top['attrs']['_tutorial_state'].has_key('enabled')) else top['attrs'].has_key('_tutorial_state') #new tutorials ) top['processed'] = { 'timeout_critical': top['timeout'] - time.time() < serverInfo()['topology_timeout']['warning'] } return render( request, "topology/list.html", { 'top_list': toplist, 'organization': organization, 'orgas': orgas, 'show_all': show_all })
def list(api, request, with_flag=None, organization=True): if not api.user: raise AuthError() organization_description = None if organization is True: organization = api.user.organization if organization: organization_description = api.organization_info( organization)['description'] accs = api.account_list(organization=organization) orgas = api.organization_list() flags = api.account_flags() flag_categories = api.account_flag_categories() if with_flag: acclist_new = [] for acc in accs: if with_flag in acc['flags']: acclist_new.append(acc) accs = acclist_new for acc in accs: acc['flags_name'] = mark_safe(u'\n'.join( render_account_flag_fixedlist(api, acc['flags'], flags=flags, flag_categories=flag_categories))) return render( request, "account/list.html", { 'accounts': accs, 'orgas': orgas, 'with_flag': with_flag, 'organization': organization, 'organization_description': organization_description })
def element(api, request, id): #@ReservedAssignment if not api.user: raise AuthError() usage = api.element_usage(id) return render(request, "main/usage.html", { 'usage': json.dumps(usage), 'name': 'Element #%d' % int(id) })
def topology(api, request, id): #@ReservedAssignment if not api.user: raise AuthError() usage = api.topology_usage(id) return render(request, "main/usage.html", { 'usage': json.dumps(usage), 'name': 'Topology #%s' % id })
def dump_export(api, request, source, dump_id,data=False): if not api.user: raise AuthError() dump = api.errordump_info(source,dump_id,data) filename = re.sub('[^\w\-_\. :]', '_', source.lower() + "__" + dump_id ) + ".errordump.json" response = HttpResponse(json.orig.dumps(dump, indent = 2), content_type="application/json") response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="' + filename + '"' return response
def organization(api, request, name): #@ReservedAssignment if not api.user: raise AuthError() usage = api.organization_usage(name) return render(request, "main/usage.html", { 'usage': json.dumps(usage), 'name': 'Organization %s' % name })
def host(api, request, name): #@ReservedAssignment if not api.user: raise AuthError() usage = api.host_usage(name) return render(request, "main/usage.html", { 'usage': json.dumps(usage), 'name': 'Host %s' % name })
def connection(api, request, id): #@ReservedAssignment if not api.user: raise AuthError() usage = api.connection_usage(id) return render(request, "main/usage.html", { 'usage': json.dumps(usage), 'name': 'Connection #%s' % id })
def account(api, request, id): #@ReservedAssignment if not api.user: raise AuthError() usage = api.account_usage(id) return render(request, "main/usage.html", { 'usage': json.dumps(usage), 'name': 'Account %s' % id })
def download_topo(api, request, id_): if not api.user: raise AuthError() scenario = api.scenario_info(id_) topo_json = scenario["topology_info_json"] filename = re.sub('[^\w\-_\. ]', '_', scenario["name"].lower().replace( " ", "_")) + "__" + id_ + ".tomato4.json" response = HttpResponse(topo_json, content_type="application/json") response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="' + filename + '"' return response
def info(api, request, id): # @ReservedAssignment if not api.user: raise AuthError() info = api.topology_info(id) #Load Tutorial. tutorial_state = {'enabled': False} if info.has_key('_tutorial_state'): tutorial_state = info['_tutorial_state'] return _display(api, request, info, tutorial_state)
def export(api, request, id): if not api.user: raise AuthError() top = api.topology_export(id) filename = re.sub('[^\w\-_\. ]', '_', top['topology']['name'].lower().replace( " ", "_")) + "__" + id + ".tomato4.json" response = HttpResponse(json.orig.dumps(top, indent=2), content_type="application/json") response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="' + filename + '"' return response
def accept(api, request, id): if not api.user: raise AuthError() user = api.account_info(id) flags = user["flags"] for flag in ["new_account", "over_quota"]: if flag in flags: flags.remove(flag) api.account_modify(id, attrs={"flags": flags}) api.account_send_notification(id, subject="Account activated", message="Your account has been activated by an administrator. Now you are ready to start your first topology. Please see the tutorials to learn how to use ToMaTo.", from_support=True) return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("", kwargs={"id": id}))
def list_(api, request, show): if api.user: user = else: raise AuthError() scenario_list = api.scenario_list(user, show) return render(request, "scenario/list.html", { 'scenario_list': scenario_list, 'show': show, })
def list(api, request, with_flag=None, organization=True): if not api.user: raise AuthError() organization_label = None if organization is True: organization = api.user.organization if organization: organization_label = api.organization_info(organization)['label'] accs = api.account_list(organization=organization, with_flag=with_flag) orgas = api.organization_list() flag_config = api.account_flag_configuration() for acc in accs: acc['flags_name'] = mark_safe(u'\n'.join(render_account_flag_fixedlist(api,acc['flags'], flag_config=flag_config))) return render(request, "account/list.html", {'accounts': accs, 'orgas': orgas, 'with_flag': with_flag, 'organization':organization, 'organization_label':organization_label})
def info(api, request, id=None): if not api.user: raise AuthError() user = api.account_info(id) if id else organization = api.organization_info(user["organization"]) user["reason"] = user.get("_reason") flags = [] for flag in user["flags"] or []: if flag in userflags.flags: flags.append(userflags.flags[flag]) else: flags.append(flag+" (unknown flag)") flaglist = mark_safe(u'\n'.join(render_account_flag_fixedlist(api, user['flags'] or []))) return render(request, "account/info.html", {"account": user, "organization": organization, "flags": flags, 'flaglist': flaglist})
def import_(api, request): if not api.user: raise AuthError() if request.method == 'POST': form = ImportTopologyForm(request.POST, request.FILES) if form.is_valid(): f = request.FILES['topologyfile'] topology_structure = json.load(f) id_, _, _, errors = api.topology_import(topology_structure) api.topology_modify(id_, {'_initialized': True}) if errors != []: errors = [ "%s %s: failed to set %s=%r, %s" % (type_, cid, key, val, err) for type_, cid, key, val, err in errors ] note = "Errors occured during import:\n" + "\n".join(errors) t = api.topology_info(id_) if t['attrs'].has_key('_notes') and t['attrs']['_notes']: note += "\n__________\nOriginal Notes:\n" + t['attrs'][ '_notes'] api.topology_modify(id_, { '_notes': note, '_notes_autodisplay': True }) return redirect("", id=id_) else: return render( request, "form.html", { 'form': form, "heading": "Import Topology", 'message_before': "Here you can import a topology file which you have previously exported from the Editor." }) else: form = ImportTopologyForm() return render( request, "form.html", { 'form': form, "heading": "Import Topology", 'message_before': "Here you can import a topology file which you have previously exported from the Editor." })
def edit(api, request, id): if not api.user: raise AuthError() user = api.account_info(id) if request.method == 'POST': form = AccountChangeForm(api, request.REQUEST) if form.is_valid(): data = form.cleaned_data if not api.user.isAdmin(data["organization"]): del data["flags"] del data["organization"] del data["name"] del data["password2"] if not data["password"]: del data["password"] send_mail = data.get("send_mail", False) if "send_mail" in data: del data["send_mail"] if 'flags' in data: old_flags = api.account_info(id)['flags'] newflags = {} for flag in api.account_flags().iterkeys(): if flag in data['flags']: if flag not in old_flags: newflags[flag] = True else: if flag in old_flags: newflags[flag] = False data['flags'] = newflags api.account_modify(id, attrs=data) if send_mail: api.account_send_notification(id, subject="Account modified", message="Your account has been modified by an administrator. Please check your account details for the changes.", from_support=True) request.session["user"].updateData(api) return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("", kwargs={"id": id})) else: data = user.copy() data["send_mail"] = user["id"] != form = AccountChangeForm(api, data) return render(request, "form.html", {"account": user, "form": form, "heading":"Edit Account "+user["id"]})
def list_(api, request): if not api.user: raise AuthError() ss_list = api.security_software_list() return render(request, "security_resources/security_software_list.html", {'ss_list': ss_list})
def list_(api, request): if not api.user: raise AuthError() vul_list = api.vulnerability_list() return render(request, "security_resources/vulnerability_list.html", {'vul_list': vul_list})
def list_(api, request): if not api.user: raise AuthError() mc_list = api.malicious_code_list() return render(request, "security_resources/malicious_code_list.html" , {'mc_list': mc_list})
def create(api, request): if not api.user: raise AuthError() info = api.topology_create() api.topology_modify(info['id'], {'_initialized': False}) return redirect("", id=info["id"])
def initial_parse(self, raw): if raw.get('type') != 'message_new': raise ValueError('wrong event type') if not checkpw(raw.get('secret', '').encode('utf8'), self.secret): raise AuthError('wrong secret') msg = raw.get('object', {}).get('message') if not msg: raise ValueError('no object') carousel = raw.get('object', {}).get('client_info', {}).get('carousel', False) text = msg.get('text', '') _id = self.get_sender(raw) if text == '!!' and self.last[_id] is not None: msg = self.last[_id] text = msg.get('text', '') else: self.last[_id] = msg text = self.aliases.get(text, text) parsed = self.parse_text(text) args = [] if parsed['args']: args.append({'type': 'text', 'text': parsed['args']}) for att in msg.get('attachments'): _dict = None if att['type'] == 'photo': photo = att['photo'] _dict = { 'type': 'vk_attachment', 'content': 'photo', 'attachment': f"photo{photo['owner_id']}_{photo['id']}", 'raw': photo } elif att['type'] == 'doc': d = att['doc'] s = f"doc{d['owner_id']}_{d['id']}" if 'access_key' in d: s += '_' + d['access_key'] _dict = { 'type': 'vk_attachment', 'content': 'document', 'attachment': s, 'raw': d } if _dict: args.append(_dict) special = {'vk_upload': {}} if carousel and (len(parsed['ids']) > 1 or 'all' in parsed['ids']): special['photo_processing'] = { 'aspect_ratio': [13, 8], 'max_dim': 1536 } return { 'action': parsed['action'], 'ids': parsed['ids'], 'room': parsed['room'], 'args': args, 'excepts': parsed['excepts'], 'special': special }