Beispiel #1
def production():

    print "ARGUMENTS to the PMF calculation are: ", sys.argv
    wham_correct_file = ""
    lammps_input_file = ""
    number_of_arguments = len(sys.argv) 
    for i in xrange(0, number_of_arguments):  
        if sys.argv[i].lower() == "wham_correct_file":
            wham_correct_file = sys.argv[i+1] 
            print "THE WHAM CORRECT FILE IS ", wham_correct_file 
        elif ((sys.argv[i] == "potential_base") or (sys.argv[i] == "potential") or (sys.argv[i] == "pot_base")):
             pot_base_full = os.path.split(sys.argv[i+1])
             pot_base_file = pot_base_full[1] 
        elif ((sys.argv[i].lower() == "atom_type1") or (sys.argv[i].lower() == "atom1") or (sys.argv[i].lower() == "type1")):
            atom_type1 = int(sys.argv[i+1]) 
        elif ((sys.argv[i].lower() == "atom_type2") or (sys.argv[i].lower() == "atom2") or (sys.argv[i].lower() == "type2")):
            atom_type2 = int(sys.argv[i+1]) 
        elif ((sys.argv[i] == "number") or (sys.argv[i] == "current_number") or (sys.argv[i] == "iteration_number")):
            number = int(sys.argv[i+1])
            print "THE CURRENT ITERATION NUMBER IS ", number
        elif ((sys.argv[i] == "CG_in_file") or (sys.argv[i] == "CG_lammps_file") or (sys.argv[i] == "CG_input")):
            CG_in_file = sys.argv[i+1]
        elif ((sys.argv[i].lower() == "lammps_in_file") or (sys.argv[i] == "lammps_input_file") or (sys.argv[i] == "lammps_input")):
            lammps_input_file = lammps_input_file_full[1]
        elif ((sys.argv[i] == "wham_executable") or (sys.argv[i] == "wham_executable_path") or (sys.argv[i] == "wham_path")):
            wham_executable = sys.argv[i+1]
        elif ((sys.argv[i] == "out_directory") or (sys.argv[i] == "out")):
            out_path = sys.argv[i+1]
            if not os.path.isdir(out_path):
    wham_array_correct, wham_array_distance_correct, numofbins_wham, cutoff_wham= read_in_WHAM_file(wham_correct_file)
    dir_value_dict, dir_spring_const_dict, dir_log_file_dict, dir_data_file_dict =find_dir_value_dict(CG_in_file,lammps_input_file_dir)
    print "LAMMPS input_dir", lammps_input_file_dir
    wham_list=os.path.join(lammps_input_file_dir, str(wham_list_base + '.' + str(number)))
    wham_output=os.path.join(lammps_input_file_dir, str("wham_output"+ '.' + str(number)))
    print "WHAMLIST", wham_list, wham_output
    pot_file=pot_base + str(number)
    print "NEW NUMBER", new_number, number
    print "POT_FILE NEW", pot_file_new, out_path
    print "NUMOFBINS IS ", numofbins_wham
    create_WHAM_files(dir_value_dict, dir_spring_const_dict,dir_log_file_dict,dir_value_dict,wham_list,lammps_input_file_dir)
    print "WHAM", wham_list, wham_output
    call("'%s' '%f' '%f' '%d' 0.0001 500 0 '%s' '%s' " % (wham_executable, wham_minimum, wham_maximum, numofbins_wham, wham_list, wham_output), shell=True)
#2.875  20.125 69 0.0001 500 0  wham_list_CG.number wham_output.number')
    wham_array_new, wham_array_distance_new, numofbins_new, cutoff_wham_new= read_in_WHAM_file(wham_output,lammps_input_file_dir)
    num_of_pot_bins, cutoff_pot, offset_pot = lmp_io.get_number_of_bins_and_cutoff(pot_file,0)
    pot_distance, pot_potential, pot_derivative=lmp_io.read_in_interaction_file(pot_file,num_of_pot_bins)

    update_one_file_wham(number, num_of_pot_bins, wham_array_distance_new, wham_array_new, wham_array_distance_correct, wham_array_correct, pot_distance, pot_potential,atom_type1,atom_type2,dir_value_dict,pot_file_new,CG_in_file,out_path,lammps_input_file_dir)
    shutil.copy2(lammps_input_file_full, new_lammps_input_file)
Beispiel #2
def production():
  """ This script will create the next interation of coarse-grained potentials using the Iterative Boltzmann Inversion to 
  match to a user-supplied radial distribution function (normally from atomistic simulation). It will also attempt a correction 
  for the pressure. The script will also extrapolate the potentials at low distance values by fitting to a soft Lennard-Jones 
  potential. Note, this fitting is somewhat unstable ( and can cause the IBI to fail. """

  print "ARGUMENTS TO THE IBI ARE: ", sys.argv 

  # user-supplied arguments to the IBI. Note, not all of these arguments are required depending on what analysis is need and files are provided. 
  lammps_input_file = "" # LAMMPS input file for the current CG iteration. 
  correct_rdf_base  = "" # User-supplied Radial Distribution Function to match to (normally derived from atomistic simulation) - distance is column 1 and the RDF is column 3.   
  potential_base    = "" # the file base-name for the potential energy files. The format is such: pot.<iteration_number>.new.<type1><type2>. In this case the base-name is "pot". 
  number = 0             # the current IBI iteration number
  lammps_data_file = ""  # LAMMPS CG data file 
  lammps_rdf_file  = ""  # the CG RDF file if calculated by LAMMPS - this is a series of snapshot values, which need to be averaged. 
  p_target = 1.0         # pressure target for the CG simulation.
  p_flag   = 0.0         # flag to indicate whether to apply pressure correction - set to one if a pressure target is set by the user. 
  CG_output_file = ""    # LAMMPS thermodynamic log file for the current CG simulation. Used to calculate the current average CG pressure. 
  p_now    = 0           # current CG pressure read from (and averaged) the CG lammps thermodynamic log file; 
  temperature = 300      # temperature the simulations are run at; default is 300K
  LJ_file_flag = 0       # if this flag is set to one, the parameters used in the extrapolation by fitting to a Lennard-Jones potential are read from a file (called LJ_parameters) rather than computed from fitting to the potential / forces.  
  num_of_bins = 0
  DeltaR = 0.0
  number_of_arguments = len(sys.argv) 
  mode = "default"
  num_of_types = 0

  for i in xrange(0, number_of_arguments):  
    if sys.argv[i].lower() == "lammps_input_file":
      lammps_input_file = sys.argv[i+1] 
      print "THE LAMMPS INPUT FILE IS ", lammps_input_file 
    elif sys.argv[i].lower() == "lammps_output_file":
      lammps_output_file = sys.argv[i+1] 
      print "THE LAMMPS OUTPUT FILE IS ", lammps_input_file 
    elif sys.argv[i].lower() == "lammps_data_file":
      lammps_data_file = sys.argv[i+1] 
      print "THE LAMMPS DATA FILE IS ", lammps_data_file
    elif ((sys.argv[i] == "potential_base") or (sys.argv[i] == "potential")):
      potential_base = sys.argv[i+1] 
    elif sys.argv[i].lower() == "lammps_rdf_file":
      lammps_rdf_file = sys.argv[i+1] 
      print "THE RDFS WILL BE READ FROM LAMMPS OUTPUT", lammps_rdf_file
    elif (sys.argv[i] == "correct_rdf_base"):
      correct_rdf_base = sys.argv[i+1] 
      print "THE RDFS TO MATCH TO HAVE THE FILE BASE ", correct_rdf_base
    elif ((sys.argv[i] == "number") or (sys.argv[i] == "current_number") or (sys.argv[i] == "iteration_number")):
      number = int(sys.argv[i+1])
      print "THE CURRENT ITERATION NUMBER IS ", number
    elif ((sys.argv[i] == "pressure_flag") or (sys.argv[i] == "p_flag")):
      p_flag = float(sys.argv[i+1])
      print "THE PRESSURE FLAG is ", p_flag
    elif ((sys.argv[i] == "pressure_target") or (sys.argv[i] == "p_target")):
      p_target = float(sys.argv[i+1])
      if abs(p_flag) < 0.00001:
        p_flag = 1 
      print "THE PRESSURE TARGET is ", p_target
    elif ((sys.argv[i] == "CG_log_file") or (sys.argv[i] == "CG_logfile")):
      CG_output_file = sys.argv[i+1] 
      p_now = read_CG_log_file(CG_output_file, label="Press")          
      #TODO: this is only a temp hack!
    elif (sys.argv[i] == "temperature"):
      temperature = float(sys.argv[i+1])
    elif (sys.argv[i] == "LJ_param_file"):
      LJ_file_flag = 1
    elif sys.argv[i].lower() == "numofbins":
      num_of_bins = int(sys.argv[i+1]) 
      print "THE NUMBER OF BINS IS ", num_of_bins
    elif sys.argv[i].lower() == "deltar":
      DeltaR = float(sys.argv[i+1]) 
      print "DeltaR IS ", DeltaR
    elif sys.argv[i] == "mode":
      mode = sys.argv[i+1]
    elif sys.argv[i].lower() == "numoftypes":
      num_of_types = int(sys.argv[i+1]) 

  # read in the lammps data file to identify the number of CG types and lattice parameters. 
  lattice, type_list = lmp_io.read_lammps_data_file(lammps_data_file)

  num_of_types = len(type_list)
  print "Num of types = ", num_of_types
  #num_of_types = 4
  number_of_types_array = np.zeros((num_of_types+1))
  for n in xrange(1, num_of_types+1):
    number_of_types_array[n] = len(type_list["%s" % n]) 

  if mode=="pressure_correct":
    num_of_bins, cutoff, offset = lmp_io.get_number_of_bins_and_cutoff(potential_base, 1)
    print "Potential numofbins and cutoff:", num_of_bins, cutoff
    pots = (potential_base.strip()).split('.')
    atom1 = int(pots[-2])
    atom2 = int(pots[-1])
    print "ATOMS are:", atom1, atom2
    potential = np.zeros((num_of_bins+1)) 
    volume = float(lattice[0]) * float(lattice[1]) * float(lattice[2])
    hist_rdf = lmp_io.read_lammps_rdf(lammps_rdf_file, num_of_types, number)
    pressure_pot = calc_pressure_correction(hist_rdf[atom1][atom2], num_of_bins, DeltaR, number_of_types_array[atom1], number_of_types_array[atom2], abs(p_flag), p_now, p_target, volume, temperature)

    old_distance, old_potential, old_derivative = lmp_io.read_in_interaction_file(potential_base, num_of_bins)
    potential = apply_pressure_correction(old_potential, pressure_pot, num_of_bins+1, old_distance[1], DeltaR)
    potential[0]=potential[1] # TODO: change this temporary workaround into something more systematic. The workaround reduces anomalies in the derivative at the start of the potential.   
    new_derivatives = da.derivatives(np.arange(offset, cutoff, DeltaR), potential)
    print "dy lens:", num_of_bins, len(new_derivatives), len(np.arange(offset-DeltaR, cutoff, DeltaR)), len(potential)
    write_pot_file("%s/" % (os.path.dirname(lammps_output_file), number+1, atom1, atom2), new_derivatives[1:] , potential[1:], num_of_bins, DeltaR, atom1, atom2, num_of_bins, offset, smoothing="no", selection="no") #note: we use an offset here!
  elif mode=="default":
    # Either read an interaction list from a file in the atom_dir (useful if you want to parametrize only a subset of interactions), or generate one on the fly.
    interaction_filename = os.path.dirname(correct_rdf_base) + "/interaction_list"
    if os.path.exists(interaction_filename):
      interaction_list = interaction_list_from_file(interaction_filename)
      interaction_list = generate_interaction_list(num_of_types)
    first_array, num_of_bins, cutoff2 = read_in_rdf_file(correct_rdf_base, num_of_types, interaction_list) # read in the rdfs to match to. 

    print "THE CUTOFF in the RDF files is", cutoff2, ", with", len(first_array[1][1])-1, "number of bins "; 
    print "THIS IS ITERATION NUMBER", number

    deltaR = cutoff2 / num_of_bins # bin spacing from the RDF 
    previous_position, previous_potential, previous_derivative, old_pot_files, cutoff = lmp_io.read_in_interaction_files(potential_base, num_of_types,
interaction_list, number)
    num_of_bins = int(cutoff / deltaR)

    print deltaR, cutoff2, num_of_bins, correct_rdf_base
    print "THE CUTOFF in the POS FILES is", cutoff, "and number of bins are", num_of_bins 

    # read in the RDFs of the CG calculated by LAMMPS.
    hist_rdf = lmp_io.read_lammps_rdf(lammps_rdf_file, num_of_types, number)
  #  print lammps_rdf_file, len(hist_rdf[1][1])
    DeltaR = cutoff / num_of_bins
    # calculate the IBI 
    compute_update(os.path.dirname(lammps_output_file), first_array, hist_rdf, previous_position, previous_potential, num_of_types, number, DeltaR, num_of_bins, number_of_types_array, lattice, LJ_file_flag, p_flag, p_now, p_target, temperature, interaction_list)
    # modify the lammps input file, ready for the next iteration
    modify_lammps_in_file(lammps_input_file, lammps_output_file, number, interaction_list, num_of_types)
    print "ERROR: mode is incorrectly set in Should be e.g., default or pressure_correct"
Beispiel #3
def production():
    """ This script will create the next interation of coarse-grained potentials using the Iterative Boltzmann Inversion to 
  match to a user-supplied radial distribution function (normally from atomistic simulation). It will also attempt a correction 
  for the pressure. The script will also extrapolate the potentials at low distance values by fitting to a soft Lennard-Jones 
  potential. Note, this fitting is somewhat unstable ( and can cause the IBI to fail. """

    print "ARGUMENTS TO THE IBI ARE: ", sys.argv

    # user-supplied arguments to the IBI. Note, not all of these arguments are required depending on what analysis is need and files are provided.
    lammps_input_file = ""  # LAMMPS input file for the current CG iteration.
    correct_rdf_base = ""  # User-supplied Radial Distribution Function to match to (normally derived from atomistic simulation) - distance is column 1 and the RDF is column 3.
    potential_base = ""  # the file base-name for the potential energy files. The format is such: pot.<iteration_number>.new.<type1><type2>. In this case the base-name is "pot".
    number = 0  # the current IBI iteration number
    lammps_data_file = ""  # LAMMPS CG data file
    lammps_rdf_file = ""  # the CG RDF file if calculated by LAMMPS - this is a series of snapshot values, which need to be averaged.
    p_target = 1.0  # pressure target for the CG simulation.
    p_flag = 0.0  # flag to indicate whether to apply pressure correction - set to one if a pressure target is set by the user.
    CG_output_file = ""  # LAMMPS thermodynamic log file for the current CG simulation. Used to calculate the current average CG pressure.
    p_now = 0  # current CG pressure read from (and averaged) the CG lammps thermodynamic log file;
    temperature = 300  # temperature the simulations are run at; default is 300K
    LJ_file_flag = 0  # if this flag is set to one, the parameters used in the extrapolation by fitting to a Lennard-Jones potential are read from a file (called LJ_parameters) rather than computed from fitting to the potential / forces.
    num_of_bins = 0
    DeltaR = 0.0
    number_of_arguments = len(sys.argv)
    mode = "default"
    num_of_types = 0

    for i in xrange(0, number_of_arguments):
        if sys.argv[i].lower() == "lammps_input_file":
            lammps_input_file = sys.argv[i + 1]
            print "THE LAMMPS INPUT FILE IS ", lammps_input_file
        elif sys.argv[i].lower() == "lammps_output_file":
            lammps_output_file = sys.argv[i + 1]
            print "THE LAMMPS OUTPUT FILE IS ", lammps_input_file
        elif sys.argv[i].lower() == "lammps_data_file":
            lammps_data_file = sys.argv[i + 1]
            print "THE LAMMPS DATA FILE IS ", lammps_data_file
        elif ((sys.argv[i] == "potential_base")
              or (sys.argv[i] == "potential")):
            potential_base = sys.argv[i + 1]
        elif sys.argv[i].lower() == "lammps_rdf_file":
            lammps_rdf_file = sys.argv[i + 1]
            print "THE RDFS WILL BE READ FROM LAMMPS OUTPUT", lammps_rdf_file
        elif (sys.argv[i] == "correct_rdf_base"):
            correct_rdf_base = sys.argv[i + 1]
            print "THE RDFS TO MATCH TO HAVE THE FILE BASE ", correct_rdf_base
        elif ((sys.argv[i] == "number") or (sys.argv[i] == "current_number")
              or (sys.argv[i] == "iteration_number")):
            number = int(sys.argv[i + 1])
            print "THE CURRENT ITERATION NUMBER IS ", number
        elif ((sys.argv[i] == "pressure_flag") or (sys.argv[i] == "p_flag")):
            p_flag = float(sys.argv[i + 1])
            print "THE PRESSURE FLAG is ", p_flag
        elif ((sys.argv[i] == "pressure_target")
              or (sys.argv[i] == "p_target")):
            p_target = float(sys.argv[i + 1])
            if abs(p_flag) < 0.00001:
                p_flag = 1
            print "THE PRESSURE TARGET is ", p_target
        elif ((sys.argv[i] == "CG_log_file") or (sys.argv[i] == "CG_logfile")):
            CG_output_file = sys.argv[i + 1]
            p_now = read_CG_log_file(CG_output_file, label="Press")
            #TODO: this is only a temp hack!
            print "THE CURRENT PRESSURE WILL BE CALCULATED FROM THE LOG FILE ", CG_output_file, p_now
        elif (sys.argv[i] == "temperature"):
            temperature = float(sys.argv[i + 1])
        elif (sys.argv[i] == "LJ_param_file"):
            LJ_file_flag = 1

        elif sys.argv[i].lower() == "numofbins":
            num_of_bins = int(sys.argv[i + 1])
            print "THE NUMBER OF BINS IS ", num_of_bins
        elif sys.argv[i].lower() == "deltar":
            DeltaR = float(sys.argv[i + 1])
            print "DeltaR IS ", DeltaR

        elif sys.argv[i] == "mode":
            mode = sys.argv[i + 1]
        elif sys.argv[i].lower() == "numoftypes":
            num_of_types = int(sys.argv[i + 1])

    # read in the lammps data file to identify the number of CG types and lattice parameters.
    lattice, type_list = lmp_io.read_lammps_data_file(lammps_data_file)

    num_of_types = len(type_list)
    print "Num of types = ", num_of_types
    #num_of_types = 4

    number_of_types_array = np.zeros((num_of_types + 1))
    for n in xrange(1, num_of_types + 1):
        number_of_types_array[n] = len(type_list["%s" % n])

    if mode == "pressure_correct":

        num_of_bins, cutoff, offset = lmp_io.get_number_of_bins_and_cutoff(
            potential_base, 1)
        print "Potential numofbins and cutoff:", num_of_bins, cutoff

        pots = (potential_base.strip()).split('.')
        atom1 = int(pots[-2])
        atom2 = int(pots[-1])

        print "ATOMS are:", atom1, atom2

        potential = np.zeros((num_of_bins + 1))
        volume = float(lattice[0]) * float(lattice[1]) * float(lattice[2])

        hist_rdf = lmp_io.read_lammps_rdf(lammps_rdf_file, num_of_types,

        pressure_pot = calc_pressure_correction(hist_rdf[atom1][atom2],
                                                num_of_bins, DeltaR,
                                                abs(p_flag), p_now, p_target,
                                                volume, temperature)

        old_distance, old_potential, old_derivative = lmp_io.read_in_interaction_file(
            potential_base, num_of_bins)

        potential = apply_pressure_correction(old_potential, pressure_pot,
                                              num_of_bins + 1, old_distance[1],

        potential[0] = potential[
            1]  # TODO: change this temporary workaround into something more systematic. The workaround reduces anomalies in the derivative at the start of the potential.
        new_derivatives = da.derivatives(np.arange(offset, cutoff, DeltaR),
        print "dy lens:", num_of_bins, len(new_derivatives), len(
            np.arange(offset - DeltaR, cutoff, DeltaR)), len(potential)

            "%s/" %
            (os.path.dirname(lammps_output_file), number + 1, atom1, atom2),
            selection="no")  #note: we use an offset here!

    elif mode == "default":
        # Either read an interaction list from a file in the atom_dir (useful if you want to parametrize only a subset of interactions), or generate one on the fly.
        interaction_filename = os.path.dirname(
            correct_rdf_base) + "/interaction_list"
        if os.path.exists(interaction_filename):
            interaction_list = interaction_list_from_file(interaction_filename)
            interaction_list = generate_interaction_list(num_of_types)

        first_array, num_of_bins, cutoff2 = read_in_rdf_file(
            correct_rdf_base, num_of_types,
            interaction_list)  # read in the rdfs to match to.

        print "THE CUTOFF in the RDF files is", cutoff2, ", with", len(
            first_array[1][1]) - 1, "number of bins "
        print "THIS IS ITERATION NUMBER", number

        deltaR = cutoff2 / num_of_bins  # bin spacing from the RDF
        previous_position, previous_potential, previous_derivative, old_pot_files, cutoff = lmp_io.read_in_interaction_files(
            potential_base, num_of_types, interaction_list, number)
        num_of_bins = int(cutoff / deltaR)

        print deltaR, cutoff2, num_of_bins, correct_rdf_base
        print "THE CUTOFF in the POS FILES is", cutoff, "and number of bins are", num_of_bins

        # read in the RDFs of the CG calculated by LAMMPS.
        hist_rdf = lmp_io.read_lammps_rdf(lammps_rdf_file, num_of_types,
        #  print lammps_rdf_file, len(hist_rdf[1][1])
        DeltaR = cutoff / num_of_bins

        # calculate the IBI
        compute_update(os.path.dirname(lammps_output_file), first_array,
                       hist_rdf, previous_position, previous_potential,
                       num_of_types, number, DeltaR, num_of_bins,
                       number_of_types_array, lattice, LJ_file_flag, p_flag,
                       p_now, p_target, temperature, interaction_list)
        # modify the lammps input file, ready for the next iteration
        modify_lammps_in_file(lammps_input_file, lammps_output_file, number,
                              interaction_list, num_of_types)
        print "ERROR: mode is incorrectly set in Should be e.g., default or pressure_correct"
Beispiel #4
                        help='name of the potential file to write')
        'specifies a key parameter to associate with the mode. Should be at least 1e-10.',

    args = parser.parse_args()
    print args

    num_of_bins, cutoff, offset = lmp_io.get_number_of_bins_and_cutoff(
        args.inputfile, 1)
    print "Potential numofbins and cutoff:", num_of_bins, cutoff

    dis, pot, der = lmp_io.read_in_interaction_file(args.inputfile,
    dis = dis[1:]
    pot = pot[1:]
    der = der[1:]

    for i in xrange(0, args.repeat):
        if args.mode == "smooth":
            pot = dm.smooth_data(pot,
        elif args.mode == "remove_tail":
            pot, der = dm.remove_tail(pot, der)
        elif args.mode == "append_zeroes":
            if abs(args.parameter) < 1e-10:
                args.parameter = 20
            dis, pot, der = dm.append_zeroes(
Beispiel #5
  parser.add_argument("-i", "--inputfile", help='name of the potential file to read')
  parser.add_argument("-m", "--mode", default='smooth', help='type of filter used', choices=["smooth", "remove_tail", "append_zeroes", "amplify", "xshift", "yshift", "prepend", "append_linear"])
  parser.add_argument("-r", "--repeat", help='number of repetitions', type=int, default=1)
  parser.add_argument("-a", "--atom1", help='atom number 1', type=int, default=1)
  parser.add_argument("-b", "--atom2", help='atom number 2', type=int, default=1)
  parser.add_argument("-o", "--outputfile", help='name of the potential file to write')
  parser.add_argument("parameter", type=float, help='specifies a key parameter to associate with the mode. Should be at least 1e-10.', default=0.0)

  args = parser.parse_args()
  print args

  num_of_bins, cutoff, offset = lmp_io.get_number_of_bins_and_cutoff(args.inputfile, 1)
  print "Potential numofbins and cutoff:", num_of_bins, cutoff

  dis, pot, der = lmp_io.read_in_interaction_file(args.inputfile, num_of_bins)
  dis = dis[1:]
  pot = pot[1:]
  der = der[1:]
  for i in xrange(0,args.repeat):
    if args.mode == "smooth":
      pot = dm.smooth_data(pot,window_len=int(args.parameter),window='flat')
    elif args.mode == "remove_tail":
      pot, der = dm.remove_tail(pot, der)
    elif args.mode == "append_zeroes":
      if abs(args.parameter) < 1e-10:
        args.parameter = 20
      dis, pot, der = dm.append_zeroes(dis, pot, der, args.parameter) #we prefer this to be 20
    elif args.mode == "amplify":
      if args.parameter < 1e-10:
Beispiel #6
def production():

    print "ARGUMENTS to the PMF calculation are: ", sys.argv
    wham_correct_file = ""
    number = ""
    atom_type1 = ""
    atom_type2 = ""
    out_path = ""
    CG_in_file_base = ""
    pot_base = ""
    wham_executable = ""
    lammps_input_file = ""

    number_of_arguments = len(sys.argv)
    for i in xrange(0, number_of_arguments):
        if sys.argv[i].lower() == "wham_correct_file":
            wham_correct_file = sys.argv[i + 1]
            print "THE WHAM CORRECT FILE IS ", wham_correct_file
        elif ((sys.argv[i] == "potential_base") or (sys.argv[i] == "potential")
              or (sys.argv[i] == "pot_base")):
            pot_base_full = os.path.split(sys.argv[i + 1])
            pot_base_file = pot_base_full[1]
            pot_base_dir = pot_base_full[0]
            pot_base = sys.argv[i + 1]
        elif ((sys.argv[i].lower() == "atom_type1")
              or (sys.argv[i].lower() == "atom1")
              or (sys.argv[i].lower() == "type1")):
            atom_type1 = int(sys.argv[i + 1])
        elif ((sys.argv[i].lower() == "atom_type2")
              or (sys.argv[i].lower() == "atom2")
              or (sys.argv[i].lower() == "type2")):
            atom_type2 = int(sys.argv[i + 1])
        elif ((sys.argv[i] == "number") or (sys.argv[i] == "current_number")
              or (sys.argv[i] == "iteration_number")):
            number = int(sys.argv[i + 1])
            print "THE CURRENT ITERATION NUMBER IS ", number
        elif ((sys.argv[i] == "CG_in_file")
              or (sys.argv[i] == "CG_lammps_file")
              or (sys.argv[i] == "CG_input")):

            CG_in_file = sys.argv[i + 1]
        elif ((sys.argv[i].lower() == "lammps_in_file")
              or (sys.argv[i] == "lammps_input_file")
              or (sys.argv[i] == "lammps_input")):
            lammps_input_file_full = os.path.split(sys.argv[i + 1])
            lammps_input_file = lammps_input_file_full[1]
            lammps_input_file_dir = lammps_input_file_full[0]
            lammps_input_file_full = sys.argv[i + 1]
        elif ((sys.argv[i] == "wham_executable")
              or (sys.argv[i] == "wham_executable_path")
              or (sys.argv[i] == "wham_path")):
            wham_executable = sys.argv[i + 1]
        elif ((sys.argv[i] == "out_directory") or (sys.argv[i] == "out")):
            out_path = sys.argv[i + 1]
            if not os.path.isdir(out_path):

    wham_array_correct, wham_array_distance_correct, numofbins_wham, cutoff_wham = read_in_WHAM_file(
    dir_value_dict, dir_spring_const_dict, dir_log_file_dict, dir_data_file_dict = find_dir_value_dict(
        CG_in_file, lammps_input_file_dir)
    print "LAMMPS input_dir", lammps_input_file_dir
    wham_spacing = wham_array_distance_correct[
        1] - wham_array_distance_correct[0]
    wham_minimum = wham_array_distance_correct[0] - (wham_spacing / 2)
    wham_maximum = wham_array_distance_correct[numofbins_wham -
                                               1] + (wham_spacing / 2)
    wham_list_base = "wham_list_CG"
    wham_list = os.path.join(lammps_input_file_dir,
                             str(wham_list_base + '.' + str(number)))
    wham_output = os.path.join(lammps_input_file_dir,
                               str("wham_output" + '.' + str(number)))
    print "WHAMLIST", wham_list, wham_output
    pot_file = pot_base + str(number)
    new_number = int(number) + 1
    print "NEW NUMBER", new_number, number
    pot_new = pot_base_file + str(new_number)
    pot_file_new = os.path.join(out_path, pot_new)
    print "POT_FILE NEW", pot_file_new, out_path
    print "NUMOFBINS IS ", numofbins_wham
    create_WHAM_files(dir_value_dict, dir_spring_const_dict, dir_log_file_dict,
                      dir_value_dict, wham_list, lammps_input_file_dir)
    print "WHAM", wham_list, wham_output
    call("'%s' '%f' '%f' '%d' 0.0001 500 0 '%s' '%s' " %
         (wham_executable, wham_minimum, wham_maximum, numofbins_wham,
          wham_list, wham_output),
    #2.875  20.125 69 0.0001 500 0  wham_list_CG.number wham_output.number')
    wham_array_new, wham_array_distance_new, numofbins_new, cutoff_wham_new = read_in_WHAM_file(
        wham_output, lammps_input_file_dir)
    num_of_pot_bins, cutoff_pot, offset_pot = lmp_io.get_number_of_bins_and_cutoff(
        pot_file, 0)
    pot_distance, pot_potential, pot_derivative = lmp_io.read_in_interaction_file(
        pot_file, num_of_pot_bins)

    update_one_file_wham(number, num_of_pot_bins, wham_array_distance_new,
                         wham_array_new, wham_array_distance_correct,
                         wham_array_correct, pot_distance, pot_potential,
                         atom_type1, atom_type2, dir_value_dict, pot_file_new,
                         CG_in_file, out_path, lammps_input_file_dir)
    new_lammps_input_file = os.path.join(out_path, lammps_input_file)
    shutil.copy2(lammps_input_file_full, new_lammps_input_file)