Beispiel #1
def drawN50data( axes, samples, options ):
    #key can be 'blockN50', 'sequenceN50', 'contigPathN50', or 'scaffolfPathN50'
    keys = options.keys
    colors = libplot.getColors6()
    #markers = [".", "s", "^", "--"]

    c = -1
    lines = []
    for key in keys:
        ydata = []
        for sample in samples:
            y = int(sample.attrib[ key ])
            ydata.append( y )
        if options.logscale:
            ydata = log10( array(ydata) )
        c += 1
        l = axes.plot( ydata, color=colors[c], marker=".", markersize=10.0, linestyle='none' )

    libplot.editSpine( axes )
    pyplot.xlabel( 'Samples' )
    if options.logscale:
        pyplot.ylabel( 'Log 10 of N50' )
        pyplot.ylabel( 'N50' )

    return lines
def drawPlot(exps, options, outfile, type):
    options.out = outfile
    fig, pdf = libplot.initImage( 11.2, 10.0, options )
    axes = fig.add_axes( [0.12, 0.18, 0.85, 0.75] )

    #Set title:
    titleDict = {'tpfn':'Indel Overlap with dbSNP', 'tp':'True Positives According to dbSNP', 'tp2':'Indel Overlap with dbSNP', 'fn':'False Negatives According to dbSNP', 'total':'Total Indels Called'}
    axes.set_title( titleDict[type] )
    if 'All' not in exps:
    samples = getSamplesOrder( exps['All'], type ) 
    if len( samples ) < 1:

    if type != 'fn':

    xdata = range( 0, len(samples) )
    colors = libplot.getColors6()
    c = -1
    lines = []
    pointsize = 10.0
    offset = 0.15
    #exporder = ['All', 'No repeats', 'Wobble', 'Wobble, No repeats']
    exporder = ['Wobble', 'Wobble, No repeats', 'All', 'No repeats']
    if type == 'fn':
        exporder = ['Wobble', 'All']
    elif type == 'total':
        exporder = ['All', 'No repeats']
    elif type == 'tp2' or type == 'tpfn':
        exporder = ['Wobble', 'Wobble, No repeats']
        #pointsize = 16.0
        #offset = 0.3
    #Get ydata
    ydataList, ymin, ymax = getData(samples, exps, type, exporder)

    scale = -1
    if ymin > 1000:
        scale = len( str(int(ymin)) ) -1
    if scale > 0:
        for exp in ydataList:
            ydataList[exp] = [ float(y)/10**scale for y in ydataList[exp]]
    if type == 'tpfn':
        for j,t in enumerate(['tp', 'fn']):
            for i, exp in enumerate(exporder):
                if i > 0 and t == 'fn':
                if t == 'tp':
                    xdatai = [x + offset*(j*2+i) for x in xdata]
                        xdatai = [x + offset*(j*2+i) for x in xdata[: len(xdata) -3]]
                ydata = ydataList["%s.%s" %(exp,t)]
                c +=1
                lines.append(axes.plot(xdatai, ydata, color=colors[c], marker='.', markersize=pointsize, linestyle='none'))
        for i, exp in enumerate(exporder):
            xdatai = [x + offset*i for x in xdata]
            ydata = ydataList[exp]
            c += 1
            l = axes.plot(xdatai, ydata, color=colors[c], marker='.', markersize=pointsize, linestyle='none')
            if type == 'fn':
                c += 1

    xmin = -0.4
    xmax = len(samples) - 1 + offset*len(exps) + offset*3
    fontP = FontProperties()

    if scale > 0:
        ymin = float(ymin)/10**scale
        ymax = float(ymax)/10**scale
    datarange = ymax -ymin
    ymin = ymin - datarange*0.01
    ymax = ymax + datarange*0.01
    #Draw vertical lines to separate each sample:
    for i in xrange(1, len(samples)):
        d = (1 - offset*len(exporder))/2.0
        x = [i - d, i - d]
        y = [ymin , ymax]
        axes.plot(x,y, color="#CCCCCC", linewidth=0.005)
    axes.set_xlim(xmin, xmax)
    axes.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)
    libplot.editSpine( axes )
    axes.set_xticks( [ i + offset*(len(exps)/2-1) for i in range(0, len(samples))] )
    axes.set_xticklabels( [ libplot.properName(s) for s in samples] )
    for label in axes.xaxis.get_ticklabels():
    axes.xaxis.set_ticks_position( 'bottom' )
    axes.yaxis.set_ticks_position( 'left' )
    if type == 'tp':
        legend = pyplot.legend(lines, ['All', 'No repeats', 'No wobble', 'No wobble, No repeats'], numpoints=1, loc='best', prop=fontP)
    elif type == 'fn':
        legend = pyplot.legend( lines, ['All', 'No wobble'], numpoints=1, loc='best', prop=fontP)
    elif type == 'tpfn':
        legend = pyplot.legend(lines, ['All, TP', 'No repeats, TP', 'All, FN'], numpoints=1, loc='best', prop=fontP)
    elif type == 'tp2':
        legend = pyplot.legend( lines, ['All', 'No repeats'], numpoints=1, loc='best', prop=fontP)
        legend = pyplot.legend( lines, exporder, numpoints=1, loc='best', prop=fontP)
    legend._drawFrame = False

    axes.set_xlabel( 'Samples' )
    ylabel = "Percentage"
    if type == 'total':
        ylabel = 'Number of indels'
    if scale > 0:
        ylabel += '(x%d)' %10**scale

    axes.yaxis.grid(b=True, color="#CCCCCC", linestyle='-', linewidth=0.005)
    libplot.writeImage( fig, pdf, options )
def drawPlot2(exps, options, outfile, type):
    options.out = outfile
    fig, pdf = libplot.initImage( 11.2, 10.0, options )

    #Set title:
    titleDict = {'total':'Total Indels Called'}
    if 'All' not in exps:
    samples = getSamplesOrder( exps['All'], type ) 
    if len( samples ) < 1:


    xdata = range( 0, len(samples) )
    colors = libplot.getColors6()
    c = -1
    lines = []
    pointsize = 10.0
    offset = 0.15
    exporder = ['All', 'No repeats']
    #Get ydata
    ydataList, ymin, ymax = getData(samples, exps, type, exporder)
    yrange = ymax - ymin

    #Get normal range and outlier range:
    normalvals, outliers = getOutliers(ydataList)
    minNormal = min(normalvals) - 0.05*yrange
    maxNormal = max(normalvals) + 0.05*yrange
    minOutlier = min(outliers) - 0.05*yrange
    maxOutlier = max(outliers) + 0.05*yrange
    if minNormal< 0:
        minNormal = -0.5

    #Set up the axes
    ax, ax2 = setAxes(fig, maxOutlier - minOutlier, maxNormal - minNormal)

    scale = -1
    if minNormal > 1000:
        scale = len( str(int(minNormal)) ) -1
    if scale > 0:
        for exp in ydataList:
            ydataList[exp] = [ float(y)/10**scale for y in ydataList[exp]]
    for i, exp in enumerate(exporder):
        xdatai = [x + offset*i for x in xdata]
        ydata = ydataList[exp]
        c += 1
        #Outlier plot
        l = ax.plot(xdatai, ydata, color=colors[c], marker='.', markersize=pointsize, linestyle='none')
        #Normal range plot
        ax2.plot(xdatai, ydata, color=colors[c], marker='.', markersize=pointsize, linestyle='none')

    xmin = -0.4
    xmax = len(samples) - 1 + offset*len(exps) + offset*3
    fontP = FontProperties()

    if scale > 0:
        minNormal = float(minNormal)/10**scale
        maxNormal = float(maxNormal)/10**scale
        minOutlier = float(minOutlier)/10**scale
        maxOutlier = float(maxOutlier)/10**scale
    #Draw the Discontinue sign:
    d = 0.2 #how big to make the diagonal lines in axes coordinates
    if scale == -1:
        d = 50
    ax.plot( (-1, 0), (minOutlier +d, minOutlier - d), color = "k", clip_on=False )
    ax2.plot( (-1, 0), (maxNormal +d, maxNormal - d), color = "k", clip_on=False )
    #Draw vertical lines to separate each sample:
    for i in xrange(1, len(samples)):
        d = (1 - offset*len(exporder))/2.0
        x = [i - d, i - d]
        y = [minNormal , maxOutlier]
        ax.plot(x,y, color="#CCCCCC", linewidth=0.005)
        ax2.plot(x,y, color="#CCCCCC", linewidth=0.005)
    xticklabels = [libplot.properName(s) for s in samples]
    #Set limit for the top plot (outlier)
    ax.set_ylim(minOutlier, maxOutlier)
    ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax)
    ax.set_xticks( [ i + offset*(len(exps)/2-1) for i in range(0, len(samples))] )
    dummyxticklabels = [ "" for l in xticklabels ]

    #Make sure the y ticks of the top plot is the same with the bottom plot:
    step = 2
    if scale == -1:
        step = 500
    ytickpositions = []
    ytickpos = 0
    while ytickpos < maxOutlier:
        if ytickpos >= minOutlier:
        ytickpos += step

    #Set limit for the bottom plot:
    ax2.set_ylim(minNormal, maxNormal)
    ax2.set_xlim(xmin, xmax)
    #Hide the spines between ax and ax2:

    ax2.yaxis.set_ticks_position( 'left' )

    ax2.set_xticks( [ i + offset*(len(exps)/2-1) for i in range(0, len(samples))] )
    ax2.set_xticklabels( xticklabels ) 
    for label in ax2.xaxis.get_ticklabels():
    legend = pyplot.legend( lines, exporder, numpoints=1, loc='upper left', prop=fontP)
    legend._drawFrame = False

    ax2.set_xlabel( 'Samples' )
    ylabel = 'Number of indels'
    if scale > 0:
        ylabel += '(x%d)' %10**scale
    ax.set_title( titleDict[type] )
    ax.yaxis.grid(b=True, color="#CCCCCC", linestyle='-', linewidth=0.005)
    ax2.yaxis.grid(b=True, color="#CCCCCC", linestyle='-', linewidth=0.005)
    libplot.writeImage( fig, pdf, options )
Beispiel #4
def drawCompareN50data( axes, xsamples, ysamples, options ):
    keys = options.keys
    lineNames = []
    colors = libplot.getColors6()
    c = -1
    lines = []
    xrefname = xsamples[0].attrib[ 'referenceName' ]
    yrefname = ysamples[0].attrib[ 'referenceName' ]

    minval = inf
    maxval = 0
    for key in keys:
        xdata = []
        ydata = []
        for xsample in xsamples:
            name = xsample.attrib[ 'sampleName' ]
            if name == yrefname:
            ysample = getSample( ysamples, name )
            if ysample == None:
                sys.stderr.write( "%s has %s sample, but %s doesn't\n" % (xrefname, name, yrefname) )
            xval = int(xsample.attrib[key])
            yval = int(ysample.attrib[key])
            if xval > 0 and yval > 0:
            #xdata.append( int(xsample.attrib[ key ]) )
            #ydata.append( int(ysample.attrib[ key ]) )
        if len(xdata) == 0:

        if options.logscale:
            xdata = log10( array(xdata) )
            ydata = log10( array(ydata) )
        c += 1
        l = axes.plot( xdata, ydata, color=colors[c], marker=".", markersize=10.0, linestyle='none' )
        lineNames.append( key )
        currmax = max( xdata.max(), ydata.max() )
        if maxval < currmax:
            maxval = currmax
        currmin = min( xdata.min(), ydata.min() )
        if minval > currmin:
            minval = currmin
    if minval == -inf:
        minval = 0
    #Draw y=x line
    span = maxval - minval
    #print "MaxVal: %f, MinVal: %f. Span: %f" % (maxval, minval, span)
    x = [ minval - span*0.1, maxval + span*0.1 ]
    y = [ minval - span*0.1, maxval + span*0.1 ]
    axes.plot( x, y, color="0.9" )

    libplot.editSpine( axes )
    if options.logscale:
        #pyplot.ylabel( 'Log 10 of N50' )
        pyplot.xlabel( "%s (Log 10)" % libplot.properName(xrefname) )
        pyplot.ylabel( "%s (Log 10)" %libplot.properName(yrefname) )

    return lines, lineNames, maxval, minval