def polygonize_scene(f_img, f_vct): #-------------- generate original shaplefile, complex polygon and in a UTM projection f_temp = os.path.split(f_vct)[0] + '/lakes_ori.shp' ds_img = gdal.Open(f_img) band = ds_img.GetRasterBand(1) projection = ds_img.GetProjection() geo_transform = ds_img.GetGeoTransform() driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile") if os.path.exists(f_temp): driver.DeleteDataSource(f_temp) ds_out = driver.CreateDataSource(f_temp) layer_out = ds_out.CreateLayer("polygonized", srs=None) field_new = ogr.FieldDefn('Code_uniq', ogr.OFTInteger) layer_out.CreateField(field_new) gdal.Polygonize(band, None, layer_out, 0, [], callback=None) ds_out.Destroy() del ds_img f_prj = f_temp[:-3] + 'prj' fo_prj = open(f_prj, 'w') fo_prj.write(projection) fo_prj.close() #-------------- simplify and reprojct cmd_ogr = 'ogr2ogr -overwrite -simplify 30 -where \"Code_uniq>0\" -t_srs "+proj=aea +lat_1=25.0 +lat_2=47.0 +lon_0=105.0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84" ' + f_vct + ' ' + f_temp _rs = lib_IO.run_exe(cmd_ogr) print f_vct driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile") driver.DeleteDataSource(f_temp)
def polygonize_scene(p_render,f_img,f_vct): #-------------- generate original shaplefile, complex polygon and in a UTM projection f_temp = p_render + '/lakes_ori.shp' ds_img = gdal.Open(f_img) band = ds_img.GetRasterBand(1) projection = ds_img.GetProjection() geo_transform = ds_img.GetGeoTransform() driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile") if os.path.exists(f_temp): driver.DeleteDataSource(f_temp) sr_in = osr.SpatialReference() sr_in.ImportFromWkt(projection) ds_out = driver.CreateDataSource(f_temp) layer_out = ds_out.CreateLayer("polygonized", srs=sr_in) sub__add_fields(layer_out) gdal.Polygonize( band, None, layer_out, 0, [], callback=None ) sub__update_field_value(f_vct,layer_out) ds_out.Destroy() del ds_img #-------------- simplify and reprojct cmd_ogr = 'ogr2ogr -overwrite -simplify 25 -where \"Code_uniq>0\" ' + f_vct + ' ' + f_temp _rs = lib_IO.run_exe(cmd_ogr) print f_vct driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile")
def upscaling_raster(fs_use,resolution): fs_out = [] for f_in in fs_use: f_out = f_in[:-7] + str(resolution)+ 'm.tif' cmd_gdal = 'gdalwarp -tr ' + str(resolution) + ' ' + str(resolution) + ' -r average -overwrite -multi -srcnodata -9999 -dstnodata -9999 ' + f_in + ' ' + f_out if not os.path.isfile(f_out): _rs = lib_IO.run_exe(cmd_gdal) print f_out fs_out.append(f_out) f_pct = os.path.split(f_in)[0] + '/pct.tif' str_files = ' '.join(fs_out) cmd_merge = ' -separate -pct -o ' + f_pct + ' ' + str_files _rs = lib_IO.run_exe(cmd_merge) print f_pct return f_pct,fs_out
def upscaling_raster(fs_use, resolution): fs_out = [] for f_in in fs_use: f_out = f_in[:-7] + str(resolution) + 'm.tif' cmd_gdal = 'gdalwarp -tr ' + str(resolution) + ' ' + str( resolution ) + ' -r average -overwrite -multi -srcnodata -9999 -dstnodata -9999 ' + f_in + ' ' + f_out if not os.path.isfile(f_out): _rs = lib_IO.run_exe(cmd_gdal) print f_out fs_out.append(f_out) f_pct = os.path.split(f_in)[0] + '/pct.tif' str_files = ' '.join(fs_out) cmd_merge = ' -separate -pct -o ' + f_pct + ' ' + str_files _rs = lib_IO.run_exe(cmd_merge) print f_pct return f_pct, fs_out
def merge_lakes_shp(dic_data_path): p_out = dic_data_path['path_out'] p_vector = dic_data_path['path_vector'] name_wi = dic_data_path['water_index'] f_merged = p_vector + '/merged_' + name_wi[:-4] + '.shp' f_ref = p_vector + '/' + dic_data_path['base_shp'][:-4] + '_ui.shp' #''' ls_pr = lib_IO.getDirList( p_out ,'p...r...') fs_lake_shp = [] for pr in ls_pr: p_pr = p_out + '/' + pr name_scene = lib_IO.getDirList(p_pr ,'L.*')[0] p_out_scene = p_pr + '/' + name_scene f_lake_shp = p_out_scene + '/lakes_' + name_wi[:-4] + '.shp' if os.path.isfile(f_lake_shp): fs_lake_shp.append(f_lake_shp) else: print 'failure on ',f_lake_shp cmd_ogr = 'ogr2ogr -overwrite ' + f_merged + ' ' + fs_lake_shp[0] _rs = lib_IO.run_exe(cmd_ogr) #print fs_lake_shp[0] for f in fs_lake_shp[1:]: cmd_ogr = 'ogr2ogr -update -append ' + f_merged + ' ' + f _rs = lib_IO.run_exe(cmd_ogr) #print f print f_merged #''' #f_pr = p_vector + 'qt2000_tile.shp' f_pr = p_vector + '/requires/image_extent.shp' dic_ui_wopr = lib_overlaps.analysis_choose_or_union(f_ref,f_pr) f_dislv = p_vector + '/dissolved_' + name_wi[:-4] + '.shp' dissolve_polygons_shp(f_merged,f_ref,dic_ui_wopr,f_dislv) print f_dislv
def upscaling_raster(fs_use,p_render,resolution): fs_out = [] for f_in in fs_use: name_img = os.path.split(f_in)[-1] if f_in[-5] == 'm': f_out = p_render + '/' + name_img[:-7] + str(resolution)+ 'm.tif' else: f_out = p_render + '/' + name_img[:-4] + '_' + str(resolution)+ 'm.tif' cmd_gdal = 'gdalwarp -tr ' + str(resolution) + ' ' + str(resolution) + ' -r average -overwrite -multi -srcnodata -9999 -dstnodata -9999 ' + f_in + ' ' + f_out if not os.path.isfile(f_out): _rs = lib_IO.run_exe(cmd_gdal) print f_out fs_out.append(f_out) if len(fs_use) == 1: return f_out,fs_out f_pct = p_render + '/pct.tif' str_files = ' '.join(fs_out) cmd_merge = ' -separate -pct -o ' + f_pct + ' ' + str_files _rs = lib_IO.run_exe(cmd_merge) print f_pct return f_pct,fs_out
def get_data_extent(pathrow,p_scene): f_img = p_scene + '/mask.img' f_img_tmp = p_scene + '/data_ext_tmp.img' geo_transform,projection = gen_tmp_extent(f_img,f_img_tmp) f_vct_tmp = p_scene + '/data_extent_ori.shp' f_vct = p_scene + '/data_extent.shp' ds_img = gdal.Open(f_img_tmp) band = ds_img.GetRasterBand(1) driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile") if os.path.exists(f_vct_tmp): driver.DeleteDataSource(f_vct_tmp) sr_in = osr.SpatialReference() sr_in.ImportFromWkt(projection) ds_out = driver.CreateDataSource(f_vct_tmp) layer_out = ds_out.CreateLayer("polygonized", srs=sr_in) sub__add_fields(layer_out) gdal.Polygonize( band, None, layer_out, 0, [], callback=None ) sub__update_field_value(f_vct,layer_out,pathrow) ds_out.Destroy() del ds_img #-------------- simplify and reprojct cmd_ogr = 'ogr2ogr -overwrite -where \"PValue=1\" -t_srs "+proj=aea +lat_1=25.0 +lat_2=47.0 +lon_0=105.0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84" ' + f_vct + ' ' + f_vct_tmp _rs = lib_IO.run_exe(cmd_ogr) print f_vct driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile") driver.DeleteDataSource(f_vct_tmp) os.remove(f_img_tmp)
def get_data_extent(pathrow, p_scene): f_img = p_scene + '/mask.img' f_img_tmp = p_scene + '/data_ext_tmp.img' geo_transform, projection = gen_tmp_extent(f_img, f_img_tmp) f_vct_tmp = p_scene + '/data_extent_ori.shp' f_vct = p_scene + '/data_extent.shp' ds_img = gdal.Open(f_img_tmp) band = ds_img.GetRasterBand(1) driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile") if os.path.exists(f_vct_tmp): driver.DeleteDataSource(f_vct_tmp) sr_in = osr.SpatialReference() sr_in.ImportFromWkt(projection) ds_out = driver.CreateDataSource(f_vct_tmp) layer_out = ds_out.CreateLayer("polygonized", srs=sr_in) sub__add_fields(layer_out) gdal.Polygonize(band, None, layer_out, 0, [], callback=None) sub__update_field_value(f_vct, layer_out, pathrow) ds_out.Destroy() del ds_img #-------------- simplify and reprojct cmd_ogr = 'ogr2ogr -overwrite -where \"PValue=1\" -t_srs "+proj=aea +lat_1=25.0 +lat_2=47.0 +lon_0=105.0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84" ' + f_vct + ' ' + f_vct_tmp _rs = lib_IO.run_exe(cmd_ogr) print f_vct driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile") driver.DeleteDataSource(f_vct_tmp) os.remove(f_img_tmp)
def dissolve_polygons_cmd(f_merged, f_final): cmd_ogr = 'ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" ' + f_final + ' ' + f_merged + ' -dialect sqlite -sql "select ST_union(Geometry),Code_uniq from input GROUP BY Code_uniq"' _rs = lib_IO.run_exe(cmd_ogr) print f_final