Beispiel #1
def test_net(tester, logger, dets, det_range):
    # here we assume all boxes are pre-processed.
    nms_method = 'nms'
    nms_thresh = 1.
    min_scores = 1e-10
    min_box_size = 0.  # 8 ** 2

    all_res = []
    dump_results = []

    start_time = time.time()

    img_start = det_range[0]
    while img_start < det_range[1]:
        img_end = img_start + 1
        im_info = dets[img_start]
        while img_end < det_range[1] and dets[img_end]['image_id'] == im_info['image_id']:
            img_end += 1

        test_data = dets[img_start:img_end]
        img_start = img_end

        iter_avg_cost_time = (time.time() - start_time) / (img_end - det_range[0])
        print('ran %.ds >> << left %.ds' % (
            iter_avg_cost_time * (img_end - det_range[0]), iter_avg_cost_time * (det_range[1] - img_end)))


        # get box detections
        cls_dets = np.zeros((len(test_data), 5), dtype=np.float32)
        for i in range(len(test_data)):
            bbox = np.asarray(test_data[i]['bbox'])
            cls_dets[i, :4] = np.array([bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[0] + bbox[2], bbox[1] + bbox[3]])
            cls_dets[i, 4] = np.array(test_data[i]['score'])

        # nms and filter
        keep = np.where((cls_dets[:, 4] >= min_scores) &
                        ((cls_dets[:, 3] - cls_dets[:, 1]) * (cls_dets[:, 2] - cls_dets[:, 0]) >= min_box_size))[0]
        cls_dets = cls_dets[keep]
        if len(cls_dets) > 0:
            if nms_method == 'nms':
                keep = gpu_nms(cls_dets, nms_thresh)
            elif nms_method == 'soft':
                keep = cpu_soft_nms(np.ascontiguousarray(cls_dets, dtype=np.float32), method=2)
                assert False
        cls_dets = cls_dets[keep]
        test_data = np.asarray(test_data)[keep]

        if len(keep) == 0:

        # crop and detect keypoints
        cls_skeleton = np.zeros((len(test_data), cfg.nr_skeleton, 3))
        crops = np.zeros((len(test_data), 4))
        cfg.batch_size = 32
        batch_size = cfg.batch_size // 2
        for test_id in range(0, len(test_data), batch_size):
            start_id = test_id
            end_id = min(len(test_data), test_id + batch_size)

            test_imgs = []
            details = []
            for i in range(start_id, end_id):
                test_img, detail = Preprocessing(test_data[i], stage='test')

            details = np.asarray(details)
            feed = test_imgs
            for i in range(end_id - start_id):
                ori_img = test_imgs[i][0].transpose(1, 2, 0)
                flip_img = cv2.flip(ori_img, 1)
                feed.append(flip_img.transpose(2, 0, 1)[np.newaxis, ...])
            feed = np.vstack(feed)

            res = tester.predict_one([feed.transpose(0, 2, 3, 1).astype(np.float32)])[0]
            res = res.transpose(0, 3, 1, 2)

            for i in range(end_id - start_id):
                fmp = res[end_id - start_id + i].transpose((1, 2, 0))
                fmp = cv2.flip(fmp, 1)
                fmp = list(fmp.transpose((2, 0, 1)))
                for (q, w) in cfg.symmetry:
                    fmp[q], fmp[w] = fmp[w], fmp[q]
                fmp = np.array(fmp)
                res[i] += fmp
                res[i] /= 2

            for test_image_id in range(start_id, end_id):
                r0 = res[test_image_id - start_id].copy()
                r0 /= 255.
                r0 += 0.5
                for w in range(cfg.nr_skeleton):
                    res[test_image_id - start_id, w] /= np.amax(res[test_image_id - start_id, w])
                border = 10
                dr = np.zeros((cfg.nr_skeleton, cfg.output_shape[0] + 2 * border, cfg.output_shape[1] + 2 * border))
                dr[:, border:-border, border:-border] = res[test_image_id - start_id][:cfg.nr_skeleton].copy()
                for w in range(cfg.nr_skeleton):
                    dr[w] = cv2.GaussianBlur(dr[w], (21, 21), 0)
                for w in range(cfg.nr_skeleton):
                    lb = dr[w].argmax()
                    y, x = np.unravel_index(lb, dr[w].shape)
                    dr[w, y, x] = 0
                    lb = dr[w].argmax()
                    py, px = np.unravel_index(lb, dr[w].shape)
                    y -= border
                    x -= border
                    py -= border + y
                    px -= border + x
                    ln = (px ** 2 + py ** 2) ** 0.5
                    delta = 0.25
                    if ln > 1e-3:
                        x += delta * px / ln
                        y += delta * py / ln
                    x = max(0, min(x, cfg.output_shape[1] - 1))
                    y = max(0, min(y, cfg.output_shape[0] - 1))
                    cls_skeleton[test_image_id, w, :2] = (x * 4 + 2, y * 4 + 2)
                    cls_skeleton[test_image_id, w, 2] = r0[w, int(round(y) + 1e-10), int(round(x) + 1e-10)]
                # map back to original images
                crops[test_image_id, :] = details[test_image_id - start_id, :]
                for w in range(cfg.nr_skeleton):
                    cls_skeleton[test_image_id, w, 0] = cls_skeleton[test_image_id, w, 0] / cfg.data_shape[1] * (
                    crops[test_image_id][2] - crops[test_image_id][0]) + crops[test_image_id][0]
                    cls_skeleton[test_image_id, w, 1] = cls_skeleton[test_image_id, w, 1] / cfg.data_shape[0] * (
                    crops[test_image_id][3] - crops[test_image_id][1]) + crops[test_image_id][1]
        all_res[-1] = [cls_skeleton.copy(), cls_dets.copy()]

        cls_partsco = cls_skeleton[:, :, 2].copy().reshape(-1, cfg.nr_skeleton)
        cls_skeleton[:, :, 2] = 1
        cls_scores = cls_dets[:, -1].copy()

        # rescore
        cls_dets[:, -1] = cls_scores * cls_partsco.mean(axis=1)
        cls_skeleton = np.concatenate(
            [cls_skeleton.reshape(-1, cfg.nr_skeleton * 3), (cls_scores * cls_partsco.mean(axis=1))[:, np.newaxis]],
        for i in range(len(cls_skeleton)):
            result = dict(image_id=im_info['image_id'], category_id=1, score=float(round(cls_skeleton[i][-1], 4)),

    return all_res, dump_results
 def execute(self, inputs, outputs):
     """ inputs: list of (x0, y0, x1, y1, score)"""
     in_ = inputs[0].get_value()
     keep = gpu_nms(in_, thresh=self._iou_threshold)