def main():

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('--inputs_A', nargs='+', help='The first input.')
    parser.add_argument('--inputs_B', nargs='+', help='The second input.')
    parser.add_argument('--var', default='temp', help='The variable to plot.')
    parser.add_argument('--model', default='ocean',
                        help='Whether this is an ocean or atmosphere plot.')
    parser.add_argument('--output_file', default='spatial_difference.png',
                        help='File Name of the plot.')
    parser.add_argument('--title', default=None,
                        help='Title of the plot.')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    with nc.Dataset(args.inputs_A[0]) as f:
        if args.model == 'ocean':
            lats = f.variables['geolat_t'][:]
            lons = f.variables['geolon_t'][:]
            lons, lats = np.meshgrid(f.variables['lon'][:], f.variables['lat'][:])

        dims = len(f.variables[args.var].shape)

    z_dim = None
    if dims == 4:
        if args.model == 'ocean':
    _, tmp_a = run_ncra(args.inputs_A, [args.var], z_dim=z_dim)
    _, tmp_b = run_ncra(args.inputs_B, [args.var], z_dim=z_dim)

    fa = nc.Dataset(tmp_a)
    fb = nc.Dataset(tmp_b)
    diff = fa.variables[args.var][:] - fb.variables[args.var][:]

    if len(diff.shape) == 3:
        diff = diff[0, :, :]
    elif len(diff.shape) == 4:
        diff = diff[0, 0, :, :]

    if not args.title:
        args.title = '{}: A - B'.format(args.var)
    do_global_plot(diff, args.title, lats, lons, args.output_file)

    return 0
def visit_data_file(args):
    Visit a data file and collect/calculate the following:

    1. AMOC maximum timeseries
    2. AMOC mean timeseries
    3. AMOC index timeseries (see (1) for definition)
    4. AMOC psi timeseries as a numpy array, shape (t, depth, lat)
    5. Surface plot of difference between SST and NH spatial mean SST,
        shape (t, lat, lon)

    file, grid_def_file, do_depth_correlation_plot, \
        do_surface_correlation_plot = args

    # Try with annual data.
    use_annual = False
    if use_annual:
        _, tmp_file = run_ncra(file, ['geolon_t', 'geolat_t', 'time', 'temp', 'ty_trans'])
        f = nc.Dataset(tmp_file)
        f = nc.Dataset(file)

    lons = f.variables['geolon_t']
    lats = f.variables['geolat_t']
    time_var = f.variables['time']
    temp_var = f.variables['temp']
    ty_trans = f.variables['ty_trans']
    depths = np.cumsum(f.variables['st_ocean'][:])
    t_dim = len(f.dimensions['time'])
    z_dim = len(f.dimensions['st_ocean'])
    x_dim = len(f.dimensions['xt_ocean'])
    y_dim = len(f.dimensions['yt_ocean'])

    gf = nc.Dataset(grid_def_file)
    areas = gf.variables['area_t'][:]

    nh_mask = get_nh_mask(temp_var[0, 0, :, :].mask, lats)
    atlantic_mask = get_atlantic_mask(ty_trans[0, :, :].mask, lons, lats)

    lat_start, lat_end, lon_start, \
    lon_end = get_indices_for_amoc_idx_region(lons, lats)

    amoc_max_ts = []
    amoc_mean_ts = []
    amoc_idx_ts = []
    amoc_psi_ts =, z_dim, y_dim))
    sst_nh_diff_ts =, y_dim, x_dim))

    for t in range(time_var.shape[0]):
        # Get surface temp spatial mean in the NH
        nh_sst_mean =[t, 0, :, :],
                                        mask=nh_mask), weights=areas)

        # Get AMOC max and mean.
        amoc_psi = calc_atlantic_moc(ty_trans[t, :, :, :], lons, lats)
        amoc_idx_sst = np.average(temp_var[t, 0, lat_start:lat_end, lon_start:lon_end],
                                      weights=areas[lat_start:lat_end, lon_start:lon_end])
        # Calculate the AMOC index
        amoc_idx_ts.append(amoc_idx_sst - nh_sst_mean)
        amoc_max_ts.append(max_within_region(amoc_psi, 500.0, 35.0, depths, lats))

        # Get AMOC psi timeseries
        if do_depth_correlation_plot:
            amoc_psi_ts[t, :, :] = amoc_psi[:, :]

        # Get the surface difference between temp and NH SST mean
        if do_surface_correlation_plot:
            sst_nh_diff_ts[t, :, :] = \
      [t, 0, :, :] - nh_sst_mean,
                                   mask=atlantic_mask[0, :, :])

    # Add time dim to pandas timeseries
    periods = time_dim_to_pandas_periods(time_var)
    if use_annual:
        periods = [periods[len(periods) / 2]]
    amoc_idx_ts = pd.Series(amoc_idx_ts, periods)
    amoc_max_ts = pd.Series(amoc_max_ts, periods)
    amoc_mean_ts = pd.Series(amoc_mean_ts, periods)

    if use_annual:

    ret = [None, None, None, None, None]

    ret[0] = amoc_idx_ts
    ret[1] = amoc_max_ts
    ret[2] = amoc_mean_ts
    if do_depth_correlation_plot:
        ret[3] = amoc_psi_ts
    if do_surface_correlation_plot:
        ret[4] = sst_nh_diff_ts

    print('^', end='')

    return tuple(ret)