def autogenerate_boot_instances(bootconfig):
    sbia = SolarisBootInstanceAutogenerator()

    # XXX - Handle bootconfig instances that have boot_class != disk
    if bootconfig.boot_class != BootConfig.BOOT_CLASS_DISK:
        raise BootmgmtUnsupportedOperationError('XXX - Fix Me')

    # Use libbe_py to get the list of boot environments, then iterate
    # over the list, creating a new SolarisDiskBootInstance for each
    # Note that the title will just be the last portion of the bootfs
    # (i.e. <pool>/ROOT/<title>)
    retcode, belist = libbe_py.beList()
    if retcode != 0:
        sbia._debug('libbe_py.beList() failed; return code was ' +
        return []

    inst_list = []
    for bootenv in belist:
        if bootenv.get('orig_be_name', None) is None:
            continue  # skip over snapshots
        bootinst = SolarisDiskBootInstance(None, title=bootenv['orig_be_name'],
        if bootenv['active'] is True:
            sbia._debug('default boot instance is:\n' + str(bootinst))
            bootinst.default = True


    return inst_list
def autogenerate_boot_instances(bootconfig):
    sbia = SolarisBootInstanceAutogenerator()

    # XXX - Handle bootconfig instances that have boot_class != disk
    if bootconfig.boot_class != BootConfig.BOOT_CLASS_DISK:
        raise BootmgmtUnsupportedOperationError('XXX - Fix Me')

    # Use libbe_py to get the list of boot environments, then iterate
    # over the list, creating a new SolarisDiskBootInstance for each
    # Note that the title will just be the last portion of the bootfs
    # (i.e. <pool>/ROOT/<title>)
    retcode, belist = libbe_py.beList()
    if retcode != 0:
        sbia._debug('libbe_py.beList() failed; return code was ' +
        return []

    inst_list = []
    for bootenv in belist:
        if bootenv.get('orig_be_name', None) is None:
            continue  # skip over snapshots
        bootinst = SolarisDiskBootInstance(None,
        if bootenv['active'] is True:
            sbia._debug('default boot instance is:\n' + str(bootinst))
            bootinst.default = True


    return inst_list
Beispiel #3
def getActiveBEAndActiveOnBootBE():
    """Return the 'active on boot' BE, the 'active' BE or None."""

    active_be = None
    active_be_on_boot = None

    rc, be_list = lb.beList()

    if rc != 0:
        if rc == msg.Msgs.BE_ERR_BE_NOENT:
            string = msg.getMsg(msg.Msgs.BEADM_ERR_NO_BES_EXIST)
            string = lb.beGetErrDesc(rc)
            if string == None:
                string = msg.getMsg(msg.Msgs.BEADM_ERR_NO_MSG, rc)

        msg.printMsg(msg.Msgs.BEADM_ERR_LIST, string, -1)
        return None

    for be_vals in be_list:
        srcBeName = be_vals.get("orig_be_name")
        if be_vals.get("active"):
            active_be = srcBeName
        if be_vals.get("active_boot"):
            active_be_on_boot = srcBeName
        if active_be is not None and active_be_on_boot is not None:

    return active_be, active_be_on_boot
Beispiel #4
def getActiveBEAndActiveOnBootBE():
    """Return the 'active on boot' BE, the 'active' BE or None."""

    active_be = None
    active_be_on_boot = None

    rc, be_list = lb.beList()

    if rc != 0:
        if rc == msg.Msgs.BE_ERR_BE_NOENT:
            string = \
            string = lb.beGetErrDesc(rc)
            if string == None:
                string = \
                    msg.getMsg(msg.Msgs.BEADM_ERR_NO_MSG, rc)

        msg.printMsg(msg.Msgs.BEADM_ERR_LIST, string, -1)
        return None

    for be_vals in be_list:
        srcBeName = be_vals.get("orig_be_name")
        if be_vals.get("active"):
            active_be = srcBeName
        if be_vals.get("active_boot"):
            active_be_on_boot = srcBeName
        if active_be is not None and active_be_on_boot is not None:

    return active_be, active_be_on_boot
 def get_be_list():
     # Check for the old beList() API since pkg(1) can be
     # back published and live on a system without the
     # latest libbe.
     rc = 0
     beVals = be.beList()
     if isinstance(beVals[0], int):
         rc, beList = beVals
         beList = beVals
     if not beList or rc != 0:
         beList = []
     return beList
 def get_be_list():
         # Check for the old beList() API since pkg(1) can be
         # back published and live on a system without the 
         # latest libbe.
         rc = 0
         beVals = be.beList()
         if isinstance(beVals[0], int):
                 rc, beList = beVals
                 beList = beVals
         if not beList or rc != 0:
                 beList = []
         return beList
Beispiel #7
    def get_be_list(raise_error=False):
        # This check enables the test suite to run much more quickly.
        # It is necessary because pkg5unittest (eventually) imports this
        # module before the environment is sanitized.
        if "PKG_NO_LIVE_ROOT" in os.environ:
            return BootEnvNull.get_be_list()

        rc, beList = be.beList(nosnaps=True)
        if not beList or rc != 0:
            if raise_error:
                # Happens e.g. in zones (for now) or live CD
                # environment.
                raise RuntimeError("nobootenvironments")
            beList = []

        return beList
Beispiel #8
def list(opts):
            Description: List the attributes of a Boot Environment.
                         The following is the subcommand, options
                         and args that make up the opts object
                         passed in:

                         list [[-a] | [-d] [-s]] [-H] [beName]

                         -a displays all info
                         -d displays BE info plus dataset info
                         -s displays BE info plus snapshot info
                         -H displays info parsable by a computer

                opts - A object containing the list subcommand
                       and all the options and arguments passed in
                       on the command line mentioned above.

                0 - Success
                1 - Failure

    be = BootEnvironment()

    list_all_attrs = ""
    list_datasets = ""
    list_snapshots = ""
    dont_display_headers = False
    be_name = None
    be_list = None

    # Counters for detecting multiple options.
    # e.g. beadm list -a -a newbe
    num_a_opts = 0
    num_d_opts = 0
    num_s_opts = 0
    num_h_opts = 0

        opts_args, be.trgt_be_name_or_snapshot = getopt.getopt(opts, "adHs")
    except getopt.GetoptError:
        msg.printMsg(msg.Msgs.BEADM_ERR_OPT_ARGS, None, -1)

    for opt, arg in opts_args:
        if opt == "-a":
            list_all_attrs = opt
            num_a_opts += 1
        elif opt == "-d":
            list_datasets = opt
            num_d_opts += 1
        elif opt == "-s":
            list_snapshots = opt
            num_s_opts += 1
        elif opt == "-H":
            dont_display_headers = True
            num_h_opts += 1

    if num_a_opts > 1 or num_d_opts > 1 or num_s_opts > 1 or num_h_opts > 1:
        msg.printMsg(msg.Msgs.BEADM_ERR_OPT_ARGS, None, -1)

    if len(be.trgt_be_name_or_snapshot) > 1:
        msg.printMsg(msg.Msgs.BEADM_ERR_OPT_ARGS, None, -1)

    if len(be.trgt_be_name_or_snapshot) == 1:
        be_name = be.trgt_be_name_or_snapshot[0]
        if lb.beVerifyBEName(be_name) != 0:
            msg.printMsg(msg.Msgs.BEADM_ERR_BENAME, None, -1)
            return 1

    if list_all_attrs == "-a" and (list_datasets == "-d" or list_snapshots == "-s"):
        msg.printMsg(msg.Msgs.BEADM_ERR_MUTUALLY_EXCL, list_all_attrs + " " + list_datasets + " " + list_snapshots, -1)

    list_options = ""

    # When zones are implemented add "listZones == "-z" below

    # Coelesce options to pass to displayBEs

    if list_datasets == "-d" and list_snapshots == "-s" or list_all_attrs == "-a":
        list_options = "-a"
    elif list_datasets != "" or list_snapshots != "" or list_all_attrs != "":
        list_options = list_datasets + " " + list_snapshots

    rc, be_list = lb.beList()
    if rc != 0:
        if rc == msg.Msgs.BE_ERR_BE_NOENT:
            if be_name == None:
                msg.printMsg(msg.Msgs.BEADM_ERR_NO_BES_EXIST, None, -1)
                return 1

            string = msg.getMsg(msg.Msgs.BEADM_ERR_BE_DOES_NOT_EXIST, be_name)
            string = lb.beGetErrDesc(rc)
            if string == None:
                string = msg.getMsg(msg.Msgs.BEADM_ERR_NO_MSG, rc)

        msg.printMsg(msg.Msgs.BEADM_ERR_LIST, string, -1)
        return 1

    # classify according to command line options
    if list_options.find("-a") != -1 or (list_options.find("-d") != -1 and list_options.find("-s") != -1):
        list_object = CompleteList(dont_display_headers)  # all
    elif list_options.find("-d") != -1:
        list_object = DatasetList(dont_display_headers)  # dataset
    elif list_options.find("-s") != -1:
        list_object = SnapshotList(dont_display_headers)  # snapshot
        list_object = BEList(dont_display_headers)  # only BE

    # use list method for object
    if list_object.list(be_list, dont_display_headers, be_name) != 0:
        msg.printMsg(msg.Msgs.BEADM_ERR_LIST_DATA, None, -1)
        return 1

    return 0
Beispiel #9
             logging.debug("Displaying screen: %s", type(SCREEN))
             SCREEN =
             if not OPTIONS.debug and CTRL_C is None:
                 # This prevents the user from accidentally hitting
                 # ctrl-c halfway through the install. Ctrl-C is left
                 # available through the first screen in case terminal
                 # display issues make it impossible for the user to
                 # quit gracefully
                 CTRL_C = signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
         ERRCODE = 0
 except RebootException:
     if INSTALL_PROFILE.is_x86:
         RET_VAL, BE_LIST = libbe_py.beList()
         if RET_VAL == 0:
             for be in BE_LIST:
                 if be.get("active_boot", False):
                     root_ds = be['root_ds']
                     call_cmd = ["/usr/sbin/reboot", "-f", "--", root_ds]
                     except OSError, err:
                         logging.warn("Fast reboot failed:\n\t'%s'\n%s",
                                      " ".join(call_cmd), err)
                             "Fast reboot failed. Will attempt"
                             " standard reboot\n(Fast reboot "
                             "args:%s)", " ".join(call_cmd))
    def __init__(self, root):
        self.be_name = None
        self.dataset = None
        self.be_name_clone = None
        self.clone_dir = None
        self.img = None
        self.is_live_BE = False
        self.is_valid = False
        self.snapshot_name = None
        self.root = root
        rc = 0

        assert root != None

        # Check for the old beList() API since pkg(1) can be
        # back published and live on a system without the latest libbe.
        beVals = be.beList()
        if isinstance(beVals[0], int):
            rc, self.beList = beVals
            self.beList = beVals

        # Happens e.g. in zones (at least, for now)
        if not self.beList or rc != 0:
            raise RuntimeError, "nobootenvironments"

        # Need to find the name of the BE we're operating on in order
        # to create a snapshot and/or a clone of the BE.

        for i, beVals in enumerate(self.beList):
            # pkg(1) expects a directory as the target of an
            # operation. BootEnv needs to determine if this target
            # directory maps to a BE. If a bogus directory is
            # provided to pkg(1) via -R, then pkg(1) just updates
            # '/' which also causes BootEnv to manage '/' as well.
            # This should be fixed before this class is ever
            # instantiated.

            be_name = beVals.get("orig_be_name")

            # If we're not looking at a boot env entry or an
            # entry that is not mounted then continue.
            if not be_name or not beVals.get("mounted"):

            # Check if we're operating on the live BE.
            # If so it must also be active. If we are not
            # operating on the live BE, then verify
            # that the mountpoint of the BE matches
            # the -R argument passed in by the user.
            if root == '/':
                if not beVals.get("active"):
                    self.is_live_BE = True
                if beVals.get("mountpoint") != root:

            # Set the needed BE components so snapshots
            # and clones can be managed.
            self.be_name = be_name

            self.dataset = beVals.get("dataset")

            # Let libbe provide the snapshot name
            err, snapshot_name = be.beCreateSnapshot(self.be_name)
            self.clone_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

            # Check first field for failure.
            # 2nd field is the returned snapshot name
            if err == 0:
                self.snapshot_name = snapshot_name
                    _("pkg: unable to create an auto "
                      "snapshot. pkg recovery is disabled."))
                raise RuntimeError, "recoveryDisabled"
            self.is_valid = True

            # We will get here if we don't find find any BE's. e.g
            # if were are on UFS.
            raise RuntimeError, "recoveryDisabled"
Beispiel #11
def list(opts):
            Description: List the attributes of a Boot Environment.
                         The following is the subcommand, options
                         and args that make up the opts object
                         passed in:

                         list [[-a] | [-d] [-s]] [-H] [beName]

                         -a displays all info
                         -d displays BE info plus dataset info
                         -s displays BE info plus snapshot info
                         -H displays info parsable by a computer

                opts - A object containing the list subcommand
                       and all the options and arguments passed in
                       on the command line mentioned above.

                0 - Success
                1 - Failure

    be = BootEnvironment()

    list_all_attrs = ""
    list_datasets = ""
    list_snapshots = ""
    dont_display_headers = False
    be_name = None
    be_list = None

    # Counters for detecting multiple options.
    # e.g. beadm list -a -a newbe
    num_a_opts = 0
    num_d_opts = 0
    num_s_opts = 0
    num_h_opts = 0

        opts_args, be.trgt_be_name_or_snapshot = getopt.getopt(opts, "adHs")
    except getopt.GetoptError:
        msg.printMsg(msg.Msgs.BEADM_ERR_OPT_ARGS, None, -1)

    for opt, arg in opts_args:
        if opt == "-a":
            list_all_attrs = opt
            num_a_opts += 1
        elif opt == "-d":
            list_datasets = opt
            num_d_opts += 1
        elif opt == "-s":
            list_snapshots = opt
            num_s_opts += 1
        elif opt == "-H":
            dont_display_headers = True
            num_h_opts += 1

    if num_a_opts > 1 or num_d_opts > 1 or num_s_opts > 1 or num_h_opts > 1:
        msg.printMsg(msg.Msgs.BEADM_ERR_OPT_ARGS, None, -1)

    if len(be.trgt_be_name_or_snapshot) > 1:
        msg.printMsg(msg.Msgs.BEADM_ERR_OPT_ARGS, None, -1)

    if len(be.trgt_be_name_or_snapshot) == 1:
        be_name = be.trgt_be_name_or_snapshot[0]
        if lb.beVerifyBEName(be_name) != 0:
            msg.printMsg(msg.Msgs.BEADM_ERR_BENAME, None, -1)
            return 1

    if (list_all_attrs == "-a" and (list_datasets == "-d" \
        or list_snapshots == "-s")):
            list_all_attrs + " " + list_datasets + " " +
            list_snapshots, -1)

    list_options = ""

    # When zones are implemented add "listZones == "-z" below

    # Coelesce options to pass to displayBEs

    if (list_datasets == "-d" and list_snapshots == "-s" or \
        list_all_attrs == "-a"):
        list_options = "-a"
    elif list_datasets != "" or list_snapshots != "" or list_all_attrs != "":
        list_options = list_datasets + " " + list_snapshots

    rc, be_list = lb.beList()
    if rc != 0:
        if rc == msg.Msgs.BE_ERR_BE_NOENT:
            if be_name == None:
                None, -1)
                return 1

            string = \
            string = lb.beGetErrDesc(rc)
            if string == None:
                string = \
                    msg.getMsg(msg.Msgs.BEADM_ERR_NO_MSG, rc)

        msg.printMsg(msg.Msgs.BEADM_ERR_LIST, string, -1)
        return 1

    # classify according to command line options
    if list_options.find("-a") != -1 or \
        (list_options.find("-d") != -1 and list_options.find("-s") != -1):
        list_object = CompleteList(dont_display_headers) #all
    elif list_options.find("-d") != -1:
        list_object = DatasetList(dont_display_headers) #dataset
    elif list_options.find("-s") != -1:
        list_object = SnapshotList(dont_display_headers) #snapshot
    else: list_object = BEList(dont_display_headers) #only BE

    # use list method for object
    if list_object.list(be_list, dont_display_headers, be_name) != 0:
        msg.printMsg(msg.Msgs.BEADM_ERR_LIST_DATA, None, -1)
        return 1

    return 0
        def __init__(self, root):
                self.be_name = None
                self.dataset = None
                self.be_name_clone = None
                self.clone_dir = None
                self.img = None
                self.is_live_BE = False
                self.is_valid = False
                self.snapshot_name = None
                self.root = root
                rc = 0

                assert root != None

                # Check for the old beList() API since pkg(1) can be
                # back published and live on a system without the latest libbe.
                beVals = be.beList()
                if isinstance(beVals[0], int):
                        rc, self.beList = beVals
                        self.beList = beVals

                # Happens e.g. in zones (at least, for now)
                if not self.beList or rc != 0:
                        raise RuntimeError, "nobootenvironments"

                # Need to find the name of the BE we're operating on in order
                # to create a snapshot and/or a clone of the BE.

                for i, beVals in enumerate(self.beList):
                        # pkg(1) expects a directory as the target of an
                        # operation. BootEnv needs to determine if this target
                        # directory maps to a BE. If a bogus directory is
                        # provided to pkg(1) via -R, then pkg(1) just updates
                        # '/' which also causes BootEnv to manage '/' as well.
                        # This should be fixed before this class is ever
                        # instantiated.

                        be_name = beVals.get("orig_be_name")

                        # If we're not looking at a boot env entry or an
                        # entry that is not mounted then continue.
                        if not be_name or not beVals.get("mounted"):

                        # Check if we're operating on the live BE.
                        # If so it must also be active. If we are not
                        # operating on the live BE, then verify
                        # that the mountpoint of the BE matches
                        # the -R argument passed in by the user.
                        if root == '/':
                                if not beVals.get("active"):
                                        self.is_live_BE = True
                                if beVals.get("mountpoint") != root:

                        # Set the needed BE components so snapshots
                        # and clones can be managed.
                        self.be_name = be_name

                        self.dataset = beVals.get("dataset")

                        # Let libbe provide the snapshot name
                        err, snapshot_name = be.beCreateSnapshot(self.be_name)
                        self.clone_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

                        # Check first field for failure.
                        # 2nd field is the returned snapshot name
                        if err == 0:
                                self.snapshot_name = snapshot_name
                                logger.error(_("pkg: unable to create an auto "
                                    "snapshot. pkg recovery is disabled."))
                                raise RuntimeError, "recoveryDisabled"
                        self.is_valid = True

                        # We will get here if we don't find find any BE's. e.g
                        # if were are on UFS.
                        raise RuntimeError, "recoveryDisabled"