Beispiel #1
def test_adj_cellwise_nwtrph(init_sup_sat, nwtrph_iters = nwtrph_iters_def):
    opts.nwtrph_iters = nwtrph_iters
    print "[nwtrph adj_cellwise]"
    rhod, th, rv, rc, rr, dt = initial_state(init_sup_sat)

    # define pressure consistent with adj_cellwise to compare results
    p   = arr_t([common.p(rhod[0], rv[0], common.T(th[0], rhod[0]))])

    #nwtrph requires th_std input
    th_std = arr_t([common.th_dry2std(th[0], rv[0])])
    blk_1m.adj_cellwise_nwtrph(opts, p, th_std, rv, rc, dt)
    T = common.exner(p[0]) * th_std[0]
    ss = supersaturation(T, p[0], rv[0])
    print "final supersaturation", ss, th_std[0], rv[0]
    return ss
Beispiel #2
def test_adj_cellwise_nwtrph(init_sup_sat, nwtrph_iters=nwtrph_iters_def):
    opts.nwtrph_iters = nwtrph_iters
    print("[nwtrph adj_cellwise]")
    rhod, th, rv, rc, rr, dt = initial_state(init_sup_sat)

    # define pressure consistent with adj_cellwise to compare results
    p = arr_t([common.p(rhod[0], rv[0], common.T(th[0], rhod[0]))])

    #nwtrph requires th_std input
    th_std = arr_t([common.th_dry2std(th[0], rv[0])])
    blk_1m.adj_cellwise_nwtrph(opts, p, th_std, rv, rc, dt)

    T = common.exner(p[0]) * th_std[0]
    ss = supersaturation(T, p[0], rv[0])
    print("final supersaturation", ss, th_std[0], rv[0])
    return ss
def test_adj_cellwise_constp(init_sup_sat, r_eps = r_eps_def):
    opts.r_eps = r_eps
    print "[constp adj_cellwise]"
    rhod, th, rv, rc, rr, dt = initial_state(init_sup_sat)

    # define pressure consistent with adj_cellwise to compare results
    p   = arr_t([common.p(rhod[0], rv[0], common.T(th[0], rhod[0]))])

    #constp requires th_std input
    th_std = arr_t([common.th_dry2std(th[0], rv[0])])
    blk_1m.adj_cellwise_constp(opts, rhod, p, th_std, rv, rc, rr, dt)
    T = common.exner(p[0]) * th_std[0]
    ss = supersaturation(T, p[0], rv[0])
    print "final supersaturation", ss, th_std[0], rv[0]
    return ss
Beispiel #4
    for i in np.arange(nx):
        for j in np.arange(ny):
            if clb_idx[i, j] > 0:
                clb_rv[i, j] = rv[i, j, clb_idx[i, j]]
                clb_th[i, j] = th[i, j, clb_idx[i, j]]

    # model a parcel to get an adiabatic rl
    for i in np.arange(nx):
        for j in np.arange(ny):
            parcel_rv = clb_rv[i, j]
            parcel_th = clb_th[i, j]
            parcel_rl = 0

            for k in np.arange(nz):
                parcel_T = parcel_th * lcmn.exner(p_e.astype(float)[k])
                delta_rv = parcel_rv - lcmn.r_vs(parcel_T,
                if delta_rv <= 0:
                    delta_rv = 0
                parcel_rv -= delta_rv
                parcel_th += delta_rv * evap_lat / lcmn.c_pd / lcmn.exner(
                parcel_rl += delta_rv
                adia_rl[i, j, k] = parcel_rl

    #adia_rl = np.where(adia_rl > 0., adia_rl, 0)
    #print adia_rl

    # translate rl to AF
    #AF = np.where(adia_rl > 0., rl / adia_rl, 0)