Beispiel #1
class NotEqual(BaseCompOp, _BaseOneTokenOp):
    A comparison operator that can be used in a :class:`Comparison` expression.

    This node defines a static value for convenience, but in reality due to
    PEP 401 it can be one of two values, both of which should be a
    :class:`NotEqual` :class:`Comparison` operator.

    #: The actual text value of this operator. Can be either ``!=`` or ``<>``.
    value: str = "!="

    #: Any space that appears directly before this operator.
    whitespace_before: BaseParenthesizableWhitespace = SimpleWhitespace.field(
        " ")

    #: Any space that appears directly after this operator.
    whitespace_after: BaseParenthesizableWhitespace = SimpleWhitespace.field(
        " ")

    def _validate(self) -> None:
        if self.value not in ["!=", "<>"]:
            raise CSTValidationError("Invalid value for NotEqual node.")

    def _visit_and_replace_children(self, visitor: CSTVisitorT) -> "NotEqual":
        return self.__class__(
            whitespace_before=visit_required(self, "whitespace_before",
                                             self.whitespace_before, visitor),
            whitespace_after=visit_required(self, "whitespace_after",
                                            self.whitespace_after, visitor),

    def _get_token(self) -> str:
        return self.value
Beispiel #2
class Is(BaseCompOp, _BaseOneTokenOp):
    A comparision operator that can be used in a :class:`Comparison` expression.

    #: Any space that appears directly before this operator.
    whitespace_before: BaseParenthesizableWhitespace = SimpleWhitespace.field(" ")

    #: Any space that appears directly after this operator.
    whitespace_after: BaseParenthesizableWhitespace = SimpleWhitespace.field(" ")

    def _get_token(self) -> str:
        return "is"
Beispiel #3
class Dot(_BaseOneTokenOp):
    Used by :class:`Attribute` as a separator between subsequent :class:`Name` nodes.

    #: Any space that appears directly before this dot.
    whitespace_before: BaseParenthesizableWhitespace = SimpleWhitespace.field("")

    #: Any space that appears directly after this dot.
    whitespace_after: BaseParenthesizableWhitespace = SimpleWhitespace.field("")

    def _get_token(self) -> str:
        return "."
Beispiel #4
class PowerAssign(BaseAugOp, _BaseOneTokenOp):
    An augmented assignment operator that can be used in a :class:`AugAssign`

    #: Any space that appears directly before this operator.
    whitespace_before: BaseParenthesizableWhitespace = SimpleWhitespace.field(" ")

    #: Any space that appears directly after this operator.
    whitespace_after: BaseParenthesizableWhitespace = SimpleWhitespace.field(" ")

    def _get_token(self) -> str:
        return "**="
Beispiel #5
class MatrixMultiply(BaseBinaryOp, _BaseOneTokenOp):
    A binary operator that can be used in a :class:`BinaryOperation`

    #: Any space that appears directly before this operator.
    whitespace_before: BaseParenthesizableWhitespace = SimpleWhitespace.field(" ")

    #: Any space that appears directly after this operator.
    whitespace_after: BaseParenthesizableWhitespace = SimpleWhitespace.field(" ")

    def _get_token(self) -> str:
        return "@"
Beispiel #6
class Or(BaseBooleanOp):
    A boolean operator that can be used in a :class:`BooleanOperation`

    #: Any space that appears directly before this operator.
    whitespace_before: BaseParenthesizableWhitespace = SimpleWhitespace.field(" ")

    #: Any space that appears directly after this operator.
    whitespace_after: BaseParenthesizableWhitespace = SimpleWhitespace.field(" ")

    def _get_token(self) -> str:
        return "or"
Beispiel #7
class Colon(_BaseOneTokenOp):
    Used by :class:`Slice` as a separator between subsequent expressions,
    and in :class:`Lambda` to separate arguments and body.

    #: Any space that appears directly before this colon.
    whitespace_before: BaseParenthesizableWhitespace = SimpleWhitespace.field("")

    #: Any space that appears directly after this colon.
    whitespace_after: BaseParenthesizableWhitespace = SimpleWhitespace.field("")

    def _get_token(self) -> str:
        return ":"
Beispiel #8
class Semicolon(_BaseOneTokenOp):
    Used by any small statement (any subclass of :class:`BaseSmallStatement`
    such as :class:`Pass`) as a separator between subsequent nodes contained
    within a :class:`SimpleStatementLine` or :class:`SimpleStatementSuite`.

    #: Any space that appears directly before this semicolon.
    whitespace_before: BaseParenthesizableWhitespace = SimpleWhitespace.field("")

    #: Any space that appears directly after this semicolon.
    whitespace_after: BaseParenthesizableWhitespace = SimpleWhitespace.field("")

    def _get_token(self) -> str:
        return ";"
Beispiel #9
class AssignEqual(_BaseOneTokenOp):
    Used by :class:`AnnAssign` to denote a single equal character when doing an
    assignment on top of a type annotation. Also used by :class:`Param` and
    :class:`Arg` to denote assignment of a default value.

    #: Any space that appears directly before this equal sign.
    whitespace_before: BaseParenthesizableWhitespace = SimpleWhitespace.field(
        " ")

    #: Any space that appears directly after this equal sign.
    whitespace_after: BaseParenthesizableWhitespace = SimpleWhitespace.field(
        " ")

    def _get_token(self) -> str:
        return "="
Beispiel #10
class IsNot(BaseCompOp, _BaseTwoTokenOp):
    A comparision operator that can be used in a :class:`Comparison` expression.

    This operator spans two tokens that must be separated by at least one space,
    so there is a third whitespace attribute to represent this.

    #: Any space that appears directly before this operator.
    whitespace_before: BaseParenthesizableWhitespace = SimpleWhitespace.field(" ")

    #: Any space that appears between the ``is`` and ``not`` tokens.
    whitespace_between: BaseParenthesizableWhitespace = SimpleWhitespace.field(" ")

    #: Any space that appears directly after this operator.
    whitespace_after: BaseParenthesizableWhitespace = SimpleWhitespace.field(" ")

    def _get_tokens(self) -> Tuple[str, str]:
        return ("is", "not")
Beispiel #11
class Not(BaseUnaryOp):
    A unary operator that can be used in a :class:`UnaryOperation`

    #: Any space that appears directly after this operator.
    whitespace_after: BaseParenthesizableWhitespace = SimpleWhitespace.field(" ")

    def _get_token(self) -> str:
        return "not"
Beispiel #12
class Comma(_BaseOneTokenOp):
    Syntactic trivia used as a separator between subsequent items in various
    parts of the grammar.

    Some use-cases are:

    * :class:`Import` or :class:`ImportFrom`.
    * :class:`FunctionDef` arguments.
    * :class:`Tuple`/:class:`List`/:class:`Set`/:class:`Dict` elements.

    #: Any space that appears directly before this comma.
    whitespace_before: BaseParenthesizableWhitespace = SimpleWhitespace.field("")

    #: Any space that appears directly after this comma.
    whitespace_after: BaseParenthesizableWhitespace = SimpleWhitespace.field("")

    def _get_token(self) -> str:
        return ","