def execute(self):
        from DVIDSparkServices.reconutils import SimpleGraph
        from libdvid import DVIDNodeService
        from pyspark import SparkContext
        from pyspark import StorageLevel

        if "chunk-size" in self.config_data["options"]:
            self.chunksize = self.config_data["options"]["chunk-size"]

        #  grab ROI
        distrois = self.sparkdvid_context.parallelize_roi(self.config_data["dvid-info"]["roi"], self.chunksize)

        num_partitions = distrois.getNumPartitions()

        # map ROI to label volume (1 pixel overlap)
        label_chunks = self.sparkdvid_context.map_labels64(
            distrois, self.config_data["dvid-info"]["label-name"], 1, self.config_data["dvid-info"]["roi"]

        # map labels to graph data -- external program (eventually convert neuroproof metrics and graph to a python library) ?!
        sg = SimpleGraph.SimpleGraph(self.config_data["options"])

        # extract graph
        graph_elements = label_chunks.flatMap(sg.build_graph)

        # group data for vertices and edges
        graph_elements_red = graph_elements.reduceByKey(lambda a, b: a + b)

        # repartition by first vertex to better group edges together
        graph_elements_red = graph_elements_red.partitionBy(num_partitions, lambda a: hash(a[0]))

        graph_elements_red.persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY)  # ??
        graph_vertices = graph_elements_red.filter(sg.is_vertex)
        graph_edges = graph_elements_red.filter(sg.is_edge)

        # create graph
        node_service = DVIDNodeService(
            str(self.config_data["dvid-info"]["dvid-server"]), str(self.config_data["dvid-info"]["uuid"])


        # dump graph -- should this be wrapped through utils or through sparkdvid ??
        # will this result in too many request (should they be accumulated) ??
        # currently looking at one partitioning at a time to try to group requests
            graph_vertices, self.config_data["dvid-info"]["graph-name"]
        self.sparkdvid_context.foreachPartition_graph_elements(graph_edges, self.config_data["dvid-info"]["graph-name"])

        if "debug" in self.config_data["options"] and self.config_data["options"]["debug"]:
            num_elements = graph_elements.count()
            print "DEBUG: ", num_elements
