Beispiel #1
def mpc_exp(z, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    Complex exponential function.

    We use the direct formula exp(a+bi) = exp(a) * (cos(b) + sin(b)*i)
    for the computation. This formula is very nice because it is
    pefectly stable; since we just do real multiplications, the only
    numerical errors that can creep in are single-ulp rounding errors.

    The formula is efficient since mpmath's real exp is quite fast and
    since we can compute cos and sin simultaneously.

    It is no problem if a and b are large; if the implementations of
    exp/cos/sin are accurate and efficient for all real numbers, then
    so is this function for all complex numbers.
    a, b = z
    if a == fzero:
        return mpf_cos_sin(b, prec, rnd)
    if b == fzero:
        return mpf_exp(a, prec, rnd), fzero
    mag = mpf_exp(a, prec + 4, rnd)
    c, s = mpf_cos_sin(b, prec + 4, rnd)
    re = mpf_mul(mag, c, prec, rnd)
    im = mpf_mul(mag, s, prec, rnd)
    return re, im
Beispiel #2
def mpc_exp(z, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    Complex exponential function.

    We use the direct formula exp(a+bi) = exp(a) * (cos(b) + sin(b)*i)
    for the computation. This formula is very nice because it is
    pefectly stable; since we just do real multiplications, the only
    numerical errors that can creep in are single-ulp rounding errors.

    The formula is efficient since mpmath's real exp is quite fast and
    since we can compute cos and sin simultaneously.

    It is no problem if a and b are large; if the implementations of
    exp/cos/sin are accurate and efficient for all real numbers, then
    so is this function for all complex numbers.
    a, b = z
    if a == fzero:
        return mpf_cos_sin(b, prec, rnd)
    if b == fzero:
        return mpf_exp(a, prec, rnd), fzero
    mag = mpf_exp(a, prec + 4, rnd)
    c, s = mpf_cos_sin(b, prec + 4, rnd)
    re = mpf_mul(mag, c, prec, rnd)
    im = mpf_mul(mag, s, prec, rnd)
    return re, im
Beispiel #3
def mpc_expj(z, prec, rnd='f'):
    re, im = z
    if im == fzero:
        return mpf_cos_sin(re, prec, rnd)
    if re == fzero:
        return mpf_exp(mpf_neg(im), prec, rnd), fzero
    ey = mpf_exp(mpf_neg(im), prec + 10)
    c, s = mpf_cos_sin(re, prec + 10)
    re = mpf_mul(ey, c, prec, rnd)
    im = mpf_mul(ey, s, prec, rnd)
    return re, im
Beispiel #4
def mpc_expj(z, prec, rnd="f"):
    re, im = z
    if im == fzero:
        return mpf_cos_sin(re, prec, rnd)
    if re == fzero:
        return mpf_exp(mpf_neg(im), prec, rnd), fzero
    ey = mpf_exp(mpf_neg(im), prec + 10)
    c, s = mpf_cos_sin(re, prec + 10)
    re = mpf_mul(ey, c, prec, rnd)
    im = mpf_mul(ey, s, prec, rnd)
    return re, im
Beispiel #5
def mpc_cos_sin(z, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    a, b = z
    if a == fzero:
        ch, sh = mpf_cosh_sinh(b, prec, rnd)
        return (ch, fzero), (fzero, sh)
    if b == fzero:
        c, s = mpf_cos_sin(a, prec, rnd)
        return (c, fzero), (s, fzero)
    wp = prec + 6
    c, s = mpf_cos_sin(a, wp)
    ch, sh = mpf_cosh_sinh(b, wp)
    cre = mpf_mul(c, ch, prec, rnd)
    cim = mpf_mul(s, sh, prec, rnd)
    sre = mpf_mul(s, ch, prec, rnd)
    sim = mpf_mul(c, sh, prec, rnd)
    return (cre, mpf_neg(cim)), (sre, sim)
Beispiel #6
def mpc_cos_sin(z, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    a, b = z
    if a == fzero:
        ch, sh = mpf_cosh_sinh(b, prec, rnd)
        return (ch, fzero), (fzero, sh)
    if b == fzero:
        c, s = mpf_cos_sin(a, prec, rnd)
        return (c, fzero), (s, fzero)
    wp = prec + 6
    c, s = mpf_cos_sin(a, wp)
    ch, sh = mpf_cosh_sinh(b, wp)
    cre = mpf_mul(c, ch, prec, rnd)
    cim = mpf_mul(s, sh, prec, rnd)
    sre = mpf_mul(s, ch, prec, rnd)
    sim = mpf_mul(c, sh, prec, rnd)
    return (cre, mpf_neg(cim)), (sre, sim)
Beispiel #7
def cos_sin_quadrant(x, wp):
    sign, man, exp, bc = x
    if x == fzero:
        return fone, fzero, 0
    # TODO: combine evaluation code to avoid duplicate modulo
    c, s = mpf_cos_sin(x, wp)
    t, n, wp_ = mod_pi2(man, exp, exp + bc, 15)
    if sign:
        n = -1 - n
    return c, s, n
Beispiel #8
def cos_sin_quadrant(x, wp):
    sign, man, exp, bc = x
    if x == fzero:
        return fone, fzero, 0
    # TODO: combine evaluation code to avoid duplicate modulo
    c, s = mpf_cos_sin(x, wp)
    t, n, wp_ = mod_pi2(man, exp, exp+bc, 15)
    if sign:
        n = -1-n
    return c, s, n
Beispiel #9
def mpc_sin(z, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    """Complex sine. We have sin(a+bi) = sin(a)*cosh(b) +
    cos(a)*sinh(b)*i. See the docstring for mpc_cos for additional
    a, b = z
    if a == fzero:
        return fzero, mpf_sinh(b, prec, rnd)
    wp = prec + 6
    c, s = mpf_cos_sin(a, wp)
    ch, sh = mpf_cosh_sinh(b, wp)
    re = mpf_mul(s, ch, prec, rnd)
    im = mpf_mul(c, sh, prec, rnd)
    return re, im
Beispiel #10
def mpc_sin(z, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    """Complex sine. We have sin(a+bi) = sin(a)*cosh(b) +
    cos(a)*sinh(b)*i. See the docstring for mpc_cos for additional
    a, b = z
    if a == fzero:
        return fzero, mpf_sinh(b, prec, rnd)
    wp = prec + 6
    c, s = mpf_cos_sin(a, wp)
    ch, sh = mpf_cosh_sinh(b, wp)
    re = mpf_mul(s, ch, prec, rnd)
    im = mpf_mul(c, sh, prec, rnd)
    return re, im
Beispiel #11
def mpc_cos(z, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    """Complex cosine. The formula used is cos(a+bi) = cos(a)*cosh(b) -

    The same comments apply as for the complex exp: only real
    multiplications are pewrormed, so no cancellation errors are
    possible. The formula is also efficient since we can compute both
    pairs (cos, sin) and (cosh, sinh) in single stwps."""
    a, b = z
    if a == fzero:
        return mpf_cosh(b, prec, rnd), fzero
    wp = prec + 6
    c, s = mpf_cos_sin(a, wp)
    ch, sh = mpf_cosh_sinh(b, wp)
    re = mpf_mul(c, ch, prec, rnd)
    im = mpf_mul(s, sh, prec, rnd)
    return re, mpf_neg(im)
Beispiel #12
def mpc_cos(z, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    """Complex cosine. The formula used is cos(a+bi) = cos(a)*cosh(b) -

    The same comments apply as for the complex exp: only real
    multiplications are pewrormed, so no cancellation errors are
    possible. The formula is also efficient since we can compute both
    pairs (cos, sin) and (cosh, sinh) in single stwps."""
    a, b = z
    if a == fzero:
        return mpf_cosh(b, prec, rnd), fzero
    wp = prec + 6
    c, s = mpf_cos_sin(a, wp)
    ch, sh = mpf_cosh_sinh(b, wp)
    re = mpf_mul(c, ch, prec, rnd)
    im = mpf_mul(s, sh, prec, rnd)
    return re, mpf_neg(im)
Beispiel #13
def mpc_tan(z, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    """Complex tangent. Computed as tan(a+bi) = sin(2a)/M + sinh(2b)/M*i
    where M = cos(2a) + cosh(2b)."""
    a, b = z
    asign, aman, aexp, abc = a
    bsign, bman, bexp, bbc = b
    if b == fzero: return mpf_tan(a, prec, rnd), fzero
    if a == fzero: return fzero, mpf_tanh(b, prec, rnd)
    wp = prec + 15
    a = mpf_shift(a, 1)
    b = mpf_shift(b, 1)
    c, s = mpf_cos_sin(a, wp)
    ch, sh = mpf_cosh_sinh(b, wp)
    # TODO: handle cancellation when c ~=  -1 and ch ~= 1
    mag = mpf_add(c, ch, wp)
    re = mpf_div(s, mag, prec, rnd)
    im = mpf_div(sh, mag, prec, rnd)
    return re, im
Beispiel #14
def mpc_tan(z, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    """Complex tangent. Computed as tan(a+bi) = sin(2a)/M + sinh(2b)/M*i
    where M = cos(2a) + cosh(2b)."""
    a, b = z
    asign, aman, aexp, abc = a
    bsign, bman, bexp, bbc = b
    if b == fzero: return mpf_tan(a, prec, rnd), fzero
    if a == fzero: return fzero, mpf_tanh(b, prec, rnd)
    wp = prec + 15
    a = mpf_shift(a, 1)
    b = mpf_shift(b, 1)
    c, s = mpf_cos_sin(a, wp)
    ch, sh = mpf_cosh_sinh(b, wp)
    # TODO: handle cancellation when c ~=  -1 and ch ~= 1
    mag = mpf_add(c, ch, wp)
    re = mpf_div(s, mag, prec, rnd)
    im = mpf_div(sh, mag, prec, rnd)
    return re, im
Beispiel #15
def cos_sin_fixed_prod(x, wp):
    cos, sin = mpf_cos_sin(from_man_exp(x, -2*wp), wp)
    sign, man, exp, bc = cos
    if sign:
        man = -man
    offset = exp + wp
    if offset >= 0:
        cos = man << offset
        cos = man >> (-offset)
    sign, man, exp, bc = sin
    if sign:
        man = -man
    offset = exp + wp
    if offset >= 0:
        sin = man << offset
        sin = man >> (-offset)
    return cos, sin
Beispiel #16
def cos_sin_fixed_prod(x, wp):
    cos, sin = mpf_cos_sin(from_man_exp(x, -2 * wp), wp)
    sign, man, exp, bc = cos
    if sign:
        man = -man
    offset = exp + wp
    if offset >= 0:
        cos = man << offset
        cos = man >> (-offset)
    sign, man, exp, bc = sin
    if sign:
        man = -man
    offset = exp + wp
    if offset >= 0:
        sin = man << offset
        sin = man >> (-offset)
    return cos, sin
Beispiel #17
def mpc_zeta(s, prec, rnd=round_fast, alt=0, force=False):
    re, im = s
    if im == fzero:
        return mpf_zeta(re, prec, rnd, alt), fzero

    # slow for large s
    if (not force) and mpf_gt(mpc_abs(s, 10), from_int(prec)):
        raise NotImplementedError

    wp = prec + 20

    # Near pole
    r = mpc_sub(mpc_one, s, wp)
    asign, aman, aexp, abc = mpc_abs(r, 10)
    pole_dist = -2*(aexp+abc)
    if pole_dist > wp:
        if alt:
            q = mpf_ln2(wp)
            y = mpf_mul(q, mpf_euler(wp), wp)
            g = mpf_shift(mpf_mul(q, q, wp), -1)
            g = mpf_sub(y, g)
            z = mpc_mul_mpf(r, mpf_neg(g), wp)
            z = mpc_add_mpf(z, q, wp)
            return mpc_pos(z, prec, rnd)
            q = mpc_neg(mpc_div(mpc_one, r, wp))
            q = mpc_add_mpf(q, mpf_euler(wp), wp)
            return mpc_pos(q, prec, rnd)
        wp += max(0, pole_dist)

    # Reflection formula. To be rigorous, we should reflect to the left of
    # re = 1/2 (see comments for mpf_zeta), but this leads to unnecessary
    # slowdown for interesting values of s
    if mpf_lt(re, fzero):
        # XXX: could use the separate refl. formula for Dirichlet eta
        if alt:
            q = mpc_sub(mpc_one, mpc_pow(mpc_two, mpc_sub(mpc_one, s, wp),
                wp), wp)
            return mpc_mul(mpc_zeta(s, wp), q, prec, rnd)
        # XXX: -1 should be done exactly
        y = mpc_sub(mpc_one, s, 10*wp)
        a = mpc_gamma(y, wp)
        b = mpc_zeta(y, wp)
        c = mpc_sin_pi(mpc_shift(s, -1), wp)
        rsign, rman, rexp, rbc = re
        isign, iman, iexp, ibc = im
        mag = max(rexp+rbc, iexp+ibc)
        wp2 = wp + mag
        pi = mpf_pi(wp+wp2)
        pi2 = (mpf_shift(pi, 1), fzero)
        d = mpc_div_mpf(mpc_pow(pi2, s, wp2), pi, wp2)
        return mpc_mul(a,mpc_mul(b,mpc_mul(c,d,wp),wp),prec,rnd)
    n = int(wp/2.54 + 5)
    n += int(0.9*abs(to_int(im)))
    d = borwein_coefficients(n)
    ref = to_fixed(re, wp)
    imf = to_fixed(im, wp)
    tre = MPZ_ZERO
    tim = MPZ_ZERO
    one = MPZ_ONE << wp
    one_2wp = MPZ_ONE << (2*wp)
    critical_line = re == fhalf
    for k in xrange(n):
        log = log_int_fixed(k+1, wp)
        # A square root is much cheaper than an exp
        if critical_line:
            w = one_2wp // sqrt_fixed((k+1) << wp, wp)
            w = to_fixed(mpf_exp(from_man_exp(-ref*log, -2*wp), wp), wp)
        if k & 1:
            w *= (d[n] - d[k])
            w *= (d[k] - d[n])
        wre, wim = mpf_cos_sin(from_man_exp(-imf * log, -2*wp), wp)
        tre += (w * to_fixed(wre, wp)) >> wp
        tim += (w * to_fixed(wim, wp)) >> wp
    tre //= (-d[n])
    tim //= (-d[n])
    tre = from_man_exp(tre, -wp, wp)
    tim = from_man_exp(tim, -wp, wp)
    if alt:
        return mpc_pos((tre, tim), prec, rnd)
        q = mpc_sub(mpc_one, mpc_pow(mpc_two, r, wp), wp)
        return mpc_div((tre, tim), q, prec, rnd)
Beispiel #18
    Complex exponential function.

    We use the direct formula exp(a+bi) = exp(a) * (cos(b) + sin(b)*i)
    for the computation. This formula is very nice because it is
    pefectly stable; since we just do real multiplications, the only
    numerical errors that can creep in are single-ulp rounding errors.

    The formula is efficient since mpmath's real exp is quite fast and
    since we can compute cos and sin simultaneously.

    It is no problem if a and b are large; if the implementations of
    exp/cos/sin are accurate and efficient for all real numbers, then
    so is this function for all complex numbers.
    if a == fzero:
        return mpf_cos_sin(b, prec, rnd)
    mag = mpf_exp(a, prec + 4, rnd)
    c, s = mpf_cos_sin(b, prec + 4, rnd)
    re = mpf_mul(mag, c, prec, rnd)
    im = mpf_mul(mag, s, prec, rnd)
    return re, im

def mpc_log(z, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    re = mpf_log_hypot(z[0], z[1], prec, rnd)
    im = mpc_arg(z, prec, rnd)
    return re, im

def mpc_cos((a, b), prec, rnd=round_fast):
    """Complex cosine. The formula used is cos(a+bi) = cos(a)*cosh(b) -
Beispiel #19
def mpf_ci_si(x, prec, rnd=round_fast, which=2):
    Calculation of Ci(x), Si(x) for real x.

    which = 0 -- returns (Ci(x), -)
    which = 1 -- returns (Si(x), -)
    which = 2 -- returns (Ci(x), Si(x))

    Note: if x < 0, Ci(x) needs an additional imaginary term, pi*i.
    wp = prec + 20
    sign, man, exp, bc = x
    ci, si = None, None
    if not man:
        if x == fzero:
            return (fninf, fzero)
        if x == fnan:
            return (x, x)
        ci = fzero
        if which != 0:
            if x == finf:
                si = mpf_shift(mpf_pi(prec, rnd), -1)
            if x == fninf:
                si = mpf_neg(mpf_shift(mpf_pi(prec, negative_rnd[rnd]), -1))
        return (ci, si)
    # For small x: Ci(x) ~ euler + log(x), Si(x) ~ x
    mag = exp + bc
    if mag < -wp:
        if which != 0:
            si = mpf_perturb(x, 1 - sign, prec, rnd)
        if which != 1:
            y = mpf_euler(wp)
            xabs = mpf_abs(x)
            ci = mpf_add(y, mpf_log(xabs, wp), prec, rnd)
        return ci, si
    # For huge x: Ci(x) ~ sin(x)/x, Si(x) ~ pi/2
    elif mag > wp:
        if which != 0:
            if sign:
                si = mpf_neg(mpf_pi(prec, negative_rnd[rnd]))
                si = mpf_pi(prec, rnd)
            si = mpf_shift(si, -1)
        if which != 1:
            ci = mpf_div(mpf_sin(x, wp), x, prec, rnd)
        return ci, si
        wp += abs(mag)
    # Use an asymptotic series? The smallest value of n!/x^n
    # occurs for n ~ x, where the magnitude is ~ exp(-x).
    asymptotic = mag - 1 > math.log(wp, 2)
    # Case 1: convergent series near 0
    if not asymptotic:
        if which != 0:
            si = mpf_pos(mpf_ci_si_taylor(x, wp, 1), prec, rnd)
        if which != 1:
            ci = mpf_ci_si_taylor(x, wp, 0)
            ci = mpf_add(ci, mpf_euler(wp), wp)
            ci = mpf_add(ci, mpf_log(mpf_abs(x), wp), prec, rnd)
        return ci, si
    x = mpf_abs(x)
    # Case 2: asymptotic series for x >> 1
    xf = to_fixed(x, wp)
    xr = (MPZ_ONE << (2 * wp)) // xf  # 1/x
    s1 = (MPZ_ONE << wp)
    s2 = xr
    t = xr
    k = 2
    while t:
        t = -t
        t = (t * xr * k) >> wp
        k += 1
        s1 += t
        t = (t * xr * k) >> wp
        k += 1
        s2 += t
    s1 = from_man_exp(s1, -wp)
    s2 = from_man_exp(s2, -wp)
    s1 = mpf_div(s1, x, wp)
    s2 = mpf_div(s2, x, wp)
    cos, sin = mpf_cos_sin(x, wp)
    # Ci(x) = sin(x)*s1-cos(x)*s2
    # Si(x) = pi/2-cos(x)*s1-sin(x)*s2
    if which != 0:
        si = mpf_add(mpf_mul(cos, s1), mpf_mul(sin, s2), wp)
        si = mpf_sub(mpf_shift(mpf_pi(wp), -1), si, wp)
        if sign:
            si = mpf_neg(si)
        si = mpf_pos(si, prec, rnd)
    if which != 1:
        ci = mpf_sub(mpf_mul(sin, s1), mpf_mul(cos, s2), prec, rnd)
    return ci, si
Beispiel #20
def mpc_zeta(s, prec, rnd=round_fast, alt=0, force=False):
    re, im = s
    if im == fzero:
        return mpf_zeta(re, prec, rnd, alt), fzero

    # slow for large s
    if (not force) and mpf_gt(mpc_abs(s, 10), from_int(prec)):
        raise NotImplementedError

    wp = prec + 20

    # Near pole
    r = mpc_sub(mpc_one, s, wp)
    asign, aman, aexp, abc = mpc_abs(r, 10)
    pole_dist = -2 * (aexp + abc)
    if pole_dist > wp:
        if alt:
            q = mpf_ln2(wp)
            y = mpf_mul(q, mpf_euler(wp), wp)
            g = mpf_shift(mpf_mul(q, q, wp), -1)
            g = mpf_sub(y, g)
            z = mpc_mul_mpf(r, mpf_neg(g), wp)
            z = mpc_add_mpf(z, q, wp)
            return mpc_pos(z, prec, rnd)
            q = mpc_neg(mpc_div(mpc_one, r, wp))
            q = mpc_add_mpf(q, mpf_euler(wp), wp)
            return mpc_pos(q, prec, rnd)
        wp += max(0, pole_dist)

    # Reflection formula. To be rigorous, we should reflect to the left of
    # re = 1/2 (see comments for mpf_zeta), but this leads to unnecessary
    # slowdown for interesting values of s
    if mpf_lt(re, fzero):
        # XXX: could use the separate refl. formula for Dirichlet eta
        if alt:
            q = mpc_sub(mpc_one, mpc_pow(mpc_two, mpc_sub(mpc_one, s, wp), wp),
            return mpc_mul(mpc_zeta(s, wp), q, prec, rnd)
        # XXX: -1 should be done exactly
        y = mpc_sub(mpc_one, s, 10 * wp)
        a = mpc_gamma(y, wp)
        b = mpc_zeta(y, wp)
        c = mpc_sin_pi(mpc_shift(s, -1), wp)
        rsign, rman, rexp, rbc = re
        isign, iman, iexp, ibc = im
        mag = max(rexp + rbc, iexp + ibc)
        wp2 = wp + mag
        pi = mpf_pi(wp + wp2)
        pi2 = (mpf_shift(pi, 1), fzero)
        d = mpc_div_mpf(mpc_pow(pi2, s, wp2), pi, wp2)
        return mpc_mul(a, mpc_mul(b, mpc_mul(c, d, wp), wp), prec, rnd)
    n = int(wp / 2.54 + 5)
    n += int(0.9 * abs(to_int(im)))
    d = borwein_coefficients(n)
    ref = to_fixed(re, wp)
    imf = to_fixed(im, wp)
    tre = MPZ_ZERO
    tim = MPZ_ZERO
    one = MPZ_ONE << wp
    one_2wp = MPZ_ONE << (2 * wp)
    critical_line = re == fhalf
    for k in xrange(n):
        log = log_int_fixed(k + 1, wp)
        # A square root is much cheaper than an exp
        if critical_line:
            w = one_2wp // sqrt_fixed((k + 1) << wp, wp)
            w = to_fixed(mpf_exp(from_man_exp(-ref * log, -2 * wp), wp), wp)
        if k & 1:
            w *= (d[n] - d[k])
            w *= (d[k] - d[n])
        wre, wim = mpf_cos_sin(from_man_exp(-imf * log, -2 * wp), wp)
        tre += (w * to_fixed(wre, wp)) >> wp
        tim += (w * to_fixed(wim, wp)) >> wp
    tre //= (-d[n])
    tim //= (-d[n])
    tre = from_man_exp(tre, -wp, wp)
    tim = from_man_exp(tim, -wp, wp)
    if alt:
        return mpc_pos((tre, tim), prec, rnd)
        q = mpc_sub(mpc_one, mpc_pow(mpc_two, r, wp), wp)
        return mpc_div((tre, tim), q, prec, rnd)
Beispiel #21
def mpf_ci_si(x, prec, rnd=round_fast, which=2):
    Calculation of Ci(x), Si(x) for real x.

    which = 0 -- returns (Ci(x), -)
    which = 1 -- returns (Si(x), -)
    which = 2 -- returns (Ci(x), Si(x))

    Note: if x < 0, Ci(x) needs an additional imaginary term, pi*i.
    wp = prec + 20
    sign, man, exp, bc = x
    ci, si = None, None
    if not man:
        if x == fzero:
            return (fninf, fzero)
        if x == fnan:
            return (x, x)
        ci = fzero
        if which != 0:
            if x == finf:
                si = mpf_shift(mpf_pi(prec, rnd), -1)
            if x == fninf:
                si = mpf_neg(mpf_shift(mpf_pi(prec, negative_rnd[rnd]), -1))
        return (ci, si)
    # For small x: Ci(x) ~ euler + log(x), Si(x) ~ x
    mag = exp+bc
    if mag < -wp:
        if which != 0:
            si = mpf_perturb(x, 1-sign, prec, rnd)
        if which != 1:
            y = mpf_euler(wp)
            xabs = mpf_abs(x)
            ci = mpf_add(y, mpf_log(xabs, wp), prec, rnd)
        return ci, si
    # For huge x: Ci(x) ~ sin(x)/x, Si(x) ~ pi/2
    elif mag > wp:
        if which != 0:
            if sign:
                si = mpf_neg(mpf_pi(prec, negative_rnd[rnd]))
                si = mpf_pi(prec, rnd)
            si = mpf_shift(si, -1)
        if which != 1:
            ci = mpf_div(mpf_sin(x, wp), x, prec, rnd)
        return ci, si
        wp += abs(mag)
    # Use an asymptotic series? The smallest value of n!/x^n
    # occurs for n ~ x, where the magnitude is ~ exp(-x).
    asymptotic = mag-1 > math.log(wp, 2)
    # Case 1: convergent series near 0
    if not asymptotic:
        if which != 0:
            si = mpf_pos(mpf_ci_si_taylor(x, wp, 1), prec, rnd)
        if which != 1:
            ci = mpf_ci_si_taylor(x, wp, 0)
            ci = mpf_add(ci, mpf_euler(wp), wp)
            ci = mpf_add(ci, mpf_log(mpf_abs(x), wp), prec, rnd)
        return ci, si
    x = mpf_abs(x)
    # Case 2: asymptotic series for x >> 1
    xf = to_fixed(x, wp)
    xr = (MPZ_ONE<<(2*wp)) // xf   # 1/x
    s1 = (MPZ_ONE << wp)
    s2 = xr
    t = xr
    k = 2
    while t:
        t = -t
        t = (t*xr*k)>>wp
        k += 1
        s1 += t
        t = (t*xr*k)>>wp
        k += 1
        s2 += t
    s1 = from_man_exp(s1, -wp)
    s2 = from_man_exp(s2, -wp)
    s1 = mpf_div(s1, x, wp)
    s2 = mpf_div(s2, x, wp)
    cos, sin = mpf_cos_sin(x, wp)
    # Ci(x) = sin(x)*s1-cos(x)*s2
    # Si(x) = pi/2-cos(x)*s1-sin(x)*s2
    if which != 0:
        si = mpf_add(mpf_mul(cos, s1), mpf_mul(sin, s2), wp)
        si = mpf_sub(mpf_shift(mpf_pi(wp), -1), si, wp)
        if sign:
            si = mpf_neg(si)
        si = mpf_pos(si, prec, rnd)
    if which != 1:
        ci = mpf_sub(mpf_mul(sin, s1), mpf_mul(cos, s2), prec, rnd)
    return ci, si
Beispiel #22
    Complex exponential function.

    We use the direct formula exp(a+bi) = exp(a) * (cos(b) + sin(b)*i)
    for the computation. This formula is very nice because it is
    pefectly stable; since we just do real multiplications, the only
    numerical errors that can creep in are single-ulp rounding errors.

    The formula is efficient since mpmath's real exp is quite fast and
    since we can compute cos and sin simultaneously.

    It is no problem if a and b are large; if the implementations of
    exp/cos/sin are accurate and efficient for all real numbers, then
    so is this function for all complex numbers.
    if a == fzero:
        return mpf_cos_sin(b, prec, rnd)
    mag = mpf_exp(a, prec+4, rnd)
    c, s = mpf_cos_sin(b, prec+4, rnd)
    re = mpf_mul(mag, c, prec, rnd)
    im = mpf_mul(mag, s, prec, rnd)
    return re, im

def mpc_log(z, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    re = mpf_log_hypot(z[0], z[1], prec, rnd)
    im = mpc_arg(z, prec, rnd)
    return re, im

def mpc_cos((a, b), prec, rnd=round_fast):
    """Complex cosine. The formula used is cos(a+bi) = cos(a)*cosh(b) -