def read_data_matched(fname='', mask=True, **kwargs):
    ''' read in file produced by write_matched_data() '''
    from netCDF4 import Dataset
    from numpy import zeros
    from libclass import var
    from libgeo import planck_inv
    from lblrtm_utils import AIRS_ancillary
    from import masked_where

    cdf = Dataset(fname, 'r')

    nw = len(cdf.dimensions['wavenumber'])
    nt = len(cdf.dimensions['time'])

    data = Matched_data(size=nt)

    wvn = cdf.variables['wavenumber'][:]
    cld = cdf.variables['cloud']
    dis = cdf.variables['lbldis']
    air = cdf.variables['airs']
    lat = cdf.variables['latitude']
    lon = cdf.variables['longitude']
    tim = cdf.variables['time']

    arg = {'attrn': ['wavenumber'], 'attrv': [wvn]}
    mask_l2 = AIRS_ancillary().l2_ignore

    for n in xrange(nt):
        lbldis = dis[n, :]
        airs = air[n, :]

        #_blank out bad channels
        if mask:
            lbldis = masked_where(mask_l2, lbldis)
            airs = masked_where(mask_l2, airs)

            lbldis = masked_where(lbldis == -9999, lbldis)
            airs = masked_where(airs == -9999, airs)

        lbldis = var(lbldis, **arg)
        airs = var(airs, **arg)
        lbldis_tb = var(planck_inv(lbldis, wvn, domain='wavenumber'), **arg)
        airs_tb = var(planck_inv(airs, wvn, domain='wavenumber'), **arg)

        data[n] = (cld[n], lbldis, airs, lbldis_tb, airs_tb, lat[n], lon[n],

    return data
Beispiel #2
def check_ctp(fov, wave_obs, apriori=[], dynamic_CTP=False, **kwargs):
	setting dyanmic_CTP to True replaces the
	apriori cloud top pressure with one from a separate 
	source.  Currently, only supporting dual regression
	heights from Scanning-HIS
    from libgeo import p2z, planck_inv
    from lblrtm_utils import microwindow_average
    if not dynamic_CTP:

    #_loop over each layer
    for layer in apriori:

        #_skip aerosol layers
        if layer['type'] != 'cloud':

        #_giving source priority by list order
        for src in dynamic_CTP:

            if src == 'SHIS':

                #_calc cloud top height
                CTP = getattr(fov, '{0}_CTP'.format(src))
                CTZ = p2z(CTP) / 1e3

                #_get brightness temperatures for a few windows
                obs_rads = getattr(fov, '{0}_radiances'.format(src))
                r, w = microwindow_average(obs_rads, wave_obs, -26)
                bt = planck_inv(r, w * 100, domain='wavenumber')[-3:].mean()

                #_if apprioriate layer and there is a value, use SHIS-DR
                if CTZ > 0:
                    layer['z_top'] = CTZ
                    layer['z'] = CTZ - 0.1

                    dbg(('WRS0', CTZ))
                #_check if 'ice' cloud
                if bt < 273.15:  #_maybe lower

                    #_add ice ssp to list and change cloud database to it
                    ice = '/data/wsessions/lbldis_inputs/' \
                     + 'ssp_db.mie_ice.gamma_sigma_0p100'
                    layer['dbnum'] = len(kwargs['ssp_db_files'])

            #_other source options here elif 'cloudsat' or whatever

            #_once complete for one source, skip rest
Beispiel #3
def calc_bias(experiment='hs3',
    ''' read in all the output from run_clear_skies and get average bias '''
    from clear_sky_fovs_hand_filtered import clear_sky as cs
    from hs3_utils import Flight_segment as F
    import os
    from lblrtm_utils import read_lbldis_out, microwindow_average
    from numpy import append
    from libgeo import planck_inv

    #_open a csv to put all the values into
    fname = 'shis-lbl.{0}.csv'.format(experiment)
    fname = os.path.join(dir_out, fname)
    f = open(fname, 'w')
    f.write('SHIS - LBL\n')

    first = True
    for file_seg, opts in cs.iteritems():
        #_read in flight
        flight = F(file_seg=file_seg)

        for i in opts['fidx']:
            #_construct directory name
            dir_lblrtm = fmt.format(flight.dtg0, flight.dtg1, i, experiment)
            fname = os.path.join(dir_lblrtm, 'lbldis_output.clear.cdf')

            print fname
            #_read in data
            clear = read_lbldis_out(fname)

            rad_shs = flight[i].SHIS_radiances
            wvn_shs = flight.SHIS_wavenumber
            rad_lbl = clear.radiances
            wvn_lbl = clear.wavenumber

            #_if run on microwindows, only average the obs
            if dv < 0:
                rad_shs, wvn = microwindow_average(rad_shs, wvn_shs, dv)

                rad_shs, wvn = microwindow_average(rad_shs, wvn_shs, -7)
                rad_lbl, wvn = microwindow_average(rad_lbl, wvn_lbl, -7)

            tb_shs = planck_inv(rad_shs, wvn * 100, domain='wavenumber')
            tb_lbl = planck_inv(rad_lbl, wvn * 100, domain='wavenumber')

            #_write wavenumbers first time
            if first:
                fmt0 = ','.join(
                    ['{{{0:d}:10.5f}}'.format(j) for j in range(wvn.size)])
                f.write(fmt0.format(*wvn) + '\n')

            #_put into one thinger
            rads = append(tb_shs, tb_lbl).tolist()
            fmt0 = ','.join(
                ['{{{0:d}:10.5f}}'.format(j) for j in range(wvn.size * 2)])
            fmt0 += '\n'

            first = False

    print fname
    return fname
def write_data_live(dir_gdas=os.path.join(os.environ['PRODUCTS'], 'gdas'),
    from numpy import ndarray, recarray
    from lblrtm_utils import read_lbldis_out, read_airs, convolve2airs
    from lblrtm_utils import airs_channels
    from hs3_utils import Flight_data, FLIGHTS  #_read_shis
    from glob import glob
    from libgeo import planck_inv
	reads in all gdas files in dir_gdas, then tries to find 
	LBL-DIS output directories that match the timestamp/naming

	returns: all dat noise in a recarray

    #_get list of directories to read in
    dirs_lbldis, files_gdas = get_lbldis_directories()
    nrun = len(dirs_lbldis)

    wave = airs_channels()[:].copy()
    nair = len(wave)

    #_testing purposes
    files_gdas = files_gdas[:ngdas]

    #_initialize output file
    cdf = initialize_cdf(nrun, nair)

    vvv = cdf.variables
    vvv['wavenumber'][:] = wave

    #_conversion args
    args = (wave, )
    kwargs.update({'domain': 'wavenumber'})

    n = 0
    for file_gdas in files_gdas:
        airs = read_airs(file_gdas)

        #_redundancy!  This limits the case to this gdas file
        dirs_lbldis = glob(file_gdas[:-4].replace('gdas', 'LBL-RTM') + '/0*')
        for dir_lbldis in dirs_lbldis:
            #_read lblrtm output
            fname = os.path.join(dir_lbldis, 'lbldis_out.cdf')
            lbldis = read_lbldis_out(fname)
            f0 = lbldis.wavenumber.min()
            f1 = lbldis.wavenumber.max()
            lblcon = convolve2airs(lbldis, f0=f0, f1=f1)

            #_get time index of collocated scene and where to start/end
            idx = abs(airs.time - lblcon.time).argmin()

            #_get differences (with wnum, T, lat, lon, cloud, time attached)
            vvv['cloud'][n] =
            vvv['latitude'][n] = lblcon.latitude
            vvv['longitude'][n] = lblcon.longitude
            vvv['time'][n] = lblcon.time

            vvv['rads_lbldis'][n, :] = lblcon.radiances
            vvv['rads_airs'][n, :] = airs[idx].spectrum.radiances
            vvv['tb_lbldis'][n, :] = planck_inv(lblcon.radiances, *args,
            vvv['tb_airs'][n, :] = planck_inv(airs[idx].spectrum.radiances,
                                              *args, **kwargs)

            print nrun, n
            n += 1

def fig_00(pname='delta_bt.png', dir_plot='.', dv=-26, **kwargs):
	Spectral signatures of habits by wavenumber

	x == wavenumber
	y == change in radiance from clear sky?
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import os
    from lblrtm_utils import read_lbldis_out as read_lbldis
    from libtools import shrink_ticks
    from libgeo import planck_inv
    from lblrtm_utils import read_microwindows_header as mw
    from numpy import abs

    dir_in = '/data/wsessions/LBL-RTM_simulated/std_tropical'
    habits = {  #'quartz'	: 'blue', 
        'kaolinite': 'red',
        'gypsum': 'green'

    fig, axis = plt.subplots(1)

    lines = []
    names = []
    #_read in all data and plot
    for h, c in habits.iteritems():

        #_gen filename
        fname = os.path.join(dir_in, '{0}.cdf'.format(h))
        fn_in = os.path.join(dir_in, 'lbldis_input.{0}'.format(h))

        #_read in output file
        data = read_lbldis(fname, fname_input=fn_in)

        #_convert to brightness temperatures
        wavs = data[0].wavenumber
        bt0 = planck_inv(data[0].radiances, wavs * 100, domain='wavenumber')
        bt1 = planck_inv(data[1].radiances, wavs * 100, domain='wavenumber')
        d_bt = bt0 - bt1

        line = axis.plot(wavs,
                         label='changes by {0}'.format(h),

    #_plot clear sky bt
    atwn = axis.twinx()
    line = atwn.plot(wavs, bt0, 'k-', linewidth=0.2, label='clear sky')

    #_plot microwindow numbers
    chans = mw()[abs(dv + 1)]
    for n, x in chans:
        v = (n + x) / 2.
        axis.plot([v, v], [0, 20], 'k--', linewidth=0.2)

    axis.set_xlim(600, 1300)
    axis.set_ylim(0, 20)

    axis.set_ylabel("$\Delta B_{\\nu}T$ $(K)$", size='small')
    axis.set_xlabel("wavenumber $(cm^{-1})$", size='small')
    atwn.set_ylabel("$B_{\\nu}T$ $(K)$", size='small', rotation=-90)

    axis.legend(loc=2, frameon=False, fontsize=8)
    atwn.legend(loc=1, frameon=False, fontsize=8)

    [shrink_ticks(a) for a in [axis, atwn]]
    pname = os.path.join(dir_plot, pname)