Beispiel #1
def mpf_pow(s, t, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    Compute s**t. Raises ComplexResult if s is negative and t is
    ssign, sman, sexp, sbc = s
    tsign, tman, texp, tbc = t
    if ssign and texp < 0:
        raise ComplexResult("negative number raised to a fractional power")
    if texp >= 0:
        return mpf_pow_int(s, (-1)**tsign * (tman<<texp), prec, rnd)
    # s**(n/2) = sqrt(s)**n
    if texp == -1:
        if tman == 1:
            if tsign:
                return mpf_div(fone, mpf_sqrt(s, prec+10,
                    reciprocal_rnd[rnd]), prec, rnd)
            return mpf_sqrt(s, prec, rnd)
            if tsign:
                return mpf_pow_int(mpf_sqrt(s, prec+10,
                    reciprocal_rnd[rnd]), -tman, prec, rnd)
            return mpf_pow_int(mpf_sqrt(s, prec+10, rnd), tman, prec, rnd)
    # General formula: s**t = exp(t*log(s))
    # TODO: handle rnd direction of the logarithm carefully
    c = mpf_log(s, prec+10, rnd)
    return mpf_exp(mpf_mul(t, c), prec, rnd)
Beispiel #2
def mpf_acosh(x, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    # acosh(x) = log(x+sqrt(x**2-1))
    wp = prec + 15
    if mpf_cmp(x, fone) == -1:
        raise ComplexResult("acosh(x) is real only for x >= 1")
    q = mpf_sqrt(mpf_add(mpf_mul(x,x), fnone, wp), wp)
    return mpf_log(mpf_add(x, q, wp), prec, rnd)
Beispiel #3
def mpf_asin(x, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    sign, man, exp, bc = x
    if bc+exp > 0 and x not in (fone, fnone):
        raise ComplexResult("asin(x) is real only for -1 <= x <= 1")
    flag_nr = True
    if prec < 1000 or exp+bc < -13:
        flag_nr = False
        ebc = exp + bc
        if ebc < -13:
            flag_nr = False
        elif ebc < -3:
            if prec < 3000:
                flag_nr = False
    if not flag_nr:
        # asin(x) = 2*atan(x/(1+sqrt(1-x**2)))
        wp = prec + 15
        a = mpf_mul(x, x)
        b = mpf_add(fone, mpf_sqrt(mpf_sub(fone, a, wp), wp), wp)
        c = mpf_div(x, b, wp)
        return mpf_shift(mpf_atan(c, prec, rnd), 1)
    # use Newton's method
    extra = 10
    extra_p = 10
    prec2 = prec + extra
    r = math.asin(to_float(x))
    r = from_float(r, 50, rnd)
    for p in giant_steps(50, prec2):
        wp = p + extra_p
        c, s = cos_sin(r, wp, rnd)
        tmp = mpf_sub(x, s, wp, rnd)
        tmp = mpf_div(tmp, c, wp, rnd)
        r = mpf_add(r, tmp, wp, rnd)
    sign, man, exp, bc = r
    return normalize(sign, man, exp, bc, prec, rnd)
Beispiel #4
def mpf_agm(a, b, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    Computes the arithmetic-geometric mean agm(a,b) for
    nonnegative mpf values a, b.
    asign, aman, aexp, abc = a
    bsign, bman, bexp, bbc = b
    if asign or bsign:
        raise ComplexResult("agm of a negative number")
    # Handle inf, nan or zero in either operand
    if not (aman and bman):
        if a == fnan or b == fnan:
            return fnan
        if a == finf:
            if b == fzero:
                return fnan
            return finf
        if b == finf:
            if a == fzero:
                return fnan
            return finf
        # agm(0,x) = agm(x,0) = 0
        return fzero
    wp = prec + 20
    amag = aexp + abc
    bmag = bexp + bbc
    mag_delta = amag - bmag
    # Reduce to roughly the same magnitude using floating-point AGM
    abs_mag_delta = abs(mag_delta)
    if abs_mag_delta > 10:
        while abs_mag_delta > 10:
            a, b = mpf_shift(mpf_add(a,b,wp),-1), \
            abs_mag_delta //= 2
        asign, aman, aexp, abc = a
        bsign, bman, bexp, bbc = b
        amag = aexp + abc
        bmag = bexp + bbc
        mag_delta = amag - bmag
    #print to_float(a), to_float(b)
    # Use agm(a,b) = agm(x*a,x*b)/x to obtain a, b ~= 1
    min_mag = min(amag, bmag)
    max_mag = max(amag, bmag)
    n = 0
    # If too small, we lose precision when going to fixed-point
    if min_mag < -8:
        n = -min_mag
    # If too large, we waste time using fixed-point with large numbers
    elif max_mag > 20:
        n = -max_mag
    if n:
        a = mpf_shift(a, n)
        b = mpf_shift(b, n)
    #print to_float(a), to_float(b)
    af = to_fixed(a, wp)
    bf = to_fixed(b, wp)
    g = agm_fixed(af, bf, wp)
    return from_man_exp(g, -wp - n, prec, rnd)
Beispiel #5
def mpf_asin(x, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    sign, man, exp, bc = x
    if bc + exp > 0 and x not in (fone, fnone):
        raise ComplexResult("asin(x) is real only for -1 <= x <= 1")
    # asin(x) = 2*atan(x/(1+sqrt(1-x**2)))
    wp = prec + 15
    a = mpf_mul(x, x)
    b = mpf_add(fone, mpf_sqrt(mpf_sub(fone, a, wp), wp), wp)
    c = mpf_div(x, b, wp)
    return mpf_shift(mpf_atan(c, prec, rnd), 1)
Beispiel #6
def mpf_atanh(x, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    # atanh(x) = log((1+x)/(1-x))/2
    sign, man, exp, bc = x
    mag = bc + exp
    if mag > 0:
        raise ComplexResult("atanh(x) is real only for -1 < x < 1")
    wp = prec + 15
    a = mpf_add(x, fone, wp)
    b = mpf_sub(fone, x, wp)
    return mpf_shift(mpf_log(mpf_div(a, b, wp), prec, rnd), -1)
Beispiel #7
def mpf_atanh(x, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    # atanh(x) = log((1+x)/(1-x))/2
    sign, man, exp, bc = x
    if (not man) and exp:
        if x in (fzero, fnan):
            return x
        raise ComplexResult("atanh(x) is real only for -1 <= x <= 1")
    mag = bc + exp
    if mag > 0:
        if mag == 1 and man == 1:
            return [finf, fninf][sign]
        raise ComplexResult("atanh(x) is real only for -1 <= x <= 1")
    wp = prec + 15
    if mag < -8:
        if mag < -wp:
            return mpf_perturb(x, sign, prec, rnd)
        wp += (-mag)
    a = mpf_add(x, fone, wp)
    b = mpf_sub(fone, x, wp)
    return mpf_shift(mpf_log(mpf_div(a, b, wp), prec, rnd), -1)
Beispiel #8
def mpf_acos(x, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    # acos(x) = 2*atan(sqrt(1-x**2)/(1+x))
    sign, man, exp, bc = x
    if bc + exp > 0:
        if x not in (fone, fnone):
            raise ComplexResult("acos(x) is real only for -1 <= x <= 1")
        if x == fnone:
            return mpf_pi(prec, rnd)
    wp = prec + 15
    a = mpf_mul(x, x)
    b = mpf_sqrt(mpf_sub(fone, a, wp), wp)
    c = mpf_div(b, mpf_add(fone, x, wp), wp)
    return mpf_shift(mpf_atan(c, prec, rnd), 1)
def mpf_ei(x, prec, rnd=round_fast, e1=False):
    if e1:
        x = mpf_neg(x)
    sign, man, exp, bc = x
    if e1 and not sign:
        if x == fzero:
            return finf
        raise ComplexResult("E1(x) for x < 0")
    if man:
        xabs = 0, man, exp, bc
        xmag = exp + bc
        wp = prec + 20
        can_use_asymp = xmag > wp
        if not can_use_asymp:
            if exp >= 0:
                xabsint = man << exp
                xabsint = man >> (-exp)
            can_use_asymp = xabsint > int(wp * 0.693) + 10
        if can_use_asymp:
            if xmag > wp:
                v = fone
                v = from_man_exp(ei_asymptotic(to_fixed(x, wp), wp), -wp)
            v = mpf_mul(v, mpf_exp(x, wp), wp)
            v = mpf_div(v, x, prec, rnd)
            wp += 2 * int(to_int(xabs))
            u = to_fixed(x, wp)
            v = ei_taylor(u, wp) + euler_fixed(wp)
            t1 = from_man_exp(v, -wp)
            t2 = mpf_log(xabs, wp)
            v = mpf_add(t1, t2, prec, rnd)
        if x == fzero: v = fninf
        elif x == finf: v = finf
        elif x == fninf: v = fzero
        else: v = fnan
    if e1:
        v = mpf_neg(v)
    return v
Beispiel #10
def mpf_log(x, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    Compute the natural logarithm of the mpf value x. If x is negative,
    ComplexResult is raised.
    sign, man, exp, bc = x
    # Handle special values
    if not man:
        if x == fzero: return fninf
        if x == finf: return finf
        if x == fnan: return fnan
    if sign:
        raise ComplexResult("logarithm of a negative number")
    wp = prec + 20
    # Handle log(2^n) = log(n)*2.
    # Here we catch the only possible exact value, log(1) = 0
    if man == 1:
        if not exp:
            return fzero
        return from_man_exp(exp*ln2_fixed(wp), -wp, prec, rnd)
    mag = exp+bc
    abs_mag = abs(mag)
    # Handle x = 1+eps, where log(x) ~ x. We need to check for
    # cancellation when moving to fixed-point math and compensate
    # by increasing the precision. Note that abs_mag in (0, 1) <=>
    # 0.5 < x < 2 and x != 1
    if abs_mag <= 1:
        # Calculate t = x-1 to measure distance from 1 in bits
        tsign = 1-abs_mag
        if tsign:
            tman = (MP_ONE<<bc) - man
            tman = man - (MP_ONE<<(bc-1))
        tbc = bitcount(tman)
        cancellation = bc - tbc
        if cancellation > wp:
            t = normalize(tsign, tman, abs_mag-bc, tbc, tbc, 'n')
            return mpf_perturb(t, tsign, prec, rnd)
            wp += cancellation
        # TODO: if close enough to 1, we could use Taylor series
        # even in the AGM precision range, since the Taylor series
        # converges rapidly
    # Another special case:
    # n*log(2) is a good enough approximation
    if abs_mag > 10000:
        if bitcount(abs_mag) > wp:
            return from_man_exp(exp*ln2_fixed(wp), -wp, prec, rnd)
    # General case.
    # Perform argument reduction using log(x) = log(x*2^n) - n*log(2):
    # If we are in the Taylor precision range, choose magnitude 0 or 1.
    # If we are in the AGM precision range, choose magnitude -m for
    # some large m; benchmarking on one machine showed m = prec/20 to be
    # optimal between 1000 and 100,000 digits.
    if wp <= LOG_TAYLOR_PREC:
        m = log_taylor_cached(lshift(man, wp-bc), wp)
        if mag:
            m += mag*ln2_fixed(wp)
        optimal_mag = -wp//LOG_AGM_MAG_PREC_RATIO
        n = optimal_mag - mag
        x = mpf_shift(x, n)
        wp += (-optimal_mag)
        m = -log_agm(to_fixed(x, wp), wp)
        m -= n*ln2_fixed(wp)
    return from_man_exp(m, -wp, prec, rnd)
Beispiel #11
def mpf_nthroot(s, n, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    """nth-root of a positive number

    Use the Newton method when faster, otherwise use x**(1/n)
    sign, man, exp, bc = s
    if sign:
        raise ComplexResult("nth root of a negative number")
    if not man:
        if s == fnan:
            return fnan
        if s == fzero:
            if n > 0:
                return fzero
            if n == 0:
                return fone
            return finf
        # Infinity
        if not n:
            return fnan
        if n < 0:
            return fzero
        return finf
    flag_inverse = False
    if n < 2:
        if n == 0:
            return fone
        if n == 1:
            return mpf_pos(s, prec, rnd)
        if n == -1:
            return mpf_div(fone, s, prec, rnd)
        # n < 0
        rnd = reciprocal_rnd[rnd]
        flag_inverse = True
        extra_inverse = 5
        prec += extra_inverse
        n = -n
    if n > 20 and (n >= 20000 or prec < int(233 + 28.3 * n**0.62)):
        prec2 = prec + 10
        fn = from_int(n)
        nth = mpf_rdiv_int(1, fn, prec2)
        r = mpf_pow(s, nth, prec2, rnd)
        s = normalize(r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], prec, rnd)
        if flag_inverse:
            return mpf_div(fone, s, prec-extra_inverse, rnd)
            return s
    # Convert to a fixed-point number with prec2 bits.
    prec2 = prec + 2*n - (prec%n)
    # a few tests indicate that
    # for 10 < n < 10**4 a bit more precision is needed
    if n > 10:
        prec2 += prec2//10
        prec2 = prec2 - prec2%n
    # Mantissa may have more bits than we need. Trim it down.
    shift = bc - prec2
    # Adjust exponents to make prec2 and exp+shift multiples of n.
    sign1 = 0
    es = exp+shift
    if es < 0:
        sign1 = 1
        es = -es
    if sign1:
        shift += es%n
        shift -= es%n
    man = rshift(man, shift)
    extra = 10
    exp1 = ((exp+shift-(n-1)*prec2)//n) - extra
    rnd_shift = 0
    if flag_inverse:
        if rnd == 'u' or rnd == 'c':
            rnd_shift = 1
        if rnd == 'd' or rnd == 'f':
            rnd_shift = 1
    man = nthroot_fixed(man+rnd_shift, n, prec2, exp1)
    s = from_man_exp(man, exp1, prec, rnd)
    if flag_inverse:
        return mpf_div(fone, s, prec-extra_inverse, rnd)
        return s
Beispiel #12
def mpf_log(x, prec, rnd=round_fast):
    Compute the natural logarithm of the mpf value x. If x is negative,
    ComplexResult is raised.
    sign, man, exp, bc = x
    if not man:
        if x == fzero: return fninf
        if x == finf: return finf
        if x == fnan: return fnan
    if sign:
        raise ComplexResult("logarithm of a negative number")

    # log(2^n)
    if man == 1:
        if not exp:
            return fzero
        return from_man_exp(exp * ln2_fixed(prec + 20), -prec - 20, prec, rnd)

    # Assume 20 bits to be sufficient for cancelling rounding errors
    wp = prec + 20
    mag = bc + exp

    # Already on the standard interval, (0.5, 1)
    if not mag:
        t = rshift(man, bc - wp)
        log2n = 0
        # Watch out for "x = 0.9999"
        # Proceed only if 1-x lost at most 15 bits of accuracy
        res = (MP_ONE << wp) - t
        if not (res >> (wp - 15)):
            # Find out extra precision needed
            delta = mpf_sub(x, fone, 10)
            delta_bits = -(delta[2] + delta[3])
            # O(x^2) term vanishes relatively
            if delta_bits > wp + 10:
                xm1 = mpf_sub(x, fone, prec, rnd)
                return mpf_perturb(xm1, 1, prec, rnd)
                wp += delta_bits
                t = rshift(man, bc - wp)

    # Already on the standard interval, (1, 2)
    elif mag == 1:
        t = rshift(man, bc - wp - 1)
        log2n = 0
        # Watch out for "x = 1.0001"
        # Similar to above; note that we flip signs
        # to obtain a positive residual, ensuring that
        # the following shift rounds down
        res = t - (MP_ONE << wp)
        if not (res >> (wp - 15)):
            # Find out extra precision needed
            delta = mpf_sub(x, fone, 10)
            delta_bits = -(delta[2] + delta[3])
            # O(x^2) term vanishes relatively
            if delta_bits > wp + 10:
                xm1 = mpf_sub(x, fone, prec, rnd)
                return mpf_perturb(xm1, 1, prec, rnd)
                wp += delta_bits
                t = rshift(man, bc - wp - 1)

    # Rescale
        # Estimated precision needed for n*log(2) to
        # be accurate relatively
        wp += int(math.log(1 + abs(mag), 2))
        log2n = mag * ln2_fixed(wp)
        # Rescaled argument as a fixed-point number
        t = rshift(man, bc - wp)

    # Use the faster method
    if wp < LOG_TAYLOR_PREC:
        a = log_taylor(t, wp)
        a = log_newton(t, wp)

    return from_man_exp(a + log2n, -wp, prec, rnd)