#DEFINES FUNCTIONS #DEFINES PROCEDURES #DEFINES EXCEPTIONS/CLASSES #DEF VARIABLES AND OBJECTS sHostName = socket.gethostname() dPlayers = {} #RUNS THE MAIN PROGRAM if __name__ == "__main__": print("Welcome to rpsMultiplayer") print("The server has been started on the hostname", sHostName) iPlayerCount = int(input("How many players will there be?")) print("You can tell the players to connect to the server now") for i in range(iPlayerCount): while True: sDataReceived, sIpAdressClient = net.fsReceive() if sDataReceived.startswith("Register Player "): if sDataReceived[16:] not in dPlayers: dPlayers.update({sDataReceived[16:]:sIpAdressClient}) net.fSend("Player registered", sIpAdressClient,) break else: net.fSend("Error: Playername Already Registered", sIpAdressClient) else: net.fSend("Error: Expecting registration of players", sIpAdressClient) print(dPlayers)
#logs the concatenated list logging.debug(sOutput) else: def log(*parameters): '''Dummy log function''' #DEFINES CONSTANTS #DEFINES WRAPPER FUNCTIONS #DEFINES FUNCTIONS #DEFINES PROCEDURES #DEFINES EXCEPTIONS/CLASSES #DEF VARIABLES AND OBJECTS sUniqueID = str(random.randrange(1000000,9999999)) #RUNS THE MAIN PROGRAM if __name__ == "__main__": print("Welcome to rpsMultiplayer") sPlayerName = input("Input your playername: ")[:12] sServerHostName = input( "please input the hostname of the server you want to join: ") print("Connecting to ", sServerHostName, sep="") net.fSend("Register Player " + sUniqueID + " " + sPlayerName, socket.gethostbyname(sServerHostName)) print("Connection Established")