Beispiel #1
 def react(self, molecule):
     ions = molecule.to_aqueous()
     if ions != None and len(ions) > 0:
         print(molecule.formula, "-(Water)>", ions)
         cml = Cml.Reaction([molecule.formula],ions)
         reaction = Reaction.Reaction(cml,[molecule.state_formula])
         return reaction
     elif Config.current.DEBUG:
         print("Water beaker didnt react with:", molecule.formula)
Beispiel #2
    def react(self, reactants, K = 298, trace = False):
        """ check if all elements needed for the reaction exists in
             in the reacting elements and that the reaction is spontaneous
            in the given temperature. 
            Return the reaction if it will occur otherwise None
        reactionCmls = self.find_reactions(reactants)

        if len(reactionCmls) == 0 and trace:
            print("No reaction found for this reactants")
        elif len(reactionCmls) == 0:
            return None

        reactions = list()
        for reactionCml in reactionCmls:
            r = Reaction.Reaction(reactionCml, reactants)
            reactions.append((r.energyChange(K), r))
        free_energy, reaction = min(reactions)
        if len(reactions) > 1 and trace:
            print("Multiple possible reactions:")
            for t in reactions:
                r = t[1]
                energy = t[0]
                print("Reactants:", r.reactants,
                      "Products:", r.products,
                      "Energy:", energy)
        if Reaction.isSpontaneous(free_energy):
            return reaction
        elif trace:
            print("free_energy wasnt enough for reaction!")
            reaction.trace = True
            return None
            return None