Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, obstacle, image=None, facing=DOWN, speed=NORMAL_SPEED,
                 image_file=None, image_index=0,

        *obstacle* should be one of {BELOW, OBSTACLE, COUNTER, ABOVE}
        indicating the vertical position of the object.

        If *image* or *image_file* are specified, the object will be
        displayed with that image. *image* should be an ObjectImage and
        *image_file* should be the filename of a bitmap with the intended
        image. Only one of them may be specified.

        If *image_file* is specified and the file holds more than one object
        image, *image_index* has to be passed indicating which of them should
        be loaded. Also, *basic_animation* and *frame_number* will customize
        the object's animation in that case.

        *facing* is the object's starting facing, and *speed* is its
        starting speed.

            MapModel in which the object is.

            Position of the object in the map.

            - BELOW if the object can be walked over
            - OBSTACLE if the object will collide if another OBSTACLE object
              tries to move to its tile.
            - ABOVE if OBSTACLES would walk under the object
            - COUNTER if it is an OBSTACLE and activate events coming from one
              side will be routed to the position on the opposite side.

            Direction that the object is facing.

            Object speed, in the number of frames to move that object by 1

            MovementQueue with the Movements that are waiting for the object to

            MovementCycle with the Movements routinely executed by the object.

            MapAreas in which the object currently is.
        assert obstacle in range(0, 4), ('MapObject cannot be created with an'
                                         ' `obstacle` as %s' % str(obstacle))
        assert (image is None or image_file is None),\
                'Only one of (image, image_file) can be specified.' = None
        self.position = None
        self.prev_position = None
        self.obstacle = obstacle

        self.movement_phase = 0
        self.facing = facing
        self.speed = speed
        self.scheduled_movement = MovementQueue()
        self.movement_behavior = MovementCycle()
        self.sliding = False
        self.going_back = False
        self.just_completed_movement = False

        self.areas = []
        self.prev_areas = []

        if image is not None:
            self.image = image
        elif image_file is not None:
            self.image = ObjectImage(image_file, image_index, basic_animation,