#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from libs.bottle import Bottle, route, static_file from libs.bottle import debug, run from libs.bottle import jinja2_view as view app = Bottle() @app.route("/") @view("templates/hello.html") def index(): return { 'title': 'Simple TODO List' } @app.route("/static/<filename:path>") def static(filename): return static_file(filename, root='static/') if __name__ == '__main__': debug(True) run(app, reloader=True, host='', port=8081)
from libs.bottle import route, template, run @route("/hello/<name>") def index(name): return template("<b>Hello {{name}}</b>!", name=name) run(host="localhost", port=8080)
return json.dumps({ "taskset": hobbit_hood.taskset, "tags": hobbit_hood.categories, "matrix": hobbit_hood.matrix.tolist() }) if __name__ == "__main__": # Create student directory try: os.mkdir("Students") except: pass run(host='', port=27000)
def run_server(): run(host=args.host, port=args.port, debug=args.debug, reloader=args.debug, quiet=not args.debug)
@route('/') def index(): return 'Welcome to Analytics API !' @route('/projections/<projection_type>', method='POST') def make_projection(projection_type): # get post data received_data = request.json data = received_data['data'] window = received_data['window'] # get predictor predictor = PredictorFactory.get_predictor(projection_type) try: # exec predictor result = predictor.predict(data, window) # format result response.content_type = 'application/json' return json.dumps(result) except ValueError as e: response.status = 500 return e run(host='localhost', port=8085)
"%Y-%m-%d") ultimo_dia_de_mes_fecha = primer_dia_de_mes_fecha + relativedelta(months=1) primer_dia_de_mes = calendar.timegm(primer_dia_de_mes_fecha.utctimetuple()) ultimo_dia_de_mes = calendar.timegm(ultimo_dia_de_mes_fecha.utctimetuple()) query = """SELECT * FROM facturas WHERE fecha > "%s" AND fecha < "%s" ORDER by %s ASC""" % \ (primer_dia_de_mes, ultimo_dia_de_mes, orden) datos = c.execute(query) return template("templates/xmes_listado.html", {"datos": datos}) @route("/listado/xmes") def xmeses(): conn = sqlite3.connect(config.getVar("dir_vault") + "facturas.db") c = conn.cursor() query = """SELECT fecha FROM facturas ORDER by fecha ASC LIMIT 1 """ datos = c.execute(query) import time fecha = time.gmtime(int(datos.fetchone()[0])) conn.close() return template("templates/xmes.html", { "datos": fecha, "hoy": datetime.now() }) #Ejecutamos servidor if __name__ == "__main__": run(host='localhost', port=8001)
from libs.bottle import route, run,request,template @route('/hello') def hello(): return "Hello World XXX!" @route('/queryvars') def display_forum(): id = request.query.id page = request.query.page or '1' return template('Forum ID: {{id}} (page {{page}})', id=id, page=page) run(host='', port=8080, debug=True)
return data.json() @route('/api/students') def create_students(): return json.dumps(StudentEngine.get_students()) @route('/api/create_students') def create_students(): Student_Create.generate() return json.dumps({ 'message': "OK", 'students': StudentEngine.get_students() }) if __name__ == "__main__": run(host='', port=8080)
from libs.bottle import route, template, run @route('/recherche/<name>') def index(name): return "Hello {{name}}" run(host='', port=8081)
print(data) return data.json() @route('/api/student/<student>/taskset') def taskset(student): data = req.get( "http://*****:*****@route('/api/students') def create_students(): return json.dumps(StudentEngine.get_students()) @route('/api/create_students') def create_students(): Student_Create.generate() return json.dumps({ 'message': "OK", 'students': StudentEngine.get_students() }) if __name__ == "__main__": run(host='', port=8080)
elif text == "1": # Business logic for first level response response = "CON Choose account information you want to view \n" response += "1. Account number \n" response += "2. Account balance" elif text == "2": # Business logic for first level response phoneNumber = "+254711XXXYYY" # This is a terminal request. Note how we start the response with END response = "END Your phone number is {}".format(phoneNumber) elif text == "1*1": # This is a second level response where the user selected 1 in the first instance accountNumber = "ACC1001" # This is a terminal request. Note how we start the response with END response = "END Your account number is {}".format(accountNumber) elif text == "1*2": # This is a second level response where the user selected 1 in the first instance balance = "KES 1,000" # This is a terminal request. Note how we start the response with END response = "END Your balance is {}".format(balance) # Return the response as an HTTP request return response # Run the default bottle app run(host='', port='8080', debut=True, reloader=True)
def main(): run(host=DEFAULT_HOST,port=DEFAULT_PORT, debug=True)
def index():#on affiche la page principale avec le formulaire ville="''" activite="''" maps = [] table = [] conn = sqlite3.connect('static/sports_pdl.db')# in order to have access to the database you must connect cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("""SELECT DISTINCT code_postal, commune FROM installation WHERE code_postal != '' AND commune != '' ORDER BY code_postal ASC""") #request that return the postal code and the name of the city tab = [] for x in cursor.fetchall(): #separator for each row of the cursor tab.append(x[0]+" - "+x[1]) cursor2 = conn.cursor() cursor2.execute("""SELECT DISTINCT act_code, lib_act FROM activite ORDER BY act_code ASC""") #request that return the postal code and the name of the city act = [] for y in cursor2.fetchall(): #separator for each row of the cursor act.append(str(y[0])+" - "+y[1]) return template('index', tab=json.dumps(tab), act=json.dumps(act),num_act=0,code_postal=0,table=json.dumps(table),maps=json.dumps(maps),ville=ville,activite=activite) @route('/static/:path#.+#', name='static')#on définit une route pour aller chercher les autres fichiers utiles et images def static(path): return static_file(path, root='static') run(host='localhost', port=8080)
from libs.bottle import route, request, run, static_file import json from dao.Dao import * #route pour permettre à la page html de charger le js @route('/js') def js_route(): return static_file('script.js', root='./public/js') #route qui donne les installation d'une ville @route('/api/insta/<filepath:path>') def insta_ville(filepath): nom, num = get_Installation(filepath) jsonObj = [] for i in range(len(nom)): chaineJson = {"num": str(num[i]), "name": nom[i]} jsonObj.append(chaineJson) return {"installations": jsonObj} #route home / accueil @route('/') def home(): return static_file('index.html', root='./public', mimetype="text/html") run(host='localhost', port=10078)
def intert(uri): text = bottle.request.POST.get('text', '') data = {'uri': uri, 'text':text} try: docfinder.add_document(uri, text) except docfinder.DuplicateURI: data['status'] = 'error' data['error'] = 'DuplicateURI' else: data['status'] = 'OK' bottle.response.content_type = 'application/json' return json.dumps(data, indent=2) # This adds the capability to send commands @bottle.get('/cmd/v1/<command>') def execute(command): argv = command.split() try: output = subprocess.check_output(argv) except Exception as e: data = {'status': 'error', 'error': str(e)} else: data = {'status': 'OK', 'output': output} return json.dumps(data, indent=2) if __name__ == '__main__': bottle.run(host='localhost', port=8080)
elif text == "1": # Business logic for first level response response = "CON Choose account information you want to view \n" response += "1. Account number \n" response += "2. Account balance" elif text == "2": # Business logic for first level response phoneNumber = "+254711XXXYYY" # This is a terminal request. Note how we start the response with END response = "END Your phone number is {}".format(phoneNumber) elif text == "1*1": # This is a second level response where the user selected 1 in the first instance accountNumber = "ACC1001" # This is a terminal request. Note how we start the response with END response = "END Your account number is {}".format(accountNumber) elif text == "1*2": # This is a second level response where the user selected 1 in the first instance balance = "KES 1,000" # This is a terminal request. Note how we start the response with END response = "END Your balance is {}".format(balance) # Return the response as an HTTP request return response # Run the default bottle app run(host='',port='8080',debut=True,reloader=True)
from libs.bottle import route, static_file, run import json from services.activities.ActivityService import allActivities @route('/api/activities') def activities(): activities = allActivities() jsonActivities = [] for activity in activities: jsonActivities.append(activity.__dict__) return {"activities": jsonActivities} @route('/<filepath:path>') def server_static(filepath): return static_file(filepath, root='./public') run(host='localhost', port=8888)
def run_handler(): run(App, host='', port=8080)
web.redirect(obj) #headers are (perhaps) set by its own server else: log("ASK SID."+sid+"-> will return to a file-like (%s) of size (%s)"%(contentType,str(size))) if contentType: web.response.content_type = contentType if size: web.response.content_length = str(size) return obj else: log("ASK SID."+sid+"-> unknown sid ?!") web.abort(404) @web.get('/') @web.view("web") def index(): return {"msg":"PyPlaydar Server is running ..."} @web.error(404) def Error404(code): return '404 Not found' @web.error(400) def Error400(code): return '400 Bad Request' @web.error(500) def Error500(code): return '500 Server Error' if __name__=="__main__": web.run(host="",port=60210,server="cherrypy")
def select(uri): #See posting to API text file for an example post data = {'uri': uri} try: content = docfinder.get_document(uri) except docfinder.UnknownURI as e: data['status'] = 'error' data['error'] = repr(e) else: data['status'] = 'OK' data['content'] = content # below tries to automatically download the text without displaying # bottle.response.content_type = 'application/text' bottle.response.content_type = 'application/json' return json.dumps(data, indent=2) # host.com/resource?querygoeshere # localhost:9000/docfinder/v1/document?q=barry,zip @bottle.route('/docfinder/v1/document') def search(): keywords = bottle.request.query.get('q', '').split(',') results = docfinder.search(*keywords) data = {'status': 'OK', 'documents': results} bottle.response.content_type = 'application/json' return json.dumps(data, indent=2) if __name__ == '__main__': bottle.run(host='localhost', port=9000)
from libs import bottle from libs.bottle import run from src.dispatcher import * from config import Config from init_db import init_tables init_tables() Config().refresh_config() #run(host='localhost', port=8090, debug=True) if __name__ == '__main__': try: from paste import gzipper # @UnresolvedImport app = gzipper.middleware(bottle.app()) from cherrypy import wsgiserver # @UnusedImport @UnresolvedImport print "Paste Gzip activated, CherryPy activated" run(app=app, host='localhost', port=Config().ServerPort, server='cherrypy') except: try: from cherrypy import wsgiserver # @UnusedImport @Reimport @UnresolvedImport print "Paste Gzip not found, CherryPy activated" run(host='localhost', port=Config().ServerPort, server='cherrypy') except: print "Paste Gzip not found, CherryPy not found Debug mode" run(host='localhost', port=Config().ServerPort, debug=True)
"SELECT a.activity, i.name, e.nomEq, a.city from installations i, equipements e, activities a where a.city=e.city and e.numInstal=i.num and a.city=\"" + city + "\";") #Si l'utilisateur a sélectionné une city et une activité, on affiche toutes les activités correspondant à celle sélectionnée dans la city. if (city != "all" and activity != "all"): req = c.execute( "SELECT a.activity, i.name, e.nomEq, a.city from installations i, equipements e, activities a where a.city=e.city and e.numInstal=i.num and a.city=\"" + city + "\" and a.activity=\"" + activity + "\";") #Si l'utilisateur a sélectionné seulement une activité on affiche toutes les citys où l'on peut pratiquer cette activité if (city == "all" and activity != "all"): req = c.execute( "SELECT \"" + activity + "\", i.name, e.nomEq, a.city from installations i, equipements e, activities a where a.city=e.city and e.numInstal=i.num and a.activity=\"" + activity + "\" limit 20;") if (city == "all" and activity == "all"): req = [] if req != []: list = [a for a in req] c.close() #on envoie ces données au template tmpt_correct. return template('tpl/tmpt_results', results=list) else: return ("Veuillez rentrer au moins une ville ou une activité") except Exception as error: print("Unexpected error: {0}".format(error)) return ("erreur") #on lance le serveur sur localhost, sur le port choisi run(host='localhost', port=8182)
conn = sqlite3.connect(config.getVar("dir_vault") + "facturas.db") c = conn.cursor() import calendar from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta primer_dia_de_mes_fecha = datetime.strptime("%s-%s-%s" % (ano, mes,1), "%Y-%m-%d") ultimo_dia_de_mes_fecha = primer_dia_de_mes_fecha + relativedelta(months=1) primer_dia_de_mes = calendar.timegm(primer_dia_de_mes_fecha.utctimetuple()) ultimo_dia_de_mes = calendar.timegm(ultimo_dia_de_mes_fecha.utctimetuple()) query = """SELECT * FROM facturas WHERE fecha > "%s" AND fecha < "%s" ORDER by %s ASC""" % \ (primer_dia_de_mes, ultimo_dia_de_mes, orden) datos = c.execute(query) return template("templates/xmes_listado.html", {"datos":datos} ) @route("/listado/xmes") def xmeses(): conn = sqlite3.connect(config.getVar("dir_vault") + "facturas.db") c = conn.cursor() query = """SELECT fecha FROM facturas ORDER by fecha ASC LIMIT 1 """ datos = c.execute(query) import time fecha = time.gmtime(int(datos.fetchone()[0])) conn.close() return template("templates/xmes.html", {"datos":fecha, "hoy":datetime.now()} ) #Ejecutamos servidor if __name__ == "__main__": run(host='localhost', port=8001)