Beispiel #1
	def hide_quiet_widgets(self, widgs, template):
			verbosities = template.verbosities
			if verbosities is None:
				verbosities = [[1]*len(widg_list) 
						for widg_list in widgs]

			elif len(verbosities) < len(widgs):
				missing = len(widgs) - len(verbosities)

		except AttributeError:
			verbosities = [[1]*len(widg_list) for widg_list in widgs]

		for dex in range(len(verbosities)):
			widg_list = widgs[dex]
			if not type(verbosities[dex]) is types.ListType:
				verbosities[dex] = [verbosities[dex]]*len(widg_list)

			if len(verbosities[dex]) < len(widg_list):
				missing = len(widg_list) - len(verbosities[dex])

			threshold = self.lset.get_setting('interface_verbosity')
			if not threshold: threshold = 1

		except: threshold = 1
		for widg, volume in zip(lfu.flatten(widgs), 
			if not volume <= threshold: widg.hide()
Beispiel #2
	def set_up_widg_templates(self, *args, **kwargs):
		if type(self.content) is types.ListType:
			#obliges if mobj needs widgets recalculated
			#uses the mobjs' widgets for the current widget set
			[content.set_settables(*self.settables_infos) for 
				content in self.content if content.rewidget(
							infos = self.settables_infos)]
			self.widg_templates = lfu.flatten([content.widg_templates 
										for content in self.content])
			self.menu_templates = lfu.flatten([content.menu_templates
										for content in self.content])
			self.tool_templates = lfu.flatten([content.tool_templates
										for content in self.content])

			print 'window content unrecognized; window will be empty'
			self.content = []
Beispiel #3
		def wrap_side(inst, key, depth):
			try: side = inst.__dict__[key]
			except KeyError:
				count = len(inst.widgets)
				if key == 'widg_spans':
					try: count = len(lfu.flatten(inst.labels))
					except: pdb.set_trace()
				side = wrap_none(depth, count)
			return side
Beispiel #4
    def set_up_widg_templates(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if type(self.content) is types.ListType:
            #obliges if mobj needs widgets recalculated
            #uses the mobjs' widgets for the current widget set
                for content in self.content
                if content.rewidget(infos=self.settables_infos)
            self.widg_templates = lfu.flatten(
                [content.widg_templates for content in self.content])
            self.menu_templates = lfu.flatten(
                [content.menu_templates for content in self.content])
            self.tool_templates = lfu.flatten(
                [content.tool_templates for content in self.content])

            print 'window content unrecognized; window will be empty'
            self.content = []
Beispiel #5
	def show_plot_lines(self, *args, **kwargs):

		#interpolate y so that it covers domain x
		def fill_via_interpolation(x, y):
			print 'interpolation for incorrectly '+\
				'structured data is not supported'

		def plot_(x, y, label, col):
			if not x.size == y.size: x, y = fill_via_interpolation(x, y)
				line = matplotlib.lines.Line2D(
					#x, y, color = self.colors.pop())
					x, y, color = self.colors[col])
			except IndexError: print 'too many lines!'; return
			except: pdb.set_trace()

		ax = self.add_plot()
		if type([0]) is types.ListType: = lfu.flatten(

		x_ax = lfu.grab_mobj_by_name(self.x_ax_title,
		y_axes = [dater for dater in if dater.label 
			in self._plot_targets_ and not dater.label is x_ax.label]
			#in self._plot_targets_]
		if not y_axes:
			print 'incorrect plot targets...reconciling...'
			y_axes = [dater for dater in]
			self.colors = [self.colormap(i) for i in np.linspace(
				0, 0.9, min([self.max_line_count, len(y_axes)]))]

		x = np.array(x_ax.scalars)
		ys = [np.array(y_ax.scalars) for y_ax in y_axes 
							if hasattr(y_ax, 'scalars')]
		[plot_(x, y, label, col_dex) for x, y, label, col_dex in 
			zip([x]*len(ys), ys, [dater.label for dater in y_axes], 
		ax.axis([x.min(), x.max(), min([y.min() for y in ys]), 
								max([y.max() for y in ys])])
		if self.x_log: ax.set_xscale('log')
		if self.y_log: ax.set_yscale('log')
	def apply_reduction(self, unred):
		read =['layout'].read
		flat = lfu.flatten(read['table'])
		well_cnt = len(flat)
		reduced = unred[:len(unred)-well_cnt]	#list of replicate averaged scalers
		con_offset = len(reduced)
		uniq = lfu.uniqfy(flat)
		layout = OrderedDict()
		for dex, key in enumerate(flat):
			if key in layout.keys(): layout[key].append(dex + con_offset)
			else: layout[key] = [dex + con_offset]
		new = lgeo.scalars_from_labels(layout.keys())
		for ndex, key in enumerate(layout.keys()):
			rel_dexes = layout[key]
			rel_dater = [unred[d] for d in rel_dexes]
			zi = zip(*[r.scalars for r in rel_dater])
			new[ndex].scalars = np.array([np.mean(z) for z in zi])
		red = lfu.data_container(data = reduced)
		return red
Beispiel #7
	def interpret_template(self, template):
		widgs = []
		if not hasattr(template, 'widgets'): pdb.set_trace()
		for widg_dex, widget_type in enumerate(template.widgets):
			if widget_type == 'button_set':
				widg_list = self.interpret_template_button_set(
											template, widg_dex)

			elif widget_type == 'check_set':
				widg_list = self.interpret_template_check_set(
											template, widg_dex)

			elif widget_type == 'text':
				widg_list = self.interpret_template_text_box(
										template, widg_dex)

			elif widget_type == 'selector':
				widg_list = self.interpret_template_combo_box(
											template, widg_dex)

			elif widget_type == 'image':
				widg_list = self.interpret_template_image(
										template, widg_dex)

			elif widget_type == 'spin':
				widg_list = self.interpret_template_spin(
									template, widg_dex)

			elif widget_type == 'slider':
				widg_list = self.interpret_template_slider(
										template, widg_dex)

			elif widget_type == 'slider_advanced':
				widg_list = self.interpret_template_slider_advanced(
												template, widg_dex)

			elif widget_type == 'radio':
				widg_list = self.interpret_template_radio(
										template, widg_dex)

			elif widget_type == 'splitter':
				widg_list = self.interpret_template_splitter(
										template, widg_dex)

			elif widget_type == 'panel':
				widg_list = self.interpret_template_panel(
										template, widg_dex)

			elif widget_type == 'file_name_box':
				widg_list = self.interpret_template_file_name_box(
											template, widg_dex)

			elif widget_type == 'directory_name_box':
				widg_list = self.interpret_template_directory_name_box(
													template, widg_dex)

			elif widget_type == 'full_path_box':
				widg_list = self.interpret_template_full_path_box(
											template, widg_dex)

			elif widget_type == 'check_spin_list':
				widg_list = self.interpret_template_check_spin_list(
												template, widg_dex)

			elif widget_type == 'mobj_inspector':
				widg_list = self.interpret_template_inspector(
										template, widg_dex)

			elif widget_type == 'mobj_catalog':
				widg_list = self.interpret_template_catalog(
										template, widg_dex)

			elif widget_type == 'tab_book':
				widg_list = self.interpret_template_tab_book(
										template, widg_dex)

			elif widget_type == 'tree_book':
				widg_list = self.interpret_template_tree_book(
										template, widg_dex)

			elif widget_type == 'list_controller':
				widg_list = self.interpret_template_list_controller(
												template, widg_dex)

			elif widget_type == 'console_listener':
				widg_list = self.interpret_template_console_listener(
												template, widg_dex)

			elif widget_type == 'opengl_view':
				widg_list = self.interpret_template_opengl_view(
											template, widg_dex)

			elif widget_type == 'plot':
				widg_list = self.interpret_template_plot(
									template, widg_dex)

				print 'no interpretation of widget type: ' + widget_type
				return None

				if template.handles[widg_dex]:
					handle = template.handles[widg_dex]
					inst = handle[0]
					key = handle[1]
					inst.__dict__[key] = widg_list
					if not handle in inst._handles_:

			except AttributeError: pass

		self.hide_quiet_widgets(widgs, template)
		try: lgb.set_tooltips(widgs, template.tooltips)
		except AttributeError: pass
		try: lgb.set_sizes_limits(widgs, template.minimum_sizes)
		except AttributeError: pass
		try: lgb.set_sizes_limits(widgs, template.maximum_sizes, 'max')
		except AttributeError: pass
		try: layout = template.layout
		except AttributeError: layout = 'vertical'
		try: subspacers = template.subspacers[widg_dex]
		except AttributeError: subspacers = None
		if layout == 'vertical': box = lgb.create_vert_box
		elif layout == 'horizontal': box = lgb.create_horz_box
		elif layout == 'grid':
			box = lgb.create_grid_box
			try: positions = template.widg_positions
			except AttributeError: positions = []
			try: spans = template.widg_spans
			except AttributeError: spans = []
			try: g_spacing = template.grid_spacing
			except AttributeError: g_spacing = 5
			try: widg_layout = box(widgs, positions, spans, 
								g_spacing, template.layouts)

			except AttributeError:
				widg_layout = box(lfu.flatten(widgs), 
						positions, spans, g_spacing)

			return widg_layout

			print 'widget layout "', layout,\
				'" unrecognized; returning empty'
			return lgb.create_vert_box([])

		try: widg_layout = box(widgs, template.layouts, subspacers)
		except AttributeError: widg_layout = box(lfu.flatten(widgs))
		return widg_layout
Beispiel #8
def parse_p_space(p_sub, ensem):

	def validate(rng):
		valid = []
		for val in rng.split(','):
			try: valid.append(float(val))
			except: pass

		return valid

	def turn_on_mobjs_first_p_space_axis(mobj):
		dex = axes.index(mobj.label)
		mobj_attr = variants[dex]
		mobj.set_settables(0, ensem)
		for p_temp in mobj.parameter_space_templates:
			if mobj_attr == p_temp.key:
				p_temp.contribute_to_p_sp = True
				p_temp.p_sp_bounds = rng_bounds[dex]
				p_temp.p_sp_perma_bounds = rng_bounds[dex]
				p_temp.p_sp_increment = increments[dex]

	def read_increment(rng):
		if rng.count(';') > 0: read = float(rng[rng.rfind(';')+1:])
		else: read = 10
		return read

	if p_sub[0][0].count('<product_space>'):
		comp_meth = 'Product Space'

	elif p_sub[0][0].count('<zip_space>'): comp_meth = '1 - 1 Zip'
	elif p_sub[0][0].count('<fitting_space>'): comp_meth = 'Fitting'

	if comp_meth == 'Product Space' or comp_meth == '1 - 1 Zip':
		ax_lines = p_sub[1:]

	elif comp_meth == 'Fitting':
		ax_lines = []
		con_lines = []
		for li in p_sub[1:]:
			if li[0].startswith('#'): continue
			elif li[0].count('<axes>'): sub_parser = 'axes'
			elif li[0].count('<constraints>'): sub_parser = 'constraints'
				if sub_parser == 'axes': ax_lines.append(li)
				elif sub_parser == 'constraints': con_lines.append(li)

	def parse_axes(lines):
		axes = [ax[0] for ax in lines]
		variants = [ax[1] for ax in lines]
		ax_rngs = [ax[2] for ax in lines]
		return axes, variants, ax_rngs

	def parse_constraint(li, subspaces):
		ops = ['<', '>', '<=', '>=']
		op_in = [li.count(op) for op in ops]
			op = ops[op_in.index(True)]
			spl = li.split(op)
			which = subspaces[int(spl[0])]
			target = subspaces[int(spl[-1])]
			con = axis_constraint(
				op = op, inst = which.inst, key = which.key, 
				inst_ruler = target.inst, key_ruler = target.key)

			print 'unable to parse constraint', li

	axes, variants, ax_rngs = parse_axes(ax_lines)
	increments = [read_increment(rng) for rng in ax_rngs]
	ranges = [lm.make_range(rng)[0] for rng in ax_rngs]
	rng_bounds = [[validate(rng)[0], validate(rng)[-1]] 
									for rng in ranges]
	poss_contribs = ['species', 'variables', 'reactions']
	p_mobjs = ensem.cartographer_plan.parameter_space_mobjs
	for key in p_mobjs.keys():
		if key in poss_contribs:
			if type(p_mobjs[key]) is types.DictionaryType:
				for sub_key in p_mobjs[key].keys():
					mobj = p_mobjs[key][sub_key]
					if mobj.label in axes:

			if type(p_mobjs[key]) is types.ListType:
				for mobj in p_mobjs[key]:
					if mobj.label in axes:

	selected = [ensem.cartographer_plan.\

	if comp_meth == 'Product Space' or comp_meth == '1 - 1 Zip':
		traj_dlg = lgd.trajectory_dialog(parent = None, 
			base_object = selected, composition_method = comp_meth, 
			p_space = ensem.cartographer_plan.parameter_space)

		for ax, vari, rng in zip(axes, variants, ranges):
			trj_dlg_dex = traj_dlg.axis_labels.index(
							' : '.join([ax, vari]))
			traj_dlg.variations[trj_dlg_dex] = validate(rng)

		if traj_dlg.made:
			ensem.cartographer_plan.trajectory_string =\
										preselected = None)

		ensem.cartographer_plan.traj_count = p_sub[0][1]
		ensem.cartographer_plan.on_assert_trajectory_count(all_ = True)

	elif comp_meth == 'Fitting':
		subspaces = ensem.cartographer_plan.parameter_space.subspaces
		for li in lfu.flatten(con_lines):
			parse_constraint(li, subspaces)