Beispiel #1
    def test_error(self):
        # 设成默认异步请求
        url = '' % self.port
        global error_times
        error_times = 0

        # 自定义一个出错页面
        class _ExceptionHandler(tornado_util.RequestHandler):
            def get(self):
                global error_times
                error_times += 1
                raise Exception('出错测试')
            post = get
        # 添加到请求地址列表
        tornado_util.add_apps(r"/test_error/?", _ExceptionHandler)

        # GET 请求,返回 None
        res = http_util.get(url)
        assert res is None
        assert error_times == 3 # 请求次数

        # POST 请求,返回 None
        error_times = 0
        res =
        assert res is None
        assert error_times == 3 # 请求次数

        # 改回默认值,避免影响其它测试
Beispiel #2
    def test_method(self):
        url = '' % self.port

        # 定义处理各种请求方式的类
        class MethodHandler(tornado_util.RequestHandler):
            def get(self): return self.finish('get')
            def post(self): return self.finish('post')
            def put(self): return self.finish('put')
            def delete(self): return self.finish('delete')
            def patch(self): return self.finish('patch')
            def options(self): return self.finish('options')

        tornado_util.add_apps(r"/get_test_method/", MethodHandler)

        # 测试请求
        res = http_util.get(url)
        assert isinstance(res, basestring) and res == "get"

        res =
        assert isinstance(res, basestring) and res == "post"

        res = http_util.put(url)
        assert isinstance(res, basestring) and res == "put"

        res = http_util.delete(url)
        assert isinstance(res, basestring) and res == "delete"

        res = http_util.patch(url)
        assert isinstance(res, basestring) and res == "patch"

        res = http_util.options(url)
        assert isinstance(res, basestring) and res == "options"