Beispiel #1
def main_menu():
	while not libtcod.console_is_window_closed():
		# Show the game's title, and some credits!
		libtcod.console_set_default_foreground(0, libtcod.light_yellow)
		libtcod.console_print_ex(0, SCREEN_WIDTH / 2, SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 - 4, libtcod.BKGND_NONE, libtcod.CENTER, 'BALL LABYRINTH')
		libtcod.console_print_ex(0, SCREEN_WIDTH / 2, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 2, libtcod.BKGND_NONE, libtcod.CENTER, 'By Eric Williams')
		# Show options and wait for the player's choice.
		choice = menu('', ['Play a new game', 'Load saved game', 'Play custom level', 'Quit'], 24)
		if choice == 0: # New game.
			libtcod.console_set_keyboard_repeat(5, 5)
		elif choice == 1: # Load saved game.
			loaded = load_game()
			if loaded:
				libtcod.console_set_keyboard_repeat(5, 5)
		elif choice == 2: # Open the test arena level.
			custom = new_custom_game()
			if custom:
				libtcod.console_set_keyboard_repeat(5, 5)
		elif choice == 3: # Quit.
Beispiel #2
def get_filename(append=None):

	height = 3
	width = 50
	filename = ''
	window = libtcod.console_new(width, height)
	while True: # Don't leave the menu until a valid filename has been written.
		# Print a nice border around the menu.
		frame = '#' * width * height
		back = ' ' * (width - 1) * (height - 1)
		libtcod.console_set_default_foreground(window, libtcod.white)
		libtcod.console_print_rect_ex(window, 0, 0, width, height, libtcod.BKGND_NONE, libtcod.LEFT, frame)		
		libtcod.console_print_rect_ex(window, 1, 1, width - 2, height - 2, libtcod.BKGND_NONE, libtcod.LEFT, back)
		# Print the filename.
		libtcod.console_set_default_foreground(window, libtcod.white)
		if append:
			libtcod.console_print(window, 1, 1, filename + append)
			libtcod.console_print(window, 1, 1, filename)
		# Blit the contents of "window" to the root console.
		x = SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 - width / 2
		y = SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 - height / 2
		libtcod.console_blit(window, 0, 0, width, height, 0, x, y, 1.0, 0.7)
		# Present the root console to the player.
		# Wait for a keypress.
		key = libtcod.console_check_for_keypress(libtcod.KEY_PRESSED)
		key_char = chr(key.c)
		key_letter_index = key.c - ord('a')
		key_number_index = key.c - ord('0')
		# Handle keys.
		if key.vk == libtcod.KEY_ENTER and key.lalt: # Special case: Alt + Enter toggles fullscreen.
			libtcod.console_set_fullscreen(not libtcod.console_is_fullscreen())
		if (key_letter_index >= 0 and key_letter_index < 27) or (key_number_index >= 0 and key_number_index < 10):
			filename += key_char
		elif key.vk == libtcod.KEY_BACKSPACE or key.vk == libtcod.KEY_DELETE:
			filename = filename[:len(filename)-1]
		elif key.vk == libtcod.KEY_ENTER:
			if append:
				filename += append
			return filename
		elif key.vk == libtcod.KEY_ESCAPE:
			return None
Beispiel #3
def menu(header, options, width):
	if len(options) > 26: raise ValueError("Cannot have a menu with more than 26 options.")
	# Disable repeat to avoid selecting wrong chocies. Re-enable it when leaving.
	#Calculate total height for the header (after auto-wrap) and one line per option.
	header_height = libtcod.console_get_height_rect(con, 0, 0, width, SCREEN_HEIGHT, header)
	if header == '':
		header_height = 0
	if len(options) > 0:
		opt_height = len(options)
		opt_height = 1
	height = opt_height + header_height + 2
	# Create an off-screen console that represents the menu's window.
	window = libtcod.console_new(width, height)
	while True: # Don't leave menu until a valid choice has been made.
		# Print a nice border around the menu.
		frame = '#' * width * height
		back = ' ' * (width - 1) * (height - 1)
		libtcod.console_set_default_foreground(window, libtcod.white)
		libtcod.console_print_rect_ex(window, 0, 0, width, height, libtcod.BKGND_NONE, libtcod.LEFT, frame)		
		libtcod.console_print_rect_ex(window, 1, 1, width - 2, height - 2, libtcod.BKGND_NONE, libtcod.LEFT, back)
		# Print the header with auto-wrap.
		libtcod.console_print_rect_ex(window, 1, 1, width - 2, height - 2, libtcod.BKGND_NONE, libtcod.LEFT, header)
		# Print all of the options.
		y = header_height + 1
		letter_index = ord('a')
		for option_text in options:
			text = '(' + chr(letter_index) + ')' + option_text
			libtcod.console_print_ex(window, 1, y, libtcod.BKGND_NONE, libtcod.LEFT, text)
			y += 1
			letter_index += 1
		# Blit the contents of "window" to the root console.
		x = SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 - width / 2
		y = SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 - height / 2
		libtcod.console_blit(window, 0, 0, width, height, 0, x, y, 1.0, 0.7)
		# Present the root console to the player.
		# Wait for a keypress.
		key = libtcod.console_check_for_keypress(libtcod.KEY_PRESSED)
		# Convert the ASCII code to an index.
		index = key.c - ord('a')
		# Handle keys.
		if key.vk == libtcod.KEY_ENTER and key.lalt: # Special case: Alt + Enter toggles fullscreen.
			libtcod.console_set_fullscreen(not libtcod.console_is_fullscreen())
		if len(options) > 0:
			if key.vk == libtcod.KEY_ESCAPE: # Cancel and exit.
				libtcod.console_set_keyboard_repeat(5, 5)
				return None
			elif index >= 0 and index < len(options): # Return the option.
				libtcod.console_set_keyboard_repeat(5, 5)
				return index
		elif key.vk == libtcod.KEY_ENTER or key.vk == libtcod.KEY_ESCAPE:
			libtcod.console_set_keyboard_repeat(5, 5)
			return None
Beispiel #4
def select_target(mode, x, y):
	# Set the loop.
	key = libtcod.Key()
	while True: # Function loop.
		# Render the screen.
		# Print the 'look' character.
		libtcod.console_set_default_foreground(0, libtcod.yellow)
		libtcod.console_put_char(0, x, y, 'X', libtcod.BKGND_NONE)
		# Update the screen.
		# Process key input.
		key = libtcod.console_check_for_keypress(libtcod.KEY_PRESSED)
		if key.vk == libtcod.KEY_ENTER and key.lalt:
			libtcod.console_set_fullscreen(not libtcod.console_is_fullscreen())
		elif key.vk == libtcod.KEY_ENTER: # Select the target tile and leave the loop.
			libtcod.console_set_keyboard_repeat(5, 5)
			return mode, x, y
		elif key.vk == libtcod.KEY_ESCAPE: # Cancel and leave the loop.
			libtcod.console_set_keyboard_repeat(5, 5)
			mode = False
			return mode, x, y
		# Move the cursor around.
		elif key.vk in [libtcod.KEY_UP, libtcod.KEY_KP8]:
			if y > 0:
				y -= 1
		elif key.vk in [libtcod.KEY_DOWN, libtcod.KEY_KP2]:
			if y < MAP_HEIGHT - 1:
				y += 1
		elif key.vk in [libtcod.KEY_LEFT, libtcod.KEY_KP4]:
			if x > 0:
				x -=1
		elif key.vk in [libtcod.KEY_RIGHT, libtcod.KEY_KP6]:
			if x < MAP_WIDTH - 1:
				x += 1
		elif key.vk == libtcod.KEY_KP7:
			if x > 0 and y > 0:
				x -= 1
				y -= 1
		elif key.vk == libtcod.KEY_KP9:
			if x < MAP_WIDTH - 1 and y > 0:
				x +=1
				y -=1
		elif key.vk == libtcod.KEY_KP1:
			if x > 0 and y < MAP_HEIGHT - 1:
				x -= 1
				y += 1
		elif key.vk == libtcod.KEY_KP3:
			if x < MAP_WIDTH - 1 and y < MAP_HEIGHT - 1:
				x += 1
				y += 1
Beispiel #5
import libtcodpy as libtcod
from logic.menu_main import MenuMain
from logic.menu_manager import MenuManager

screen_width = 75
screen_height = 75
limit_fps = 30

menu_manager = MenuManager(MenuMain(screen_width, screen_height))


libtcod.console_set_custom_font('cp437_10x10.png', libtcod.FONT_TYPE_GREYSCALE | libtcod.FONT_LAYOUT_ASCII_INROW)
libtcod.console_init_root(screen_width, screen_height, 'RogueP pre-dev', False)

while not libtcod.console_is_window_closed():
	if not menu_manager.loop(round(libtcod.sys_get_last_frame_length()*1000)):