Beispiel #1
def getVersion(name=None):
    """If no name parameter is passed (or name is None) then the
    version of the libvirt library is returned as an integer.

    If a name is passed and it refers to a driver linked to the
    libvirt library, then this returns a tuple of (library version,
    driver version).

    If the name passed refers to a non-existent driver, then you
    will get the exception 'no support for hypervisor'.

    Versions numbers are integers: 1000000*major + 1000*minor + release."""
    if name is None:
        ret = libvirtmod.virGetVersion()
        ret = libvirtmod.virGetVersion(name)
    if ret is None: raise libvirtError("virGetVersion() failed")
    return ret
Beispiel #2
def getVersion (name = None):
    """If no name parameter is passed (or name is None) then the
    version of the libvirt library is returned as an integer.

    If a name is passed and it refers to a driver linked to the
    libvirt library, then this returns a tuple of (library version,
    driver version).

    If the name passed refers to a non-existent driver, then you
    will get the exception 'no support for hypervisor'.

    Versions numbers are integers: 1000000*major + 1000*minor + release."""
    if name is None:
        ret = libvirtmod.virGetVersion ();
        ret = libvirtmod.virGetVersion (name);
    if ret is None: raise libvirtError ("virGetVersion() failed")
    return ret
Beispiel #3
    def process(self):
        (opts, args) = getopts()

        start_msg = _("Generated by %s on %s") % (prog_name,time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()))
        print "# " + start_msg

        if is_executable(COMMAND_VIRSH):
            old_lang = os.environ.get('LANG')
            os.environ['LANG'] = "C"

            if opts.all is True or (opts.list is not True and opts.netlist is not True and opts.nodeinfo is not True and opts.poollist is not True):
                """ Show version """
                print ""
                print "## Version"
                (rc,res) = execute_command([COMMAND_VIRSH,"version"])
                if rc == 0:
                    for line in res:
                        if line != "":
                            print line

            if opts.all is True:
                """ Show uri """
                print ""
                print "## URI"
                (rc,res) = execute_command([COMMAND_VIRSH,"uri"])
                if rc == 0:
                    print _("Connecting URI: %s") %(res[0])

                """ Show hostname """
                print ""
                print "## Hostname"
                (rc,res) = execute_command([COMMAND_VIRSH,"hostname"])
                if rc == 0:
                    print _("Hypervisor hostname: %s") %(res[0])

            if opts.all is True or opts.nodeinfo is True:
                """ Show nodeinfo """
                print ""
                print "## Node Information"
                (rc,res) = execute_command([COMMAND_VIRSH,"nodeinfo"])
                if rc == 0:
                    for line in res:
                        if line != "":
                            print line

            if opts.all is True or opts.list is True:
                """ Show dom list """
                print ""
                print "## Domain List"
                (rc,res) = execute_command([COMMAND_VIRSH,"list","--all"])
                if rc == 0:
                    for line in res:
                        if line != "":
                            print line

            if opts.all is True or opts.netlist is True:
                """ Show net list """
                print ""
                print "## Network List"
                (rc,res) = execute_command([COMMAND_VIRSH,"net-list","--all"])
                if rc == 0:
                    for line in res:
                        if line != "":
                            print line

            if opts.all is True or opts.poollist is True:
                """ Show pool list """
                print ""
                print "## Pool List"
                (rc,res) = execute_command([COMMAND_VIRSH,"pool-list","--all"])
                if rc == 0:
                    for line in res:
                        if line != "":
                            print line

            os.environ['LANG'] = old_lang
                conn = libvirt.openReadOnly(None)
                hypervisor = conn.getType()

                if opts.all is True or (opts.list is not True and opts.netlist is not True and opts.nodeinfo is not True and opts.poollist is not True):
                    """ Show version """
                    print ""
                    print "## Version"
                    ret = libvirtmod.virGetVersion(hypervisor)
                    libVersion = ret[0]
                    apiVersion = ret[1]

                    libVersion_major = libVersion / 1000000
                    libVersion %= 1000000
                    libVersion_minor = libVersion / 1000
                    libVersion_rel = libVersion % 1000
                    apiVersion_major = apiVersion / 1000000
                    apiVersion %= 1000000
                    apiVersion_minor = apiVersion / 1000
                    apiVersion_rel = apiVersion % 1000

                    print _("Using library: libvir %d.%d.%d") %(libVersion_major, libVersion_minor, libVersion_rel)
                    print _("Using API: %s %d.%d.%d") %(hypervisor, apiVersion_major, apiVersion_minor, apiVersion_rel)

                        # See
                        ret = libvirtmod.virConnectGetVersion(conn._o)
                        hvVersion = ret
                        hvVersion_major = hvVersion / 1000000
                        hvVersion %= 1000000
                        hvVersion_minor = hvVersion / 1000
                        hvVersion_rel = hvVersion % 1000
                        print _("Running hypervisor: %s %d.%d.%d") %(hypervisor, hvVersion_major, hvVersion_minor, hvVersion_rel)
                        if hypervisor == "QEMU":
                            (rc,res) = execute_command(["qemu","--version"])
                            if rc == 0:
                                p = re.compile("QEMU PC emulator version ([0-9\.]+),.*")
                                    qemuVersion = p.sub("\\1",res[0])
                                    print _("Running hypervisor: %s %s") %(hypervisor, qemuVersion)


                if opts.all is True:
                    """ Show uri """
                    print ""
                    print "## URI"
                    uri = conn.getURI()
                    print _("Connecting URI: %s") %(uri)

                    """ Show hostname """
                    print ""
                    print "## Hostname"
                    hostname = conn.getHostname()
                    print _("Hypervisor hostname: %s") %(hostname)

                if opts.all is True or opts.nodeinfo is True:
                    """ Show nodeinfo """
                    print ""
                    print "## Node Information"
                    nodeInfo = conn.getInfo()
                    print "%-20s %s"    % (_("CPU model:")         ,nodeInfo[0])
                    print "%-20s %s"    % (_("CPU(s):")            ,nodeInfo[2])
                    print "%-20s %s MHz"% (_("CPU frequency:")     ,nodeInfo[3])
                    print "%-20s %s"    % (_("CPU socket(s):")     ,nodeInfo[5])
                    print "%-20s %s"    % (_("Core(s) per socket:"),nodeInfo[6])
                    print "%-20s %s"    % (_("Thread(s) per core:"),nodeInfo[7])
                    print "%-20s %s"    % (_("NUMA cell(s):")      ,nodeInfo[4])
                    print "%-20s %lu kB"% (_("Memory Size:")  ,(float)(nodeInfo[1])*1024)

                if opts.all is True or opts.list is True:
                    """ Show dom list """
                    print ""
                    print "## Domain List"
                    state_flags = [
                                  "no state",    # VIR_DOMAIN_NOSTATE
                                  "running",     # VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING
                                  "idle",        # VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCKED
                                  "paused",      # VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED
                                  "in shutdown", # VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTDOWN
                                  "shut off",    # VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF
                                  "crashed",     # VIR_DOMAIN_CRASHED
                    #print "%3s %-20s %s" %(_("Id"), _("Name"), _("State"))
                    #print "----------------------------------"
                    print "%3s %-20s %-12s %-37s %-10s %-12s %-12s %-3s %-12s" %(_("Id"), _("Name"), _("State"), _("UUID"), _("Autostart"), _("MaxMem"), _("Memory"), _("Vcpus"), _("CPUTime"), )
                    print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------"

                    domains_ids = conn.listDomainsID()
                    for id in domains_ids:
                        dom = conn.lookupByID(id)
                        name    =
                        domID   = id
                        domInfo =
                        domUUID = dom.UUIDString()
                        domAutostart = dom.autostart()
                        if domAutostart == True:
                            locale_domAutostart = _("enable")
                            locale_domAutostart = _("disable")
                        state = domInfo[0]
                        if domID == -1:
                            #print "%3s %-20s %s" %("-", name, state_flags[state])
                            print "%3s %-20s %-12s %-37s %-10s %-12ld %-12ld %-3d %-12ld" %("-", name, state_flags[state], domUUID, locale_domAutostart, domInfo[1], domInfo[2], domInfo[3], domInfo[4])
                            #print "%3d %-20s %s" %(domID, name, state_flags[state])
                            print "%3d %-20s %-12s %-37s %-10s %-12ld %-12ld %-3d %-12ld" %(domID, name, state_flags[state], domUUID, locale_domAutostart, domInfo[1], domInfo[2], domInfo[3], domInfo[4])

                    defined_domains = conn.listDefinedDomains()
                    for name in defined_domains:
                        dom = conn.lookupByName(name)
                        #print dom.memoryStats()
                        domID   = dom.ID()
                        domInfo =
                        domUUID = dom.UUIDString()
                        domAutostart = dom.autostart()
                        if domAutostart == True:
                            locale_domAutostart = _("enable")
                            locale_domAutostart = _("disable")
                        state = domInfo[0]
                        if domID == -1:
                            #print "%3s %-20s %s" %("-", name, state_flags[state])
                            print "%3s %-20s %-12s %-37s %-10s %-12ld %-12ld %-3d %-12ld" %("-", name, state_flags[state], domUUID, locale_domAutostart, domInfo[1], domInfo[2], domInfo[3], domInfo[4])
                            #print "%3d %-20s %s" %(domID, name, state_flags[state])
                            print "%3d %-20s %-12s %-37s %-10s %-12ld %-12ld %-3d %-12ld" %(domID, name, state_flags[state], domUUID, locale_domAutostart, domInfo[1], domInfo[2], domInfo[3], domInfo[4])

                if opts.all is True or opts.netlist is True:
                    """ Show net list """
                    print ""
                    print "## Network List"
                    #print "%-20s %-10s %-10s" %(_("Name"), _("State"), _("Autostart"))
                    #print "-----------------------------------------"
                    print "%-20s %-10s %-37s %-10s" %(_("Name"), _("State"), _("UUID"), _("Autostart"), )
                    print "--------------------------------------------------------------------------"
                    networks = conn.listNetworks()
                    for name in networks:
                        net = conn.networkLookupByName(name)
                        uuid = net.UUIDString()
                        autostart = net.autostart()
                        if autostart == True:
                            locale_autostart = _("yes")
                            locale_autostart = _("no")

                        print "%-20s %-10s %-37s %-10s" %(name, _("Active"), uuid, locale_autostart)

                    defined_networks = conn.listDefinedNetworks()
                    for name in defined_networks:
                        net = conn.networkLookupByName(name)
                        uuid = net.UUIDString()
                        autostart = net.autostart()
                        if autostart == True:
                            locale_autostart = _("yes")
                            locale_autostart = _("no")

                        print "%-20s %-10s %-37s %-10s" %(name, _("Inactive"), uuid, locale_autostart)

                if opts.all is True or opts.poollist is True:
                    """ Show pool list """
                    print ""
                    print "## Pool List"
                    print "%-20s %-10s %-37s %-10s" %(_("Name"), _("State"), _("UUID"), _("Autostart"), )
                    print "--------------------------------------------------------------------------"
                    pools = conn.listStoragePools()
                    for name in pools:
                        pool = conn.storagePoolLookupByName(name)
                        uuid = pool.UUIDString()
                        autostart = pool.autostart()
                        if autostart == True:
                            locale_autostart = _("yes")
                            locale_autostart = _("no")

                        print "%-20s %-10s %-37s %-10s" %(name, _("Active"), uuid, locale_autostart)

                    defined_pools = conn.listDefinedStoragePools()
                    for name in defined_pools:
                        pool = conn.storagePoolLookupByName(name)
                        uuid = pool.UUIDString()
                        autostart = pool.autostart()
                        if autostart == True:
                            locale_autostart = _("yes")
                            locale_autostart = _("no")

                        print "%-20s %-10s %-37s %-10s" %(name, _("Inactive"), uuid, locale_autostart)


        if opts.all is True:
            """ Show available uris """
            print ""
            print "## Available URIs"
            for mech,uri in available_virt_uris().iteritems():
               print uri

            """ Show available mechs """
            print ""
            print "## Available mechanisms"
            for mech in available_virt_mechs():
               print mech

            """ Show installed packages """
            print ""
            print "## Installed packages"
            (rc,res) = execute_command(["rpm","-qa",'--queryformat=%{NAME}\t%{VERSION}\t%{RELEASE}\t%{INSTALLTIME}\t%{BUILDHOST}\n'])
            if rc == 0:
                print "%-25s %-10s %-10s %-20s" %(_("Name"), _("Version"), _("Release"), _("InstallTime"), )
                print "------------------------------------------------------------------"
                p = re.compile("hde\.co\.jp")
                output = []
                for aline in res:
                    arr = aline.split("\t")
                        str = "%-25s %-10s %-10s %-20s" %(arr[0],arr[1],arr[2],time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",time.localtime(float(arr[3]))),)
                print "\n".join(sorted(output))

        finish_msg = _("Completed on %s") % time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())
        print ""
        print "# " + finish_msg

        return True
Beispiel #4
    def process(self):
        (opts, args) = getopts()

        start_msg = _("Generated by %s on %s") % (
            prog_name, time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()))
        print "# " + start_msg

        if is_executable(COMMAND_VIRSH):
            old_lang = os.environ.get('LANG')
            os.environ['LANG'] = "C"

            if opts.all is True or (opts.list is not True
                                    and opts.netlist is not True
                                    and opts.nodeinfo is not True
                                    and opts.poollist is not True):
                """ Show version """
                print ""
                print "## Version"
                (rc, res) = execute_command([COMMAND_VIRSH, "version"])
                if rc == 0:
                    for line in res:
                        if line != "":
                            print line

            if opts.all is True:
                """ Show uri """
                print ""
                print "## URI"
                (rc, res) = execute_command([COMMAND_VIRSH, "uri"])
                if rc == 0:
                    print _("Connecting URI: %s") % (res[0])
                """ Show hostname """
                print ""
                print "## Hostname"
                (rc, res) = execute_command([COMMAND_VIRSH, "hostname"])
                if rc == 0:
                    print _("Hypervisor hostname: %s") % (res[0])

            if opts.all is True or opts.nodeinfo is True:
                """ Show nodeinfo """
                print ""
                print "## Node Information"
                (rc, res) = execute_command([COMMAND_VIRSH, "nodeinfo"])
                if rc == 0:
                    for line in res:
                        if line != "":
                            print line

            if opts.all is True or opts.list is True:
                """ Show dom list """
                print ""
                print "## Domain List"
                (rc, res) = execute_command([COMMAND_VIRSH, "list", "--all"])
                if rc == 0:
                    for line in res:
                        if line != "":
                            print line

            if opts.all is True or opts.netlist is True:
                """ Show net list """
                print ""
                print "## Network List"
                 res) = execute_command([COMMAND_VIRSH, "net-list", "--all"])
                if rc == 0:
                    for line in res:
                        if line != "":
                            print line

            if opts.all is True or opts.poollist is True:
                """ Show pool list """
                print ""
                print "## Pool List"
                 res) = execute_command([COMMAND_VIRSH, "pool-list", "--all"])
                if rc == 0:
                    for line in res:
                        if line != "":
                            print line

            os.environ['LANG'] = old_lang
                conn = libvirt.openReadOnly(None)
                hypervisor = conn.getType()

                if opts.all is True or (opts.list is not True
                                        and opts.netlist is not True
                                        and opts.nodeinfo is not True
                                        and opts.poollist is not True):
                    """ Show version """
                    print ""
                    print "## Version"
                    ret = libvirtmod.virGetVersion(hypervisor)
                    libVersion = ret[0]
                    apiVersion = ret[1]

                    libVersion_major = libVersion / 1000000
                    libVersion %= 1000000
                    libVersion_minor = libVersion / 1000
                    libVersion_rel = libVersion % 1000
                    apiVersion_major = apiVersion / 1000000
                    apiVersion %= 1000000
                    apiVersion_minor = apiVersion / 1000
                    apiVersion_rel = apiVersion % 1000

                    print _("Using library: libvir %d.%d.%d") % (
                        libVersion_major, libVersion_minor, libVersion_rel)
                    print _("Using API: %s %d.%d.%d") % (
                        hypervisor, apiVersion_major, apiVersion_minor,

                        # See
                        ret = libvirtmod.virConnectGetVersion(conn._o)
                        hvVersion = ret
                        hvVersion_major = hvVersion / 1000000
                        hvVersion %= 1000000
                        hvVersion_minor = hvVersion / 1000
                        hvVersion_rel = hvVersion % 1000
                        print _("Running hypervisor: %s %d.%d.%d") % (
                            hypervisor, hvVersion_major, hvVersion_minor,
                        if hypervisor == "QEMU":
                            (rc, res) = execute_command(["qemu", "--version"])
                            if rc == 0:
                                p = re.compile(
                                    "QEMU PC emulator version ([0-9\.]+),.*")
                                    qemuVersion = p.sub("\\1", res[0])
                                    print _("Running hypervisor: %s %s") % (
                                        hypervisor, qemuVersion)


                if opts.all is True:
                    """ Show uri """
                    print ""
                    print "## URI"
                    uri = conn.getURI()
                    print _("Connecting URI: %s") % (uri)
                    """ Show hostname """
                    print ""
                    print "## Hostname"
                    hostname = conn.getHostname()
                    print _("Hypervisor hostname: %s") % (hostname)

                if opts.all is True or opts.nodeinfo is True:
                    """ Show nodeinfo """
                    print ""
                    print "## Node Information"
                    nodeInfo = conn.getInfo()
                    print "%-20s %s" % (_("CPU model:"), nodeInfo[0])
                    print "%-20s %s" % (_("CPU(s):"), nodeInfo[2])
                    print "%-20s %s MHz" % (_("CPU frequency:"), nodeInfo[3])
                    print "%-20s %s" % (_("CPU socket(s):"), nodeInfo[5])
                    print "%-20s %s" % (_("Core(s) per socket:"), nodeInfo[6])
                    print "%-20s %s" % (_("Thread(s) per core:"), nodeInfo[7])
                    print "%-20s %s" % (_("NUMA cell(s):"), nodeInfo[4])
                    print "%-20s %lu kB" % (_("Memory Size:"),
                                            (float)(nodeInfo[1]) * 1024)

                if opts.all is True or opts.list is True:
                    """ Show dom list """
                    print ""
                    print "## Domain List"
                    state_flags = [
                        "no state",  # VIR_DOMAIN_NOSTATE
                        "running",  # VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING
                        "idle",  # VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCKED
                        "paused",  # VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED
                        "in shutdown",  # VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTDOWN
                        "shut off",  # VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF
                        "crashed",  # VIR_DOMAIN_CRASHED
                    #print "%3s %-20s %s" %(_("Id"), _("Name"), _("State"))
                    #print "----------------------------------"
                    print "%3s %-20s %-12s %-37s %-10s %-12s %-12s %-3s %-12s" % (
                    print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------"

                    domains_ids = conn.listDomainsID()
                    for id in domains_ids:
                        dom = conn.lookupByID(id)
                        name =
                        domID = id
                        domInfo =
                        domUUID = dom.UUIDString()
                        domAutostart = dom.autostart()
                        if domAutostart == True:
                            locale_domAutostart = _("enable")
                            locale_domAutostart = _("disable")
                        state = domInfo[0]
                        if domID == -1:
                            #print "%3s %-20s %s" %("-", name, state_flags[state])
                            print "%3s %-20s %-12s %-37s %-10s %-12ld %-12ld %-3d %-12ld" % (
                                "-", name, state_flags[state], domUUID,
                                locale_domAutostart, domInfo[1], domInfo[2],
                                domInfo[3], domInfo[4])
                            #print "%3d %-20s %s" %(domID, name, state_flags[state])
                            print "%3d %-20s %-12s %-37s %-10s %-12ld %-12ld %-3d %-12ld" % (
                                domID, name, state_flags[state], domUUID,
                                locale_domAutostart, domInfo[1], domInfo[2],
                                domInfo[3], domInfo[4])

                    defined_domains = conn.listDefinedDomains()
                    for name in defined_domains:
                        dom = conn.lookupByName(name)
                        #print dom.memoryStats()
                        domID = dom.ID()
                        domInfo =
                        domUUID = dom.UUIDString()
                        domAutostart = dom.autostart()
                        if domAutostart == True:
                            locale_domAutostart = _("enable")
                            locale_domAutostart = _("disable")
                        state = domInfo[0]
                        if domID == -1:
                            #print "%3s %-20s %s" %("-", name, state_flags[state])
                            print "%3s %-20s %-12s %-37s %-10s %-12ld %-12ld %-3d %-12ld" % (
                                "-", name, state_flags[state], domUUID,
                                locale_domAutostart, domInfo[1], domInfo[2],
                                domInfo[3], domInfo[4])
                            #print "%3d %-20s %s" %(domID, name, state_flags[state])
                            print "%3d %-20s %-12s %-37s %-10s %-12ld %-12ld %-3d %-12ld" % (
                                domID, name, state_flags[state], domUUID,
                                locale_domAutostart, domInfo[1], domInfo[2],
                                domInfo[3], domInfo[4])

                if opts.all is True or opts.netlist is True:
                    """ Show net list """
                    print ""
                    print "## Network List"
                    #print "%-20s %-10s %-10s" %(_("Name"), _("State"), _("Autostart"))
                    #print "-----------------------------------------"
                    print "%-20s %-10s %-37s %-10s" % (
                    print "--------------------------------------------------------------------------"
                    networks = conn.listNetworks()
                    for name in networks:
                        net = conn.networkLookupByName(name)
                        uuid = net.UUIDString()
                        autostart = net.autostart()
                        if autostart == True:
                            locale_autostart = _("yes")
                            locale_autostart = _("no")

                        print "%-20s %-10s %-37s %-10s" % (
                            name, _("Active"), uuid, locale_autostart)

                    defined_networks = conn.listDefinedNetworks()
                    for name in defined_networks:
                        net = conn.networkLookupByName(name)
                        uuid = net.UUIDString()
                        autostart = net.autostart()
                        if autostart == True:
                            locale_autostart = _("yes")
                            locale_autostart = _("no")

                        print "%-20s %-10s %-37s %-10s" % (
                            name, _("Inactive"), uuid, locale_autostart)

                if opts.all is True or opts.poollist is True:
                    """ Show pool list """
                    print ""
                    print "## Pool List"
                    print "%-20s %-10s %-37s %-10s" % (
                    print "--------------------------------------------------------------------------"
                    pools = conn.listStoragePools()
                    for name in pools:
                        pool = conn.storagePoolLookupByName(name)
                        uuid = pool.UUIDString()
                        autostart = pool.autostart()
                        if autostart == True:
                            locale_autostart = _("yes")
                            locale_autostart = _("no")

                        print "%-20s %-10s %-37s %-10s" % (
                            name, _("Active"), uuid, locale_autostart)

                    defined_pools = conn.listDefinedStoragePools()
                    for name in defined_pools:
                        pool = conn.storagePoolLookupByName(name)
                        uuid = pool.UUIDString()
                        autostart = pool.autostart()
                        if autostart == True:
                            locale_autostart = _("yes")
                            locale_autostart = _("no")

                        print "%-20s %-10s %-37s %-10s" % (
                            name, _("Inactive"), uuid, locale_autostart)


        if opts.all is True:
            """ Show available uris """
            print ""
            print "## Available URIs"
            for mech, uri in available_virt_uris().iteritems():
                print uri
            """ Show available mechs """
            print ""
            print "## Available mechanisms"
            for mech in available_virt_mechs():
                print mech
            """ Show installed packages """
            print ""
            print "## Installed packages"
            (rc, res) = execute_command([
                "rpm", "-qa",
            if rc == 0:
                print "%-25s %-10s %-10s %-20s" % (
                print "------------------------------------------------------------------"
                p = re.compile("hde\.co\.jp")
                output = []
                for aline in res:
                    arr = aline.split("\t")
                        str = "%-25s %-10s %-10s %-20s" % (
                            time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
                print "\n".join(sorted(output))

        finish_msg = _("Completed on %s") % time.strftime(
            "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())
        print ""
        print "# " + finish_msg

        return True