Beispiel #1
def get_licensing(_test_licenses=None):
    Return and cache a license_expression.Licensing objet built from the all the
    global _LICENSING
    if not _LICENSING or _test_licenses:

        if _test_licenses:
            licenses = _test_licenses
            licenses = get_licenses_db()

        from license_expression import LicenseSymbolLike
        from license_expression import Licensing

        licensing = Licensing(
            (LicenseSymbolLike(lic) for lic in licenses.values()))

        if _test_licenses:
            # Do not cache when testing
            return licensing

        _LICENSING = licensing

    return _LICENSING
Beispiel #2
def get_unknown_spdx_symbol(_test_licenses=None):
    Return the unknown SPDX license symbol.

    Note: the `_test_licenses` arg is a mapping of key: license used for testing
    instead of the standard license db.

    if not _UNKNOWN_SPDX_SYMBOL or _test_licenses:
        from license_expression import LicenseSymbolLike

        if _test_licenses:
            licenses = _test_licenses
            licenses = get_licenses_db()

        unknown = LicenseSymbolLike(licenses[u'unknown-spdx'])

        if _test_licenses:
            # Do not cache when testing
            return unknown

        _UNKNOWN_SPDX_SYMBOL = unknown
def build_unknown_spdx_symbol(licenses_db=None):
    Return the unknown SPDX license symbol given a `licenses_db` mapping of
    {key: License} or the standard license db.
    from license_expression import LicenseSymbolLike
    licenses = licenses_db or build_licenses_db()
    return LicenseSymbolLike(licenses[u'unknown-spdx'])
Beispiel #4
def build_unknown_spdx_symbol(licenses_db=None):
    Return the unknown SPDX license symbol given a `licenses_db` mapping of
    {key: License} or the standard license db.
    from license_expression import LicenseSymbolLike
    from licensedcode.models import load_licenses
    licenses_db = licenses_db or load_licenses()
    return LicenseSymbolLike(licenses_db['unknown-spdx'])
def build_licensing(licenses_db=None):
    Return a `license_expression.Licensing` objet built from `licenses_db`
    mapping of {key: License} or the standard license db.
    from license_expression import LicenseSymbolLike
    from license_expression import Licensing

    licenses = licenses_db or build_licenses_db()
    return Licensing((LicenseSymbolLike(lic) for lic in licenses.values()))
Beispiel #6
def get_spdx_symbols(_test_licenses=None):
    Return a mapping of (SPDX LicenseSymbol -> lowercased SPDX license key-> key}

    Note: the `_test_licenses` arg is a mapping of key: license used for testing
    instead of the standard license db.
    if not _LICENSE_SYMBOLS_BY_SPDX_KEY or _test_licenses:
        from license_expression import LicenseSymbol
        from license_expression import LicenseSymbolLike
        symbols_by_spdx_key = {}

        if _test_licenses:
            licenses = _test_licenses
            licenses = get_licenses_db()

        for lic in licenses.values():
            if not (lic.spdx_license_key or lic.other_spdx_license_keys):

            symbol = LicenseSymbolLike(lic)
            if lic.spdx_license_key:
                slk = lic.spdx_license_key.lower()
                existing = symbols_by_spdx_key.get(slk)
                if existing:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'Duplicated SPDX license key: %(slk)r defined in '
                        '%(lic)r and %(existing)r' % locals())

                symbols_by_spdx_key[slk] = symbol

            for other_spdx in lic.other_spdx_license_keys:
                if not (other_spdx and other_spdx.strip()):
                slk = other_spdx.lower()
                existing = symbols_by_spdx_key.get(slk)
                if existing:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'Duplicated "other" SPDX license key: %(slk)r defined '
                        'in %(lic)r and %(existing)r' % locals())
                symbols_by_spdx_key[slk] = symbol

        if _test_licenses:
            # Do not cache when testing
            return symbols_by_spdx_key

        _LICENSE_SYMBOLS_BY_SPDX_KEY = symbols_by_spdx_key
Beispiel #7
def build_spdx_symbols(licenses_db=None):
    Return a mapping of {lowercased SPDX license key: LicenseSymbolLike} where
    LicenseSymbolLike wraps a License object loaded from a `licenses_db` mapping
    of {key: License} or the standard license db.
    from license_expression import LicenseSymbolLike
    from licensedcode.models import load_licenses

    licenses_db = licenses_db or load_licenses()
    symbols_by_spdx_key = {}

    for lic in licenses_db.values():
        if not (lic.spdx_license_key or lic.other_spdx_license_keys):

        symbol = LicenseSymbolLike(lic)
        if lic.spdx_license_key:
            slk = lic.spdx_license_key.lower()
            existing = symbols_by_spdx_key.get(slk)

            if existing:
                raise ValueError(
                    'Duplicated SPDX license key: %(slk)r defined in '
                    '%(lic)r and %(existing)r' % locals())

            symbols_by_spdx_key[slk] = symbol

        for other_spdx in lic.other_spdx_license_keys:
            if not (other_spdx and other_spdx.strip()):
            slk = other_spdx.lower()
            existing = symbols_by_spdx_key.get(slk)

            if existing:
                raise ValueError(
                    'Duplicated "other" SPDX license key: %(slk)r defined '
                    'in %(lic)r and %(existing)r' % locals())
            symbols_by_spdx_key[slk] = symbol

    return symbols_by_spdx_key
Beispiel #8
def build_spdx_symbols(licenses_db=None):
    Return a mapping of {lowercased SPDX license key: LicenseSymbolLike} where
    LicenseSymbolLike wraps a License object loaded from a `licenses_db` mapping
    of {key: License} or the standard license db.
    from license_expression import LicenseSymbolLike
    from licensedcode.models import load_licenses

    licenses_db = licenses_db or load_licenses()

    licenses_by_spdx_key = get_licenses_by_spdx_key(

    return {
        spdx: LicenseSymbolLike(lic)
        for spdx, lic in licenses_by_spdx_key.items()