def test_live_cell_with_two_live_neighbors_lives(self): world = World((50, 50)) Cell(4, 6, world, initially_alive=True) Cell(4, 5, world, initially_alive=True) Cell(4, 4, world) Cell(5, 6, world) Cell(5, 4, world) Cell(6, 6, world) Cell(6, 5, world) Cell(6, 4, world) test_cell = Cell(5, 5, world, True) self.assertTrue(
def test_live_cell_with_more_than_three_live_neighbors_dies(self): world = World((50, 50)) Cell(4, 6, world, initially_alive=True) Cell(4, 5, world, initially_alive=True) Cell(4, 4, world, initially_alive=True) Cell(5, 6, world, initially_alive=True) Cell(5, 4, world) Cell(6, 6, world) Cell(6, 5, world) Cell(6, 4, world) test_cell = Cell(5, 5, world, True) self.assertFalse(
def test_dead_cell_with_exactly_three_live_neighbors_becomes_alive(self): world = World((50, 50)) Cell(4, 6, world, initially_alive=True) Cell(4, 5, world, initially_alive=True) Cell(4, 4, world, initially_alive=True) Cell(5, 6, world) Cell(5, 4, world) Cell(6, 6, world) Cell(6, 5, world) Cell(6, 4, world) test_cell = Cell(5, 5, world) self.assertTrue(
def do_action(self, action): if action == 'slow_down': self.change_game_speed(.9) elif action == 'normal_speed': self.set_normal_speed() elif action == 'speed_up': self.change_game_speed(1.11) ''' elif action == 'zoom_out': =*.9 elif action == 'zoom_in': =*1.11 ''' elif action == 'clear': self.restart = True else: new_life = [] pattern = Pattern(action, (90, 60)) coordinate_list = pattern.create_pattern() for coordinate in coordinate_list: new_life.append(Cell(coordinate)) self.send_to_game(new_life)
def test_glider(self): print("") print("Glider Test") grid = Grid(cells=[[ Cell( Coordinates(x, y), True if (x == 1 and y == 2) or (x == 2 and y == 3) or (x == 3 and y in [1, 2, 3]) else False) for x in range(6) ] for y in range(6)]) print(grid) initial_glider = GridWindow(grid=grid, x_offset=0, y_offset=0, x_max=5, y_max=5) initial_glider_str = str(Grid(cells=initial_glider.contents)) generation = Generation(grid) for i in range(3): print(generation) generation = Generation(generation.grid, generation.generation_number) print(generation) final_glider = GridWindow(grid=generation.grid, x_offset=1, y_offset=1, x_max=6, y_max=6) final_glider_str = str(Grid(cells=final_glider.contents)) print("") print(self.initial_state_header) print(initial_glider) print("") print(self.final_state_header) print(final_glider) self.assertEqual(initial_glider_str, final_glider_str)
def test_cell_can_find_neighbors(self): world = World((50, 50)) Cell(4, 6, world) Cell(4, 5, world) Cell(4, 4, world) Cell(5, 6, world) Cell(5, 4, world) Cell(6, 6, world) Cell(6, 5, world) Cell(6, 4, world) Cell(40, 40, world) Cell(30, 30, world) test_cell = Cell(5, 5, world) self.assertEqual(len(test_cell.get_neighbors()), 8)
def test_likely(self): cells = [Cell.likely() for _ in range(10)] cells_count = sum(isinstance(cell, Cell) for cell in cells) none_count = sum(cell is None for cell in cells) self.assertTrue(0 < cells_count < 10) self.assertTrue(0 < none_count < 10)
def game_actions(self, old_life): life = [] neighbors = get_neighbors(old_life) new_life = create_life(old_life, neighbors) for coordinate in new_life: life.append(Cell(coordinate)) return life
def test_block(self): print("") print("Block Test") grid = Grid(cells=[[ Cell(Coordinates(x, y), True if ( x in [1, 2] and y in [1, 2]) else False) for x in range(4) ] for y in range(4)]) print(grid) generation = Generation(grid) print(generation) self.assertEqual(str(grid), str(generation.grid))
def test_can_progress_cell_to_next_generation(self): world = World((50, 50)) Cell(4, 6, world, initially_alive=True) Cell(4, 5, world, initially_alive=True) Cell(4, 4, world, initially_alive=True) Cell(5, 6, world) Cell(5, 4, world) Cell(6, 6, world) Cell(6, 5, world) Cell(6, 4, world) test_cell = Cell(5, 5, world) self.assertTrue( self.assertFalse(test_cell.is_alive) test_cell.step() self.assertIsNone(test_cell._next) self.assertTrue(test_cell.is_alive)
def test_tub(self): print("") print("Tub Test") grid = Grid(cells=[[ Cell( Coordinates(x, y), True if (x in [1, 3] and y in [2]) or ( y in [1, 3] and x in [2]) else False) for x in range(5) ] for y in range(5)]) print(grid) generation = Generation(grid) print(generation) self.assertEqual(str(grid), str(generation.grid))
def test_boat(self): print("") print("Boat Test") grid = Grid(cells=[[ Cell( Coordinates(x, y), True if (x in [1, 2] and y in [1]) or (x in [1, 3] and y in [2]) or (x == 2 and y == 3) else False) for x in range(5) ] for y in range(5)]) print(grid) generation = Generation(grid) print(generation) self.assertEqual(str(grid), str(generation.grid))
def test_blinkers(self): print("") print("Blinker Test") grid = Grid(cells=[[ Cell( Coordinates(x, y), True if (x == 2 and y > 0 and y < 4) or ( y == 2 and x > 5 and x < 9) else False) for x in range(10) ] for y in range(5)]) print(grid) generation = Generation(grid) print(generation) generation2 = Generation(generation.grid, generation.generation_number) print(generation2) self.assertEqual(str(grid), str(generation2.grid))
def test_loaf(self): print("") print("Beehive Test") grid = Grid(cells=[[ Cell( Coordinates(x, y), True if (x in [2, 3] and y in [1]) or ( x in [4] and y in [2, 3]) or ((x == 1 and y == 2) or ( x == 2 and y == 3) or (x == 3 and y == 4)) else False) for x in range(6) ] for y in range(6)]) print(grid) generation = Generation(grid) print(generation) self.assertEqual(str(grid), str(generation.grid))
def test_beacon(self): print("") print("Beacon Test") grid = Grid(cells=[[ Cell( Coordinates(x, y), True if (y in [1, 2] and x in [1, 2]) or ( y in [3, 4] and x in [3, 4]) else False) for x in range(12) ] for y in range(6)]) print(grid) generation = Generation(grid) print(generation) generation2 = Generation(generation.grid, generation.generation_number) print(generation2) self.assertEqual(str(grid), str(generation2.grid))
def test_toads(self): print("") print("Toad Test") grid = Grid(cells=[[ Cell( Coordinates(x, y), True if (y == 2 and x > 1 and x < 5) or (y == 3 and x > 0 and x < 4) or (x == 8 and y > 1 and y < 5) or (x == 9 and y > 2 and y < 6) else False) for x in range(12) ] for y in range(7)]) print(grid) generation = Generation(grid) print(generation) generation2 = Generation(generation.grid, generation.generation_number) print(generation2) self.assertEqual(str(grid), str(generation2.grid))
def build_cell_matrix(file) -> List[List[Cell]]: row_number = 0 cell_mtrx = [] for row in file: col_number = 0 cell_mtrx.append([]) for char in row: if char == COMMENT_CHAR or char == '\n': break cell_mtrx[len(cell_mtrx) - 1].append( Cell(Coordinates(col_number, row_number), char == ALIVE_CHAR)) col_number += 1 row_number += 1 cell_mtrx = list(filter(lambda row: len(row) != 0, cell_mtrx)) return cell_mtrx
class TestGameIO(unittest.TestCase): test_data = [[ Cell(Coordinates(x, y), True if x == 2 and y > 0 and y < 4 else False) for x in range(5) ] for y in range(5)] first_file = '/tmp/cgol_test_1.txt' second_file = '/tmp/cgol_test_2.txt' def test_file_read(self): print("") print("Basic File Read Test") GameIOTestUtils().create_file(path=self.first_file, data=self.test_data) read_grid = read_state(in_file=self.first_file) print(read_grid) print("=============") print(Grid(cells=self.test_data)) print("") self.assertEqual(str(read_grid), str(Grid(cells=self.test_data))) def test_file_read_comments(self): print("") print("Basic File with Comment Read Test") data = deepcopy(self.test_data) data = ["# Hello, this is a comment"] + data[:2] + ["#..*.." ] + data[2:] GameIOTestUtils().create_file(path=self.first_file, data=data) read_grid = read_state(in_file=self.first_file) print(read_grid) print("=============") print(Grid(cells=self.test_data)) print("") self.assertEqual(str(read_grid), str(Grid(cells=self.test_data))) def test_file_write_then_read(self): print("") print("Basic File Write and Read Back Test") generation = Generation(grid=Grid(cells=self.test_data), steps=0) write_state(final_state=generation, out_file=self.first_file) read_grid = read_state(in_file=self.first_file) print(read_grid) print("=============") print(generation) print("") self.assertEqual(str(read_grid), str(generation.grid))
def test_i_column(self): print("") print("I-Column Test") grid = Grid(cells=[[ Cell( Coordinates(x, y), True if ( y in [3, 6, 8, 9, 11, 14] and x in [4, 5, 6]) or ( y in [4, 5, 12, 13] and x in [5]) else False) for x in range(11) ] for y in range(18)]) print(grid) generation = Generation(grid) for i in range(14): print(generation) generation = Generation(generation.grid, generation.generation_number) print(generation) self.assertEqual(str(grid), str(generation.grid))
def test_pulsar(self): print("") print("Pulsar Test") grid = Grid(cells=[[ Cell( Coordinates(x, y), True if ( y in [2, 7, 9, 14] and x in [4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12]) or (y in [4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12] and x in [2, 7, 9, 14]) else False) for x in range(17) ] for y in range(17)]) print(grid) generation = Generation(grid) print(generation) generation2 = Generation(generation.grid, generation.generation_number) print(generation2) generation3 = Generation(generation2.grid, generation2.generation_number) print(generation3) self.assertEqual(str(grid), str(generation3.grid))
def test_heavyweight(self): print("") print("Heavyweight Spaceship Test") grid = Grid(cells=[[ Cell( Coordinates(x, y), True if (x in [3, 4] and y == 1) or ( x in [1, 6] and y == 2) or (x == 7 and y in [3, 4, 5]) or ( x == 1 and y == 4) or ( y == 5 and x in [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) else False) for x in range(11) ] for y in range(9)]) print(grid) initial_hwss = GridWindow(grid=grid, x_offset=0, y_offset=0, x_max=9, y_max=7) initial_hwss_str = str(Grid(cells=initial_hwss.contents)) generation = Generation(grid) for i in range(3): print(generation) generation = Generation(generation.grid, generation.generation_number) print(generation) final_hwss = GridWindow(grid=generation.grid, x_offset=2, y_offset=0, x_max=11, y_max=7) final_hwss_str = str(Grid(cells=final_hwss.contents)) print("") print(self.initial_state_header) print(initial_hwss) print("") print(self.final_state_header) print(final_hwss) self.assertEqual(initial_hwss_str, final_hwss_str)
def test_str(self): cell = Cell() self.assertEqual(str(cell), '*')