Beispiel #1
def return_empty_sngl(nones=False):
    Function to create a SnglInspiral object where all columns are populated
    but all are set to values that test False (ie. strings to '', floats/ints
    to 0, ...). This avoids errors when you try to create a table containing
    columns you don't care about, but which still need populating. NOTE: This
    will also produce a process_id and event_id with 0 values. For most
    applications these should be set to their correct values.

    nones : bool (False)
        If True, just set all columns to None.

        The "empty" SnglInspiral object.

    sngl = lsctables.SnglInspiral()
    cols = lsctables.SnglInspiralTable.validcolumns
    for entry in cols:
        col_name = Column.ColumnName(entry)
        value = None if nones else default_null_value(col_name, cols[entry])
        setattr(sngl, col_name, value)
    return sngl
Beispiel #2
    def startColumn(self, parent, attrs,
        """Convert types in <Column> elements from ilwdchar to int.

        This method is adapted from

        result = __orig_startColumn(self, parent, attrs)

        # If this is an ilwdchar column, then create a function to convert its
        # rows' values for use in the startStream method below.
        if result.Type in IDTypes:
            old_type = ToPyType[result.Type]

            def converter(old_value):
                return ROWID_PYTYPE(str(old_type(old_value)).split(":")[-1])

            remapped[(id(parent), result.Name)] = converter
            result.Type = ROWID_TYPE

        # If this is an ilwdchar column, then normalize the column name.
        if parent.Name in TableByName:
            validcolumns = TableByName[parent.Name].validcolumns
            if result.Name not in validcolumns:
                stripped_column_to_valid_column = {
                    Column.ColumnName(name): name for name in validcolumns}
                if result.Name in stripped_column_to_valid_column:
                        'Name', stripped_column_to_valid_column[result.Name])

        return result
Beispiel #3
def return_search_summary(start_time=0, end_time=0, nevents=0, ifos=None):
    Function to create a SearchSummary object where all columns are populated
    but all are set to values that test False (ie. strings to '', floats/ints
    to 0, ...). This avoids errors when you try to create a table containing
    columns you don't care about, but which still need populating. NOTE: This
    will also produce a process_id with 0 values. For most applications these
    should be set to their correct values.

    It then populates columns if given them as options.

        The "empty" SearchSummary object.
    if ifos is None:
        ifos = []

    # create an empty search summary
    search_summary = lsctables.SearchSummary()
    cols = lsctables.SearchSummaryTable.validcolumns
    for entry in cols:
        col_name = Column.ColumnName(entry)
        value = default_null_value(col_name, cols[entry])
        setattr(search_summary, col_name, value)

    # fill in columns
    if ifos:
        search_summary.instruments = ifos
    if nevents:
        search_summary.nevents = nevents
    if start_time and end_time:
        search_summary.in_start_time = int(start_time)
        search_summary.in_start_time_ns = int(start_time % 1 * 1e9)
        search_summary.in_end_time = int(end_time)
        search_summary.in_end_time_ns = int(end_time % 1 * 1e9)
        search_summary.out_start_time = int(start_time)
        search_summary.out_start_time_ns = int(start_time % 1 * 1e9)
        search_summary.out_end_time = int(end_time)
        search_summary.out_end_time_ns = int(end_time % 1 * 1e9)

    return search_summary
Beispiel #4
from glue.ligolw import lsctables
from ligo.lw.lsctables import TableByName as ligo_lw_TableByName
from ligo.lw.param import Param as ligo_lw_Param
from ligo.lw.table import Column as ligo_lw_Column

# dictionary mapping lsctables table class to dictionary mapping column
# name to ilwd:char class.  we only consider tables that are named in both
# glue.ligolw.lsctables and ligo.lw.lsctables, assuming we won't be
# converting documents that contain tables that have been removed from the
# latter.

ilwdchar_tables = dict(
     dict((ligo_lw_Column.ColumnName(colname), None)
          for colname, coltype in tblcls.validcolumns.items()
          if coltype == u"ilwd:char"))
    for tblname, tblcls in lsctables.TableByName.items()
    if tblname in ligo_lw_TableByName
    and u"ilwd:char" in tblcls.validcolumns.values())

destrip_column = dict(
    (key, dict(value)) for key, value in ilwdchar_tables.items())
for tblname, colnamemap in destrip_column.items():
    for colname in list(colnamemap):
        colnamemap[colname], = (
            for destripped in ligo_lw_TableByName[tblname].validcolumns
            if ligo_lw_Column.ColumnName(destripped) == colname)