Beispiel #1

import lilylib as ly
import fontextract
import langdefs
global _;_=ly._

import book_base as BookBase
import book_snippets as BookSnippet
import book_html
import book_docbook
import book_texinfo
import book_latex

ly.require_python_version ()

original_dir = os.getcwd ()
backend = 'ps'

help_summary = (
_ ("Process LilyPond snippets in hybrid HTML, LaTeX, texinfo or DocBook document.")
+ '\n\n'
+ _ ("Examples:")
+ '''
 $ lilypond-book --filter="tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'" %(BOOK)s
 $ lilypond-book -F "convert-ly --no-version --from=2.0.0 -" %(BOOK)s
 $ lilypond-book --process='lilypond -I include' %(BOOK)s
''' % {'BOOK': _ ("BOOK")})

authors = ('Jan Nieuwenhuizen <*****@*****.**>',
Beispiel #2
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with LilyPond.  If not, see <>.

import os
import sys
import re
import shutil

import lilylib as ly
global _
_ = ly._


import convertrules

lilypond_version_re_str = '\\\\version *\"([0-9.]+)"'
lilypond_version_re = re.compile(lilypond_version_re_str)

lilypond_version_strict_re_str = '\\\\version *\"([0-9]+[.][0-9]+[.][0-9]+)"'
lilypond_version_strict_re = re.compile(lilypond_version_strict_re_str)

help_summary = (
    _('''Update LilyPond input to newer version.  By default, update from the
version taken from the \\version command, to the current LilyPond version.''')
    + "\n" + _("If FILE is `-', read from standard input.") + "\n\n" +
    _("Examples:") + '''
  $ convert-ly -e