Beispiel #1
    def copy_survey(self,
                    newsurvey_name="copied survey"):
        method = "copy_survey"
        params = OrderedDict([
            ("sSessionKey", self.api.session_key),
            ("iSurveyID_org", survey_id_tobecopied),
            ("sNewname", newsurvey_name),
        response = self.api.query(method=method, params=params)
        response_type = type(response)

        if response_type is dict and "status" in response:
            status = response["status"]
            error_messages = [
                "Copy failed", "Invalid survey ID", "No token table",
                "No permission"
            for message in error_messages:
                if status == message:
                    raise LimeSurveyError(method, status)
            raise LimeSurveyError(method, "Error")

        # response = {'status': 'OK', 'newsid': 326666}
        return response
    def query(self, method, params):
        Query the LimeSurvey API

        Important! Despite being provided as key-value, the API treats all
        parameters as positional. OrderedDict should be used to ensure this,
        otherwise some calls may randomly fail.

        :param method: Name of API method to call.
        :type method: String
        :param params: Parameters to the specified API call.
        :type params: OrderedDict

        :return: result of API call
        :raise: requests.ConnectionError
        :raise: LimeSurveyError if the API returns an error (either http error
            or error message in body)
        if not self.session_key and not method == "get_session_key":
            raise LimeSurveyError(method, "No session open", params)

        # 1. Prepare the request data
        data = OrderedDict([
            ("method", method),
            ("params", params),
            ("id", 1)  # Possibly a request id for parallel use cases.
        data_json = json.dumps(data)

        # 2. Query the API
        response =,

        if not response.ok:
            raise LimeSurveyError(method, "Not response.ok",
                                  response.status_code, response.content)

        if not 0 < len(response.content):
            raise LimeSurveyError(method, "Not 0 < len(response.content)",
                                  response.status_code, response.content)

        response_data = response.json()

            return_value = response_data.get("result")
        except KeyError:
            raise LimeSurveyError(method, "Key 'result' not in response json",
                                  response.status_code, response.content)

        return return_value
Beispiel #3
    def set_participant_properties(
            self, survey_id, token_id, token_query_properties=None,
        Set participant properties (by token) from the specified survey.

        Provide either token_id or token_query_dict, not both.

        For token properties for querying and return, choose from:

        ["blacklisted", "completed", "email", "emailstatus", "firstname",
         "language", "lastname", "mpid", "participant_id", "remindercount",
         "remindersent", "sent", "tid", "token", "usesleft", "validfrom",

        :param survey_id: ID of survey to get participant properties for.
        :type survey_id: Integer
        :param token_id: ID of participant to get properties for.
        :type token_id: Integer
        :param token_query_properties: Key(s) / value(s) to use for finding the
          participant among all those that are in the survey.
        :type token_query_properties: Dict[String, Any]
        :param token_properties: Keys to return from RPC call.
        :type token_properties: List[String]
        method = "set_participant_properties"
        if token_id is not None and token_query_properties is not None:
            raise ValueError(
                "Provide either token_id or token_query_dict, not both.")
        if token_query_properties is None:
            token_query_properties = {"tid": token_id}

        params = OrderedDict([
            ("sSessionKey", self.api.session_key),
            ("iSurveyID", survey_id),
            ("aTokenQueryProperties", token_query_properties),
            ("aTokenData", token_data)
        response = self.api.query(method=method, params=params)
        response_type = type(response)

        if response_type is dict and "status" in response:
            status = response["status"]
            error_messages = [
                "Error: Invalid survey ID",
                "Error: No token table",
                "Error: No results were found based on your attributes.",
                "Error: More than 1 result was found based on your attributes.",
                "Error: Invalid tokenid",
                "No valid Data",
                "No permission",
                "Invalid Session Key"
            for message in error_messages:
                if status == message:
                    raise LimeSurveyError(method, status)
            assert response_type is dict
        return response
Beispiel #4
    def export_responses_by_token(self,
        Add participants to the specified survey.

        :param survey_id: ID of survey to delete participants from.
        :type survey_id: Integer
        :param participant_data: List of participant detail dictionaries.
        :type participant_data: List[Dict]
        :param create_token_key: If True, generate the new token instead of
          using a provided value.
        :type create_token_key: Bool
        method = "export_responses_by_token"
        params = OrderedDict([("sSessionKey", self.api.session_key),
                              ("iSurveyID", survey_id),
                              ("sDocumentType", document_type),
                              ("sToken", token)])
        response = self.api.query(method=method, params=params)
        response_type = type(response)

        if response_type is dict and "status" in response:
            status = response["status"]
            error_messages = [
                "Error: Invalid survey ID", "No token table", "No permission"
            for message in error_messages:
                if status == message:
                    raise LimeSurveyError(method, status)
        return response
Beispiel #5
    def get_survey_properties(self, survey_id, survey_properties=[]):
        """ Get properties of a question in a survey.

        :param survey_id: ID of the survey
        :type survey_id: Integer
        :param survey_properties: (optional) properties to get, default to all.
        :type survey_properties: List
        method = "get_survey_properties"
        params = OrderedDict([("sSessionKey", self.api.session_key),
                              ("iSurveyID", survey_id),
                              ("aSurveySettings", survey_properties)])
        response = self.api.query(method=method, params=params)
        response_type = type(response)

        if response_type is dict and "status" in response:
            status = response["status"]
            error_messages = [
                "No permission", "Error: Invalid survey ID",
                "Invalid session key", "No valid Data"
            for message in error_messages:
                if status == message:
                    raise LimeSurveyError(method, status)
            assert response_type is dict
        return response
Beispiel #6
    def list_groups(self, survey_id):
        """ Return the ids and all attributes of groups belonging to survey.
        :param survey_id: ID of the survey containing the groups.
        :rtype survey_id: Integer
        method = "list_groups"
        params = OrderedDict([("sSessionKey", self.api.session_key),
                              ("iSurveyID", survey_id)])
        response = self.api.query(method=method, params=params)
        response_type = type(response)

        if response_type is dict and "status" in response:
            status = response["status"]
            error_messages = [
                "Error: Invalid survey ID",
                "No groups found",
                "No permission"
                "Invalid S ession key"  # typo in remotecontrol_handle.php
            for message in error_messages:
                if status == message:
                    raise LimeSurveyError(method, status)
            assert response_type is list
        return response
Beispiel #7
    def list_questions(self, survey_id, group_id=None, language=None):
        Return a list of questions from the specified survey.

        :param survey_id: ID of survey to list questions from.
        :type survey_id: Integer
        :param group_id: ID of the question group to filter on.
        :type group_id: Integer
        :param language: Language of survey to return for.
        :type language: String
        method = "list_questions"
        params = OrderedDict([("sSessionKey", self.api.session_key),
                              ("iSurveyID", survey_id), ("iGroupID", group_id),
                              ("sLanguage", language)])
        response = self.api.query(method=method, params=params)
        response_type = type(response)

        if response_type is dict and "status" in response:
            status = response["status"]
            error_messages = [
                "Error: Invalid survey ID", "Error: Invalid language",
                "Error: IMissmatch in surveyid and groupid",
                "No questions found", "No permission", "Invalid session key"
            for message in error_messages:
                if status == message:
                    raise LimeSurveyError(method, status)
            assert response_type is list
        return response
Beispiel #8
    def add_group(self, survey_id, group_title, group_description=""):
        """ Add an empty group with minimum details to a chosen survey.
        :param survey_id: ID of the survey to add the group.
        :type survey_id: Integer
        :param group_title: Name of the group.
        :type group_title: String
        :param group_description: Optional description of the group.
        :type group_description: String
        method = "add_group"
        params = OrderedDict([("sSessionKey", self.api.session_key),
                              ("iSurveyID", survey_id),
                              ("sGroupTitle", group_title),
                              ("sGroupDescription", group_description)])
        response = self.api.query(method=method, params=params)
        response_type = type(response)

        if response_type is dict and "status" in response:
            status = response["status"]
            error_messages = [
                "Error: Invalid survey ID",
                "No permission",
                "Invalid S ession key"  # typo in remotecontrol_handle.php
            for message in error_messages:
                if status == message:
                    raise LimeSurveyError(method, status)
            assert response_type is int
        return response
Beispiel #9
    def activate_survey(self, survey_id):
        """ Activate an existing survey.
        :param survey_id: Id of the Survey to be activated.
        :type survey_id: Integer
        method = "activate_survey"
        params = OrderedDict([("sSessionKey", self.api.session_key),
                              ("iSurveyID", survey_id)])
        response = self.api.query(method=method, params=params)
        response_type = type(response)

        if response_type is dict and "status" in response:
            status = response["status"]
            error_messages = [
                "Error: Invalid survey ID",
                "Error: ...",  # TODO: what could be output of ActivateResults?
                "No permission",
                "Invalid session key"
            for message in error_messages:
                if status == message:
                    raise LimeSurveyError(method, status)
            assert response_type is list
        return response
Beispiel #10
    def activate_tokens(self, survey_id, attribute_fields=[]):
        :param survey_id: ID of the Survey where a participants table will
            be created for.
        :type survey_id: Integer
        :param attribute_fields: An array of integer describing any additional 
            attribute fiields.
        :type attribute_fields: Array
        method = "activate_tokens"
        params = OrderedDict([("sSessionKey", self.api.session_key),
                              ("iSurveyId", survey_id),
                              ("aAttributeFields", attribute_fields)])
        response = self.api.query(method=method, params=params)
        response_type = type(response)

        if response_type is dict and "status" in response:
            status = response["status"]
            error_messages = [
                "Error: Invalid survey ID",
                "Survey participants table could not be created",
                "No permission", "Invalid session key"
            for message in error_messages:
                if status == message:
                    raise LimeSurveyError(method, status)
            assert response_type is list
        return response
Beispiel #11
    def get_question_properties(self,
        """ Get properties of a question in a survey.
        :param question_id: ID of the question to get properties.
        :type question_id: Integer
        :param question_setting: (optional) properties to get, default to all.
        :type question_setting: Array
        :param language_code: (optional) parameter language for multilingual
                              questions, default are \Survey->language.
        :type language_code: String
        method = "get_question_properties"
        params = OrderedDict([("sSessionKey", self.api.session_key),
                              ("iQuestionID", question_id),
                              ("aQuestionSettings", question_setting),
                              ("sLanguage", language_code)])
        response = self.api.query(method=method, params=params)
        response_type = type(response)

        if response_type is dict and "status" in response:
            status = response["status"]
            error_messages = ["No permission", "Invalid session key"]
            for message in error_messages:
                if status == message:
                    raise LimeSurveyError(method, status)
            assert response_type is list
        return response
Beispiel #12
    def delete_participants(self, survey_id, token_ids):
        Delete participants (by token) from the specified survey.

        :param survey_id: ID of survey to delete participants from.
        :type survey_id: Integer
        :param token_ids: List of token IDs for participants to delete.
        :type token_ids: List[Integer]
        method = "delete_participants"
        params = OrderedDict([("sSessionKey", self.api.session_key),
                              ("iSurveyID", survey_id),
                              ("aTokenIDs", token_ids)])
        response = self.api.query(method=method, params=params)
        response_type = type(response)

        if response_type is dict and "status" in response:
            status = response["status"]
            error_messages = [
                "Error: Invalid survey ID", "Error: No token table",
                "No permission", "Invalid Session Key"
            for message in error_messages:
                if status == message:
                    raise LimeSurveyError(method, status)
            assert response_type is dict
        return response
Beispiel #13
    def list_surveys(self, username=None):
        List surveys accessible to the specified username.

        :param username: LimeSurvey username to list accessible surveys for.
        :type username: String
        method = "list_surveys"
        params = OrderedDict([("sSessionKey", self.api.session_key),
                              ("iSurveyID", username or self.api.username)])
        response = self.api.query(method=method, params=params)
        response_type = type(response)

        if response_type is dict and "status" in response:
            status = response["status"]
            error_messages = [
                "Invalid user", "No surveys found", "Invalid session key"
            for message in error_messages:
                if status == message:
                    raise LimeSurveyError(method, status)
            assert response_type is list
        return response
Beispiel #14
    def set_survey_properties(self, survey_id, survey_data={}):
        """ Set properties of an existing survey

        :param survey_id: ID of the survey
        :param survey_data: (optional) properties to set @see `get_survey_properties`
        :type survey_data: Dict
        method = "set_survey_properties"
        params = OrderedDict([("sSessionKey", self.api.session_key),
                              ("iSurveyID", survey_id),
                              ("aSurveyData", survey_data)])
        response = self.api.query(method=method, params=params)
        response_type = type(response)

        if response_type is dict and "status" in response:
            status = response["status"]
            error_messages = [
                "No permission", "Error: Invalid survey ID",
                "Invalid session key", "No valid Data"
            for message in error_messages:
                if status == message:
                    raise LimeSurveyError(method, status)
            assert response_type is dict
        return response
Beispiel #15
    def activate_survey(self, survey_id_tobeactivated):
        method = "activate_survey"
        params = OrderedDict([
            ("sSessionKey", self.api.session_key),
            ("iSurveyID", survey_id_tobeactivated),
        response = self.api.query(method=method, params=params)
        response_type = type(response)

        if response_type is dict and "status" in response:
            status = response["status"]
            error_messages = [
                "Error: Invalid survey ID",
            for message in error_messages:
                if status == message:
                    raise LimeSurveyError(method, status)
            raise LimeSurveyError(method, "Error")
        return True
Beispiel #16
    def list_participants(
            self, survey_id, start=0, limit=1000, ignore_token_used=False,
            attributes=False, conditions=None):
        List participants in a survey.

        :param survey_id: ID of survey to invite participants from.
        :type survey_id: Integer
        :param start: Index of first token to retrieve.
        :type start: Integer
        :param limit: Number of tokens to retrieve.
        :type limit: Integer
        :param ignore_token_used: If True, tokens that have been used are not
        :type ignore_token_used: Integer
        :param attributes: The extended attributes to include in the response.
        :type attributes: List[String]
        :param conditions: Key(s) / value(s) to use for finding the
          participant among all those that are in the survey.
        :type conditions: List[Dict]
        method = "list_participants"
        conditions = conditions or []
        params = OrderedDict([
            ("sSessionKey", self.api.session_key),
            ("iSurveyID", survey_id),
            ("iStart", start),
            ("iLimit", limit),
            ("bUnused", ignore_token_used),
            ("aAttributes", attributes),
            ("aConditions", conditions)
        response = self.api.query(method=method, params=params)
        response_type = type(response)

        if response_type is dict and "status" in response:
            status = response["status"]
            error_messages = [
                "Error: Invalid survey ID",
                "Error: No token table",
                "No survey participants found.",
                "Invalid session key",
                "No permission",
                "Invalid Session Key"
            for message in error_messages:
                if status == message:
                    raise LimeSurveyError(method, status)
            assert response_type is list
        return response
Beispiel #17
    def import_survey(self,
        """ Import a survey. Allowed formats: lss, csv, txt or lsa

        :param path_to_import_survey: Path to survey as file to copy.
        :type path_to_import_survey: String
        :param new_name: (optional) The optional new name of the survey
                    Important! Seems only to work if lss file is given!
        :type new_name: String
        :param dest_survey_id: (optional) This is the new ID of the survey - 
                          if already used a random one will be taken instead
        :type dest_survey_id: Integer
        import_datatype = splitext(path_to_import_survey)[1][1:]
        # TODO: Naming seems only to work with lss files - why?
        if import_datatype != 'lss' and new_name:
            warnings.warn("New naming seems only to work with lss files",
        # encode import data
        with open(path_to_import_survey, 'rb') as f:
            # import data must be a base 64 encoded string
            import_data = b64encode(
            # decoding needed because json.dumps() in method get of
            # class LimeSurvey can not encode bytes
            import_data = import_data.decode('ascii')

        method = "import_survey"
        params = OrderedDict([("sSessionKey", self.api.session_key),
                              ("sImportData", import_data),
                              ("sImportDataType", import_datatype),
                              ("sNewSurveyName", new_name),
                              ("DestSurveyID", dest_survey_id)])
        response = self.api.query(method=method, params=params)
        response_type = type(response)

        if response_type is dict and "status" in response:
            status = response["status"]
            error_messages = [
                "Error: ...",  # TODO: Unclear what might be returned here
                "Invalid extension",
                "No permission",
                "Invalid session key"
            for message in error_messages:
                if status == message:
                    raise LimeSurveyError(method, status)
            assert response_type is int  # the new survey id
        return response
    def close(self):
        Close an open session in LimeSurvey.
        method = "release_session_key"
        params = OrderedDict([("sSessionKey", self.session_key)])
        response = self.query(method=method, params=params)

        if response == "OK":
            self.session_key = None
            raise LimeSurveyError(method, "Did not receive 'OK' response")

        return response
Beispiel #19
    def import_question(self, survey_id, group_id, import_data,
                        import_data_type, mandatory_option, question_title,
                        question_text, question_help_text):
        Import a question from lsq file.

        :param survey_id: The ID of the Survey that the question will belong to.
        :type survey_id: Integer
        :param group_id: The ID of the Group that the question will belong to.
        :type group_id: Integer
        :param import_data: String containing the BASE 64 encoded data of a lsq.
        :type import_data: String
        :param import_data_type: lsq.
        :type import_data_type: String
        :param mandatory_option: Mandatory question option (default to No).
        :type mandatory_option: String
        :param question_title: new title for the question.
        :type question_title: String
        :param question_text: new question text.
        :type question_text: String
        :param question_help_text: new question help text.
        :type question_help_text: String
        method = "import_question"
        params = OrderedDict([("sSessionKey", self.api.session_key),
                              ("iSurveyID", survey_id), ("iGroupID", group_id),
                              ("sImportData", import_data),
                              ("sImportDataType", import_data_type),
                              ("sMandatory", mandatory_option),
                              ("sNewQuestionTitle", question_title),
                              ("sNewqQuestion", question_text),
                              ("sNewQuestionHelp", question_help_text)])
        response = self.api.query(method=method, params=params)
        response_type = type(response)

        if response_type is dict and "status" in response:
            status = response["status"]
            error_messages = [
                "Error: Invalid survey ID",
                "Error: IMissmatch in surveyid and groupid", "No permission",
                "Invalid session key"
            for message in error_messages:
                if status == message:
                    raise LimeSurveyError(method, status)
            assert response_type is int
        return response
Beispiel #20
    def get_summary(self, survey_id, stat_name="all"):
        Get participant properties of a survey.

        For stat name for return, choose from:

        ["token_count", "token_invalid", "token_sent", "token_opted_out",
         "token_completed", "completed_responses", "incomplete_responses",

        :param survey_id: ID of survey
        :type survey_id: Integer
        :param stat_name: Key to return from RPC call, or "all" for everything.
        :type stat_name: String

        :return: dict with keys "token_count", "token_invalid", "token_sent",
            "token_opted_out", and "token_completed" with strings as values.
        method = "get_summary"
        params = OrderedDict([
            ("sSessionKey", self.api.session_key),
            ("iSurveyID", survey_id),
            ("sStatName", stat_name)
        response = self.api.query(method=method, params=params)
        response_type = type(response)

        if response_type is dict and "status" in response:
            status = response["status"]
            error_messages = [
                "Invalid surveyid",
                "Invalid summary key",
                "No available data",
                "No permission",
                "Invalid session key"
            for message in error_messages:
                if status == message:
                    raise LimeSurveyError(method, status)
            assert response_type is dict
        return response
Beispiel #21
    def remind_participants(self, survey_id, min_days_between=None,
                            max_reminders=None, token_ids=False):
        """ Send a reminder to participants in a survey.
        Returns result of sending.
        :param survey_id: ID of the Survey that participants belong.
        :type survey_id: Integer
        :param min_days_between: (optional) Days from last reminder.
        :type min_days_between: Integer
        :param max_reminders: (optional) Maximum reminders count.
        :type max_reminders: Integer
        :param token_ids: (optional filter) IDs of the participant to remind.
        :type token_ids: array
        method = "remind_participants"
        params = OrderedDict([
            ("sSessionKey", self.api.session_key),
            ("iSurveyID", survey_id),
            ("iMinDaysBetween", min_days_between),
            ("iMaxReminders", max_reminders),
            ("aTokenIds", token_ids)
        response = self.api.query(method=method, params=params)
        response_type = type(response)

        if response_type is dict and "status" in response:
            status = response["status"]
            error_messages = [
                "Error: No survey participants table",
                "Error: No candidate tokens",
                "Error: Invalid survey ID",
                "No permission",
                "Invalid Session Key"
            for message in error_messages:
                if status == message:
                    raise LimeSurveyError(method, status)
            assert response_type is list
        return response
Beispiel #22
    def export_responses(self,
        Get all responses
        :param survey_id: ID of the survey
        :param doc_type: pdf, csv, xls, doc, json
        :param completion_status: complete, incomplete, all
        :param response_type: short or long
        :param lang_code: The language to be used
        :return: On success: Requested file as base 64-encoded string. On failure array with error information
        method = "export_responses"
        params = OrderedDict([
            ("sSessionKey", self.api.session_key),
            ("iSurveyID", survey_id),
            ("sDocumentType", doc_type),
            ("sLanguageCode", lang_code),
            ("sCompletionStatus", completion_status),
            ("sHeadingType", "full"),
            ("sResponseType", response_type),
            # ("aFields", )
        response = self.api.query(method=method, params=params)
        response_type = type(response)

        if response_type is dict and "status" in response:
            status = response["status"]
            error_messages = [
                "Invalid user", "No surveys found", "Invalid session key",
                "No Data, survey table does not exist."
            for message in error_messages:
                if status == message:
                    raise LimeSurveyError(method, status)
            return response
Beispiel #23
    def delete_survey(self, survey_id):
        """ Delete a survey.
        :param survey_id: The ID of the Survey to be deleted.
        :type: Integer
        method = "delete_survey"
        params = OrderedDict([("sSessionKey", self.api.session_key),
                              ("iSurveyID", survey_id)])
        response = self.api.query(method=method, params=params)
        response_type = type(response)

        if response_type is dict and "status" in response:
            status = response["status"]
            error_messages = ["No permission", "Invalid session key"]
            for message in error_messages:
                if status == message:
                    raise LimeSurveyError(method, status)
            assert response_type is list
        return response
Beispiel #24
def remind_participants(api, survey_id, token_ids, min_days_between, max_reminders):
    Send invitation emails for the specified survey participants.
    :param survey_id: ID of survey to invite participants from.
    :type survey_id: Integer
    :param token_ids: List of token IDs for participants to invite.
    :type token_ids: List[Integer]
    :param uninvited_only: If True, only send emails for participants that
      have not been invited. If False, send an invite even if already sent.
    :type uninvited_only: Bool
    method = "remind_participants"
    params = OrderedDict([
        ("sSessionKey", api.session_key),
        ("iSurveyID", survey_id),
        ("iMinDaysBetween", min_days_between),
        ("iMaxReminders", max_reminders),
        ("aTokenIDs", token_ids)
    response = api.query(method=method, params=params)
    response_type = type(response)

    if response_type is dict and "status" in response:
        status = response["status"]
        error_messages = [
            "Invalid session key",
            "Error: Invalid survey ID",
            "Error: No token table",
            "Error: No candidate tokens",
            "No permission",
        for message in error_messages:
            if status == message:
                raise LimeSurveyError(method, status)
        assert response_type is dict

    return response
Beispiel #25
    def add_survey(self, desired_survey_id, survey_title,
                   default_survey_language, appearance_format):
        """ Add an empty survey with minimum details.
        :param desired_survey_id: The desired ID of the Survey to add.
        :type desired_survey_id: Integer
        :param survey_title: Title of the new Survey.
        :type survey_title: String
        :param default_survey_language: Default language of the Survey.
        :type default_survey_language: String
        :param appearance_format: (optional) Question appearance format 
                                  (A, G or S) for "All on one page", 
                                  "Group by Group", "Single questions", 
                                  default to group by group (G).
        :type appearance_format: String
        method = "add_survey"
        params = OrderedDict([("sSessionKey", self.api.session_key),
                              ("iSurveyID", desired_survey_id),
                              ("sSurveyTitle ", survey_title),
                              ("sSurveyLanguage  ", default_survey_language),
                              ("sformat  ", appearance_format)])
        response = self.api.query(method=method, params=params)
        response_type = type(response)

        if response_type is dict and "status" in response:
            status = response["status"]
            error_messages = [
                "No permission", "Invalid session key", "Faulty parameters",
                "Creation Failed result"
            for message in error_messages:
                if status == message:
                    raise LimeSurveyError(method, status)
            assert response_type is int
        return response
    def open(self, password):
        Open a session in LimeSurvey.

        :param password: LimeSurvey password to authenticate with.
        :type password: String
        method = "get_session_key"
        params = OrderedDict([("username", self.username),
                              ("password", password)])
        response = self.query(method=method, params=params)
        response_type = type(response)

        if response_type is dict and "status" in response:
            status = response["status"]
            error_messages = ["Invalid user name or password"]
            for message in error_messages:
                if status == message:
                    raise LimeSurveyError(method, status)
            assert response_type is str
        self.session_key = response
Beispiel #27
    def add_participants(
            self, survey_id, participant_data, create_token_key=True):
        Add participants to the specified survey.

        :param survey_id: ID of survey to add participants.
        :type survey_id: Integer
        :param participant_data: List of participant detail dictionaries.
        :type participant_data: List[Dict]
        :param create_token_key: If True, generate the new token instead of
          using a provided value.
        :type create_token_key: Bool
        method = "add_participants"
        params = OrderedDict([
            ("sSessionKey", self.api.session_key),
            ("iSurveyID", survey_id),
            ("aParticipantData", participant_data),
            ("bCreateToken", create_token_key)
        response = self.api.query(method=method, params=params)
        response_type = type(response)

        if response_type is dict and "status" in response:
            status = response["status"]
            error_messages = [
                "Error: Invalid survey ID",
                "No token table",
                "No permission"
            for message in error_messages:
                if status == message:
                    raise LimeSurveyError(method, status)
            assert response_type is list
        return response
Beispiel #28
    def export_responses(self,
        """ Export responses in base64 encoded string.
        :param survey_id: Id of the Survey.
        :type survey_id: Integer
        :param document_type: Any format available by plugins 
                             (e.g. pdf, csv, xls, doc, json)
        :type document_type: String
        :param language_code: (optional) The language to be used.
        :type language_code: String
        :param completion_status: (optional) 'complete', 'incomplete' or 'all'
        :type completion_status: String
        :param heading_type: (optional) 'code', 'full' or 'abbreviated'
        :type heading_type: String
        :param response_type: (optional) 'short' or 'long'
        :type response_type: String
        :param from_response_id: (optional)
        :type from_response_id: Integer
        :param to_response_id: (optional)
        :type to_response_id: Integer
        :param fields: (optional) Selected fields.
        :type fields: Array
        method = "export_responses"
        params = OrderedDict([("sSessionKey", self.api.session_key),
                              ("iSurveyID", survey_id),
                              ("sDocumentType", document_type),
                              ("sLanguageCode", language_code),
                              ("sCompletionStatus", completion_status),
                              ("sHeadingType", heading_type),
                              ("sResponseType", response_type),
                              ("iFromResponseID", from_response_id),
                              ("iToResponseID", to_response_id),
                              ("aFields", fields)])
        response = self.api.query(method=method, params=params)
        response_type = type(response)

        if response_type is dict and "status" in response:
            status = response["status"]
            error_messages = [
                "Language code not found for this survey.",
                "No Data, could not get max id.",
                "No Data, survey table does not exist", "No permission",
                "Invalid session key"
            for message in error_messages:
                if status == message:
                    raise LimeSurveyError(method, status)
            assert response_type is str
        return response