Beispiel #1
def cp_recursive(source, dest):
	new_file_name = dest.split("/")[-1]#get just the new file's name
    # check if the source file is a directory
	if(not os.path.isdir(source)):
		# keep same name if none specified
		if not new_file_name:
			new_file_name = source.split("/")[-1]
        # not a directory, just make sure the path exists, then copy the file into the virtual FS
		path_str = check_path_exists(dest)# we should create the path if it doesnt exist (but print a warning)!
		copy_file(source, path_str, new_file_name)
        # if it IS a dir we need to do a little more work.
		path_str = check_path_exists(dest)#add the path up to the directory
		lind_test_server.chdir_syscall(path_str)#chdir to the end of that new path
		mode = stat.S_IMODE(os.stat(source).st_mode)
        #print "in cp " +  source + "/" + new_file_name + "..." + str(mode) + "..." + str(S_IRWXU)
			lind_test_server.chdir_syscall(new_file_name)#chdir to that new directory
		except lind_test_server.SyscallError:
			lind_test_server.mkdir_syscall(new_file_name, mode)#make a directory for the new directory
			lind_test_server.chdir_syscall(new_file_name)#chdir to that new directory
        # then we loop through each of the subfiles of the directory, and recursively call the cp function
        #  keeping track of both the native file location as well as the virtual file location!
		for c in os.listdir(source):
			cp_recursive(source + "/" + c, dest + "/" + c)
Beispiel #2
def check_path_exists(path):
	path_list = path.split("/")[0:-1]#get each directory in the path, excluding the new file's name
	lind_test_server.chdir_syscall("/")#start at root
	path_str = "/"#this string will hold the whole path of the destination file (excluding the filename itself)
	# loop through each dir in the path
	for p in path_list:
		if(p == ""): # ignore the empty string returned from splitting root dir '/'
		path_str += (p + "/")#c oncat the dir to the full path string
		# try to chdir (if it fails, means the directory doesnt exist)
		# if (when) the exception is caught, create a new dir and chdir to it
		except lind_test_server.SyscallError:
			# this seems to cause an assertion to fail!
			#try: # get the mode if the dir exists in the fs
			#	mode = stat.S_IMODE(os.stat(path_str).st_mode)
			#except OSError: # if not set to default 777
			#	mode = lind_test_server.S_IRWXA
			mode = lind_test_server.S_IRWXA
			lind_test_server.mkdir_syscall(p, mode)
	return path_str
Beispiel #3
def mkdir_cmd(dir_list):

		for new_dir_name in dir_list:
			# this follows paths and correctly creates subdirs and such!
			lind_test_server.mkdir_syscall(new_dir_name, lind_test_server.S_IRWXU)
	except lind_test_server.SyscallError, e:
		print "Could not mkdir. Error: %s" % e
Beispiel #4
def _cp_dir_into_lind(fullfilename, rootpath='.', createmissingdirs=True):

    # check for the file.
    posixfn = os.path.join(rootpath, fullfilename)

    if not os.path.exists(posixfn):
        raise IOError("Cannot locate dire on POSIX FS: '" + posixfn + "'")

    if os.path.isfile(posixfn):
        raise IOError("POSIX FS path is not a directory: '" + posixfn + "'")

    # now, we should check / make intermediate dirs if needed...
    # we will walk through the components of the dir and look for them...

    # this removes '.', '///', and similar.
    # BUG: On Windows, this converts '/' -> '\'.   I don't think lind FS handles
    # '\'...

    normalizedlindfn = os.path.normpath(fullfilename)

    # go through the directories and check if they are there, possibly creating
    # needed ones...
    currentdir = ''

    # NOT os.path.split!   I want each dir!!!
    for thisdir in normalizedlindfn.split('/'):
        currentdir += thisdir + '/'

            # check if this is a directory that exists
            if IS_DIR(lind_test_server.stat_syscall(currentdir)[2]):
                # all is well
            # otherwise, it exists, but isn't a dir...
            raise IOError("LIND FS path exists and isn't a dir: '" +
                          currentdir + "'")

        except lind_test_server.SyscallError, e:
            # must be missing dir or else let the caller see this!
            if e[1] != "ENOENT":

            # okay, do I create it?
            if not createmissingdirs:
                raise IOError(
                    "LIND FS path does not exist but should not be created: '"
                    + currentdir + "'")

            # otherwise, make it ...
            lind_test_server.mkdir_syscall(currentdir, S_IRWXA)
            # and copy over the perms, etc.
            _mirror_stat_data(os.path.join(rootpath, currentdir), currentdir)
def _cp_dir_into_lind(fullfilename, rootpath='.', createmissingdirs=True):
  # check for the file.
  posixfn = os.path.join(rootpath, fullfilename)

  if not os.path.exists(posixfn):
    raise IOError("Cannot locate dire on POSIX FS: '" + posixfn + "'")

  if os.path.isfile(posixfn):
    raise IOError("POSIX FS path is not a directory: '" + posixfn + "'")
  # now, we should check / make intermediate dirs if needed...
  # we will walk through the components of the dir and look for them...

  # this removes '.', '///', and similar.   
  # BUG: On Windows, this converts '/' -> '\'.   I don't think lind FS handles
  # '\'...

  normalizedlindfn = os.path.normpath(fullfilename)

  # go through the directories and check if they are there, possibly creating
  # needed ones...
  currentdir = ''
  # NOT os.path.split!   I want each dir!!!
  for thisdir in normalizedlindfn.split('/'):
    currentdir += thisdir + '/'

      # check if this is a directory that exists
      if IS_DIR(lind_test_server.stat_syscall(currentdir)[2]):
        # all is well
      # otherwise, it exists, but isn't a dir...   
      raise IOError("LIND FS path exists and isn't a dir: '" + currentdir + "'")

    except lind_test_server.SyscallError, e:
      # must be missing dir or else let the caller see this!
      if e[1] != "ENOENT":   

      # okay, do I create it?
      if not createmissingdirs:
        raise IOError("LIND FS path does not exist but should not be created: '" + currentdir + "'")

      # otherwise, make it ...  
      # and copy over the perms, etc.
      _mirror_stat_data(os.path.join(rootpath, currentdir), currentdir)
import lind_test_server

from lind_fs_constants import *


# Let's add a few directories to the system and see if it works...

# Create a new file...
fd = lind_test_server.open_syscall('/bar/bam',O_CREAT,0)

# Read the root directory...
rootfd = lind_test_server.open_syscall('/',0,0)
val = lind_test_server.getdents_syscall(rootfd, 100)
assert (val==[(3, 'bar', DT_DIR, 24), (1, '..', DT_DIR, 24),\
  (1, '.', DT_DIR, 24)]), "Found: %s"%(str(val))

# Read the /bar directory...
barfd = lind_test_server.open_syscall('/bar',0,0)

# The buffer size is given small, only few entries are read. 
val = lind_test_server.getdents_syscall(barfd, 80)
assert (val == [(6, 'bam', DT_REG, 24), (4, 'baz', DT_DIR, 24),\
  (5, 'bap', DT_DIR, 24)]), "Found: %s"%(str(val))

# Again call on the same FD, should continue parsing the /bar directory.
val = lind_test_server.getdents_syscall(barfd, 80)
def _cp_file_into_lind(fullfilename, rootpath='.', createmissingdirs=True):
      Copies a file from POSIX into the Lind FS.   It takes the abs path to 
      the file ('/etc/passwd') and looks for it in the POSIX FS off of the 
      root path.   For example, rootpath = '/foo' -> '/foo/etc/passwd'.
      If the file exists, it is overwritten...

      fullfilename: The location the file should live in the Lind FS.  
          This must be an absolute path (from the root).

      rootpath: The directory in the POSIX fs to start looking for that file.
          Note: it must be in the directory structure specified by fullfilename
      createmissingdirs:  Should missing dirs in the path be created?

      IOError: If the file does not exist, the directory can't be created
          (for example, if there is a file of the same name), or 
          createmissingdirs is False, but the path is invalid.

   <Side Effects>
      The obvious file IO operations

  # check for the file.
  posixfn = os.path.join(rootpath, fullfilename)

  if not os.path.exists(posixfn):
    raise IOError("Cannot locate file on POSIX FS: '" + posixfn + "'")

  if not os.path.isfile(posixfn):
    raise IOError("POSIX FS path is not a file: '" + posixfn + "'")

  # now, we should check / make intermediate dirs if needed...
  # we will walk through the components of the dir and look for them...

  # this removes '.', '///', and similar.   
  # BUG: On Windows, this converts '/' -> '\'.   I don't think lind FS handles
  # '\'...

  normalizedlindfn = os.path.normpath(fullfilename)
  normalizedlinddirname = os.path.dirname(normalizedlindfn)

  # go through the directories and check if they are there, possibly creating
  # needed ones...
  currentdir = ''
  # NOT os.path.split!   I want each dir!!!
  for thisdir in normalizedlinddirname.split('/'):
    currentdir += thisdir + '/'

      # check if this is a directory that exists
      if IS_DIR(lind_test_server.stat_syscall(currentdir)[2]):
        # all is well
      # otherwise, it exists, but isn't a dir...   
      raise IOError("LIND FS path exists and isn't a dir: '" + currentdir + "'")

    except lind_test_server.SyscallError, e:
      # must be missing dir or else let the caller see this!
      if e[1] != "ENOENT":   

      # okay, do I create it?
      if not createmissingdirs:
        raise IOError("LIND FS path does not exist but should not be created: '" + currentdir + "'")

      # otherwise, make it ...  
      lind_test_server.mkdir_syscall(currentdir, S_IRWXA)
      # and copy over the perms, etc.
      _mirror_stat_data(os.path.join(rootpath, currentdir), currentdir)
Beispiel #8
def main():
  # I can be imported as a module too!!!
  if len(sys.argv)==1:

  command = sys.argv[1]
  args = sys.argv[2:]

#help                       : print this message
#usage                      : print this message
  if command == 'help' or command == 'usage':

#cp root file1 [file2...]   : copies files from the root into the lindfs.   For
#                             example, cp bar /etc/passwd /bin/ls will copy
#                             bar/etc/passwd, bar/bin/ls as /etc/passwd, /bin/ls
  elif command == 'cp':

    if len(args)<2:
      print 'Too few arguments to cp.   Must specify root and at least one file'

    root = args[0]
    for filetocp in args[1:]:
      cp_into_lind(filetocp, rootpath=root)

#find [startingpath]        : print the names of all files / paths in the fs
#                             This is much like 'find /'
  elif command == 'find':

    if len(args)>1:
      print 'Too many arguments to find.   Takes an optional path'
    elif len(args) == 0:
      startingpath = '/'
    elif len(args)==1:
      startingpath = args[0]
    allpathlist = list_all_lind_paths(startingdir=startingpath)
    # want to print this more cleanly than as a list
    for thispath in allpathlist:
      print thispath

#format                     : make a new blank fs, removing the current one.
  elif command == 'format':

#deltree dirname            : delete a directory and all it contains
  elif command == 'deltree':

    if len(args)!= 1:
      print 'deltree takes exactly one argument, the dir to remove'

    print 'Unimplemented...'

#rm file1 [file2...]        : delete a file
  elif command == 'rm':

    if len(args) == 0:
      print 'rm takes one or more arguments'

    for filename in args:

#mkdir dir1 [dir2...]       : create a directory
  elif command == 'mkdir':

    if len(args) == 0:
      print 'mkdir takes one or more arguments'

    for dirname in args:

#rmdir dir1 [dir2...]       : delete a directory
  elif command == 'rmdir':

    if len(args) == 0:
      print 'rmdir takes one or more arguments'

    for dirname in args:

    print "ERROR: command unknown"
Beispiel #9
 def mkdir(self, path, mode):
     log("mkdir", path, mode)
         ret = lind.mkdir_syscall(path, mode)
     except lind.SyscallError, e:
         ret = -errno[e[1]]
def main():
  # I can be imported as a module too!!!
  if len(sys.argv)==1:

  command = sys.argv[1]
  args = sys.argv[2:]

#help                       : print this message
#usage                      : print this message
  if command == 'help' or command == 'usage':

#cp root file1 [file2...]   : copies files from the root into the lindfs.   For
#                             example, cp bar /etc/passwd /bin/ls will copy
#                             bar/etc/passwd, bar/bin/ls as /etc/passwd, /bin/ls
  elif command == 'cp':

    if len(args)<2:
      print 'Too few arguments to cp.   Must specify root and at least one file'

    root = args[0]
    for filetocp in args[1:]:
      cp_dir_into_lind(filetocp, rootpath=root)

#update root file1 [file2...]   : copies files from the root into the lindfs if they are different.   For
#                                 example, cp bar /etc/passwd /bin/ls will copy
#                                 bar/etc/passwd, bar/bin/ls as /etc/passwd, /bin/ls
  elif command == 'update':

    if len(args)<2:
      print 'Too few arguments to update.   Must specify root and at least one file'

    root = args[0]
    for filetoup in args[1:]:
      update_dir_into_lind(filetoup, rootpath=root)

#find [startingpath]        : print the names of all files / paths in the fs
#                             This is much like 'find /'
  elif command == 'find':

    if len(args)>1:
      print 'Too many arguments to find.   Takes an optional path'
    elif len(args) == 0:
      startingpath = '/'
    elif len(args)==1:
      startingpath = args[0]
    allpathlist = list_all_lind_paths(startingdir=startingpath)
    # want to print this more cleanly than as a list
    #for thispath in allpathlist:
    #  print thispath

#format                     : make a new blank fs, removing the current one.
  elif command == 'format':

#deltree dirname            : delete a directory and all it contains
  elif command == 'deltree':

    if len(args)!= 1:
      print 'deltree takes exactly one argument, the dir to remove'

#rm file1 [file2...]        : delete a file
  elif command == 'rm':

    if len(args) == 0:
      print 'rm takes one or more arguments'

    for filename in args:

#mkdir dir1 [dir2...]       : create a directory
  elif command == 'mkdir':

    if len(args) == 0:
      print 'mkdir takes one or more arguments'

    for dirname in args:

#rmdir dir1 [dir2...]       : delete a directory
  elif command == 'rmdir':

    if len(args) == 0:
      print 'rmdir takes one or more arguments'

    for dirname in args:

    print "ERROR: command unknown"
def cp_into_lind(fullfilename, rootpath='.', createmissingdirs=True):
      Copies a file from POSIX into the Lind FS.   It takes the abs path to 
      the file ('/etc/passwd') and looks for it in the POSIX FS off of the 
      root path.   For example, rootpath = '/foo' -> '/foo/etc/passwd'.
      If the file exists, it is overwritten...

      fullfilename: The location the file should live in the Lind FS.  
          This must be an absolute path (from the root).

      rootpath: The directory in the POSIX fs to start looking for that file.
          Note: it must be in the directory structure specified by fullfilename
      createmissingdirs:  Should missing dirs in the path be created?

      IOError: If the file does not exist, the directory can't be created
          (for example, if there is a file of the same name), or 
          createmissingdirs is False, but the path is invalid.

   <Side Effects>
      The obvious file IO operations

  # check for the file.
  posixfn = os.path.join(rootpath,fullfilename)

  if not os.path.exists(posixfn):
    raise IOError("Cannot locate file on POSIX FS: '"+posixfn+"'")

  if not os.path.isfile(posixfn):
    raise IOError("POSIX FS path is not a file: '"+posixfn+"'")

  # now, we should check / make intermediate dirs if needed...
  # we will walk through the components of the dir and look for them...

  # this removes '.', '///', and similar.   
  # BUG: On Windows, this converts '/' -> '\'.   I don't think lind FS handles
  # '\'...

  normalizedlindfn = os.path.normpath(fullfilename)
  normalizedlinddirname = os.path.dirname(normalizedlindfn)

  # go through the directories and check if they are there, possibly creating
  # needed ones...
  currentdir = ''
  # NOT os.path.split!   I want each dir!!!
  for thisdir in normalizedlinddirname.split('/'):
    currentdir +=thisdir + '/'

      # check if this is a directory that exists
      if IS_DIR(lind_test_server.stat_syscall(currentdir)[2]):
        # all is well
      # otherwise, it exists, but isn't a dir...   
      raise IOError("LIND FS path exists and isn't a dir: '"+currentdir+"'")

    except lind_test_server.SyscallError, e:
      # must be missing dir or else let the caller see this!
      if e[1] != "ENOENT":   

      # okay, do I create it?
      if not createmissingdirs:
        raise IOError("LIND FS path does not exist but should not be created: '"+currentdir+"'")

      # otherwise, make it ...  
      # and copy over the perms, etc.
Beispiel #12
 def mkdir(self, path, mode):
     log("mkdir", path, mode)
         ret = lind.mkdir_syscall(path, mode)
     except lind.SyscallError, e:
         ret = -errno[e[1]]