Beispiel #1
def process_pipeline(frame, keep_state=True):
    Apply whole lane detection pipeline to an input color frame.
    :param frame: input color frame
    :param keep_state: if True, lane-line state is conserved (this permits to average results)
    :return: output blend with detected lane overlaid

    global line_lt, line_rt, processed_frames

    # undistort the image using coefficients found in calibration
    img_undistorted = undistort(frame, mtx, dist, verbose=False)

    # binarize the frame s.t. lane lines are highlighted as much as possible
    img_binary = binarize(img_undistorted, verbose=False)

    # compute perspective transform to obtain bird's eye view
    img_birdeye, M, Minv = birdeye(img_binary, verbose=False)

    # fit 2-degree polynomial curve onto lane lines found
    if processed_frames > 0 and keep_state and line_lt.detected and line_rt.detected:
        line_lt, line_rt, img_fit = get_fits_by_previous_fits(img_birdeye,
        line_lt, line_rt, img_fit = get_fits_by_sliding_windows(img_birdeye,

    # compute offset in meter from center of the lane
    offset_meter = compute_offset_from_center(line_lt,

    # draw the surface enclosed by lane lines back onto the original frame
    blend_on_road = draw_back_onto_the_road(img_undistorted, Minv, line_lt,
                                            line_rt, keep_state)

    # stitch on the top of final output images from different steps of the pipeline
    blend_output = prepare_out_blend_frame(blend_on_road, img_binary,
                                           img_birdeye, img_fit, line_lt,
                                           line_rt, offset_meter)

    processed_frames += 1

    return blend_output
Beispiel #2
def process_pipeline(frame, keep_state=True):
    Apply whole lane detection pipeline to an input color frame.
    :param frame: input color frame
    :param keep_state: if True, lane-line state is conserved (this permits to average results)
    :return: output blend with detected lane overlaid

    global line_lt, line_rt, processed_frames

    # undistort the image using coefficients found in calibration
    img_undistorted = undistort(frame, mtx, dist, verbose=False)

    # binarize the frame s.t. lane lines are highlighted as much as possible
    img_binary = binarize(img_undistorted, verbose=False)

    # compute perspective transform to obtain bird's eye view
    img_birdeye, M, Minv = birdeye(img_binary, verbose=False)

    # fit 2-degree polynomial curve onto lane lines found
    if processed_frames > 0 and keep_state and line_lt.detected and line_rt.detected:
        line_lt, line_rt, img_fit = get_fits_by_previous_fits(img_birdeye, line_lt, line_rt, verbose=False)
        line_lt, line_rt, img_fit = get_fits_by_sliding_windows(img_birdeye, line_lt, line_rt, n_windows=9, verbose=False)

    # compute offset in meter from center of the lane
    offset_meter = compute_offset_from_center(line_lt, line_rt, frame_width=frame.shape[1])

    # draw the surface enclosed by lane lines back onto the original frame
    blend_on_road = draw_back_onto_the_road(img_undistorted, Minv, line_lt, line_rt, keep_state)

    # stitch on the top of final output images from different steps of the pipeline
    blend_output = prepare_out_blend_frame(blend_on_road, img_binary, img_birdeye, img_fit, line_lt, line_rt, offset_meter)

    processed_frames += 1

    return blend_output