Beispiel #1
    def predict(self, xs):
        """ Predict the outputs and thier variance, y* and V[y*], given new
            inputs, x*.

                xs: [DxN] test points for prediction (x*)

                Ems: array of N predictions of m*
                Vms: array of N predictions of the variance of m*, V[m*].

        # Check we have trained
        D, N = self._check_prediction_inputs(xs)

        # Pre-allocate
        Ems, Vms = np.zeros(N), np.zeros(N)

        # Evaluate test kernel vectors and do a stable inversion
        ks = self.kfunc(self.x, np.atleast_2d(xs), *self.kparams)
        Kinvks = cholsolve(jitchol(self.C), ks)

        for n, xn in enumerate(xs.T):

            # Evaluate the test kernel vectors
            kss = self.kfunc(np.atleast_2d(xn).T, np.atleast_2d(xn).T,

            # Predict the latent function
            Ems[n] = (Kinvks[:, n].T).dot(self.m)
            Vms[n] = kss - Kinvks[:, n][:, n])

        return Ems, Vms
Beispiel #2
    def __gplearn(self, y, K, delta=None, maxit=None, verbose=False):
        """ Parameter learning for a basic GP. Called by the _learn method. """

        N = y.shape[0]

        # Make posterior GP
        C = K + np.eye(N) * self.ynoise**2
        Cchol = jitchol(C)

        # Calculate the log-marginal-likelihood
        lml = -0.5 * (logdet(Cchol) +, y)) + N *
                      np.log(2 * np.pi))

        return y, C, lml
Beispiel #3
    def __taylin(self, y, K, delta=1e-6, maxit=200, rate=0.75, maxsteps=25,
        """ Posterior parameter learning using 1st order Taylor series
            expansion of the nonlinear forward model.

                y: N array of training outputs (dimensionality of 1)
                K: the [NxN] covariance matrix with the current hyper parameter
                delta: [optional] the convergence threshold for the objective
                    function (free energy).
                dparams: [optional] the convergence threshold for the
                    hyperparameter values.
                maxit: [optional] maximum number of iterations for learning the
                    posterior parameters.
                rate: [optional] the learning rate of the line search used in
                    each of the Gauss-Newton style iterations for the posterior
                maxsteps: [optional] the maximum number of line-search steps.
                verbose: [optional] whether or not to display current learning
                    progress to the terminal.

                The final objective function value (free energy), and the
                posterior mean (m) and Covariance (C).

        # Establish some parameters
        N = y.shape[0]
        m = np.zeros(N)

        # Make sigma points in latent space
        Kchol = jitchol(K)

        # Bootstrap iterations
        obj = np.finfo(float).min
        endcond = "maxit"

        # Pre-allocate
        a = np.zeros(N)
        H = np.zeros((N, N))

        for i in range(maxit):

            # Store old values in case of divergence, and for "line search"
            objo, mo, ao, Ho = obj, m.copy(), a.copy(), H.copy()

            # Taylor series linearisation
            gm = self._passnlfunc(self.nlfunc, mo)
            a = self._passnlfunc(self.dnlfunc, mo)

            # Kalmain gain
            AK = (a * K).T
            AKAsig = a * AK
            AKAsig[np.diag_indices(N)] += self.ynoise**2
            H = cholsolve(jitchol(AKAsig), AK).T

            # Do a bit of a heuristic line search for best step length
            for j in range(maxsteps):

                step = rate**j
                m = (1 - step) * mo + step * - gm + a * mo)

                # MAP objective
                ygm = y - self._passnlfunc(self.nlfunc, m)
                obj = -0.5 * (, m))
                              + (ygm**2).sum()/self.ynoise**2)

                if obj >= objo:

            dobj = abs((objo - obj) / obj)

            # Divergence, use previous result
            if (obj < objo) & (dobj > delta):
                m, obj, a, H = mo, objo, ao, Ho  # recover old values
                endcond = "diverge"

            # Convergence, use latest result
            if dobj <= delta:
                endcond = "converge"

        if verbose is True:
            print("iters: {}, endcond = {}, MAP = {}, "
                  "delta = {:.2e}".format(i, endcond, obj, dobj))

        # Useful equations for Free energy
        C = K - * K).T)
        gm = self._passnlfunc(self.nlfunc, m)

        # Calculate Free Energy
        Feng = -0.5 * (N * np.log(np.pi * 2 * self.ynoise**2)
                       + ((y - gm)**2).sum() / self.ynoise**2
                       +, m)) - logdet(C, dochol=True)
                       + logdet(Kchol))

        return m, C, Feng
Beispiel #4
    def __taylin(self,
        """ Posterior parameter learning using 1st order Taylor series
            expansion of the nonlinear forward model.

                y: N array of training outputs (dimensionality of 1)
                K: the [NxN] covariance matrix with the current hyper parameter
                delta: [optional] the convergence threshold for the objective
                    function (free energy).
                dparams: [optional] the convergence threshold for the
                    hyperparameter values.
                maxit: [optional] maximum number of iterations for learning the
                    posterior parameters.
                rate: [optional] the learning rate of the line search used in
                    each of the Gauss-Newton style iterations for the posterior
                maxsteps: [optional] the maximum number of line-search steps.
                verbose: [optional] whether or not to display current learning
                    progress to the terminal.

                The final objective function value (free energy), and the
                posterior mean (m) and Covariance (C).

        # Establish some parameters
        N = y.shape[0]
        m = np.random.randn(N) / 100.0

        # Make sigma points in latent space
        Kchol = jitchol(K)

        # Bootstrap iterations
        obj = np.finfo(float).min
        endcond = "maxit"

        # Pre-allocate
        a = np.zeros(N)
        H = np.zeros((N, N))

        for i in range(maxit):

            # Store old values in case of divergence, and for "line search"
            objo, mo, ao, Ho = obj, m.copy(), a.copy(), H.copy()

            # Taylor series linearisation
            gm = self._passnlfunc(self.nlfunc, mo)
            a = self._passnlfunc(self.dnlfunc, mo)

            # Kalmain gain
            AK = (a * K).T
            AKAsig = a * AK
            AKAsig[np.diag_indices(N)] += self.ynoise**2
            H = cholsolve(jitchol(AKAsig), AK).T

            # Do a bit of a heuristic line search for best step length
            for j in range(maxsteps):

                step = rate**j
                m = (1 - step) * mo + step * - gm + a * mo)

                # MAP objective
                ygm = y - self._passnlfunc(self.nlfunc, m)
                obj = -0.5 * (, m)) +
                              (ygm**2).sum() / self.ynoise**2)

                if obj >= objo:

            dobj = abs((objo - obj) / obj)

            # Divergence, use previous result
            if (obj < objo) & (dobj > delta):
                m, obj, a, H = mo, objo, ao, Ho  # recover old values
                endcond = "diverge"

            # Convergence, use latest result
            if dobj <= delta:
                endcond = "converge"

        if verbose is True:
            print("iters: {}, endcond = {}, MAP = {}, "
                  "delta = {:.2e}".format(i, endcond, obj, dobj))

        # Useful equations for Free energy
        C = K - * K).T)
        gm = self._passnlfunc(self.nlfunc, m)

        # Calculate Free Energy
        Feng = -0.5 * (N * np.log(np.pi * 2 * self.ynoise**2) +
                       ((y - gm)**2).sum() / self.ynoise**2 +
             , m)) - logdet(C, dochol=True) +

        return m, C, Feng
Beispiel #5
    def _learn(self, learnfunc, x, y, kparams, ynoise, nlparams, dobj, dparams,
               maxit, verbose):
        """ Generic optimisation method for this and derived Gaussian Process

            Essentially this manages the call to NLopt, establishes upper and
            lower bounds on the hyperparameters, and sets the internal
            parameters and hyperparameters to their learned values.

                learnfunc: the learning function to call to actually learn the
                    *parameters* of the GP, i.e. the posterior mean and
                    covariance, it should have the following minimal form:

                    def learnfunc(y, K, delta=None, maxit=None, verbose=False):

                        ... do some calcs

                        return m, C, obj

                    where K is the prior [NxN] covariance matrix built using
                    the current estimates of the hyperparameters, m is the
                    posterior mean of the GP, C is the posterior covariance of
                    the GP and obj is the final value of the objective function
                    (log marginal likelihood or some proxy). Also:

                        delta: is the convergence threshold, and is passed
                        maxit: the maximum number of iterations to perform
                            (passed maxit from this function)
                        verbose: toggle verbose output, also routed from this

                x: [DxN] array of N input samples with a dimensionality of D.
                y: N array of training outputs (dimensionality of 1)
                kparams: a tuple of initial values corresponding to the kernel
                    hyperparameters of the kernel function input to the
                ynoise: a scalar initial value for the observation (y) noise.
                dobj: the convergence threshold for the objective function
                    (log-marginal likelihood) used by NLopt.
                dparams: the convergence threshold for the hyperparameter
                maxit: maximum numbr of iterations for learning the
                verbose: whether or not to display current learning progress to
                    the terminal.

                The final objective function value (log marginal likelihood).
                Also internally all of the final parameters and hyperparameters
                are stored.

                This stops learning as soon as one of the convergence criterion
                is met (objective, hyperparameters or iterations).

        # Check arguments
        D, N = self.__check_training_inputs(x, y)

        # Check bounds with parameters to learn
        lbounds, ubounds = self.__checkbounds(kparams, nlparams, ynoise)

        # Make log-marginal-likelihood closure for optimisation
        def objective(params, grad):

            # Make sure grad is empty
            assert not grad, "Grad is not empty!"

            # Extract hyperparameters
            self.__extractparams(params, kparams, nlparams, ynoise)
            K = self.kfunc(self.x, self.x, *self.kparams)

            m, C, obj = learnfunc(y, K, delta=dobj/10, maxit=maxit,

            if obj > self.obj:
                self.m, self.C, self.obj = m, C, obj

            if verbose is True:
                print("\tObjective: {}, params: {}".format(obj, params))

            return obj

        # Get initial hyper-parameters
        params = self.__catparams(kparams, nlparams, ynoise)
        nparams = len(params)

        # Set up optimiser with objective function and bounds
        opt = nlopt.opt(nlopt.LN_BOBYQA, nparams)

        # Run the optimisation
        params = opt.optimize(params)
        optfval = opt.last_optimize_result()

        if verbose is True:
            print("Optimiser finish criterion: {0}".format(optfval))

        # Store learned parameters (these have been over-written by nlopt)
        self.__extractparams(params, kparams, nlparams, ynoise)
        self.Kchol = jitchol(self.kfunc(self.x, self.x, *self.kparams))

        return self.obj
    def __statlin(self, y, K, delta=1e-6, maxit=200, rate=0.75, maxsteps=25,
        """ Posterior parameter learning using the unscented transform and
            statistical linearisation.

                y: N array of training outputs (dimensionality of 1)
                K: the [NxN] covariance matrix with the current hyper parameter
                delta: [optional] the convergence threshold for the objective
                    function (free energy).
                dparams: [optional] the convergence threshold for the
                    hyperparameter values.
                maxit: [optional] maximum number of iterations for learning the
                    posterior parameters.
                rate: [optional] the learning rate of the line search used in
                    each of the Gauss-Newton style iterations for the posterior
                maxsteps: [optional] the maximum number of line-search steps.
                verbose: [optional] whether or not to display current learning
                    progress to the terminal.

                The final objective function value (free energy), and the
                posterior mean (m) and Covariance (C).

        # Establish some parameters
        N = y.shape[0]
        m = np.zeros(N)

        # Make sigma points in latent space
        C = K.copy()
        Kchol = jitchol(K)
        Ms = self.__makesigmas1D(K)

        # Bootstrap iterations
        obj = np.finfo(float).min
        endcond = "maxit"
        ybar = y.copy()

        for i in range(maxit):

            # Store old values in case of divergence, and for "line search"
            objo, mo, ybaro = obj, m.copy(), ybar.copy()

            # Sigma points in obs. space and sigma point stats
            Ys = self._passnlfunc(self.nlfunc, m[:, np.newaxis] + Ms)
            ybar = (self.W * Ys).sum(axis=1)
            Sym = (self.W * (Ys - ybar[:, np.newaxis]) * Ms).sum(axis=1)

            # Statistical linearisation
            a = Sym / C.diagonal()

            # Kalmain gain
            AK = (a * K).T
            AKAsig = a * AK
            AKAsig[np.diag_indices(N)] += self.ynoise**2
            H = cholsolve(jitchol(AKAsig), AK).T

            # Do a bit of a heuristic line search for best step length
            for j in range(maxsteps):

                step = rate**j
                m = (1 - step) * mo + step * - ybar + a * mo)

                # MAP objective
                ygm = y - self._passnlfunc(self.nlfunc, m)
                obj = -0.5 * (, m))
                              + (ygm**2).sum()/self.ynoise**2)

                if obj >= objo:

            dobj = abs((objo - obj) / obj)

            # Divergence, use previous result
            if (obj < objo) & (dobj > delta):
                m, ybar, obj = mo, ybaro, objo  # recover old values
                endcond = "diverge"

            # Make posterior C if m has not diverged
            C = K -
            Ms = self.__makesigmas1D(C)

            # Convergence, use latest result
            if dobj <= delta:
                endcond = "converge"

        if verbose is True:
            print("iters: {}, endcond = {}, MAP = {}, "
                  "delta = {:.2e}".format(i, endcond, obj, dobj))

        # Calculate Free Energy
        Feng = -0.5 * (N * np.log(np.pi * 2 * self.ynoise**2)
                       + ((y - ybar)**2).sum() / self.ynoise**2
                       +, m)) - logdet(C, dochol=True)
                       + logdet(Kchol))

        return m, C, Feng
Beispiel #7
plt.legend(loc=3, fontsize=18)
ax.set_yticklabels(ax.get_yticks(), size=16)
ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticks(), size=16)

#plt.savefig('test.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')

#true Latent function evaluation
#k_C,k_B, k_S, k_l
Kfu = lfmkernels.kern_ode_Kfu(xt[:, np.newaxis], xt[:, np.newaxis], k_C, k_B,
                              k_S, k_l)
Kff = lfmkernels.kern_ode(xt[:, np.newaxis], xt[:, np.newaxis], k_C, k_B, k_S,
Kffinvfs = cholsolve(jitchol(Kff), ft[:, np.newaxis])
#True mean of u(t)
mu =, Kffinvfs)

#estimated latent function u(t)
Kuu = lfmkernels.kern_ode_Kuu(xt[:, np.newaxis], gp.kparams[3])
Kfu = lfmkernels.kern_ode_Kfu(xt[:, np.newaxis], xt[:, np.newaxis],
KffinvKfu = cholsolve(gp.Kchol, Kfu)

mus = (KffinvKfu.T).dot(gp.m)
Vms = np.diag(Kuu - -

plt.figure(figsize=(11, 6))
ax = plt.subplot(111)
plt.plot(xt, mu * k_S, label='True process, $u_{true}$')
Beispiel #8
    def __statlin(self,
        """ Posterior parameter learning using the unscented transform and
            statistical linearisation.

                y: N array of training outputs (dimensionality of 1)
                K: the [NxN] covariance matrix with the current hyper parameter
                delta: [optional] the convergence threshold for the objective
                    function (free energy).
                dparams: [optional] the convergence threshold for the
                    hyperparameter values.
                maxit: [optional] maximum number of iterations for learning the
                    posterior parameters.
                rate: [optional] the learning rate of the line search used in
                    each of the Gauss-Newton style iterations for the posterior
                maxsteps: [optional] the maximum number of line-search steps.
                verbose: [optional] whether or not to display current learning
                    progress to the terminal.

                The final objective function value (free energy), and the
                posterior mean (m) and Covariance (C).

        # Establish some parameters
        N = y.shape[0]
        m = np.random.randn(N) / 100.0

        # Make sigma points in latent space
        C = K.copy()
        Kchol = jitchol(K)
        Ms = self.__makesigmas1D(K)

        # Bootstrap iterations
        obj = np.finfo(float).min
        endcond = "maxit"
        ybar = y.copy()

        for i in range(maxit):

            # Store old values in case of divergence, and for "line search"
            objo, mo, ybaro = obj, m.copy(), ybar.copy()

            # Sigma points in obs. space and sigma point stats
            Ys = self._passnlfunc(self.nlfunc, m[:, np.newaxis] + Ms)
            ybar = (self.W * Ys).sum(axis=1)
            Sym = (self.W * (Ys - ybar[:, np.newaxis]) * Ms).sum(axis=1)

            # Statistical linearisation
            a = Sym / C.diagonal()

            # Kalmain gain
            AK = (a * K).T
            AKAsig = a * AK
            AKAsig[np.diag_indices(N)] += self.ynoise**2
            H = cholsolve(jitchol(AKAsig), AK).T

            # Do a bit of a heuristic line search for best step length
            for j in range(maxsteps):

                step = rate**j
                m = (1 - step) * mo + step * - ybar + a * mo)

                # MAP objective
                ygm = y - self._passnlfunc(self.nlfunc, m)
                obj = -0.5 * (, m)) +
                              (ygm**2).sum() / self.ynoise**2)

                if obj >= objo:

            dobj = abs((objo - obj) / obj)

            # Divergence, use previous result
            if (obj < objo) & (dobj > delta):
                m, ybar, obj = mo, ybaro, objo  # recover old values
                endcond = "diverge"

            # Make posterior C if m has not diverged
            C = K -
            Ms = self.__makesigmas1D(C)

            # Convergence, use latest result
            if dobj <= delta:
                endcond = "converge"

        if verbose is True:
            print("iters: {}, endcond = {}, MAP = {}, "
                  "delta = {:.2e}".format(i, endcond, obj, dobj))

        # Calculate Free Energy
        Feng = -0.5 * (N * np.log(np.pi * 2 * self.ynoise**2) +
                       ((y - ybar)**2).sum() / self.ynoise**2 +
             , m)) - logdet(C, dochol=True) +

        return m, C, Feng