Beispiel #1
    def _validate_data(self) -> None:
        p = self.portfolios.ndarray
        f = self.factors.ndarray
        if p.shape[0] != f.shape[0]:
            raise ValueError("The number of observations in portfolios and "
                             "factors is not the same.")

        p = self.portfolios.ndarray
        f = self.factors.ndarray
        if has_constant(p)[0]:
            raise ValueError("portfolios must not contains a constant or "
                             "equivalent and must not have rank\n"
                             "less than the dimension of the smaller shape.")
        if has_constant(f)[0]:
            raise ValueError(
                "factors must not contain a constant or equivalent.")
        if np.linalg.matrix_rank(f) < f.shape[1]:
            raise ValueError(
                "Model cannot be estimated. factors do not have full column rank."
        if p.shape[0] < (f.shape[1] + 1):
            raise ValueError(
                "Model cannot be estimated. portfolios must have factors + 1 or "
                "more returns to\nestimate the model parameters.")
Beispiel #2
    def s(self) -> NDArray:
        """HAC score covariance estimate"""
        x, z, eps = self.x, self.z, self.eps
        nobs, nvar = x.shape

        pinvz = self._pinvz
        xhat = z @ (pinvz @ x)
        xhat_e = xhat * eps

        kernel = self.config["kernel"]
        bw = self.config["bandwidth"]
        if bw is None:
            self._auto_bandwidth = True
            from linearmodels.shared.linalg import has_constant

            const, loc = has_constant(xhat)
            sel = ones((xhat.shape[1], 1))
            if const:
                sel[loc] = 0
            scores = xhat_e @ sel
            bw = kernel_optimal_bandwidth(scores, kernel)

        self._bandwidth = bw
        w = self._kernels[kernel](bw, nobs - 1)

        s = cov_kernel(xhat_e, w)

        return self._scale * s
def test_hasconstant():
    x = np.random.randn(100, 3)
    hc, loc = has_constant(x)
    assert bool(hc) is False
    assert loc is None
    x[:, 0] = 1
    hc, loc = has_constant(x)
    assert hc is True
    assert loc == 0
    x[:, 0] = 2
    hc, loc = has_constant(x)
    assert hc is True
    assert loc == 0
    x[::2, 0] = 0
    x[:, 1] = 1
    x[1::2, 1] = 0
    hc, loc = has_constant(x)
    assert hc is True