Beispiel #1
    def test_item_partition_goto(self):
        rule_set = LALRRuleSet()  # example grammar on EC pp.120
        goal, list_, pair = rule_set.new_nt(3)
        rule_set.add_rule(goal, d(nt(list_)))
        rule_set.add_rule(list_, d(nt(list_), nt(pair)))
        rule_set.add_rule(list_, d(nt(pair)))
        rule_set.add_rule(pair, d(t('('), nt(pair), t(')')))
        rule_set.add_rule(pair, d(t('('), t(')')))

        cc3 = {
            (pair, 0, 1): {eof, '('},
            (pair, 1, 1): {eof, '('},
            (pair, 0, 0): {')'},
            (pair, 1, 0): {')'}

        partitions = rule_set.item_partition_goto(cc3)
            partitions, {
                ('nt', pair): {
                    (pair, 0, 1): {eof, '('}
                ('t', '('): {
                    (pair, 0, 0): {')'},
                    (pair, 1, 0): {')'}
                ('t', ')'): {
                    (pair, 1, 1): {eof, '('}
Beispiel #2
 def test_item_closure_with_eps(self):
     rule_set = LALRRuleSet()
     S, M = rule_set.new_nt(2)
     rule_set.add_rule(S, d(t('if'), t('B'), nt(M), nt(S)))
     rule_set.add_rule(S, d(t('A')))
     rule_set.add_rule(M, d(t(epsilon)))
     item_set = {(S, 0, 2): {eof}}
     result = rule_set.item_closure(item_set)
     self.assertEqual(result, {(S, 0, 2): {eof}, (M, 0, 1): {'if', 'A'}})
Beispiel #3
def build_test_rule():
    rule_set = LALRRuleSet()  # example grammar on EC pp.120
    goal, list_, pair = rule_set.new_nt(3)
    rule_set.add_rule(goal, d(nt(list_)))
    rule_set.add_rule(list_, d(nt(list_), nt(pair)))
    rule_set.add_rule(list_, d(nt(pair)))
    rule_set.add_rule(pair, d(t('('), nt(pair), t(')')))
    rule_set.add_rule(pair, d(t('('), t(')')))
    return rule_set
Beispiel #4
    def test_calc_ambiguous_table_2(self):
        rule_set = LALRRuleSet()  # example grammar on EC pp.136
        stmt = rule_set.new_nt(1)[0]
        rule_set.add_rule(stmt, d(t('if'), nt(stmt)))
        rule_set.add_rule(stmt, d(t('if'), nt(stmt), t('else'), nt(stmt)))
        rule_set.add_rule(stmt, d(t('assign')))

        with self.assertRaises(LALRTableBuildError):
            action, goto = rule_set.calc_parse_table()
Beispiel #5
    def test_calc_parse_table(self):
        rule_set = LALRRuleSet()  # example grammar on EC pp.120
        goal, list_, pair = rule_set.new_nt(3)
        rule_set.add_rule(goal, d(nt(list_)))
        rule_set.add_rule(list_, d(nt(list_), nt(pair)))
        rule_set.add_rule(list_, d(nt(pair)))
        rule_set.add_rule(pair, d(t('('), nt(pair), t(')')))
        rule_set.add_rule(pair, d(t('('), t(')')))

        cc, action, goto = rule_set.calc_parse_table()
        correct_action = [{
            '(': (Action.shift, )
        }, {
            '(': (Action.shift, ),
            eof: (Action.accept, 0, 0)
        }, {
            '(': (Action.reduce, 1, 1),
            eof: (Action.reduce, 1, 1)
        }, {
            '(': (Action.shift, ),
            ')': (Action.shift, )
        }, {
            '(': (Action.reduce, 1, 0),
            eof: (Action.reduce, 1, 0)
        }, {
            ')': (Action.shift, )
        }, {
            '(': (Action.reduce, 2, 1),
            eof: (Action.reduce, 2, 1),
            ')': (Action.reduce, 2, 1)
        }, {
            '(': (Action.reduce, 2, 0),
            eof: (Action.reduce, 2, 0),
            ')': (Action.reduce, 2, 0)

        correct_goto = [{
            ('nt', 1): 1,
            ('nt', 2): 2,
            ('t', '('): 3
        }, {
            ('nt', 2): 4,
            ('t', '('): 3
        }, {}, {
            ('nt', 2): 5,
            ('t', '('): 3,
            ('t', ')'): 6
        }, {}, {
            ('t', ')'): 7
        }, {}, {}]

        self.assertIsomorphic(action, goto, correct_action, correct_goto)
Beispiel #6
    def test_item_advance(self):
        rule_set = LALRRuleSet()  # example grammar on EC pp.120
        goal, list_, pair = rule_set.new_nt(3)
        rule_set.add_rule(goal, d(nt(list_)))
        rule_set.add_rule(list_, d(nt(list_), nt(pair)))
        rule_set.add_rule(list_, d(nt(pair)))
        rule_set.add_rule(pair, d(t('('), nt(pair), t(')')))
        rule_set.add_rule(pair, d(t('('), t(')')))

        item_set = {(pair, 0, 0): {')'}, (pair, 1, 0): {')'}}
        result = rule_set.item_advance(item_set)
        self.assertEqual(result, {(pair, 0, 1): {')'}, (pair, 1, 1): {')'}})
Beispiel #7
 def test_calc_initial(self):
     rule_set = LALRRuleSet()  # example grammar on stanford handout pp.1
     S, X = rule_set.new_nt(2)
     rule_set.add_rule(S, d(nt(X), nt(X)))
     rule_set.add_rule(X, d(t('a'), nt(X)))
     rule_set.add_rule(X, d(t('b')))
     initial = rule_set.calc_initial()
     self.assertEqual(initial, {
         (S, 0, 0): {eof},
         (X, 0, 0): {'a', 'b'},
         (X, 1, 0): {'a', 'b'}
Beispiel #8
    def item_closure(self, item_map):
        closure = item_map.copy()
        work_list = closure.copy()
        while work_list:
            item, la_set = work_list.popitem()
            ntid, rule_id, pos = item

            derives = self.nt_rules[ntid][rule_id]  # fetch the original rule
            if pos < len(derives):
                next_symbol = derives[pos]
                if next_symbol[0] == 'nt':
                    new_la = set()
                    for category in la_set:
                        new_la |= self.calc_first_set_seq(derives[pos + 1:] +

                    next_ntid = next_symbol[1]
                    for rule_id, rule in enumerate(self.nt_rules[next_ntid]):
                        loc = 0
                        while loc < len(rule) and rule[loc] == t(
                                epsilon):  # skip over epsilons
                            loc += 1
                        key = (next_ntid, rule_id, loc)
                        if key in closure:
                            diff = new_la - closure[key]
                            if diff:
                                closure[key] |= diff
                                work_list[key] = diff
                            closure[key] = new_la.copy()
                            work_list[key] = new_la.copy()
        return closure
Beispiel #9
    def test_calc_parse_table_2(self):
        rule_set = LALRRuleSet()  # example grammar on stanford handout pp.1
        S, X = rule_set.new_nt(2)
        rule_set.add_rule(S, d(nt(X), nt(X)))
        rule_set.add_rule(X, d(t('a'), nt(X)))
        rule_set.add_rule(X, d(t('b')))

        cc, action, goto = rule_set.calc_parse_table()
        correct_action = [{
            'a': (Action.shift, ),
            'b': (Action.shift, )
        }, {
            'a': (Action.shift, ),
            'b': (Action.shift, )
        }, {
            'a': (Action.shift, ),
            'b': (Action.shift, )
        }, {
            'a': (Action.reduce, 1, 1),
            'b': (Action.reduce, 1, 1),
            eof: (Action.reduce, 1, 1)
        }, {
            eof: (Action.accept, 0, 0)
        }, {
            'a': (Action.reduce, 1, 0),
            'b': (Action.reduce, 1, 0),
            eof: (Action.reduce, 1, 0)

        correct_goto = [{
            ('nt', X): 1,
            ('t', 'a'): 2,
            ('t', 'b'): 3
        }, {
            ('nt', X): 4,
            ('t', 'a'): 2,
            ('t', 'b'): 3
        }, {
            ('nt', X): 5,
            ('t', 'a'): 2,
            ('t', 'b'): 3
        }, {}, {}, {}]

        self.assertIsomorphic(action, goto, correct_action, correct_goto)
Beispiel #10
    def test_item_closure(self):
        rule_set = LALRRuleSet()  # example grammar on EC pp.120
        goal, list_, pair = rule_set.new_nt(3)
        rule_set.add_rule(goal, d(nt(list_)))
        rule_set.add_rule(list_, d(nt(list_), nt(pair)))
        rule_set.add_rule(list_, d(nt(pair)))
        rule_set.add_rule(pair, d(t('('), nt(pair), t(')')))
        rule_set.add_rule(pair, d(t('('), t(')')))

        item_set = {(goal, 0, 0): {eof}}
        closure = rule_set.item_closure(item_set)
            closure, {
                (goal, 0, 0): {eof},
                (list_, 0, 0): {eof, '('},
                (list_, 1, 0): {eof, '('},
                (pair, 0, 0): {eof, '('},
                (pair, 1, 0): {eof, '('}

        item_set = {(pair, 0, 1): {eof, '('}, (pair, 1, 1): {eof, '('}}
        closure = rule_set.item_closure(item_set)
            closure, {
                (pair, 0, 1): {eof, '('},
                (pair, 1, 1): {eof, '('},
                (pair, 0, 0): {')'},
                (pair, 1, 0): {')'}
            })  # CC3

        item_set = {(pair, 0, 1): {')'}, (pair, 1, 1): {')'}}
        closure = rule_set.item_closure(item_set)
            closure, {
                (pair, 0, 0): {')'},
                (pair, 0, 1): {')'},
                (pair, 1, 0): {')'},
                (pair, 1, 1): {')'}
            })  # CC6
Beispiel #11
    def test_calc_LALR_conflict_table(self):
        rule_set = LALRRuleSet()  # example grammar on stanford handout pp.3
        S, B, C = rule_set.new_nt(3)
        rule_set.add_rule(S, d(t('a'), nt(B), t('c')))
        rule_set.add_rule(S, d(t('b'), nt(C), t('c')))
        rule_set.add_rule(S, d(t('a'), nt(C), t('d')))
        rule_set.add_rule(S, d(t('b'), nt(B), t('d')))
        rule_set.add_rule(B, d(t('e')))
        rule_set.add_rule(C, d(t('e')))

        with self.assertRaises(LALRTableBuildError):
            action, goto = rule_set.calc_parse_table()
Beispiel #12
eq = re_utils.atom('=', EQ)

alt_delim = re_utils.atom('|', ALT_DELIM)

nfa = re_utils.alt([name, blank, eq, alt_delim])

bnf_scanner = scanner_builder(nfa, category_info)

rule_set = LALRRuleSet()
bnf, alt, dlist = rule_set.new_nt(3)

rule_actions = {}

rule_set.add_rule(bnf, d(t(NAME), t(EQ), nt(alt)))

def rule_bnf(data_list, repo):
    return data_list[0], data_list[2]

rule_actions[(bnf, 0)] = rule_bnf
rule_set.add_rule(alt, d(nt(alt), t(ALT_DELIM), nt(dlist)))

def rule_alt(data_list, repo):
    return data_list[0] + [data_list[2]]

rule_actions[(alt, 0)] = rule_alt