def select_input_subset(path, var=list_of_input_var):

    # get number of directories in the current folder
    folder_list = os.listdir(path)

    # define dictionary to collect all the subsetted data
    data_dict = {}

    # iterate over every folder
    for folder in folder_list:
        float_dict = link.import_all_cepac_in_files(os.path.join(path, folder))
        for k in float_dict:
            float_name = re.sub('.in', "",
            float_name = re.sub('cepac_run', "", float_name)
            data_dict[int(float_name)] = link.get_subset_of_in_file(
                float_dict[k], var)

    return data_dict
Beispiel #2
 def __init__(self, path, sensitivity_module = False, transmission_module = False):
     # get independent variable names and values
     self.independent_var, self.independent_var_val = link.extract_ind_var_and_val(path)
     # perform either sensitivity module or transmission module
     if sensitivity_module:
         # read perturbation file
         self.perturbation = link.import_perturbation_file(os.path.join(path, r'Input files'))
         for folder in os.listdir(os.path.join(path, r'Input files')):
             # read the input data for base-case, intervention and perturbation. Point it to correct attribute
             # make input_files folder as current directory
             self.base_files = link.import_all_cepac_in_files(os.path.join(path, r'Input files', folder))
             # following attribute will be 'True' if all the files for sensitivity analysis have been created
             self.sensitivity_files = self.get_sensitivity_analysis_files(os.path.join(path, r'Input files', folder))
     elif transmission_module:
         # run the transmission module
         self.transmission_rate_multiplier = dtm.initialize_tx_module(path)
         # replace the values of m_bar_tx and write the files
         print('You have not activated any module among sensitivity and transmissions')
Beispiel #3
def get_in_out_data(path):

    cepac_out, cepac_in = {}, {}

    # import required input and output
    for k in path:
        cepac_out[k] = link.import_all_cepac_out_files(os.path.join(
            path[k], r'results'),
        cepac_in[k] = link.import_all_cepac_in_files(path[k])
# =============================================================================
#     cepac_out['Positive coverage (15%)'] = link.import_all_cepac_out_files(os.path.join(path['positive coverage'], r'results'), module = 'regression')
#     cepac_out['Zero coverage'] = link.import_all_cepac_out_files(os.path.join(path['zero coverage'], r'results'), module = 'regression')
#     cepac_in['Positive coverage (15%)'] = link.import_all_cepac_in_files(path['positive coverage'])
#     cepac_in['Zero coverage'] = link.import_all_cepac_in_files(path['zero coverage'])
# =============================================================================
# get transmission mutiplier from input file
    var_name = ["DynamicTransmissionNumTransmissionsHRG"]
    for sce in cepac_in:
        for run in cepac_in[sce]:
            cepac_in[sce][run] = link.get_subset_of_in_file(
                cepac_in[sce][run], var_name)

    return cepac_in, cepac_out
Beispiel #4
def write_final_runs(value_grid, path_dict, STOP_TIME = 60):
    # aux function for creating final run files
    def get_reduction_coeff(percentage_red, stop_time):
        # reduction coefficient will be as follows
        if ((0.01*percentage_red) < 1) and (percentage_red > 0):
            red_coeff = -1*stop_time/(np.log(1 - (0.01*percentage_red)))
        elif (percentage_red <= 0) or (percentage_red <= 0.0):
            red_coeff = 10000
            # this says percentage reduction is >= 100%
            red_coeff = -1*stop_time/np.log(10**-100)
        return red_coeff
    # check if both inputs are dictionaries
    if not (isinstance(value_grid, dict) or isinstance(path_dict, dict)):
        raise TypeError("Input needs to be in dictionary format.")
    val_to_replace = value_grid
    del value_grid
    # import out files
    #out_path = os.path.join(path_dict['output']['intervention'], r'results')
    cepac_out = {}
    for k in path_dict['output']:
        cepac_out[k] = link.import_all_cepac_out_files(os.path.join(path_dict['output'][k], r'results'), module = "regression")
    # set stop time and PrEP duration
    #SQ_DF = link.import_all_cepac_in_files(path_dict['output']['status quo'])['SQ']
    #STOP_TIME = int(t_op.read_values('HIVIncidReductionStopTime', SQ_DF))
    #del SQ_DF
    # create sets of runs ABC
    out = {}
    name_map = {}
    for k in cepac_out['intervention']:
        if k == 'popstats':
        key_name = aux.get_digit_for_file_name(k, val_to_replace)
        if not key_name in out.keys():
            out[key_name] = {}
        name_map[key_name] = k
        if "RunB" in k:
            out[key_name]['B'] = cepac_out['intervention'][k]
        elif "RunC" in k:
            out[key_name]['C'] = cepac_out['intervention'][k]
    # TODO: following value will change according to city, need to take care of this
    inp = {}
    for k in out:
        out[k]['A'] = cepac_out['status quo']['SQ']#['A']
        inp[k] = {'PrEPCoverage': 0, 'prep_efficacy': 0.96, 'CohortSize': 10000000,
           'PrEPDuration': 0, 'HIVmthIncidMale': 0.00357692085607886, 'prep_usage_at_initialization': 'n'}
    row_idx = 0
    percentage_decline = []
    for i in val_to_replace['PrEPCoverage']:
        for j in val_to_replace['PrEPDuration']:
            if i == 0.0:
                j_idx = np.where(val_to_replace['PrEPDuration'] == j)[0][0]
                out[j_idx] = {}
                out[j_idx]["A"] = cepac_out["status quo"]["SQ"]
                out[j_idx]["B"] = cepac_out["status quo"]["SQ"]
                out[j_idx]["C"] = cepac_out["status quo"]["SQ"]
                inp[j_idx] = inp[1]
            inp[row_idx]['PrEPCoverage'] = i
            inp[row_idx]['PrEPDuration'] = STOP_TIME #60 #600
            percentage_decline.append(tx_algo.get_percentage_decline(out[row_idx], inp[row_idx]))
            row_idx += 1
    # plot results
    plot_heatmap(val_to_replace, percentage_decline, path_dict)
    # write results to excel file
    export_abc_out_to_excel(cepac_out, out, val_to_replace, path_dict)
    # create directory to write the final run files
    if not os.path.exists(path_dict['output']['final runs']):
        os.makedirs(path_dict['output']['final runs'])
    final_path = path_dict['output']['final runs']
    # read one .in file (B, as that is intervention file) and alter following values
    # 1. reduction coefficient
    # 2. disable dynamic transmission module
    # import base file for B
    base_int = link.import_all_cepac_in_files(path_dict['input'])
    base_int = base_int['B']
    # first we'll find the indices of all the required variables
    idx = {}
    var_list = ["UseHIVIncidReduction", "HIVIncidReductionStopTime", "HIVIncidReductionCoefficient", 
                "UseDynamicTransmission", "PrEPCoverage", "PrEPDuration"]
    for k in var_list:
        idx[k] = base_int.loc[base_int.loc[:, 0] == k, :].index.values
    # replace required values
    for run in name_map:
        # deepcopy
        float_int = deepcopy(base_int)
        # following value of stop time might not be correct
        float_int.loc[idx["HIVIncidReductionStopTime"], 1] = STOP_TIME #480#120
        coeff = get_reduction_coeff(percentage_decline[run], float_int.loc[idx["HIVIncidReductionStopTime"], 1].values[0])
        if coeff <= 0:
            # disable incidence reduction 
            float_int.loc[idx["UseHIVIncidReduction"], 1] = 0
            #float_int.loc[idx["HIVIncidReductionCoefficient"], 1] = coeff
            # enable incidence reduction 
            float_int.loc[idx["UseHIVIncidReduction"], 1] = 1
            float_int.loc[idx["HIVIncidReductionCoefficient"], 1] = coeff
        # disable dynamic transmission module
        # TODO: we need to take care that the values for risk multiplier are correct
        float_int.loc[idx["UseDynamicTransmission"], 1] = 1
        # replace coverage and coverage time
        float_int.loc[idx["PrEPCoverage"], 1:2] = 0.01*(aux.get_coverage_level_from_file_name(name_map[run]))
        float_int.loc[idx["PrEPDuration"], 1:2] = aux.get_coverage_time_from_file_name(name_map[run])
        # write the file
        save_path = os.path.join(final_path, name_map[run].split('_')[1]) + '.in'
        link.write_cepac_in_file(save_path, float_int)
Beispiel #5
def write_abc(value_map, path_dict):
    # check if both inputs are dictionaries
    if not (isinstance(value_map, dict) or isinstance(path_dict, dict)):
        raise TypeError("Input needs to be in dictionary format.")
    # check keys in the input dictionary
    for k in value_map:
        if not k in ["PrEPCoverage", "PrEPDuration"]:
            raise ValueError("Keys of the input dictionary should only contain PrEPCoverage and PrEPDuration")
    # Lazyness encounter: remaning input because rest of the code was written with different name
    var_to_replace = value_map
    del value_map
    # create mesh grid for values
    val_to_replace = {}
    val_to_replace['PrEPCoverage'], val_to_replace['PrEPDuration'] = np.meshgrid(var_to_replace['PrEPCoverage'], var_to_replace['PrEPDuration'])
    # import the base files
    cepac_in = link.import_all_cepac_in_files(path_dict['input'])
    # find indices of the required variables
    idx = {}
    for k in var_to_replace:
        idx[k] = cepac_in['B'].loc[cepac_in['B'].loc[:, 0] == k, :].index.values
    # replace all the indices with respective values
    float_b = cepac_in['B']
    float_c = cepac_in['C']
    for row in range(len(val_to_replace['PrEPCoverage'])):
        for col in range(val_to_replace['PrEPCoverage'].shape[1]):
            # don't need to create files for zero coverage, just use SQ results
            if float(val_to_replace["PrEPCoverage"][(row, col)]) == 0:
            for var in var_to_replace: 
                float_b.loc[idx[var], 1:2] = val_to_replace[var][(row, col)]
                float_c.loc[idx[var], 1:2] = val_to_replace[var][(row, col)]
            # make new dir
            if not os.path.exists(path_dict['output']['intervention']):
            # name the input file
            path = path_dict['output']['intervention']
            # B
            name = "RunB_Coverage=%d, Duration=%d"%(100 * val_to_replace["PrEPCoverage"][(row, col)], val_to_replace["PrEPDuration"][(row, col)]) + r".in"
            float_path = os.path.join(path, name)
            link.write_cepac_in_file(float_path, float_b)
            # C
            name = "RunC_Coverage=%d, Duration=%d"%(100 * val_to_replace["PrEPCoverage"][(row, col)], val_to_replace["PrEPDuration"][(row, col)]) + r".in"
            float_path = os.path.join(path, name)
            link.write_cepac_in_file(float_path, float_c)
    # create a folder for status quo
    if not os.path.exists(path_dict['output']['status quo']):
        os.makedirs(path_dict['output']['status quo'])
    # write a status quo .in file in the stsus quo folder
    link.write_cepac_in_file(os.path.join(path_dict['output']['status quo'], ''), cepac_in['SQ'])

Beispiel #6
# collect samples
samples, sample_bounds, var_list, parameters = ipar.get_samples(EXAMPLES)
filepath = r'/Users/vijetadeshpande/Documents/GitHub/meta-environment/Data and results/basefile'
savepath = r'/Users/vijetadeshpande/Documents/GitHub/meta-environment/Data and results/CEPAC RUNS/NEW BATCH'

# create folder to save the files
savepath_cepac = os.path.join(savepath, 'Files for CEPAC')
savepath_rnn = os.path.join(savepath, 'Files for RNN')
for i in [savepath_cepac, savepath_rnn]:
    if not os.path.exists(i):

if (not os.path.exists(os.path.join(savepath, 'results'))) and (not os.path.exists(os.path.join(savepath, str(0), 'results'))):
    # import base .in file
    basefile = link.import_all_cepac_in_files(filepath)['rio']
    # start timer
    start = timeit.default_timer()
    # loop over samples one by one to create .in files
    #samples['Gaussian solution'] = []
    feature_tensor = []
    CEPAC_input_condensed = pd.DataFrame(-10, index = np.arange(EXAMPLES), columns = var_list)
    for run in range(0, EXAMPLES):
        float_df = deepcopy(basefile)
        # loop over all the variables
        for var in var_list:
            # store input value
            if var != 'InitAge':
Beispiel #7
#%% plot longitidinal histories

    long_data = {}
    folder_list = os.listdir(path)
    for i in folder_list:
        float_path = os.path.join(path, i, 'results')
        if not os.path.exists(float_path):
            print('Results folder is missing in following path:')
            long_data[i] = link.import_all_cepac_out_files(path = float_path, extensions = [r'\*.txt'])
    #%% create a set of final runs
    for var in percentage_decline:
        cepac_in = link.import_all_cepac_in_files(os.path.join(path, var))
        float_in = deepcopy(cepac_in)
        # adjustments
        for run in cepac_in:
            if 'RunC' in run or 'C' in run:
            elif 'RunA' in run or 'A' in run:
                float_in['beasecase'] = float_in.pop(run)
            elif 'RunB' in run or 'B' in run:
                float_in['intervention'] = float_in.pop(run)

        del cepac_in
        cepac_in = float_in
        del float_in

        # here we want to change the values percenatg decline
Beispiel #8
                      'incidence': np.array([2.45, 1]),
                      'index positive': 3926,
                      'index negative': 41728,
                      'on ART': 0.71
              'manaus': {'viral load distribution': np.array([0.1268, 0.0612	, 0.0621, 0.1034, 0.2898, 0.3566, 0.0000, 0.0000]),
                      'incidence': np.array([1.4, 1]),
                      'index positive': 2828,
                      'index negative': 45937,
                      'on ART': 0.70

# import all .in files
filepath = r'/Users/vijetadeshpande/Downloads/MPEC/Brazil/SA on control levers'
in_file = link.import_all_cepac_in_files(filepath)

# create folder for new in files
filepath_new = os.path.join(filepath, 'SA on testing rate') #'SA_percentage on '
if not os.path.exists(filepath_new):
def SA_attia(factors):
    # loop over scale down scenarios
    replace_var = ['DynamicTransmissionNumTransmissionsHRG', 'TransmissionRiskMultiplier_T1', 'TransmissionRiskMultiplier_T2', 'TransmissionRiskMultiplier_T3', 'TransmissionRateOnART', 'TransmissionRateOffART']
    replace_val = {}
    for city in ['rio', 'salvador', 'manaus']:
        for k in factors:# this us scale down factor for Attia rates
            # multiply to attia
Beispiel #9
# aux functions
def find_and_replace(df, var, val):
    df = deepcopy(df)
    # find var
    idx = df.loc[df.loc[:, 0] == var, :].index[0]
    col = df.loc[idx, :].dropna().index[1]
    # replace
    df.loc[idx, col] = val
    return df

if False:
    # import base A, B and C
    path = {"base_abc": r"C:\Users\Vijeta\Documents\Projects\Brazil PrEP\Transmission runs\Input files"}
    cepac_in = link.import_all_cepac_in_files(path["base_abc"])
    # which variables to change
    replace_val = {"PrEPCoverage": [0.1, 0.2, 0.3], "PrEPDuration": [24, 36, 48]}
    # replace values in b and c only
    for var1 in replace_val["PrEPCoverage"]:
        # get b and c run data
        run_b = deepcopy(cepac_in["B"])
        run_c = deepcopy(cepac_in["C"])
        # replce coverage
        run_b = find_and_replace(run_b, "PrEPCoverage", var1)
        run_c = find_and_replace(run_c, "PrEPCoverage", var1)
        # create directory
Beispiel #10
prep_cov_t = [6, 60]
sample_float = sp.random.uniform(prep_cov_t[0], prep_cov_t[1], size=sample_mod)
sample['PrEPDuration'] = sample_float

# sampling PrEP coverage shape
prep_cov_s = [0.1, 5]
sample_float = sp.random.uniform(prep_cov_s[0], prep_cov_s[1],
                                 size=sample_mod) / 10
sample['PrEPShape'] = sample_float

# we'll replace values in cepac input sheet one by one
path = {
    r"C:\Users\Vijeta\Documents\Projects\Brazil PrEP\NN\RNN experiment"
cepac_in_dict = link.import_all_cepac_in_files(path["Input"])

# list of variables to replace in cepac in file
var_list = [
    'PrEPCoverage', 'PrEPDuration', 'PrEPShape',
    'HIVIncidReductionCoefficient', 'HIVmthIncidMale',
    'DynamicTransmissionNumHIVPosHRG', 'DynamicTransmissionNumHIVNegHRG',

# required vars
efficacy = 0.65
adherence = 0.739
stop_time = 60

Beispiel #11
    BATCH_SIZE = pd.DataFrame(data_rnn[batch]['CEPAC_input']).shape[0]
    START_INDEX, END_INDEX = int(batch) * 1000, int(batch) * 1000 + BATCH_SIZE

    # check if we have cepac input tensor and collect
    if not 'CEPAC_input' in data_rnn[batch]:
        # get list of variables and dictionary to store values
        samples, sample_bounds, var_list, parameters = ipar.get_samples(1)

        cepac_batch_input = pd.DataFrame(-10,

        # read all cepac .in files
        CEPAC_input_files = link.import_all_cepac_in_files(
            os.path.join(PATH_RAW, batch, 'Files for CEPAC'))

        # save location of each variable
        var_loc = {}
        for file in CEPAC_input_files:
            for var in var_list:
                if not var in var_loc:
                        loc = t_op.search_var(var, CEPAC_input_files[file])
                        loc = {}
                    # store location of the variable
                    var_loc[var] = loc

        # store value of each sample