Beispiel #1
def table_factory(model):
    Automatically define a Table class for the specified model.
    This is used during kernel setup to create default tables for
    models who have no Table.
    bases = (Table,)
    for b in model.__bases__:
        rpt = getattr(b, '_lino_default_table', None)
        if rpt is not None:
            if issubclass(model, rpt.model):
            #~ if issubclass(rpt.model,model):
                bases = (rpt,)
                #~ bases = (rpt.__class__,)
    #~'table_factory(%s) : bases is %s',model.__name__,bases)
    app_label = model._meta.app_label
    name = model.__name__ + "Table"
    cls = type(name, bases, dict(model=model, app_label=app_label))
    return actors.register_actor(cls)
Beispiel #2
def table_factory(model):
    Automatically define a Table class for the specified model.
    This is used during kernel setup to create default tables for
    models who have no Table.
    bases = (Table, )
    for b in model.__bases__:
        rpt = getattr(b, '_lino_default_table', None)
        if rpt is not None:
            if issubclass(model, rpt.model):
                # if issubclass(rpt.model,model):
                bases = (rpt, )
                # bases = (rpt.__class__,)
    #'table_factory(%s) : bases is %s',model.__name__,bases)
    app_label = model._meta.app_label
    name = model.__name__ + "Table"
    cls = type(name, bases, dict(model=model, app_label=app_label))
    return actors.register_actor(cls)
Beispiel #3
def table_factory(model):
    Automatically define a Table class for the specified model.
    This is used during kernel setup to create default tables for 
    models who have no Table.
    bases = (Table,)
    for b in model.__bases__:
        rpt = getattr(b,'_lino_default_table',None)
        if rpt is not None:
            if issubclass(model,rpt.model):
            #~ if issubclass(rpt.model,model):
                bases = (rpt,)
                #~ bases = (rpt.__class__,)
    #~'table_factory(%s) : bases is %s',model.__name__,bases)
    app_label = model._meta.app_label
    name = model.__name__ + "Table"
    cls = type(name,bases,dict(model=model,app_label=app_label))
    #~ cls.class_init()
    #~ cls.setup()
    #~ """
    #~ 20120104 We even add the factored class to the module because 
    #~ actor lookup needs it. Otherwise we'd get a 
    #~ `'module' object has no attribute 'DataControlListingTable'` error.
    #~ We cannot simply do ``settings.SITE.modules.define(app_label,name,cls)``
    #~ because this code is executed when `settings.SITE.modules` doesn't yet exist.
    #~ """
    #~ m = import_module(model.__module__)
    #~ if getattr(m,name,None) is not None:
        #~ raise Exception(
          #~ "Name of factored class %s clashes with existing name in %s" 
          #~ %(cls,m))
    #~ setattr(m,name,cls)
    return actors.register_actor(cls)