Beispiel #1
    def create_pairing_response_by_serial(self, user_token_id, gda=None):
        Creates a base64-encoded pairing response that identifies
        the token by its serial

        :param user_token_id: the token id (primary key for the user token db)
        :returns base64 encoded pairing response

        if not gda:
            gda = self.gda

        token_serial = self.tokens[user_token_id]['serial']
        server_public_key = self.tokens[user_token_id]['server_public_key']
        partition = self.tokens[user_token_id]['partition']

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # assemble header and plaintext

        header = struct.pack('<bI', PAIR_RESPONSE_VERSION, partition)

        pairing_response = b''
        pairing_response += struct.pack('<bI', TYPE_PUSHTOKEN, user_token_id)

        pairing_response += self.public_key

        pairing_response += token_serial.encode('utf8') + b'\x00\x00'
        pairing_response += gda.encode('utf-8') + b'\x00'

        signature = crypto_sign_detached(pairing_response, self.secret_key)
        pairing_response += signature

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # create public diffie hellman component
        # (used to decrypt and verify the reponse)

        r = os.urandom(32)
        R = calc_dh_base(r)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # derive encryption key and nonce

        server_public_key_dh = dsa_to_dh_public(server_public_key)
        ss = calc_dh(r, server_public_key_dh)
        U =
        encryption_key = U[0:16]
        nonce = U[16:32]

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # encrypt in EAX mode

        cipher =, AES.MODE_EAX, nonce)
        ciphertext, tag = cipher.encrypt_and_digest(pairing_response)

        return encode_base64_urlsafe(header + R + ciphertext + tag)
def send_pairing_response(pairing_url):

    user_token_id = parse_pairing_url(pairing_url)
    serial = token_db[user_token_id]['serial']

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    server_public_key = token_db[user_token_id]['server_public_key']

    pairing_response = b''
    pairing_response += struct.pack('<bbI', RESPONSE_VERSION, TYPE_QRTOKEN,

    pairing_response += public_key

    pairing_response += serial.encode('utf8') + b'\x00\x00'

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    # create public diffie hellman component
    # (used to decrypt and verify the reponse)

    r = os.urandom(32)
    R = calc_dh_base(r)

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    # derive encryption key and nonce

    ss = calc_dh(r, server_public_key)
    U =
    encryption_key = U[0:16]
    nonce = U[16:32]

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    # encrypt in EAX mode

    cipher =, AES.MODE_EAX, nonce)
    ciphertext, tag = cipher.encrypt_and_digest(pairing_response)

    pairing_response = encode_base64_urlsafe(R + ciphertext + tag)

    params = {
        'session': SESSION,
        'pairing_response': pairing_response,
        'type': 'qr'

    r = requests.request('get',

Beispiel #3
    def create_pairing_response(public_key, token_info, token_id=1):
        Creates a base64-encoded pairing response that identifies
        the token by its serial

        :param user_token_id: the token id (primary key for the user token db)
        :returns base64 encoded pairing response

        token_serial = token_info['serial']
        server_public_key = token_info['server_public_key']
        partition = token_info['partition']

        header = struct.pack('<bI', PAIR_RESPONSE_VERSION, partition)

        pairing_response = b''
        pairing_response += struct.pack('<bI', TYPE_QRTOKEN, token_id)

        pairing_response += public_key

        pairing_response += token_serial.encode('utf8') + b'\x00\x00'

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- --

        # create public diffie hellman component
        # (used to decrypt and verify the reponse)

        r = os.urandom(32)
        R = calc_dh_base(r)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- --

        # derive encryption key and nonce

        ss = calc_dh(r, server_public_key)
        U =
        encryption_key = U[0:16]
        nonce = U[16:32]

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- --

        # encrypt in EAX mode

        cipher =, AES.MODE_EAX, nonce)
        ciphertext, tag = cipher.encrypt_and_digest(pairing_response)

        return encode_base64_urlsafe(header + R + ciphertext + tag)
Beispiel #4
    def create_challenge_url(self,
        creates a challenge url (looking like lseqr://push/<base64string>),
        returns the url and the unencrypted challenge data

        :param transaction_id: The transaction id generated by LinOTP

        :param content_type: One of the types CONTENT_TYPE_SIGNREQ,

        :param callback_url: callback url (optional), default is
            empty string

        :param message: the transaction message, that should be signed
            by the client. Only for content type CONTENT_TYPE_SIGNREQ

        :param login: the login name of the user. Only for content type

        :param host: hostname of the user. Only for content type

        :returns: tuple (challenge_url, sig_base), with challenge_url being
            the push url and sig_base the message, that is used for
            the client signature

        serial = self.getSerial()

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- --

        # sanity/format checks

        if content_type not in [
            raise InvalidFunctionParameter(
                'content_type', 'content_type must '
                'be CONTENT_TYPE_SIGNREQ, '
                'CONTENT_TYPE_PAIRING or '

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- --

        #  after the lseqr://push/ prefix the following data is encoded
        #  in urlsafe base64:

        #            ---------------------------------------------------
        #  fields   | version | user token id |  R  | ciphertext | sign |
        #            ---------------------------------------------------
        #           |          header         |          body           |
        #            ---------------------------------------------------
        #  size     |    1    |       4       |  32 |      ?     |  64  |
        #            ---------------------------------------------------

        # create header

        user_token_id = self.getFromTokenInfo('user_token_id')
        data_header = struct.pack('<bI', CHALLENGE_URL_VERSION, user_token_id)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- --

        # create body

        r = secrets.token_bytes(32)
        R = calc_dh_base(r)

        b64_user_dsa_public_key = self.getFromTokenInfo('user_dsa_public_key')
        user_dsa_public_key = b64decode(b64_user_dsa_public_key)
        user_dh_public_key = dsa_to_dh_public(user_dsa_public_key)

        ss = calc_dh(r, user_dh_public_key)
        U =

        sk = U[0:16]
        nonce = U[16:32]

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- --

        # create plaintext section

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- --

        # generate plaintext header

        #            ------------------------------------------------
        #  fields   | content_type  | transaction_id | timestamp | ..
        #            ------------------------------------------------
        #  size     |       1       |        8       |     8     |  ?
        #            -------------------------------------------------

        transaction_id = transaction_id_to_u64(transaction_id)
        plaintext = struct.pack('<bQQ', content_type, transaction_id,

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- --

        utf8_callback_url = callback_url.encode('utf8')

        # enforce max url length as specified in protocol

        if len(utf8_callback_url) > 511:
            raise InvalidFunctionParameter(
                'callback_url', 'max string '
                'length (encoded as utf8) is '

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- --

        # create data package depending on content type

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- --

        if content_type == CONTENT_TYPE_PAIRING:

            #            -----------------------------------------
            #  fields   | header | serial | NUL | callback | NUL |
            #            -----------------------------------------
            #  size     |   9    |    ?   |  1  |     ?    |  1  |
            #            -----------------------------------------

            utf8_serial = serial.encode('utf8')

            if len(utf8_serial) > 63:
                raise ValueError('serial (encoded as utf8) can only be 63 '
                                 'characters long')

            plaintext += utf8_serial + b'\00' + utf8_callback_url + b'\00'

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- --

        if content_type == CONTENT_TYPE_SIGNREQ:

            if message is None:
                raise InvalidFunctionParameter(
                    'message', 'message must be '
                    'supplied for content type '

            #            ------------------------------------------
            #  fields   | header | message | NUL | callback | NUL |
            #            ------------------------------------------
            #  size     |   9    |    ?    |  1  |     ?    |  1  |
            #            ------------------------------------------

            utf8_message = message.encode('utf8')

            # enforce max sizes specified by protocol

            if len(utf8_message) > 511:
                raise InvalidFunctionParameter(
                    'message', 'max string '
                    'length (encoded as utf8) is '

            plaintext += utf8_message + b'\00' + utf8_callback_url + b'\00'

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- --

        if content_type == CONTENT_TYPE_LOGIN:

            if login is None:
                raise InvalidFunctionParameter(
                    'login', 'login must be '
                    'supplied for content type '
            if host is None:
                raise InvalidFunctionParameter(
                    'host', 'host must be '
                    'supplied for content type '

            #            -----------------------------------------------------
            #  fields   | header | login | NUL | host | NUL | callback | NUL |
            #            -----------------------------------------------------
            #  size     |   9    |   ?   |  1  |   ?  |  1  |     ?    |  1  |
            #            -----------------------------------------------------

            utf8_login = login.encode('utf8')
            utf8_host = host.encode('utf8')

            # enforce max sizes specified by protocol

            if len(utf8_login) > 127:
                raise InvalidFunctionParameter(
                    'login', 'max string '
                    'length (encoded as utf8) is '
            if len(utf8_host) > 255:
                raise InvalidFunctionParameter(
                    'host', 'max string '
                    'length (encoded as utf8) is '

            plaintext += utf8_login + b'\00'
            plaintext += utf8_host + b'\00'
            plaintext += utf8_callback_url + b'\00'

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- --

        # encrypt inner layer

        nonce_as_int = int_from_bytes(nonce, byteorder='big')
        ctr =, initial_value=nonce_as_int)
        cipher =, AES.MODE_CTR, counter=ctr)
        ciphertext = cipher.encrypt(plaintext)
        unsigned_raw_data = data_header + R + ciphertext

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- --

        # create signature

        partition = self.getFromTokenInfo('partition')
        secret_key = get_secret_key(partition)
        signature = crypto_sign_detached(unsigned_raw_data, secret_key)
        raw_data = unsigned_raw_data + signature

        protocol_id = config.get('mobile_app_protocol_id', 'lseqr')
        url = protocol_id + '://push/' + encode_base64_urlsafe(raw_data)

        return url, (signature + plaintext)
Beispiel #5
def generate_pairing_url(token_type,
    Generates a pairing url that should be sent to the client.

    Mandatory parameters:

    :param: token_type The token type for which this url is generated
        as a string (currently supported is only 'qr')

    Optional parameters:

    :param partition: A partition id that should be used during pairing.
        Partitions identitify a subspace of tokens, that share a common
        key pair. This currently defaults to the enum id of the token
        type when set to None and is reserved for future use.

    :param serial: When a token for the client was already enrolled
        (e.g. manually in the manage interface) its serial has to be
        sent to the client. When serial is not specified the client will
        receive a so-called 'anonymous pairing url' with no token data
        inside it. The token will then be created after the server
        received a pairing response from the client.

    :param callback_url: A callback URL that should be used by the client
        to sent back the pairing reponse. Please note, that this url will
        be cached by the client and used in the challenge step, if the
        challenge doesn't provide a custom url

    :param callback_sms_number: A sms number that can be used by the client
        to send back the pairing response. Typically this is used as a
        fallback for offline pairing.
        As with the callback url please note, that the number will be
        cached by the client. If you want a different number in the
        challenge step you have to send it inside the challenge as
        specified in the challenge protocol

    :param otp_pin_length: The number of digits the otp has to consist of.

    :param hash_algorithm: A string value that signifies the hash algorithm
        used in calculating the hmac. Currently the values 'sha1', 'sha256',
        'sha512' are supported. If the parameter is left out the default
        depends on the token type. qrtoken uses sha256 as default, while
        hotp/totp uses sha1.

    :param use_cert: A boolean, if a server certificate should be used
        in the pairing url

    The function can raise several exceptions:

    :raises InvalidFunctionParameter: If the string given in token_type
        doesn't match a supported token type

    :raises InvalidFunctionParameter: If the string given in hash_algorithm
        doesn't match a supported hash algorithm

    :raises InvalidFunctionParameter: If public key has a different size
        than 32 bytes

    :raises InvalidFunctionParameter: If otp_pin_length value is not between
        1 and 127

    :return: Pairing URL string

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --

    # check the token type

        TOKEN_TYPE = TOKEN_TYPES[token_type]
    except KeyError:
        allowed_types = ', '.join(TOKEN_TYPES.keys())
        raise InvalidFunctionParameter(
            'token_type', 'Unsupported token type %s. Supported '
            'types for pairing are: %s' % (token_type, allowed_types))

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --

    # initialize the flag bitmap

    flags = 0

    if not use_cert:
        flags |= FLAG_PAIR_PK
    if serial is not None:
        flags |= FLAG_PAIR_SERIAL
    if callback_url is not None:
        flags |= FLAG_PAIR_CBURL
    if callback_sms_number is not None:
        flags |= FLAG_PAIR_CBSMS
    if hash_algorithm is not None:
        flags |= FLAG_PAIR_HMAC
    if otp_pin_length is not None:
        flags |= FLAG_PAIR_DIGITS

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --

    #            ---------------------------- --
    #  fields   | version | type | flags | ... |
    #            ---------------------------- --
    #  size     |    1    |  1   |   4   |  ?  |
    #            ---------------------------- --

    data = struct.pack('<bbI', PAIR_URL_VERSION, TOKEN_TYPE, flags)

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --

    #            --------------------- --
    #  fields   | ... | partition | ... |
    #            --------------------- --
    #  size     |  6  |     4     |  ?  |
    #            --------------------- --

    data += struct.pack('<I', partition)

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --

    #            ------------------------------ --
    #  fields   | .... | server public key | ... |
    #            ------------------------------ --
    #  size     |  10  |        32         |  ?  |
    #            ------------------------------ --

    if flags & FLAG_PAIR_PK:

        server_public_key = get_public_key(partition)

        if len(server_public_key) != 32:
            raise InvalidFunctionParameter('server_public_key',
                                           'Public key must be 32 bytes long')

        data += server_public_key

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --

    # Depending on flags additional data may be sent. If serial was provided
    # serial will be sent back. If callback url or callback sms was provided
    # the corresponding data will be added, too

    #            ------------------------------------------------------- --
    #  fields   | .... | serial | NUL | cb url | NUL | cb sms | NUL | ... |
    #            ------------------------------------------------------- --
    #  size     |  42  |   ?    |  1  |   ?    |  1  |   ?    |  1  |  ?  |
    #            ------------------------------------------------------- --

    if flags & FLAG_PAIR_SERIAL:
        data += serial.encode('utf8') + b'\x00'
    if flags & FLAG_PAIR_CBURL:
        data += callback_url.encode('utf8') + b'\x00'
    if flags & FLAG_PAIR_CBSMS:
        data += callback_sms_number.encode('utf8') + b'\x00'

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --

    # Other optional values: allowed pin length of otp (number of digits)
    # and custom hash algorithm

    #            ------------------------------------- --
    #  fields   | ... | otp pin length | hash_algorithm |
    #            ------------------------------------- --
    #  size     |  ?  |       1        |       1        |
    #            ------------------------------------- --

    if flags & FLAG_PAIR_DIGITS:
        if not (6 <= otp_pin_length <= 12):
            raise InvalidFunctionParameter(
                'otp_pin_length', 'Pin length must '
                'be in the range 6..12')
        data += struct.pack('<b', otp_pin_length)

    if flags & FLAG_PAIR_HMAC:
            HASH_ALGO = hash_algorithms[hash_algorithm]
        except KeyError:
            allowed_values = ", ".join(hash_algorithms.keys())
            raise InvalidFunctionParameter(
                'hash_algorithm', 'Unsupported hash algorithm %s, '
                'allowed values are %s' % (hash_algorithm, allowed_values))
        data += struct.pack('<b', HASH_ALGO)

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --

    # TODO missing token details for other protocols (hotp, hmac, etc)
    # * counter (u64le)
    # * tstart (u64le)
    # * tstep (u32le)

    if not (flags & FLAG_PAIR_PK):

        secret_key = get_secret_key(partition)
        server_sig = crypto_sign_detached(data, secret_key)
        data += server_sig

    protocol_id = config.get('mobile_app_protocol_id', 'lseqr')
    return protocol_id + '://pair/' + encode_base64_urlsafe(data)
Beispiel #6
    def decrypt_and_verify_challenge(challenge_url, token_info, secret_key):
        Decrypts the data packed in the challenge url, verifies
        its content, returns the parsed data as a dictionary,
        calculates and returns the signature and TAN.

        The calling method must then send the signature/TAN
        back to the server. (The reason for this control flow
        is that the challenge data must be checked in different
        scenarios, e.g. when we have a pairing the data must be
        checked by the method that simulates the pairing)

        :param challenge_url: the challenge url as sent by the server

        :returns: (challenge, signature, tan)

            challenge has the keys

                * message - the signed message sent from the server
                * content_type - one of the three values QRTOKEN_CT_PAIR,
                    QRTOKEN_CT_FREE or QRTOKEN_CT_AUTH
                    (all defined in this module
                * callback_url (optional) - the url to which the challenge
                    response should be set
                * callback_sms (optional) - the sms number the challenge
                    can be sent to (typicall used as a fallback)
                * transaction_id - used to identify the challenge
                    on the server
                * user_token_id - used to identify the token in the
                    user database for which this challenge was created

            signature is the generated user signature used to
            respond to the challenge

            tan is the TAN-Number used as a substitute if the signature
            cant' be sent be the server (is generated from signature)

        challenge_data_encoded = challenge_url[len(QR_Token_Validation.uri + '://chal/'):]
        challenge_data = decode_base64_urlsafe(challenge_data_encoded)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- --

        # parse and verify header information in the
        # encrypted challenge data

        header = challenge_data[0:5]
        version, user_token_id = struct.unpack('<bI', header)
        assert version == QRTOKEN_VERSION

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- --

        # get token from client token database

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- --

        # prepare decryption by seperating R from
        # ciphertext and tag

        R = challenge_data[5:5 + 32]
        ciphertext = challenge_data[5 + 32:-16]
        tag = challenge_data[-16:]

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- --

        # key derivation

        ss = calc_dh(secret_key, R)
        U1 =
        U2 =

        skA = U1[0:16]
        skB = U2[0:16]
        nonce = U2[16:32]

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- --

        # decrypt and verify challenge

        cipher =, AES.MODE_EAX, nonce)
        plaintext = cipher.decrypt_and_verify(ciphertext, tag)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- --

        # parse/check plaintext header

        pt_header = plaintext[0:10]
        content_type, flags, transaction_id = struct.unpack('<bbQ', pt_header)
        transaction_id = QR_Token_Validation.u64_to_transaction_id(transaction_id)

        # make sure a flag for the server signature is
        # present, if the content type is 'pairing'

        if content_type == QRTOKEN_CT_PAIR:
            assert flags & FLAG_QR_SRVSIG

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- --

        # retrieve plaintext data depending on flags

        if flags & FLAG_QR_SRVSIG:

            # plaintext has a server signature as a header
            # extract it and check if it is correct

            server_signature = plaintext[10:10 + 32]
            data = plaintext[10 + 32:]

            # calculate secret

            server_public_key = token_info['server_public_key']
            secret = calc_dh(secret_key, server_public_key)

            # check hmac

            message = nonce + pt_header + data
            signed =, msg=message, digestmod=SHA256).digest()
            assert server_signature == signed


            # no server signature found - just remove
            # the plaintext header

            data = plaintext[10:]

            # we have to define an empty server signature in
            # here because we need it later to create the
            # client signature

            server_signature = b''

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- --

        # extract message and (optional) callback
        # parameters from data

        message, _, suffix = data.partition(b'\x00')

        callback_url = token_info.get('callback_url')
        if flags & FLAG_QR_HAVE_URL:
            callback_url, _, suffix = suffix.partition(b'\x00')

        callback_sms = token_info.get('callback_sms')
        if flags & FLAG_QR_HAVE_SMS:
            callback_sms, _, suffix = suffix.partition(b'\x00')

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- --

        # prepare the parsed challenge data

        challenge = {}
        challenge['message'] = message.decode('utf-8')
        challenge['content_type'] = content_type
        challenge['transaction_id'] = transaction_id
        challenge['user_token_id'] = user_token_id

        if callback_url:
            challenge['callback_url'] = callback_url.decode('utf-8')
        if callback_sms:
            challenge['callback_sms'] = callback_sms.decode('utf-8')

        # calculate signature and tan

        message_bin = nonce + pt_header + server_signature + data
        sig_hmac =, message_bin, digestmod=SHA256)
        sig = sig_hmac.digest()

        tan = extract_tan(sig, QR_Token_Validation.tan_length)
        encoded_sig = encode_base64_urlsafe(sig)

        return challenge, encoded_sig, tan
Beispiel #7
    def create_challenge_url(self,
        creates a challenge url (looking like lseqr://chal/<base64string>)
        from a challenge dictionary as provided by Challanges.create_challenge
        in lib.challenge

        the version identifier of the challenge url is currently hardcoded
        to 1.

        serial = self.getSerial()

        if content_type is None:
            content_type = CONTENT_TYPE_FREE

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- --

        # sanity/format checks

        if content_type not in [
            raise InvalidFunctionParameter(
                'content_type', 'content_type must '
                'be CONTENT_TYPE_PAIRING, '
                'CONTENT_TYPE_AUTH or '

        if content_type == CONTENT_TYPE_PAIRING and \
           message != serial:
            raise InvalidFunctionParameter(
                'message', 'message must be equal '
                'to serial in pairing mode')

        if content_type == CONTENT_TYPE_AUTH:
            if '@' not in message:
                raise InvalidFunctionParameter(
                    'message', 'For content type '
                    'auth, message must have format '

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- --

        #  after the lseqr://chal/ prefix the following data is encoded
        #  in urlsafe base64:

        #            ---------------------------------------------------
        #  fields   | version | user token id |  R  | ciphertext | MAC |
        #            ---------------------------------------------------
        #           |          header         |     |    EAX enc data  |
        #            ---------------------------------------------------
        #  size     |    1    |       4       |  32 |      ?     | 16  |
        #            ---------------------------------------------------

        r = secrets.token_bytes(32)
        R = calc_dh_base(r)

        user_token_id = self.getFromTokenInfo('user_token_id')
        data_header = struct.pack('<bI', QRTOKEN_VERSION, user_token_id)

        # the user public key is saved as base64 in
        # the token info since the byte format is
        # incompatible with the json backend.

        b64_user_public_key = self.getFromTokenInfo('user_public_key')
        user_public_key = b64decode(b64_user_public_key)

        ss = calc_dh(r, user_public_key)
        U1 = sha256(ss).digest()
        U2 = sha256(U1).digest()

        skA = U1[0:16]
        skB = U2[0:16]
        nonce = U2[16:32]

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- --

        # create plaintext section

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- --

        # create the bitmap for flags

        flags = 0

        if use_compression:
            flags |= CHALLENGE_HAS_COMPRESSION

        # FIXME: sizecheck for message, callback url, sms number
        # wiki specs are utf-8 byte length (without \0)

        if callback_url is not None:
            flags |= CHALLENGE_HAS_URL

        if callback_sms_number is not None:
            flags |= CHALLENGE_HAS_SMS_NUMBER

        if (content_type == CONTENT_TYPE_PAIRING):
            flags |= CHALLENGE_HAS_SIGNATURE

        if reset_url:
            flags |= CHALLENGE_SHOULD_RESET_URL
            flags |= CHALLENGE_HAS_SIGNATURE

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- --

        # generate plaintext header

        #            ----------------------------------------------
        #  fields   | content_type  | flags | transaction_id | ... |
        #            ----------------------------------------------
        #  size     |       1       |   1   |        8       |  ?  |
        #            ----------------------------------------------

        transaction_id = transaction_id_to_u64(transaction_id)
        pt_header = struct.pack('<bbQ', content_type, flags, transaction_id)
        plaintext = pt_header

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- --

        # create data package

        #            -------------------------------
        #  fields   | header  | message | NUL | ... |
        #            -------------------------------
        #  size     |   10    |    ?    |  1  |  ?  |
        #            -------------------------------

        data_package = b''
        utf8_message = message.encode('utf8')

        # enforce max sizes specified by protocol

        if content_type == CONTENT_TYPE_FREE and len(utf8_message) > 511:
            raise ParameterError('message (encoded as utf8) can only be 511 '
                                 'characters long')

        elif content_type == CONTENT_TYPE_PAIRING and len(utf8_message) > 63:
            raise InvalidFunctionParameter(
                'message', 'max string length '
                '(encoded as utf8) is 511 for '
                'content type PAIRING')

        elif content_type == CONTENT_TYPE_AUTH and len(utf8_message) > 511:
            raise InvalidFunctionParameter(
                'message', 'max string length '
                '(encoded as utf8) is 511 for '
                'content type AUTH')

        data_package += utf8_message + b'\x00'

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- --

        # depending on function parameters add callback url
        # and/or callback sms number

        #            -----------------------------------------------------
        #  fields   | ... | callback url | NUL | callback sms | NUL | ... |
        #            -----------------------------------------------------
        #  size     |  ?  |       ?      |  1  |       ?      |  1  |  ?  |
        #            -----------------------------------------------------

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- --

        if callback_url is not None:

            utf8_callback_url = callback_url.encode('utf8')

            # enforce max url length as specified in protocol

            if len(utf8_callback_url) > 511:
                raise InvalidFunctionParameter(
                    'callback_url', 'max string '
                    'length (encoded as utf8) is '

            data_package += utf8_callback_url + b'\x00'

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- --

        if callback_sms_number is not None:

            utf8_callback_sms_number = callback_sms_number.encode('utf8')

            if len(utf8_callback_sms_number) > 31:
                raise InvalidFunctionParameter(
                    'callback_sms_number', 'max string length (encoded '
                    'as utf8) is 31')

            data_package += utf8_callback_sms_number + b'\x00'

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- --

        if use_compression:
            maybe_compressed_data_package = zlib.compress(data_package, 9)
            maybe_compressed_data_package = data_package

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- --

        # when content type is pairing the protocol specifies that
        # the server must send a hmac based signature with the
        # response

        sig = b''
        sec_obj = self._get_secret_object()

        if flags & CHALLENGE_HAS_SIGNATURE:

            hmac_message = nonce + pt_header + maybe_compressed_data_package

            sig = sec_obj.hmac_digest(data_input=hmac_message,

            plaintext += sig

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- --

        plaintext += maybe_compressed_data_package

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- --

        user_message = nonce + pt_header + sig + data_package

        user_sig = sec_obj.hmac_digest(data_input=user_message,

        # the user sig will be given as urlsafe base64 in the
        # challenge response. for this reasons (and because we
        # need to serialize it into json) we convert the user_sig
        # into this format.

        user_sig = encode_base64_urlsafe(user_sig)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------- --

        cipher =, AES.MODE_EAX, nonce)
        ciphertext, tag = cipher.encrypt_and_digest(plaintext)

        raw_data = data_header + R + ciphertext + tag
        protocol_id = config.get('mobile_app_protocol_id', 'lseqr')
        url = protocol_id + '://chal/' + encode_base64_urlsafe(raw_data)

        return url, user_sig
    def create_pairing_response(public_key: bytes,
                                secret_key: bytes,
                                token_info: Dict,
                                gda: str = 'DEADBEEF') -> str:
        """Creates a base64-encoded pairing response.

        :param public_key: the public key in bytes
        :param secret_key: the secret key in bytes
        :param token_info: the token_info dict
        :param user_token_id: the token id
        :param gda: the mobile device gda

        :returns base64 encoded pairing response

        token_serial = token_info['serial']
        token_id = token_info.get('token_id', 1)
        server_public_key = token_info['server_public_key']
        partition = token_info['partition']

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # assemble header and plaintext

        header = struct.pack('<bI', PAIR_RESPONSE_VERSION, partition)

        pairing_response = b''
        pairing_response += struct.pack('<bI', TYPE_PUSHTOKEN, token_id)

        pairing_response += public_key

        pairing_response += token_serial.encode('utf8') + b'\x00\x00'
        pairing_response += gda.encode('utf-8') + b'\x00'

        signature = crypto_sign_detached(pairing_response, secret_key)
        pairing_response += signature

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # create public diffie hellman component
        # (used to decrypt and verify the reponse)

        r = os.urandom(32)
        R = calc_dh_base(r)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # derive encryption key and nonce

        server_public_key_dh = dsa_to_dh_public(server_public_key)
        ss = calc_dh(r, server_public_key_dh)
        U =
        encryption_key = U[0:16]
        nonce = U[16:32]

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # encrypt in EAX mode

        cipher =, AES.MODE_EAX, nonce)
        ciphertext, tag = cipher.encrypt_and_digest(pairing_response)

        return encode_base64_urlsafe(header + R + ciphertext + tag)
    def decrypt_and_verify_challenge(challenge_url: str, token_info: Dict,
                                     secret_key: bytes,
                                     action: str) -> Tuple[Dict, str]:
        """Decrypts the data packed in the challenge url, verifies the content.

        Returns the parsed data as a dictionary, calculates and returns the

        The calling method must then send the signature
        back to the server. (The reason for this control flow
        is that the challenge data must be checked in different
        scenarios, e.g. when we have a pairing the data must be
        checked by the method that simulates the pairing)

        :param challenge_url: the challenge url as sent by the server
        :param action: a string identifier for the verification action
            (at the moment 'ACCEPT' or 'DENY')

        :returns: (challenge, signature)

            challenge has the keys

                * content_type - one of the three values CONTENT_TYPE_SIGNREQ,
                    (all defined in this module)
                * transaction_id - used to identify the challenge
                    on the server
                * callback_url (optional) - the url to which the challenge
                    response should be set
                * user_token_id - used to identify the token in the
                    user database for which this challenge was created

            depending on the content type additional keys are present

                * for CONTENT_TYPE_PAIRING: serial
                * for CONTENT_TYPE_SIGNREQ: message
                * for CONTENT_TYPE_LOGIN: login, host

            signature is the generated user signature used to
            respond to the challenge

        challenge_data_encoded = challenge_url[len(Push_Token_Validation.
                                                   uri_schema + '://chal/'):]
        challenge_data = decode_base64_urlsafe(challenge_data_encoded)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # parse and verify header information in the
        # encrypted challenge data

        header = challenge_data[0:5]
        version, user_token_id = struct.unpack('<bI', header)
        assert version == CHALLENGE_URL_VERSION

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # get token from client token database

        server_public_key = token_info['server_public_key']

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # prepare decryption by seperating R from
        # ciphertext and server signature

        R = challenge_data[5:5 + 32]
        ciphertext = challenge_data[5 + 32:-64]
        server_signature = challenge_data[-64:]

        # check signature

        data = challenge_data[0:-64]
        crypto_sign_verify_detached(server_signature, data, server_public_key)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # key derivation

        secret_key_dh = dsa_to_dh_secret(secret_key)
        ss = calc_dh(secret_key_dh, R)
        U =

        sk = U[0:16]
        nonce = U[16:32]

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # decrypt and verify challenge

        nonce_as_int = int_from_bytes(nonce, byteorder='big')
        ctr =, initial_value=nonce_as_int)
        cipher =, AES.MODE_CTR, counter=ctr)
        plaintext = cipher.decrypt(ciphertext)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # parse/check plaintext header

        # 1 - for content type
        # 8 - for transaction id
        # 8 - for time stamp
        offset = 1 + 8 + 8

        pt_header = plaintext[0:offset]
        (content_type, transaction_id,
         _time_stamp) = struct.unpack('<bQQ', pt_header)

        transaction_id = Push_Token_Validation.u64_to_transaction_id(

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # prepare the parsed challenge data

        challenge = {}
        challenge['content_type'] = content_type

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # retrieve plaintext data depending on content_type

        if content_type == CONTENT_TYPE_PAIRING:

            serial, callback_url, __ = plaintext[offset:].split(b'\x00')
            challenge['serial'] = serial.decode()

        elif content_type == CONTENT_TYPE_SIGNREQ:

            message, callback_url, __ = plaintext[offset:].split(b'\x00')
            challenge['message'] = message.decode()

        elif content_type == CONTENT_TYPE_LOGIN:

            login, host, callback_url, __ = plaintext[offset:].split(b'\x00')
            challenge['login'] = login.decode()
            challenge['host'] = host.decode()

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # prepare the parsed challenge data

        challenge['callback_url'] = callback_url.decode()
        challenge['transaction_id'] = transaction_id
        challenge['user_token_id'] = user_token_id

        # calculate signature

        sig_base = (struct.pack('<b', CHALLENGE_URL_VERSION) +
                    b'%s\0' % action.encode('utf-8') + server_signature +

        sig = crypto_sign_detached(sig_base, secret_key)
        encoded_sig = encode_base64_urlsafe(sig)

        return challenge, encoded_sig
Beispiel #10
def parse_challenge_url(challenge_url):
    """ Parses a challenge url and prints its data """

    challenge_data_encoded = challenge_url[len('lseqr://chal/'):]
    challenge_data = decode_base64_urlsafe(challenge_data_encoded)

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    # parse and verify header information in the
    # encrypted challenge data

    header = challenge_data[0:5]
    version, user_token_id = struct.unpack('<bI', header)
    if not version == QRTOKEN_VERSION:
        raise Exception('wrong qrtoken version')

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    # get token from client token database

    token = token_db[user_token_id]

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    # prepare decryption by seperating R from
    # ciphertext and tag

    R = challenge_data[5:5 + 32]
    ciphertext = challenge_data[5 + 32:-16]
    tag = challenge_data[-16:]

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    # key derivation

    ss = calc_dh(secret_key, R)
    U1 =
    U2 =

    skA = U1[0:16]
    skB = U2[0:16]
    nonce = U2[16:32]

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    # decrypt and verify challenge

    cipher =, AES.MODE_EAX, nonce)
    plaintext = cipher.decrypt_and_verify(ciphertext, tag)

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    # parse/check plaintext header

    pt_header = plaintext[0:10]
    content_type, flags, transaction_id = struct.unpack('<bbQ', pt_header)
    transaction_id = u64_to_transaction_id(transaction_id)

    # make sure a flag for the server signature is
    # present, if the content type is 'pairing'

    if content_type == QRTOKEN_CT_PAIR and not flags & FLAG_QR_SRVSIG:
        raise Exception('Ill formatted callenge url')

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    # retrieve plaintext data depending on flags

    if flags & FLAG_QR_SRVSIG:

        # plaintext has a server signature as a header
        # extract it and check if it is correct

        server_signature = plaintext[10:10 + 32]
        data = plaintext[10 + 32:]

        # calculate secret

        server_public_key = token['server_public_key']
        secret = calc_dh(secret_key, server_public_key)

        # check hmac

        message = nonce + pt_header + data
        signed =, msg=message, digestmod=SHA256).digest()

        if not server_signature == signed:
            raise Exception('HMAC signature check failed')


        # no server signature found - just remove
        # the plaintext header

        data = plaintext[10:]

        # we have to define an empty server signature in
        # here because we need it later to create the
        # client signature

        server_signature = b''

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    # extract message and (optional) callback
    # parameters from data

    message, _, suffix = data.partition(b'\x00')

    callback_url = token['callback_url']
    if flags & FLAG_QR_HAVE_URL:
        callback_url, _, suffix = suffix.partition(b'\x00')

    callback_sms = token['callback_sms']
    if flags & FLAG_QR_HAVE_SMS:
        callback_sms, _, suffix = suffix.partition(b'\x00')

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    # prepare the parsed challenge data

    challenge = {}
    challenge['message'] = message
    challenge['content_type'] = content_type
    challenge['callback_url'] = callback_url
    challenge['callback_sms'] = callback_sms
    challenge['transaction_id'] = transaction_id
    challenge['user_token_id'] = user_token_id

    # calculate signature and tan

    message = nonce + pt_header + data
    sig_hmac =, message, digestmod=SHA256)
    sig = sig_hmac.digest()

    encoded_sig = encode_base64_urlsafe(sig)

    print('Data in URL:')

    for key, value in list(challenge.items()):
        print(('%s\n    %s\n' % (key, value)))

    return challenge, encoded_sig