Beispiel #1
def new_getAuthorization(scope, action):
    This internal function returns the Authrorizaition within some
    the scope=system(or audit, monitoring, tools). for the currently
    authenticated administrativ user.

    This does not take into account the REALMS!

        action  - this is the action
                    scope = system/audit/monitoring/tools

        a dictionary with the following keys:
        active     (if policies are used)
        admin      (the name of the authenticated admin user)
        auth       (True if admin is authorized for this action)
    active = True
    auth = False

    policy_elve = PolicyEvaluator(get_policies())

    p_at_all = policy_elve.has_policy({'scope': scope})

    if len(p_at_all) == 0:"No policies in scope %s found. Checking "
                 "of scope %s be disabled.", scope, scope)
        active = False
        auth = True

    # TODO: We may change this later to other authentication schemes
    LOG.debug("[getAuthorization] now getting the admin user name")

    admin_user = _getAuthenticatedUser()

    LOG.debug("Evaluating policies for the user: %s", admin_user['login'])

    param = {'user': admin_user['login'],
             'scope': scope,
             'action': action}

    policies = policy_elve.set_filters(param).evaluate(policy_set=p_at_all)
    LOG.debug("Found the following policies: %r", policies)

    if len(policies.keys()) > 0:
        auth = True

    return {'active': active,
            'auth': auth,
            'admin': admin_user['login']}
Beispiel #2
def new_has_client_policy(client, scope=None, action=None, realm=None,
                          user=None, find_resolver=True, userObj=None,
    This function returns the dictionary of policies for the given client.

    1. First it searches for all policies matching (scope, action, realm) and
    checks, whether the given client is contained in the policy field client.
    If no policy for the given client is found it takes the policy without
    a client

    2. Then it strips down the returnable policies to those, that only contain
    the username - UNLESS - none of the above policies contains a username

    3. then we try to find resolvers in the username (OPTIONAL)

    4. if nothing matched so far, we try the extended policy check

    The difference to the get_policy is, that it restores the already installed
    filters for an existance check


    policy_eval = PolicyEvaluator(get_policies())

    param = {}

    if realm:
        param['realm'] = realm

    if scope:
        param['scope'] = scope

    if action:
        param['action'] = action

    if active_only:

    if client:
        param['client'] = client

    if userObj:
        param['user'] = userObj
    elif user:
        param['user'] = user

    policies = policy_eval.has_policy(param)

    return policies
Beispiel #3
def new_get_client_policy(client, scope=None, action=None, realm=None,
                          user=None, find_resolver=True, userObj=None,
    This function returns the dictionary of policies for the given client.

    1. First it searches for all policies matching (scope, action, realm) and
    checks, whether the given client is contained in the policy field client.
    If no policy for the given client is found it takes the policy without
    a client

    2. Then it strips down the returnable policies to those, that only contain
    the username - UNLESS - none of the above policies contains a username

    3. then we try to find resolvers in the username (OPTIONAL)

    4. if nothing matched so far, we try the extended policy check


    policy_eval = PolicyEvaluator(get_policies())

    if realm:

    if scope:

    if action:

    if client:


    if active_only:

    if userObj:
    elif user:

    policies = policy_eval.evaluate(multiple=False)

    return policies
Beispiel #4
def new_getPolicy(param, only_active=True):
    Function to retrieve the list of policies.


    - name:   (optional) will only return the policy with the name
    - user:   (optional) will only return the policies for this user
    - realm:  (optional) will only return the policies of this realm
    - scope:  (optional) will only return the policies within this scope
    - action: (optional) will only return the policies with this action
         The action can also be something like "otppin" and will
         return policies containing "otppin = 2"

    :return: a dictionary with the policies. The name of the policy being
             the key

    # filter the policies with the new engine

    policy_elve = PolicyEvaluator(get_policies())

    # install the filters


    # add the special filter for activ or inactive policies

    if only_active:

    if (('user' in param and param['user'] is not None) or
       ('action' in param and param['action'] is not None)):

    # finally we apply the filter

    new_pols = policy_elve.evaluate()

    return new_pols
Beispiel #5
def new_getPolicy(param, only_active=False):
    Function to retrieve the list of policies.


    - name:   (optional) will only return the policy with the name
    - user:   (optional) will only return the policies for this user
    - realm:  (optional) will only return the policies of this realm
    - scope:  (optional) will only return the policies within this scope
    - action: (optional) will only return the policies with this action
         The action can also be something like "otppin" and will
         return policies containing "otppin = 2"

    :return: a dictionary with the policies. The name of the policy being
             the key

    # filter the policies with the new engine

    policy_elve = PolicyEvaluator(get_policies())

    # install the filters


    # add the special filter for activ or inactive policies

    if only_active:

    if (('user' in param and param['user'] is not None)
            or ('action' in param and param['action'] is not None)):

    # finally we apply the filter

    new_pols = policy_elve.evaluate()

    return new_pols
Beispiel #6
def deletePolicy(name, enforce=False):
    Function to delete one named policy

        name:   (required) will only return the policy with the name
    res = {}
    if not re.match('^[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$', name):
        raise ServerError("policy name may only contain the "
                          "characters a-zA-Z0-9_", id=8888)

    if context and 'Config' in context:
        Config = context['Config']
        Config = getLinotpConfig()

    # we need the policies for a name lookup only

    policies = get_policies()

    # check if due to delete of the policy a lockout could happen
    param = policies.get(name)
    # delete is same as inactive ;-)
    if param:
        param['active'] = "False"
        param['name'] = name
        param['enforce'] = enforce

    delEntries = []
    for entry in Config:
        if entry.startswith("linotp.Policy.%s." % name):

    for entry in delEntries:
        # delete this entry.
        log.debug("[deletePolicy] removing key: %s" % entry)
        ret = removeFromConfig(entry)
        res[entry] = ret

    return res