Beispiel #1
    def test_ramp_boost(self,
                        bad_samples_threshold_pct=0.1) -> ResultBundle:
        Test that the energy boost feature is triggering as expected.
        # If there was no cost_margin sample to look at, that means boosting
        # was not exhibited by that test so we cannot conclude anything
        df = self.df_ramp_boost()

        if df.empty:
            return ResultBundle(Result.UNDECIDED)

        # Make sure the boost is always positive (negative cannot really happen
        # since the kernel is using unsigned arithmetic, but still check in
        # case there are some dataframe handling issues)
        assert not (df['expected_cost_margin'] < 0).any()
        assert not (df['cost_margin'] < 0).any()

        # "rect" method is accurate here since the signal is really following
        # "post" steps
        expected_boost_nrg = series_mean(df['expected_cost_margin'])
        actual_boost_nrg = series_mean(df['cost_margin'])

        # Check that the total amount of boost is close to expectations
        lower = max(0, expected_boost_nrg - nrg_threshold_pct)
        higher = expected_boost_nrg
        passed_overhead = lower <= actual_boost_nrg <= higher

        # Check the shape of the signal: actual boost must be lower or equal
        # than the expected one.
        good_shape_nr = (df['cost_margin'] <= df['expected_cost_margin']).sum()

        df_len = len(df)
        bad_shape_nr = df_len - good_shape_nr
        bad_shape_pct = bad_shape_nr / df_len * 100

        # Tolerate a few bad samples that added too much boost
        passed_shape = bad_shape_pct < bad_samples_threshold_pct

        passed = passed_overhead and passed_shape
        res = ResultBundle.from_bool(passed)
        res.add_metric('expected boost energy overhead', expected_boost_nrg,
        res.add_metric('boost energy overhead', actual_boost_nrg, '%')
        res.add_metric('bad boost samples', bad_shape_pct, '%')

        # Add some slack metrics and plots
        analysis = self.trace.analysis.rta
        for task in self.rtapp_tasks:

        res.add_metric('avg slack', self.get_avg_slack(), 'us')
        res.add_metric('avg negative slack',
                       self.get_avg_slack(only_negative=True), 'us')

        return res
Beispiel #2
    def _test_correctness(self, signal_name, mean_error_margin_pct,

        task = self.task_name
        df = self.get_simulated_pelt(task, signal_name)

        abs_error = df['error'].abs()
        mean_error_pct = series_mean(abs_error) / UTIL_SCALE * 100
        max_error_pct = abs_error.max() / UTIL_SCALE * 100

        mean_ok = mean_error_pct <= mean_error_margin_pct
        max_ok = max_error_pct <= max_error_margin_pct

        res = ResultBundle.from_bool(mean_ok and max_ok)

        res.add_metric('actual mean', series_mean(df[signal_name]))
        res.add_metric('simulated mean', series_mean(df['simulated']))
        res.add_metric('mean error', mean_error_pct, '%')

        res.add_metric('actual max', df[signal_name].max())
        res.add_metric('simulated max', df['simulated'].max())
        res.add_metric('max error', max_error_pct, '%')

        self._plot_pelt(task, signal_name, df['simulated'], 'correctness')

        res = self._add_cpu_metric(res)
        return res
Beispiel #3
    def get_trace_cpu_util(self):
        Get the per-phase average CPU utilization read from the trace

        :returns: A dict of the shape {cpu : {phase_id : trace_util}}
        df = self.trace.analysis.load_tracking.df_cpus_signal('util')
        phase_start = self.trace.start
        cpu_util = {}

        for i, phase in enumerate(self.reference_task.phases):
            # Start looking at signals once they should've converged
            start = phase_start + UTIL_AVG_CONVERGENCE_TIME_S
            # Trim the end a bit, otherwise we could have one or two events
            # from the next phase
            end = phase_start + phase.duration_s * .9
            phase_df = df[start:end]

            for cpu in self.cpus:
                util = phase_df[phase_df.cpu == cpu].util
                # The runqueue util signal's average does not match the duty
                # cycle of the task, since it "decays instantly" at next task
                # wakeup, but stays at its previous value when the task sleeps.
                # This means that rq PELT signal average is higher than the
                # idealized PELT signal. Using trapz integration allows to
                # lower the contribution of the sleep-time util, since it links
                # with a straight line the point when task goes to sleep with
                # the wakeup util point.
                cpu_util.setdefault(cpu, {})[i] = series_mean(util,

            phase_start += phase.duration_s

        return cpu_util
Beispiel #4
    def _test_task_signal(self, signal_name, allowed_error_pct, trace, cpu,
                          task_name, capacity):
        # Use utilization signal for both load and util, since they should be
        # proportionnal in the test environment we setup
        exp_signal = self.get_expected_util_avg(trace, cpu, task_name,
        signal_df = self.get_task_sched_signal(trace, cpu, task_name,
        signal = signal_df[UTIL_AVG_CONVERGENCE_TIME_S:][signal_name]

        signal_mean = series_mean(signal)

        # Since load is now CPU invariant in recent kernel versions, we don't
        # rescale it back. To match the old behavior, that line is
        # needed:
        #  exp_signal /= (self.plat_info['cpu-capacities'][cpu] / UTIL_SCALE)
        kernel_version = self.plat_info['kernel']['version']
        if (signal_name == 'load' and[:2] < (5, 1)):
                'Load signal is assumed to be CPU invariant, which is true for recent mainline kernels, but may be wrong for {}'
                .format(kernel_version, ))

        ok = self.is_almost_equal(exp_signal, signal_mean, allowed_error_pct)

        return ok, exp_signal, signal_mean
Beispiel #5
    def get_average_cpu_frequency(self, cpu):
        Get the average frequency for a given CPU

        :param cpu: The CPU to analyse
        :type cpu: int
        df = self.df_cpu_frequency(cpu)
        freq = series_refit_index(df['frequency'], window=self.trace.window)
        return series_mean(freq)
Beispiel #6
 def compute_means(row):
     start =
     end = start + row['duration']
     phase_activations = df_window(df_activations, (start, end))
     phase_util = df_window(df_util, (start, end))
     series = pd.Series({
         'Phase duty cycle average': series_mean(phase_activations['duty_cycle']),
         'Phase util tunnel average': kernel_util_mean(
     return series
Beispiel #7
    def plot_peripheral_frequency(self, clk_name: str, average: bool = True):
        Plot frequency for the specified peripheral clock frequency

        :param clk_name: The clock name for which to plot frequency
        :type clk_name: str

        :param average: If ``True``, add a horizontal line which is the
            frequency average.
        :type average: bool

        df = self.df_peripheral_clock_effective_rate(clk_name)
        freq = df['effective_rate']
        freq = series_refit_index(freq, window=self.trace.window)

        fig = plot_signal(freq, name=f'Frequency of {clk_name} (Hz)')

        if average:
            avg = series_mean(freq)
            if avg > 0:
                fig *= hv.HLine(avg, group='average').opts(color='red')

        return fig
Beispiel #8
    def test_means(self) -> ResultBundle:
        Test signals are properly "dominated".

        The mean of `enqueued` is expected to be always not
        smaller than that of `util`, since this last is subject to decays
        while the first not.

        The mean of `enqueued` is expected to be always greater or
        equal than the mean of `util`, since this `util` is subject
        to decays while `enqueued` not.

        On fast-ramp systems, the `ewma` signal is never smaller then
        the `enqueued`, thus his mean is expected to be bigger.

        On non fast-ramp systems instead, the `ewma` is expected to be
        smaller then `enqueued` in ramp-up phases, or bigger in
        ramp-down phases.

        Those conditions are checked on a single execution of a task which has
        three main behaviours:

            * STABLE: periodic big task running for a relatively long period to
              ensure `util` saturation.
            * DOWN: periodic ramp-down task, to slowly decay `util`
            * UP: periodic ramp-up task, to slowly increase `util`

        failure_reasons = {}
        metrics = {}

        task = self.rtapp_task_ids_map['test'][0]

        ue_df = self.trace.df_event('sched_util_est_se')
        ue_df = df_filter_task_ids(ue_df, [task])
        ua_df = self.trace.ana.load_tracking.df_task_signal(task, 'util')

        failures = []
        for phase in self.trace.ana.rta.task_phase_windows(
                task, wlgen_profile=self.rtapp_profile):
            if not['meta']['from_test']:

            apply_phase_window = functools.partial(df_refit_index,

            ue_phase_df = apply_phase_window(ue_df)
            mean_enqueued = series_mean(ue_phase_df['enqueued'])
            mean_ewma = series_mean(ue_phase_df['ewma'])

            ua_phase_df = apply_phase_window(ua_df)
            mean_util = series_mean(ua_phase_df['util'])

            def make_issue(msg):
                return msg.format(

            issue = None
            if mean_enqueued < mean_util:
                issue = make_issue('{enq} smaller than {util}')

            # Running on FastRamp kernels:
            elif self.fast_ramp:

                # STABLE, DOWN and UP:
                if mean_ewma < mean_enqueued:
                    issue = make_issue(
                        'no fast ramp: {ewma} smaller than {enq}')

            # Running on (legacy) non FastRamp kernels:

                # STABLE: ewma ramping up
                    if mean_ewma > mean_enqueued:
                        issue = make_issue(
                            'fast ramp, stable: {ewma} bigger than {enq}')

                # DOWN: ewma ramping down
                    if mean_ewma < mean_enqueued:
                        issue = make_issue(
                            'fast ramp, down: {ewma} smaller than {enq}')

                # UP: ewma ramping up
                    if mean_ewma > mean_enqueued:
                        issue = make_issue(
                            'fast ramp, up: {ewma} bigger than {enq}')

            metrics[] = PhaseStats(phase.start, phase.end, mean_util,
                                           mean_enqueued, mean_ewma, issue)

        failures = [(phase, stat) for phase, stat in metrics.items()
                    if stat.issue]

        # Plot signals to support debugging analysis
        self._plot_signals(task, 'means',
                           sorted(stat.start for phase, stat in failures))

        bundle = ResultBundle.from_bool(not failures)
        bundle.add_metric("fast ramp", self.fast_ramp)
        bundle.add_metric("phases", metrics)
                          sorted(phase for phase, stat in failures))
        return bundle
Beispiel #9
    def get_expected_cpu_util(self):
        Get the per-phase average CPU utilization expected from the duty cycle
        of the tasks found in the trace.

        :returns: A dict of the shape {cpu : {phase_id : expected_util}}

        .. note:: This is more robust than just looking at the duty cycle in
            the task profile, since rtapp might not reproduce accurately the
            duty cycle it was asked.
        cpu_capacities = self.plat_info['cpu-capacities']['rtapp']
        cpu_util = {}
        cpu_freqs = self.plat_info['freqs']

            freq_df = self.trace.analysis.frequency.df_cpus_frequency()
        except MissingTraceEventError:
            cpus_rel_freq = None
            cpus_rel_freq = {
                # Frequency, normalized according to max frequency on that CPU
                cols['cpu']: df['frequency'] / max(cpu_freqs[cols['cpu']])
                for cols, df in df_split_signals(freq_df, ['cpu'])

        for task in self.rtapp_task_ids:
            df = self.trace.analysis.tasks.df_task_activation(task)

            for row in self.trace.analysis.rta.df_phases(task).itertuples():
                phase = row.phase
                duration = row.duration
                start = row.Index
                end = start + duration
                # Ignore the first quarter of the util signal of each phase, since
                # it's impacted by the phase change, and util can be affected
                # (rtapp does some bookkeeping at the beginning of phases)
                # start += duration / 4

                # readjust the duration to take into account the modification of start
                duration = end - start
                window = (start, end)
                phase_df = df_window(df, window, clip_window=True)

                for cpu in self.cpus:

                    if cpus_rel_freq is None:
                        rel_freq_mean = 1
                        phase_freq_series = df_window(cpus_rel_freq[cpu],
                        # # We might not have frequency data at the beginning of the
                        # # trace, or if not frequency transition happened at all.
                        if phase_freq_series.empty:
                            rel_freq_mean = 1
                            # If we lack freq data at the beginning of the
                            # window, assume the frequency was right.
                            if phase_freq_series.index[0] > start:
                                phase_freq_series = pd.concat([
                                    pd.Series([1.0], index=[start]),

                            # Extend the frequency to the right so that the mean
                            # takes into account all the data we have
                            freq_window = (phase_freq_series.index[0], end)
                            rel_freq_mean = series_mean(

                    cpu_phase_df = phase_df[phase_df['cpu'] == cpu].dropna()
                    if cpu_phase_df.empty:
                        duty_cycle = 0
                        cpu_residency = 0
                        duty_cycle = series_mean(
                        cpu_residency = end - max(cpu_phase_df.index[0], start)

                    phase_util = UTIL_SCALE * duty_cycle * (
                        cpu_capacities[cpu] / UTIL_SCALE)
                    # Pro-rata with the time spent on that CPU, so we get
                    # the correct average.
                    phase_util *= cpu_residency / duration

                    # We might not have run at max freq, e.g. because of
                    # thermal capping, so take that into account
                    phase_util *= rel_freq_mean

                    cpu_util.setdefault(cpu, {}).setdefault(phase, 0)
                    cpu_util[cpu][phase] += phase_util

        return cpu_util