Beispiel #1
def load_instant():
    This endpoint takes in a list of recording_mbids and optional desc/name arguments  and then loads
    the recording_mbid's metadata and creates a JSPF file from this data and sends it to the front end
    so a playlist can be instantly played.

    .. note::
        We recommend that you do not send more than 50 recording_mbids in one request -- our
        server infrastructure will likely give you a gateway error (502) if you do.

    :param recording_mbids: A comma separated list of recording_mbids
    :type recording_mbids: ``str``
    :param desc: A description for this instant playlist (optional).
    :type desc: ``str``
    :param name: A name for this instant playlist (optional).
    :type name: ``str``
    :statuscode 200: playlist generated
    :statuscode 400: invalid recording_mbid arguments

    recordings = request.args.get("recording_mbids", default=None)
    if recordings is None:
        raise BadRequest("recording_mbids argument must be present and contain a comma separated list of recording_mbids")

    recording_mbids = []
    for mbid in recordings.split(","):
        mbid_clean = mbid.strip()
        if not is_valid_uuid(mbid_clean):
            raise BadRequest(f"Recording mbid {mbid} is not valid.")


    desc = request.args.get("desc", default="")
    if not desc:
        desc = "Instant playlist"

    name = request.args.get("name", default="")
    if not name:
        name = "Instant playlist"

    now =
    playlist = WritablePlaylist(description=desc, name=name, creator="listenbrainz", creator_id=1, created=now)
    for i, mbid in enumerate(recording_mbids):
        rec = WritablePlaylistRecording(position=i, mbid=mbid, added_by_id=1, created=now)


    return render_template(
        props=ujson.dumps({"playlist": serialize_jspf(playlist)})
Beispiel #2
def load_release(release_mbid):
    This endpoint takes a release mbid, loads the tracks for this release and makes a playlist from it and
    sends it to the front end via JSPF.

    :statuscode 200: playlist generated
    :statuscode 400: invalid recording_mbid arguments

    release_mbid = release_mbid.strip()
    if not is_valid_uuid(release_mbid):
        raise BadRequest(f"Recording mbid {release_mbid} is not valid.")

    playlist = None
    if mb_engine:
        release = get_release_by_mbid(release_mbid, includes=["media", "artists"])
        if not release:
            raise NotFound("This release was not found in our database. It may not have replicated to this server yet.")

        name = "Release %s by %s" % (release["name"], release["artist-credit-phrase"])
        desc = 'Release <a href="">%s</a> by %s' % (release["mbid"],
        now =
        playlist = WritablePlaylist(description=desc, name=name, creator="listenbrainz", creator_id=1, created=now)
        for medium in release["medium-list"]:
            for recording in medium["track-list"]:
                rec = WritablePlaylistRecording(title=recording["name"],
                                                artist_mbids=[a["artist"]["mbid"] for a in recording["artist-credit"]],
                                                added_by_id=1, created=now)

    return render_template(
        props=ujson.dumps({"playlist": serialize_jspf(playlist) if playlist is not None else {}})
def create(playlist: model_playlist.WritablePlaylist) -> model_playlist.Playlist:
    """Create a playlist

        playlist: A playlist to add

        InvalidUser: if ``playlist.creator_id`` isn't a valid listenbrainz user id,
          or if ``playlist.created_for_id`` is set and isn't a valid listenbrainz user id

        a Playlist, representing the playlist that was inserted, with the id, mbid, and created date added.

    # TODO: These two gets should be done in a single query
    creator = db_user.get(playlist.creator_id)
    if creator is None:
        raise Exception("TODO: Custom exception")

    # TODO: In a way this is less than ideal -- the caller must take the string name and find the ID,
    # and then the name is fetched for verification again. Should we accept created_for here and do
    # lookup only here and not he in the API call validation?
    if playlist.created_for_id:
        created_for = db_user.get(playlist.created_for_id)
        if created_for is None:
            raise Exception("TODO: Custom exception")
    query = sqlalchemy.text("""
        INSERT INTO playlist.playlist (creator_id
                                     , name
                                     , description
                                     , public
                                     , copied_from_id
                                     , created_for_id
                                     , algorithm_metadata)
                               VALUES (:creator_id
                                     , :name
                                     , :description
                                     , :public
                                     , :copied_from_id
                                     , :created_for_id
                                     , :algorithm_metadata)
                             RETURNING id, mbid, created
    fields = playlist.dict(include={'creator_id', 'name', 'description', 'public',
                                    'copied_from_id', 'created_for_id', 'algorithm_metadata'})
    with ts.engine.connect() as connection:
        result = connection.execute(query, fields)
        row = dict(result.fetchone()) = row['id']
        playlist.mbid = row['mbid']
        playlist.created = row['created']
        playlist.creator = creator['musicbrainz_id']
        playlist.recordings = insert_recordings(connection,, playlist.recordings, 0)

        if playlist.collaborator_ids:
            add_playlist_collaborators(connection,, playlist.collaborator_ids)
            collaborator_ids = get_collaborators_for_playlists(connection, [])
            collaborator_ids = collaborator_ids.get(, [])
            playlist.collaborators = get_collaborators_names_from_ids(collaborator_ids)

        return model_playlist.Playlist.parse_obj(playlist.dict())
Beispiel #4
def create_playlist():
    Create a playlist. The playlist must be in JSPF format with MusicBrainz extensions, which is defined
    here: . To create an empty playlist, you can send an empty playlist
    with only the title field filled out. If you would like to create a playlist populated with recordings,
    each of the track items in the playlist must have an identifier element that contains the MusicBrainz
    recording that includes the recording MBID.

    When creating a playlist, only the playlist title and the track identifier elements will be used -- all
    other elements in the posted JSPF wil be ignored.

    If a created_for field is found and the user is not an approved playlist bot, then a 403 forbidden will be raised.

    :reqheader Authorization: Token <user token>
    :statuscode 200: playlist accepted.
    :statuscode 400: invalid JSON sent, see error message for details.
    :statuscode 401: invalid authorization. See error message for details.
    :statuscode 403: forbidden. The submitting user is not allowed to create playlists for other users.
    :resheader Content-Type: *application/json*

    user = validate_auth_header()

    data = request.json

    public = data["playlist"]["extension"][PLAYLIST_EXTENSION_URI]["public"]
    collaborators = data.get("playlist", {}).\
        get("extension", {}).get(PLAYLIST_EXTENSION_URI, {}).\
        get("collaborators", [])

    # Uniquify collaborators list
    collaborators = list(set(collaborators))

    # Don't allow creator to also be a collaborator
    if user["musicbrainz_id"] in collaborators:

    username_lookup = collaborators
    created_for = data["playlist"].get("created_for", None)
    if created_for:

    users = {}
    if username_lookup:
        users = db_user.get_many_users_by_mb_id(username_lookup)

    collaborator_ids = []
    for collaborator in collaborators:
        if collaborator.lower() not in users:
            log_raise_400("Collaborator {} doesn't exist".format(collaborator))

    # filter description
    description = data["playlist"].get("annotation", None)
    if description is not None:
        description = _filter_description_html(description)

    playlist = WritablePlaylist(name=data['playlist']['title'],

    if data["playlist"].get("created_for", None):
        if user["musicbrainz_id"] not in current_app.config["APPROVED_PLAYLIST_BOTS"]:
            raise APIForbidden("Playlist contains a created_for field, but submitting user is not an approved playlist bot.")
        created_for_user = users.get(data["playlist"]["created_for"].lower())
        if not created_for_user:
            log_raise_400("created_for user does not exist.")
        playlist.created_for_id = created_for_user["id"]

    if "track" in data["playlist"]:
        for track in data["playlist"]["track"]:
            except ValueError:
                log_raise_400("Invalid recording MBID found in submitted recordings")

        playlist = db_playlist.create(playlist)
    except Exception as e:
        current_app.logger.error("Error while creating new playlist: {}".format(e))
        raise APIInternalServerError("Failed to create the playlist. Please try again.")

    return jsonify({'status': 'ok', 'playlist_mbid': playlist.mbid})