Beispiel #1
def mergeEnv(env1, env2):
    ret = nil
    for p1 in env1:
        p2 = assq(first(p1), env2)
        if p2 != None:
            ret = ext(first(p1), union([rest(p1), rest(p2)]), ret)
    return ret
Beispiel #2
 def find(self, code_seq):
     step = first(code_seq)
     if not step:
     elif step == DAH and self.left:
         return self.left.find(rest(code_seq))
     elif step == DIT and self.right:
         return self.right.find(rest(code_seq))
     return None
Beispiel #3
def onStack(call, args, stk):
    for p1 in stk:
        call2 = first(p1)
        args2 = rest(p1)
        if call == call2 and subtypeBindings(args, args2):
            return True
    return False
Beispiel #4
def invokeClosure(call, actualParams, clo, env, stk):
    @types: ast.Call, list[ast.AST], Closure, LinkedList, LinkedList -> list[Type]
    debug("invoking closure", clo.func, "with args", actualParams)

    func = clo.func
    fenv = clo.env
    pos = nil
    kwarg = nil

    # bind positionals first
    poslen = min(len(func.args.args), len(actualParams))
    for i in xrange(poslen):
        t = infer(actualParams[i], env, stk)
        pos = bind(func.args.args[i], t, pos)

    # put extra positionals into vararg if provided
    # report error and go on otherwise
    if len(actualParams) > len(func.args.args):
        if func.args.vararg == None:
            err = TypeError("excess arguments to function")
            putInfo(call, err)
            return [err]
            ts = []
            for i in xrange(len(func.args.args), len(actualParams)):
                t = infer(actualParams[i], env, stk)
                ts = ts + t
            pos = bind(func.args.vararg, ts, pos)

    # bind keywords, collect kwarg
    ids = map(getId, func.args.args)
    for k in call.keywords:
        ts = infer(k.value, env, stk)
        tloc1 = lookup(k.arg, pos)
        if tloc1 != None:
            putInfo(call, TypeError("multiple values for keyword argument", k.arg, tloc1))
        elif k.arg not in ids:
            kwarg = bind(k.arg, ts, kwarg)
            pos = bind(k.arg, ts, pos)

    # put extras in kwarg or report them
    # bind call.keywords to func.args.kwarg
    if kwarg != nil:
        if func.args.kwarg != None:
            pos = bind(func.args.kwarg, [DictType(reverse(kwarg))], pos)
            putInfo(call, TypeError("unexpected keyword arguements", kwarg))
    elif func.args.kwarg != None:
        pos = bind(func.args.kwarg, [DictType(nil)], pos)

    # bind defaults, avoid overwriting bound vars
    # types for defaults are already inferred when the function was defined
    i = len(func.args.args) - len(func.args.defaults)
    _ = len(func.args.args)
    for j in xrange(len(clo.defaults)):
        tloc = lookup(getId(func.args.args[i]), pos)
        if tloc == None:
            pos = bind(func.args.args[i], clo.defaults[j], pos)
            i += 1

    # finish building the input type
    fromtype = maplist(lambda p: SimplePair(first(p), typeOnly(rest(p))), pos)

    # check whether the same call site is on stack with same input types
    # if so, we are back to a loop, terminate
    if onStack(call, fromtype, stk):
        return [bottomType]

    # push the call site onto the stack and analyze the function body
    stk = ext(call, fromtype, stk)
    fenv = append(pos, fenv)
    to = infer(func.body, fenv, stk)

    # record the function type
    putInfo(func, FuncType(reverse(fromtype), to))
    return to
Beispiel #5
 def find(a, rec2):
     for b in rec2:
         if (first(a) == first(b)) and typeEqual(rest(a), rest(b)):
             return True
     return False