Beispiel #1
# excludes: A list of directories to exclude from the testsuite. The 'Inputs'
# subdirectories contain auxiliary inputs for various tests in their parent
# directories.
config.excludes = [
    'Inputs', 'CMakeLists.txt', 'README.txt', 'LICENSE.txt', 'debuginfo-tests'

# test_source_root: The root path where tests are located.
config.test_source_root = os.path.dirname(__file__)

# test_exec_root: The root path where tests should be run.
config.test_exec_root = os.path.join(config.clang_obj_root, 'test')

# Not really required but makes debugging tests easier
llvm_config.add_cheri_tool_substitutions(["llc", "opt"])

    ('%src_include_dir', config.clang_src_dir + '/include'))

# Propagate path to symbolizer for ASan/MSan.

config.substitutions.append(('%PATH%', config.environment['PATH']))

# For each occurrence of a clang tool name, replace it with the full path to
# the build directory holding that tool.  We explicitly specify the directories
# to search to ensure that we get the tools just built and not some random
# tools that might happen to be in the user's PATH.
Beispiel #2
    sys.executable, config.llvm_src_root)

tools = [
    ToolSubst('%lli', FindTool('lli'), post='.', extra_args=lli_args),
    ToolSubst('%llc_dwarf', FindTool('llc'), extra_args=llc_args),
    ToolSubst('%go', config.go_executable, unresolved='ignore'),
    ToolSubst('%gold', config.gold_executable, unresolved='ignore'),
    ToolSubst('%ld64', ld64_cmd, unresolved='ignore'),
    ToolSubst('%ocamlc', ocamlc_command, unresolved='ignore'),
    ToolSubst('%ocamlopt', ocamlopt_command, unresolved='ignore'),
    ToolSubst('%opt-viewer', opt_viewer_cmd),
    ToolSubst('%llvm-objcopy', FindTool('llvm-objcopy')),
    ToolSubst('%llvm-strip', FindTool('llvm-strip')),

llvm_config.add_cheri_tool_substitutions(['llc', 'opt', 'llvm-mc'])

# FIXME: we shouldn't have any tests that depend on clang here
if config.clang:

# FIXME: Why do we have both `lli` and `%lli` that do slightly different things?
    'dsymutil', 'lli', 'lli-child-target', 'llvm-ar', 'llvm-as',
    'llvm-bcanalyzer', 'llvm-config', 'llvm-cov', 'llvm-cxxdump',
    'llvm-cvtres', 'llvm-diff', 'llvm-dis', 'llvm-dwarfdump', 'llvm-extract',
    'llvm-isel-fuzzer', 'llvm-opt-fuzzer', 'llvm-lib', 'llvm-link', 'llvm-lto',
    'llvm-lto2', 'llvm-mc', 'llvm-mca', 'llvm-modextract', 'llvm-nm',
    'llvm-objcopy', 'llvm-objdump', 'llvm-pdbutil', 'llvm-profdata',
    'llvm-ranlib', 'llvm-readobj', 'llvm-rtdyld', 'llvm-size', 'llvm-split',