def test_basic(): c = Config(env_prefix='VIRTUAL_') c.init('HOST', str, '') c.init('PORT', int, 8080) c.load() assert c['HOST'] == '' assert c['PORT'] == 8080
def test_basic(): c = Config() c.init('HOST', str, '') c.init('PORT', int, 8080) c.load() assert c['HOST'] == '' assert c['PORT'] == 8080
def init_config(): c = Config(env_prefix='') c.init('SPORTS', list, [ 'fotbal', 'hokej', 'basketbal', 'hazena', 'baseball', 'florbal', 'futsal', 'ragby' ]) c.init('PROXY', str) c.init('ELASTICSEARCH_HOST', str) c.load() return c
def test_case_sensitivity(): c = Config() c.init('TEST', str, 'TEST') with pytest.warns(UserWarning): c.init('test', str, 'test') c.load() assert c['TEST'] == 'TEST' assert c['test'] == 'test'
def test_nonprefixed_variables_dont_override_nonempty_prefix(): c = Config(env_prefix='PREFIX_') c.init('HOST', str, '') with env(HOST=''): c.load() assert c['HOST'] == ''
def test_int_from_environ(): c = Config(env_prefix='PREFIX_') c.init('NUM', int, 666) with env(PREFIX_NUM='42'): c.load() assert c['NUM'] == 42
def test_bool_like_true(value): c = Config(env_prefix='') c.init('VALUE', bool_like) with env(VALUE=value): c.load() assert c['VALUE'] is True
def test_prefixed_variables_override(): c = Config(env_prefix='PREFIX_') c.init('HOST', str, '') with env(PREFIX_HOST=''): c.load() assert c['HOST'] == ''
def test_python_bool_type(value): c = Config(env_prefix='') with pytest.warns(UserWarning): c.init('VALUE', bool) with env(VALUE=value): c.load() assert c['VALUE'] is True
def test_custom_converter(): def custom(value): return ... c = Config(env_prefix='') c.init('VALUE', custom) with env(VALUE='42'): c.load() assert c['VALUE'] is ...
def test_json(): c = Config(env_prefix='') c.init('VALUE1', json) c.init('VALUE2', json) with env(VALUE1='{"aha": [1, 1.2, false]}', VALUE2='1'): c.load() assert c['VALUE1'] == {'aha': [1, 1.2, False]} assert c['VALUE2'] == 1
def test_python_numeric_types_converters(_type): c = Config(env_prefix='') c.init('VALUE', _type) with env(VALUE='1'): c.load() assert c['VALUE'] == _type('1') assert c['VALUE'] == 1 assert type(c['VALUE']) == _type
def test_nonexisting_config_is_missing(): c = Config() c.init('TEST', str, 'TEST') c.load() assert 'TEST' in c assert 'NOMNOMNOM' not in c with pytest.raises(KeyError): c['NOMNOMNOM']
def test_custom_anonymous_converter(): c = Config(env_prefix='') c.init('VALUE', lambda x:...) with env(VALUE='42'): c.load() assert c['VALUE'] is ...
from llconfig import Config from llconfig.converters import bool_like from pathlib import Path config = Config() # Keep README in sync! config.init("TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN", str, None) config.init("TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID", int, None) config.init("SENTRY_DSN", str, None) config.init("SENTRY_ENVIRONMENT", str, "production") # config.init("TRANSACTION_WATCH_CRON", str, "0 * * * *") # each hour config.init("FLIGHT_WATCH_CRON", str, "0 20 * * *") # every day at 20:00 config.init("FLIGHT_WATCH_DAYS_BACK", int, 30) config.init("RUN_TASKS_AFTER_STARTUP", bool_like, False) # if True, first run tasks and then wait for next CRON # config.init( "USER_AGENT", str, "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.114 Safari/537.36" ) config.init("SESSION_ID", str) config.init("LIVENESS", Path, Path("/tmp/liveness")) config.init("LIVENESS_SLEEP", int, 20) # seconds
def test_basic_values_work_without_load(): c = Config() c.init('TEST', str, 'TEST') # no load! assert c['TEST'] == 'TEST'
from pathlib import Path from aiohttp import ClientTimeout from llconfig import Config from llconfig.converters import bool_like config = Config() config.init("LOGGING_LEVEL", str, "INFO") config.init("HTTP_TIMEOUT", lambda val: ClientTimeout(total=int(val)), ClientTimeout(total=10)) # seconds config.init("HTTP_RAISE_FOR_STATUS", bool_like, True) config.init("STATE", Path, Path("/state/state.json")) config.init("LIVENESS", Path, Path("/tmp/liveness")) config.init("TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN", str, None) config.init("SLEEP", int, 600) # seconds config.init("BACKOFF_SLEEP", int, 1200) # seconds config.init("SENTRY_DSN", str, None) config.init("SENTRY_ENVIRONMENT", str, "production")
from llconfig import Config from llconfig.converters import bool_like c = config = Config() c.init('SENDGRID_API_KEY', str, None) c.init('MONGO_CONNECTION_STRING', str) c.init('CONTACT_FORM_RECEPIENT', str, '*****@*****.**') c.init('CONTACT_FORM_SUBJECT', str, ' - dotaz') c.init('FORCE_HTTPS', bool_like, False) c.load()
from aiohttp import ClientTimeout from llconfig import Config from llconfig.converters import bool_like config = Config() config.init("ROHLIK_URL", str, "") config.init("HTTP_TIMEOUT", lambda val: ClientTimeout(total=int(val)), ClientTimeout(total=10)) # seconds config.init("HTTP_RAISE_FOR_STATUS", bool_like, True) config.init("TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN", str, None) config.init("SLEEP", int, 10) # seconds config.init("SUCCESS_SLEEP", int, 60) # seconds config.init("BACKOFF_SLEEP", int, 10) # seconds