Beispiel #1
def dump_annotated(data, stream=None, *args, **kwargs):
    kwargs['Dumper'] = LineAnnotationDumper

    sio = StringIO()
    yaml.dump(data, sio, *args, **kwargs)
    lines = sio.getvalue().rstrip().split('\n')

    getvalue = None
    if stream is None:
        stream = StringIO()
        getvalue = stream.getvalue

    # write out annotations and lines, accounting for color
    width = max(clen(a) for a in _annotations)
    formats = ['%%-%ds  %%s\n' % (width + cextra(a)) for a in _annotations]

    for f, a, l in zip(formats, _annotations, lines):
        stream.write(f % (a, l))

    if getvalue:
        return getvalue()
Beispiel #2
def dump_annotated(data, stream=None, *args, **kwargs):
    kwargs['Dumper'] = LineAnnotationDumper

    sio = StringIO()
    yaml.dump(data, sio, *args, **kwargs)
    lines = sio.getvalue().rstrip().split('\n')

    getvalue = None
    if stream is None:
        stream = StringIO()
        getvalue = stream.getvalue

    # write out annotations and linees, accounting for color
    width = max(clen(a) for a in _annotations)
    formats = ['%%-%ds  %%s\n' % (width + cextra(a)) for a in _annotations]

    for f, a, l in zip(formats, _annotations, lines):
        stream.write(f % (a, l))

    if getvalue:
        return getvalue()
Beispiel #3
def dump_annotated(data, stream=None, *args, **kwargs):
    kwargs['Dumper'] = LineAnnotationDumper

    sio = StringIO()
    yaml.dump(data, sio, *args, **kwargs)

    # write_line_break() is not called by YAML for empty lines, so we
    # skip empty lines here with \n+.
    lines = re.split(r"\n+", sio.getvalue().rstrip())

    getvalue = None
    if stream is None:
        stream = StringIO()
        getvalue = stream.getvalue

    # write out annotations and lines, accounting for color
    width = max(clen(a) for a in _annotations)
    formats = ['%%-%ds  %%s\n' % (width + cextra(a)) for a in _annotations]

    for f, a, l in zip(formats, _annotations, lines):
        stream.write(f % (a, l))

    if getvalue:
        return getvalue()
Beispiel #4
def colify(elts, **options):
    """Takes a list of elements as input and finds a good columnization
    of them, similar to how gnu ls does. This supports both
    uniform-width and variable-width (tighter) columns.

    If elts is not a list of strings, each element is first conveted
    using str().

    Keyword arguments:

    output=<stream>   A file object to write to.  Default is sys.stdout.
    indent=<int>      Optionally indent all columns by some number of spaces.
    padding=<int>     Spaces between columns.  Default is 2.
    width=<int>       Width of the output.  Default is 80 if tty is not detected.

    cols=<int>        Force number of columns. Default is to size to terminal,
                      or single-column if no tty

    tty=<bool>        Whether to attempt to write to a tty.  Default is to
                      autodetect a tty. Set to False to force single-column output.

    method=<string>   Method to use to fit columns.  Options are variable or uniform.
                      Variable-width columns are tighter, uniform columns are all the
                      same width and fit less data on the screen.
    # Get keyword arguments or set defaults
    cols = options.pop("cols", 0)
    output = options.pop("output", sys.stdout)
    indent = options.pop("indent", 0)
    padding = options.pop("padding", 2)
    tty = options.pop("tty", None)
    method = options.pop("method", "variable")
    console_cols = options.pop("width", None)

    if options:
        raise TypeError("'%s' is an invalid keyword argument for this function." % next(options.iterkeys()))

    # elts needs to be an array of strings so we can count the elements
    elts = [str(elt) for elt in elts]
    if not elts:
        return (0, ())

    # environment size is of the form "<rows>x<cols>"
    env_size = os.environ.get("COLIFY_SIZE")
    if env_size:
            r, c = env_size.split("x")
            console_rows, console_cols = int(r), int(c)
            tty = True

    # Use only one column if not a tty.
    if not tty:
        if tty is False or not output.isatty():
            cols = 1

    # Specify the number of character columns to use.
    if not console_cols:
        console_rows, console_cols = terminal_size()
    elif type(console_cols) != int:
        raise ValueError("Number of columns must be an int")
    console_cols = max(1, console_cols - indent)

    # Choose a method.  Variable-width colums vs uniform-width.
    if method == "variable":
        config = config_variable_cols(elts, console_cols, padding, cols)
    elif method == "uniform":
        config = config_uniform_cols(elts, console_cols, padding, cols)
        raise ValueError("method must be one of: " + allowed_methods)

    cols = config.cols
    rows = (len(elts) + cols - 1) / cols
    rows_last_col = len(elts) % rows

    for row in xrange(rows):
        output.write(" " * indent)
        for col in xrange(cols):
            elt = col * rows + row
            width = config.widths[col] + cextra(elts[elt])
            fmt = "%%-%ds" % width
            output.write(fmt % elts[elt])

        row += 1
        if row == rows_last_col:
            cols -= 1

    return (config.cols, tuple(config.widths))
Beispiel #5
def colify(elts, **options):
    """Takes a list of elements as input and finds a good columnization
    of them, similar to how gnu ls does. This supports both
    uniform-width and variable-width (tighter) columns.

    If elts is not a list of strings, each element is first conveted
    using ``str()``.

    Keyword Arguments:
        output (stream): A file object to write to. Default is ``sys.stdout``
        indent (int):    Optionally indent all columns by some number of spaces
        padding (int):   Spaces between columns. Default is 2
        width (int):     Width of the output. Default is 80 if tty not detected
        cols (int):      Force number of columns. Default is to size to
                         terminal, or single-column if no tty
        tty (bool):      Whether to attempt to write to a tty. Default is to
                         autodetect a tty. Set to False to force single-column
        method (str):    Method to use to fit columns. Options are variable or
                         uniform. Variable-width columns are tighter, uniform
                         columns are all the same width and fit less data on
                         the screen
    # Get keyword arguments or set defaults
    cols         = options.pop("cols", 0)
    output       = options.pop("output", sys.stdout)
    indent       = options.pop("indent", 0)
    padding      = options.pop("padding", 2)
    tty          = options.pop('tty', None)
    method       = options.pop("method", "variable")
    console_cols = options.pop("width", None)

    if options:
        raise TypeError(
            "'%s' is an invalid keyword argument for this function."
            % next(options.iterkeys()))

    # elts needs to be an array of strings so we can count the elements
    elts = [text_type(elt) for elt in elts]
    if not elts:
        return (0, ())

    # environment size is of the form "<rows>x<cols>"
    env_size = os.environ.get('COLIFY_SIZE')
    if env_size:
            r, c = env_size.split('x')
            console_rows, console_cols = int(r), int(c)
            tty = True
        except BaseException:

    # Use only one column if not a tty.
    if not tty:
        if tty is False or not output.isatty():
            cols = 1

    # Specify the number of character columns to use.
    if not console_cols:
        console_rows, console_cols = terminal_size()
    elif type(console_cols) != int:
        raise ValueError("Number of columns must be an int")
    console_cols = max(1, console_cols - indent)

    # Choose a method.  Variable-width colums vs uniform-width.
    if method == "variable":
        config = config_variable_cols(elts, console_cols, padding, cols)
    elif method == "uniform":
        config = config_uniform_cols(elts, console_cols, padding, cols)
        raise ValueError("method must be either 'variable' or 'uniform'")

    cols = config.cols
    rows = (len(elts) + cols - 1) // cols
    rows_last_col = len(elts) % rows

    for row in range(rows):
        output.write(" " * indent)
        for col in range(cols):
            elt = col * rows + row
            width = config.widths[col] + cextra(elts[elt])
            if col < cols - 1:
                fmt = '%%-%ds' % width
                output.write(fmt % elts[elt])
                # Don't pad the rightmost column (sapces can wrap on
                # small teriminals if one line is overlong)

        row += 1
        if row == rows_last_col:
            cols -= 1

    return (config.cols, tuple(config.widths))