Beispiel #1
    def testValueFromString(self):
        ty = Type.double()
        a = Value.const_real(ty, 1.0)
        b = Value.const_real(ty, "1.0")

        x, _ = a.get_double_value()
        y, _ = b.get_double_value()
        self.assertEqual(x, y)
Beispiel #2
    def testValueFromString(self):
        ty = Type.double()
        a = Value.const_real(ty, 1.0)
        b = Value.const_real(ty, "1.0")

        x, _ = a.get_double_value()
        y, _ = b.get_double_value()
        self.assertEqual(x, y)
Beispiel #3
    def testFAdd(self):
        ty = Type.double()
        a = Value.const_real(ty, 1.0)
        b = Value.const_real(ty, 1.0)
        bldr = Builder.create()
        c = bldr.fadd(a, b, "tmp1")

        x, l = c.get_double_value()
        self.assertTrue(x - 2.0 < 0.01 and 2.0 - x > -0.01)
Beispiel #4
    def testFAdd(self):
        ty = Type.double()
        a = Value.const_real(ty, 1.0)
        b = Value.const_real(ty, 1.0)
        bldr = Builder.create()
        c = bldr.fadd(a, b, "tmp1")

        x, l = c.get_double_value()
        self.assertTrue(x - 2.0 < 0.01 and
                        2.0 - x > -0.01)