Beispiel #1
def block_builder_box(
    function: ir.Function, name: str
) -> R[Pair[FunctionBuilder, BlockBuilder]]:
    return (
        lambda: Pair.create(
Beispiel #2
class LLVMGenerator:
    def __init__(self):
        self.module = Module('hello')
        self._print_int = Function(self.module,
                                   FunctionType(void_type, [int_type]),

        self.function = Function(self.module,
                                 FunctionType(int_type, []),
        self.block = self.function.append_basic_block('entry')
        self.builder = IRBuilder(self.block)

        self.stack = []
        self.vars = {}

    def emit(self, code):
        for op, *opargs in code:
            getattr(self, f'emit_{op}')(*opargs)
        self.builder.ret(Constant(int_type, 0))
        return str(self.module)

    def push(self, item):

    def pop(self):
        return self.stack.pop()

    def emit_VARI(self, name):
        self.vars[name] = self.builder.alloca(int_type, name=name)

    def emit_CONSTI(self, value):
        self.push(Constant(int_type, value))

    def emit_STORE(self, name):, self.vars[name])

    def emit_LOAD(self, name):

    def emit_ADDI(self):
        self.push(self.builder.add(self.pop(), self.pop()))

    def emit_MULI(self):
        self.push(self.builder.mul(self.pop(), self.pop()))

    def emit_PRINTI(self):, [self.pop()])
    def __init__(self, parent: ModuleCodegen, func: Function, llvm_func: ir.Function):
        self.parent = parent
        self.function = func
        self.llvm_function = llvm_func
        self.llvm_variables = {}

        llvm_entry = llvm_func.append_basic_block('entry')
        self.llvm_builder = ir.IRBuilder(llvm_entry)

        for param, llvm_arg in zip(func.parameters, llvm_func.args):
            llvm_alloca = self.llvm_builder.alloca(llvm_arg.type)
            self.llvm_variables[param] = llvm_alloca
  , llvm_alloca)

        for var in func.variables:
            llvm_alloca = self.llvm_builder.alloca(self.llvm_types[var.type])
            self.llvm_variables[var] = llvm_alloca
Beispiel #4
    def _create_instruct(self, typ: str, is_printf: bool = False) -> None:
        """Create a new Function instruction and attach it to a new Basic Block Entry.

            typ (str): node type.
            is_printf (bool, optional): Defaults to False.

        if is_printf or typ in ["String", "ArrayType"]:
            self.str_counter += 1
            self.func_name = f"_{typ}.{self.str_counter}"
            func_type = FunctionType(VoidType(), [])
        elif typ == "Boolean":
            self.bool_counter += 1
            self.func_name = f"_{typ}.{self.bool_counter}"
            func_type = FunctionType(IntType(1), [])
            self.expr_counter += 1
            self.func_name = f"_{typ}_Expr.{self.expr_counter}"
            func_type = FunctionType(DoubleType(), [])

        main_func = Function(self.module, func_type, self.func_name)
        bb_entry = main_func.append_basic_block("entry")
        self.builder = IRBuilder(bb_entry)
Beispiel #5
mod = Module('example')

# Define a function:
#    func lessthan(x int, y int) bool {
#         return x < y;
#    }
# Note: The result of boolean operations is a 1-bit integer

func = Function(mod,
                             [IntType(32), IntType(32)]),

block = func.append_basic_block("entry")
builder = IRBuilder(block)

# The icmp_signed() instruction is used for all comparisons on
# integers.  For floating point, use fcmp_ordered().  The compare operation
# takes an operator expressed as a string such as '<', '>', '==',
# etc.

result = builder.icmp_signed('<', func.args[0], func.args[1])

# ---- Test Code

import llvmlite.binding as llvm

Beispiel #6
class GenerateLLVM(object):
    def __init__(self):
        # Perform the basic LLVM initialization.  You need the following parts:
        #    1.  A top-level Module object
        #    2.  A Function instance in which to insert code
        #    3.  A Builder instance to generate instructions
        # Note: For project 5, we don't have any user-defined
        # functions so we're just going to emit all LLVM code into a top
        # level function void main() { ... }.   This will get changed later.

        self.module = Module('module')

        # All globals variables and function definitions go here
        self.globals = {}

        self.blocks = {}

        # Initialize the runtime library functions (see below)

    def declare_runtime_library(self):
        # Certain functions such as I/O and string handling are often easier
        # to implement in an external C library.  This method should make
        # the LLVM declarations for any runtime functions to be used
        # during code generation.    Please note that runtime function
        # functions are implemented in C in a separate file gonert.c

        self.runtime = {}

        # Declare printing functions
        self.runtime['_print_int'] = Function(self.module,
                                                  void_type, [int_type]),

        self.runtime['_print_float'] = Function(self.module,
                                                    void_type, [float_type]),

        self.runtime['_print_byte'] = Function(self.module,
                                                   void_type, [byte_type]),

    def generate_code(self, ir_function):
        # Given a sequence of SSA intermediate code tuples, generate LLVM
        # instructions using the current builder (self.builder).  Each
        # opcode tuple (opcode, args) is dispatched to a method of the
        # form self.emit_opcode(args)
        # print(ir_function)
        self.function = Function(
            FunctionType(LLVM_TYPE_MAPPING[ir_function.return_type], [
                LLVM_TYPE_MAPPING[ptype] for _, ptype in ir_function.parameters

        self.block = self.function.append_basic_block('entry')
        self.builder = IRBuilder(self.block)

        # Save the function as a global to be referenced later on another
        # function
        self.globals[] = self.function

        # All local variables are stored here
        self.locals = {}

        self.vars = ChainMap(self.locals, self.globals)

        # Dictionary that holds all of the temporary registers created in
        # the intermediate code.
        self.temps = {}

        # Setup the function parameters
        for n, (pname, ptype) in enumerate(ir_function.parameters):
            self.vars[pname] = self.builder.alloca(LLVM_TYPE_MAPPING[ptype],
  [n], self.vars[pname])

        # Allocate the return value and return_block
        if ir_function.return_type:
            self.vars['return'] = self.builder.alloca(
                LLVM_TYPE_MAPPING[ir_function.return_type], name='return')
        self.return_block = self.function.append_basic_block('return')

        for opcode, *args in ir_function.code:
            if hasattr(self, 'emit_' + opcode):
                getattr(self, 'emit_' + opcode)(*args)
                print('Warning: No emit_' + opcode + '() method')

        if not self.block.is_terminated:

        self.builder.ret(self.builder.load(self.vars['return'], 'return'))

    def get_block(self, block_name):
        block = self.blocks.get(block_name)
        if block is None:
            block = self.function.append_basic_block(block_name)
            self.blocks[block_name] = block

        return block

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Opcode implementation.   You must implement the opcodes.  A few
    # sample opcodes have been given to get you started.
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    # Creation of literal values.  Simply define as LLVM constants.
    def emit_MOV(self, value, target, val_type):
        self.temps[target] = Constant(val_type, value)

    emit_MOVI = partialmethod(emit_MOV, val_type=int_type)
    emit_MOVF = partialmethod(emit_MOV, val_type=float_type)
    emit_MOVB = partialmethod(emit_MOV, val_type=byte_type)

    # Allocation of GLOBAL variables.  Declare as global variables and set to
    # a sensible initial value.
    def emit_VAR(self, name, var_type):
        var = GlobalVariable(self.module, var_type, name=name)
        var.initializer = Constant(var_type, 0)
        self.globals[name] = var

    emit_VARI = partialmethod(emit_VAR, var_type=int_type)
    emit_VARF = partialmethod(emit_VAR, var_type=float_type)
    emit_VARB = partialmethod(emit_VAR, var_type=byte_type)

    # Allocation of LOCAL variables.  Declare as local variables and set to
    # a sensible initial value.
    def emit_ALLOC(self, name, var_type):
        self.locals[name] = self.builder.alloca(var_type, name=name)

    emit_ALLOCI = partialmethod(emit_ALLOC, var_type=int_type)
    emit_ALLOCF = partialmethod(emit_ALLOC, var_type=float_type)
    emit_ALLOCB = partialmethod(emit_ALLOC, var_type=byte_type)

    # Load/store instructions for variables.  Load needs to pull a
    # value from a global variable and store in a temporary. Store
    # goes in the opposite direction.
    def emit_LOADI(self, name, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.load(self.vars[name], name=target)

    emit_LOADF = emit_LOADI
    emit_LOADB = emit_LOADI

    def emit_STOREI(self, source, target):[source], self.vars[target])

    emit_STOREF = emit_STOREI
    emit_STOREB = emit_STOREI

    # Binary + operator
    def emit_ADDI(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.add(self.temps[left],

    def emit_ADDF(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.fadd(self.temps[left],

    # Binary - operator
    def emit_SUBI(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.sub(self.temps[left],

    def emit_SUBF(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.fsub(self.temps[left],

    # Binary * operator
    def emit_MULI(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.mul(self.temps[left],

    def emit_MULF(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.fmul(self.temps[left],

    # Binary / operator
    def emit_DIVI(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.sdiv(self.temps[left],

    def emit_DIVF(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.fdiv(self.temps[left],

    # Print statements
    def emit_PRINT(self, source, runtime_name):[runtime_name], [self.temps[source]])

    emit_PRINTI = partialmethod(emit_PRINT, runtime_name="_print_int")
    emit_PRINTF = partialmethod(emit_PRINT, runtime_name="_print_float")
    emit_PRINTB = partialmethod(emit_PRINT, runtime_name="_print_byte")

    def emit_CMPI(self, operator, left, right, target):
        tmp = self.builder.icmp_signed(operator, self.temps[left],
                                       self.temps[right], 'tmp')
        # LLVM compares produce a 1-bit integer as a result.  Since our IRcode using integers
        # for bools, need to sign-extend the result up to the normal int_type to continue
        # with further processing (otherwise you'll get a LLVM type error).
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.zext(tmp, int_type, target)

    def emit_CMPF(self, operator, left, right, target):
        tmp = self.builder.fcmp_ordered(operator, self.temps[left],
                                        self.temps[right], 'tmp')
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.zext(tmp, int_type, target)

    emit_CMPB = emit_CMPI

    # Logical ops
    def emit_AND(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.and_(self.temps[left],
                                               self.temps[right], target)

    def emit_OR(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.or_(self.temps[left],
                                              self.temps[right], target)

    def emit_XOR(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.xor(self.temps[left],
                                              self.temps[right], target)

    def emit_LABEL(self, lbl_name):
        self.block = self.get_block(lbl_name)

    def emit_BRANCH(self, dst_label):
        if not self.block.is_terminated:

    def emit_CBRANCH(self, test_target, true_label, false_label):
        true_block = self.get_block(true_label)
        false_block = self.get_block(false_label)
        testvar = self.temps[test_target]
        self.builder.cbranch(self.builder.trunc(testvar, IntType(1)),
                             true_block, false_block)

    def emit_RET(self, register):[register], self.vars['return'])

    def emit_CALL(self, func_name, *registers):
        # print(self.globals)
        args = [self.temps[r] for r in registers[:-1]]
        target = registers[-1]
        self.temps[target] =[func_name], args)
Beispiel #7
class GenerateLLVM(object):
    def __init__(self):
        # Perform the basic LLVM initialization.  You need the following parts:
        #    1.  A top-level Module object
        #    2.  A Function instance in which to insert code
        #    3.  A Builder instance to generate instructions
        # Note: For project 5, we don't have any user-defined
        # functions so we're just going to emit all LLVM code into a top
        # level function void main() { ... }.   This will get changed later.

        self.module = Module('module')
        self.globals = {}

        # Initialize the runtime library functions (see below)

    def generate_function(self, name, return_type, arg_types, arg_names,
        self.function = Function(self.module,
                                 FunctionType(return_type, arg_types),

        self.globals[name] = self.function

        self.block = self.function.append_basic_block('entry')
        self.builder = IRBuilder(self.block)

        self.locals = {}
        self.vars = ChainMap(self.locals, self.globals)

        # Have to declare local variables for holding function arguments
        for n, (name, ty) in enumerate(zip(arg_names, arg_types)):
            self.locals[name] = self.builder.alloca(ty, name=name)
  [n], self.locals[name])

        # Dictionary that holds all of the temporary registers created in
        # the intermediate code.
        self.temps = {}

        # Make the exit block for function return
        self.return_block = self.function.append_basic_block('return')
        if return_type != void_type:
            self.return_var = self.builder.alloca(return_type, name='return')


        if not self.block.is_terminated:

        if return_type != void_type:

    def declare_runtime_library(self):
        # Certain functions such as I/O and string handling are often easier
        # to implement in an external C library.  This method should make
        # the LLVM declarations for any runtime functions to be used
        # during code generation.    Please note that runtime function
        # functions are implemented in C in a separate file gonert.c

        self.runtime = {}

        # Declare printing functions
        self.runtime['_print_int'] = Function(self.module,
                                                  void_type, [int_type]),

        self.runtime['_print_float'] = Function(self.module,
                                                    void_type, [float_type]),

        self.runtime['_print_byte'] = Function(self.module,
                                                   void_type, [byte_type]),

    def generate_code(self, ircode):
        # Given a sequence of SSA intermediate code tuples, generate LLVM
        # instructions using the current builder (self.builder).  Each
        # opcode tuple (opcode, args) is dispatched to a method of the
        # form self.emit_opcode(args)

        # Collect and create all basic blocks
        labels = [instr[1] for instr in ircode if instr[0] == 'LABEL']
        self.basicblocks = {
            name: self.function.append_basic_block(name)
            for name in labels

        for opcode, *args in ircode:
            if hasattr(self, 'emit_' + opcode):
                getattr(self, 'emit_' + opcode)(*args)
                print('Warning: No emit_' + opcode + '() method')

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Opcode implementation.   You must implement the opcodes.  A few
    # sample opcodes have been given to get you started.
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    # Creation of literal values.  Simply define as LLVM constants.
    def emit_MOVI(self, value, target):
        self.temps[target] = Constant(int_type, value)

    def emit_MOVF(self, value, target):
        self.temps[target] = Constant(float_type, value)

        pass  # You must implement

    def emit_MOVB(self, value, target):
        self.temps[target] = Constant(byte_type, value)

    # Allocation of variables.  Declare as global variables and set to
    # a sensible initial value.
    def emit_VARI(self, name):
        var = GlobalVariable(self.module, int_type, name=name)
        var.initializer = Constant(int_type, 0)
        self.globals[name] = var

    def emit_VARF(self, name):
        var = GlobalVariable(self.module, float_type, name=name)
        var.initializer = Constant(float_type, 0.0)
        self.globals[name] = var

    def emit_VARB(self, name):
        var = GlobalVariable(self.module, byte_type, name=name)
        var.initializer = Constant(byte_type, 0)
        self.globals[name] = var

    def emit_ALLOCI(self, name):
        self.locals[name] = self.builder.alloca(int_type, name=name)

    def emit_ALLOCF(self, name):
        self.locals[name] = self.builder.alloca(float_type, name=name)

    def emit_ALLOCB(self, name):
        self.locals[name] = self.builder.alloca(byte_type, name=name)

    # Load/store instructions for variables.  Load needs to pull a
    # value from a global variable and store in a temporary. Store
    # goes in the opposite direction.
    def emit_LOADI(self, name, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.load(self.vars[name], target)

    def emit_LOADF(self, name, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.load(self.vars[name], target)

    def emit_LOADB(self, name, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.load(self.vars[name], target)
        pass  # You must implement

    def emit_STOREI(self, source, target):[source], self.vars[target])

    def emit_STOREF(self, source, target):[source], self.vars[target])

    def emit_STOREB(self, source, target):[source], self.vars[target])

    # Binary + operator
    def emit_ADDI(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.add(self.temps[left],
                                              self.temps[right], target)

    def emit_ADDF(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.fadd(self.temps[left],
                                               self.temps[right], target)
        pass  # You must implement

    # Binary - operator
    def emit_SUBI(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.sub(self.temps[left],
                                              self.temps[right], target)
        pass  # You must implement

    def emit_SUBF(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.fsub(self.temps[left],
                                               self.temps[right], target)
        pass  # You must implement

    # Binary * operator
    def emit_MULI(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.mul(self.temps[left],
                                              self.temps[right], target)
        pass  # You must implement

    def emit_MULF(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.fmul(self.temps[left],
                                               self.temps[right], target)
        pass  # You must implement

    # Binary / operator
    def emit_DIVI(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.sdiv(self.temps[left],
                                               self.temps[right], target)
        pass  # You must implement

    def emit_DIVF(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.fdiv(self.temps[left],
                                               self.temps[right], target)
        pass  # You must implement

    def emit_CMPI(self, op, left, right, target):
        result = self.builder.icmp_signed(op, self.temps[left],
                                          self.temps[right], '_temp')
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.zext(result, int_type, target)

    def emit_CMPF(self, op, left, right, target):
        result = self.builder.fcmp_ordered(op, self.temps[left],
                                           self.temps[right], '_temp')
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.zext(result, int_type, target)

    def emit_CMPB(self, op, left, right, target):
        result = self.builder.icmp_signed(op, self.temps[left],
                                          self.temps[right], '_temp')
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.zext(result, int_type, target)

    def emit_AND(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.and_(self.temps[left],
                                               self.temps[right], target)

    def emit_OR(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.or_(self.temps[left],
                                              self.temps[right], target)

    def emit_XOR(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.xor(self.temps[left],
                                              self.temps[right], target)

    # Print statements
    def emit_PRINTI(self, source):['_print_int'], [self.temps[source]])

    def emit_PRINTF(self, source):['_print_float'], [self.temps[source]])
        pass  # You must implement

    def emit_PRINTB(self, source):['_print_byte'], [self.temps[source]])
        pass  # You must implement

    def emit_LABEL(self, name):
        self.block = self.basicblocks[name]

    def emit_CBRANCH(self, test, true_label, false_label):
        true_block = self.basicblocks[true_label]
        false_block = self.basicblocks[false_label]
        self.builder.cbranch(self.builder.trunc(self.temps[test], IntType(1)),
                             true_block, false_block)

    def emit_BRANCH(self, next_label):
        target = self.basicblocks[next_label]
        if not self.block.is_terminated:

    def emit_CALL(self, name, *extra):
        *args, target = extra
        args = [self.temps[a] for a in args]
        func = self.vars[name]
        self.temps[target] =, args)

    def emit_RET(self, source):[source], self.return_var)
Beispiel #8
#          } else {
#               c = a - b;
#          }
#          return c;
#     }

from import (Module, IRBuilder, IntType, Function, FunctionType)

mod = Module('example')
f_func = Function(mod,
                               [IntType(32), IntType(32)]),

block = f_func.append_basic_block("entry")
builder = IRBuilder(block)

# Get the arguments
a_var, b_var = f_func.args

# Allocate the result variable
c_var = builder.alloca(IntType(32), name='c')

# Perform the comparison
testvar = builder.icmp_signed('<', a_var, b_var)

# Make three blocks
then_block = f_func.append_basic_block('then')
else_block = f_func.append_basic_block('else')
merge_block = f_func.append_basic_block('merge')
Beispiel #9
#          return total;
#     }

from import (
    Module, IRBuilder, IntType, Function, FunctionType, Constant

mod = Module('example')

# Declare the f function with our loop
f_func = Function(mod,
                  FunctionType(IntType(32), [IntType(32)]),

block = f_func.append_basic_block("entry")
builder = IRBuilder(block)

# Copy the argument to a local variable.  For reasons, that are 
# complicated, we copy the function argument to a local variable
# allocated on the stack (this makes mutations of the variable
# easier when looping).

n_var = builder.alloca(IntType(32), name='n')[0], n_var)

# Allocate the result variable
total_var = builder.alloca(IntType(32), name='total'), 0), total_var)

# Make a new basic-block for the loop test
from import (Module, Function, FunctionType, IntType, IRBuilder,

mod = Module('hello')
int_type = IntType(32)
hello_func = Function(mod, FunctionType(int_type, []), name='hello')
block = hello_func.append_basic_block('entry')
builder = IRBuilder(block)
builder.ret(Constant(IntType(32), 37))
Beispiel #11
class GenerateLLVM(object):
    def __init__(self):
        # Perform the basic LLVM initialization.  You need the following parts:
        #    1.  A top-level Module object
        #    2.  A dictionary of global declarations
        #    3.  Initialization of runtime functions (for printing)
        self.module = Module('module')

        # Dictionary that holds all of the global variable/function declarations.
        # Any declaration in the Wabbit source code is going to get an entry here
        self.globals = {}

        # Initialize the runtime library functions (see below)

    def declare_runtime_library(self):
        # Certain functions such as I/O and string handling are often easier
        # to implement in an external C library.  This method should make
        # the LLVM declarations for any runtime functions to be used
        # during code generation.    Please note that runtime function
        # functions are implemented in C in a separate file wabbitrt.c

        self.runtime = {}

        # Declare runtime functions
        functions = [
            ('_print_int', void_type, [int_type]),
            ('_print_float', void_type, [float_type]),
            ('_print_byte', void_type, [int_type]),
            ('_grow', int_type, [int_type]),
            ('_peeki', int_type, [int_type]),
            ('_peekf', float_type, [int_type]),
            ('_peekb', int_type, [int_type]),
            ('_pokei', void_type, [int_type, int_type]),
            ('_pokef', void_type, [int_type, float_type]),
            ('_pokeb', void_type, [int_type, int_type]),
        for name, rettype, args in functions:
            self.runtime[name] = Function(self.module,
                                          FunctionType(rettype, args),

    def declare_function(self, funcname, argtypes, rettype):
        self.function = Function(self.module,
                                 FunctionType(rettype, argtypes),

        # Insert a reference in global namespace
        self.globals[funcname] = self.function

    def generate_function(self, funcname, argnames, ircode):
        # Generate code for a single Wabbit function. Each opcode
        # tuple (opcode, args) is dispatched to a method of the form
        # self.emit_opcode(args). Function should already be declared 
        # using declare_function.
        self.function = self.globals[funcname]
        self.block = self.function.append_basic_block('entry')
        self.builder = IRBuilder(self.block)

        # Stack of LLVM temporaries
        self.stack = [] 

        # Dictionary of local variables
        self.locals = { }

        # Combined symbol table
        self.symbols = ChainMap(self.locals, self.globals)

        # Have to declare local variables for holding function arguments
        for n, (name, ty) in enumerate(zip(argnames, self.function.function_type.args)):
            self.locals[name] = self.builder.alloca(ty, name=name)
  [n], self.locals[name])

        # Stack of blocks
        self.blocks = [ ]

        for opcode, *opargs in ircode:
            if hasattr(self, 'emit_'+opcode):
                getattr(self, 'emit_'+opcode)(*opargs)
                print('Warning: No emit_'+opcode+'() method')

        # Add a return statement to void functions.
        if self.function.function_type.return_type == void_type:

    # Helper methods for LLVM temporary stack manipulation
    def push(self, value):

    def pop(self):
        return self.stack.pop()

    def set_block(self, block):
        self.block = block

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Opcode implementation.   You must implement the opcodes.  A few
    # sample opcodes have been given to get you started.
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    # Creation of literal values.  Simply define as LLVM constants.
    def emit_CONSTI(self, value):
        self.push(Constant(int_type, value))

    def emit_CONSTF(self, value):
        self.push(Constant(float_type, value))

    # Allocation of variables.  Declare as global variables and set to
    # a sensible initial value.
    def emit_VARI(self, name):
        self.locals[name] = self.builder.alloca(int_type, name=name)

    def emit_VARF(self, name):
        self.locals[name] = self.builder.alloca(float_type, name=name)

    # Allocation of globals
    def emit_GLOBALI(self, name):
        var = GlobalVariable(self.module, int_type, name=name)
        var.initializer = Constant(int_type, 0)
        self.globals[name] = var

    def emit_GLOBALF(self, name):
        var = GlobalVariable(self.module, float_type, name=name)
        var.initializer = Constant(float_type, 0.0)
        self.globals[name] = var
    # Load/store instructions for variables.  Load needs to pull a
    # value from a global variable and store in a temporary. Store
    # goes in the opposite direction.
    def emit_LOAD(self, name):
        self.push(self.builder.load(self.symbols[name], name))

    def emit_STORE(self, target):, self.symbols[target])

    # Binary + operator
    def emit_ADDI(self):
        self.push(self.builder.add(self.pop(), self.pop()))

    def emit_ADDF(self):
        self.push(self.builder.fadd(self.pop(), self.pop()))

    # Binary - operator
    def emit_SUBI(self):
        right = self.pop()
        left = self.pop()
        self.push(self.builder.sub(left, right))

    def emit_SUBF(self):
        right = self.pop()
        left = self.pop()
        self.push(self.builder.fsub(left, right))

    # Binary * operator
    def emit_MULI(self):
        self.push(self.builder.mul(self.pop(), self.pop()))

    def emit_MULF(self):
        self.push(self.builder.fmul(self.pop(), self.pop()))

    # Binary / operator
    def emit_DIVI(self):
        right = self.pop()
        left = self.pop()
        self.push(self.builder.sdiv(left, right))

    def emit_DIVF(self):
        right = self.pop()
        left = self.pop()
        self.push(self.builder.fdiv(left, right))

    # Conversion
    def emit_ITOF(self):
        self.push(self.builder.sitofp(self.pop(), float_type))

    def emit_FTOI(self):
        self.push(self.builder.fptosi(self.pop(), int_type))

    # Comparison operators
    def emit_LEI(self):
        right = self.pop()
        left = self.pop()
        result = self.builder.icmp_signed('<=', left, right)
        self.push(self.builder.zext(result, int_type))

    def emit_LTI(self):
        right = self.pop()
        left = self.pop()
        result = self.builder.icmp_signed('<', left, right)
        self.push(self.builder.zext(result, int_type))

    def emit_GEI(self):
        right = self.pop()
        left = self.pop()
        result = self.builder.icmp_signed('>=', left, right)
        self.push(self.builder.zext(result, int_type))

    def emit_GTI(self):
        right = self.pop()
        left = self.pop()
        result = self.builder.icmp_signed('>', left, right)
        self.push(self.builder.zext(result, int_type))
    def emit_EQI(self):
        right = self.pop()
        left = self.pop()
        result = self.builder.icmp_signed('==', left, right)
        self.push(self.builder.zext(result, int_type))

    def emit_NEI(self):
        right = self.pop()
        left = self.pop()
        result = self.builder.icmp_signed('!=', left, right)
        self.push(self.builder.zext(result, int_type))

    # Comparison operators
    def emit_LEF(self):
        right = self.pop()
        left = self.pop()
        result = self.builder.fcmp_ordered('<=', left, right)
        self.push(self.builder.zext(result, int_type))

    def emit_LTF(self):
        right = self.pop()
        left = self.pop()
        result = self.builder.fcmp_ordered('<', left, right)
        self.push(self.builder.zext(result, int_type))

    def emit_GEF(self):
        right = self.pop()
        left = self.pop()
        result = self.builder.fcmp_ordered('>=', left, right)
        self.push(self.builder.zext(result, int_type))

    def emit_GTF(self):
        right = self.pop()
        left = self.pop()
        result = self.builder.fcmp_ordered('>', left, right)
        self.push(self.builder.zext(result, int_type))
    def emit_EQF(self):
        right = self.pop()
        left = self.pop()
        result = self.builder.fcmp_ordered('==', left, right)
        self.push(self.builder.zext(result, int_type))

    def emit_NEF(self):
        right = self.pop()
        left = self.pop()
        result = self.builder.fcmp_ordered('!=', left, right)
        self.push(self.builder.zext(result, int_type))

    # Bitwise operations

    def emit_ANDI(self):
        right = self.pop()
        left = self.pop()
        self.push(self.builder.and_(left, right))

    def emit_ORI(self):
        right = self.pop()
        left = self.pop()
        self.push(self.builder.or_(left, right))
    # Print statements
    def emit_PRINTI(self):['_print_int'], [self.pop()])

    def emit_PRINTF(self):['_print_float'], [self.pop()])

    def emit_PRINTB(self):['_print_byte'], [self.pop()])

    # Memory statements
    def emit_GROW(self):
        self.push(['_grow'], [self.pop()]))

    def emit_PEEKI(self):
        self.push(['_peeki'], [self.pop()]))

    def emit_PEEKF(self):
        self.push(['_peekf'], [self.pop()]))

    def emit_PEEKB(self):
        self.push(['_peekb'], [self.pop()]))

    def emit_POKEI(self):
        value = self.pop()
        addr = self.pop()['_pokei'], [addr, value])

    def emit_POKEF(self):
        value = self.pop()
        addr = self.pop()['_pokef'], [addr, value])

    def emit_POKEB(self):
        value = self.pop()
        addr = self.pop()['_pokeb'], [addr, value])

    # Control flow
    def emit_IF(self):
        then_block = self.function.append_basic_block()
        else_block = self.function.append_basic_block()
        exit_block = self.function.append_basic_block()
        self.builder.cbranch(self.builder.trunc(self.pop(), IntType(1)), then_block, else_block)
        self.blocks.append([then_block, else_block, exit_block])

    def emit_ELSE(self):
        if not self.block.is_terminated:

    def emit_ENDIF(self):
        if not self.block.is_terminated:

    def emit_LOOP(self):
        top_block = self.function.append_basic_block()
        exit_block = self.function.append_basic_block()
        self.blocks.append([top_block, exit_block])

    def emit_CBREAK(self):
        next_block = self.function.append_basic_block()
        self.builder.cbranch(self.builder.trunc(self.pop(), IntType(1)), self.blocks[-1][1], next_block)
    def emit_ENDLOOP(self):
        if not self.block.is_terminated:

    def emit_RETURN(self):

    def emit_CALL(self, name):
        func = self.globals[name]
        args = [self.pop() for _ in range(len(func.args))][::-1]
        self.push(, args))
Beispiel #12
class GenerateLLVM(object):
    def __init__(self):
        # Perform the basic LLVM initialization.  You need the following parts:
        #    1.  A top-level Module object
        #    2.  A dictionary of global declarations
        #    3.  Initialization of runtime functions (for printing)
        self.module = Module('module')

        # Dictionary that holds all of the global variable/function declarations.
        # Any declaration in the Wabbit source code is going to get an entry here
        self.globals = {}

        # Initialize the runtime library functions (see below)

    def declare_runtime_library(self):
        # Certain functions such as I/O and string handling are often easier
        # to implement in an external C library.  This method should make
        # the LLVM declarations for any runtime functions to be used
        # during code generation.    Please note that runtime function
        # functions are implemented in C in a separate file wabbitrt.c

        self.runtime = {}

        # Declare runtime functions
        functions = [
            ('_print_int', void_type, [int_type]),
            ('_print_float', void_type, [float_type]),
            ('_print_byte', void_type, [int_type]),
            ('_grow', int_type, [int_type]),
            ('_peeki', int_type, [int_type]),
            ('_peekf', float_type, [int_type]),
            ('_peekb', int_type, [int_type]),
            ('_pokei', void_type, [int_type, int_type]),
            ('_pokef', void_type, [int_type, float_type]),
            ('_pokeb', void_type, [int_type, int_type]),
        for name, rettype, args in functions:
            self.runtime[name] = Function(self.module,
                                          FunctionType(rettype, args),

    def declare_function(self, funcname, argtypes, rettype):
        self.function = Function(self.module,
                                 FunctionType(rettype, argtypes),

        # Insert a reference in global namespace
        self.globals[funcname] = self.function

    def generate_function(self, funcname, argnames, ircode):
        # Generate code for a single Wabbit function. Each opcode
        # tuple (opcode, args) is dispatched to a method of the form
        # self.emit_opcode(args). Function should already be declared 
        # using declare_function.
        self.function = self.globals[funcname]
        self.block = self.function.append_basic_block('entry')
        self.builder = IRBuilder(self.block)

        # Stack of LLVM temporaries
        self.stack = [] 

        # Dictionary of local variables
        self.locals = { }

        for opcode, *opargs in ircode:
            if hasattr(self, 'emit_'+opcode):
                getattr(self, 'emit_'+opcode)(*opargs)
                print('Warning: No emit_'+opcode+'() method')

        # Add a return statement to void functions.
        if self.function.function_type.return_type == void_type:

    # Helper methods for LLVM temporary stack manipulation
    def push(self, value):

    def pop(self):
        return self.stack.pop()

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Opcode implementation.   You must implement the opcodes.  A few
    # sample opcodes have been given to get you started.
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    # Creation of literal values.  Simply define as LLVM constants.
    def emit_CONSTI(self, value):
        self.push(Constant(int_type, value))

    def emit_CONSTF(self, value):
        self.push(Constant(float_type, value))

    # Allocation of variables.  Declare as global variables and set to
    # a sensible initial value.
    def emit_VARI(self, name):
        self.locals[name] = self.builder.alloca(int_type, name=name)

    def emit_VARF(self, name):
        self.locals[name] = self.builder.alloca(float_type, name=name)
    # Load/store instructions for variables.  
    def emit_LOAD(self, name):
        self.push(self.builder.load(self.locals[name], name))

    def emit_STORE(self, name):, self.locals[name])

    # Binary + operator
    def emit_ADDI(self):
        self.push(self.builder.add(self.pop(), self.pop()))

    def emit_ADDF(self):
        self.push(self.builder.fadd(self.pop(), self.pop()))

    # Binary - operator
    def emit_SUBI(self):
        right = self.pop()
        left = self.pop()
        self.push(self.builder.sub(left, right))

    def emit_SUBF(self):
        right = self.pop()
        left = self.pop()
        self.push(self.builder.fsub(left, right))

    # Binary * operator
    def emit_MULI(self):
        self.push(self.builder.mul(self.pop(), self.pop()))

    def emit_MULF(self):
        self.push(self.builder.fmul(self.pop(), self.pop()))

    # Binary / operator
    def emit_DIVI(self):
        right = self.pop()
        left = self.pop()
        self.push(self.builder.sdiv(left, right))

    def emit_DIVF(self):
        right = self.pop()
        left = self.pop()
        self.push(self.builder.fdiv(left, right))

    # Conversion
    def emit_ITOF(self):
        self.push(self.builder.sitofp(self.pop(), float_type))

    def emit_FTOI(self):
        self.push(self.builder.fptosi(self.pop(), int_type))

    # Print statements
    def emit_PRINTI(self):['_print_int'], [self.pop()])

    def emit_PRINTF(self):['_print_float'], [self.pop()])

    def emit_PRINTB(self):['_print_byte'], [self.pop()])

    # Memory statements
    def emit_GROW(self):
        self.push(['_grow'], [self.pop()]))

    def emit_PEEKI(self):
        self.push(['_peeki'], [self.pop()]))

    def emit_PEEKF(self):
        self.push(['_peekf'], [self.pop()]))

    def emit_PEEKB(self):
        self.push(['_peekb'], [self.pop()]))

    def emit_POKEI(self):
        value = self.pop()
        addr = self.pop()['_pokei'], [addr, value])

    def emit_POKEF(self):
        value = self.pop()
        addr = self.pop()['_pokef'], [addr, value])

    def emit_POKEB(self):
        value = self.pop()
        addr = self.pop()['_pokeb'], [addr, value])
Beispiel #13
class GenerateLLVM(object):
    def __init__(self):
        # Perform the basic LLVM initialization.  You need the following parts:
        #    1.  A top-level Module object
        #    2.  A Function instance in which to insert code
        #    3.  A Builder instance to generate instructions
        # Note: For project 5, we don't have any user-defined
        # functions so we're just going to emit all LLVM code into a top
        # level function void main() { ... }.   This will get changed later.

        self.module = Module('module')
        self.function = Function(self.module,
                                 FunctionType(void_type, []),

        self.block = self.function.append_basic_block('entry')
        self.builder = IRBuilder(self.block)

        # Dictionary that holds all of the global variable/function declarations.
        # Any declaration in the Gone source code is going to get an entry here
        self.vars = {}

        # Dictionary that holds all of the temporary registers created in
        # the intermediate code.
        self.temps = {}

        # Initialize the runtime library functions (see below)

    def declare_runtime_library(self):
        # Certain functions such as I/O and string handling are often easier
        # to implement in an external C library.  This method should make
        # the LLVM declarations for any runtime functions to be used
        # during code generation.    Please note that runtime function
        # functions are implemented in C in a separate file gonert.c

        self.runtime = {}

        # Declare printing functions
        self.runtime['_print_int'] = Function(self.module,
                                                  void_type, [int_type]),

        self.runtime['_print_float'] = Function(self.module,
                                                    void_type, [float_type]),

        self.runtime['_print_byte'] = Function(self.module,
                                                   void_type, [byte_type]),

    def generate_code(self, ircode):
        # Given a sequence of SSA intermediate code tuples, generate LLVM
        # instructions using the current builder (self.builder).  Each
        # opcode tuple (opcode, args) is dispatched to a method of the
        # form self.emit_opcode(args)

        for opcode, *args in ircode:
            if hasattr(self, 'emit_' + opcode):
                getattr(self, 'emit_' + opcode)(*args)
                print('Warning: No emit_' + opcode + '() method')

        # Add a return statement.  Note, at this point, we don't really have
        # user-defined functions so this is a bit of hack--it may be removed later.

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Opcode implementation.   You must implement the opcodes.  A few
    # sample opcodes have been given to get you started.
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    # Creation of literal values.  Simply define as LLVM constants.
    def emit_MOVI(self, value, target):
        self.temps[target] = Constant(int_type, value)

    def emit_MOVF(self, value, target):
        self.temps[target] = Constant(float_type, value)

        pass  # You must implement

    def emit_MOVB(self, value, target):
        self.temps[target] = Constant(byte_type, value)

    # Allocation of variables.  Declare as global variables and set to
    # a sensible initial value.
    def emit_VARI(self, name):
        var = GlobalVariable(self.module, int_type, name=name)
        var.initializer = Constant(int_type, 0)
        self.vars[name] = var

    def emit_VARF(self, name):
        var = GlobalVariable(self.module, float_type, name=name)
        var.initializer = Constant(float_type, 0.0)
        self.vars[name] = var
        pass  # You must implement

    def emit_VARB(self, name):
        var = GlobalVariable(self.module, byte_type, name=name)
        var.initializer = Constant(byte_type, 0)
        self.vars[name] = var

    # Load/store instructions for variables.  Load needs to pull a
    # value from a global variable and store in a temporary. Store
    # goes in the opposite direction.
    def emit_LOADI(self, name, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.load(self.vars[name], target)

    def emit_LOADF(self, name, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.load(self.vars[name], target)
        pass  # You must implement

    def emit_LOADB(self, name, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.load(self.vars[name], target)
        pass  # You must implement

    def emit_STOREI(self, source, target):[source], self.vars[target])

    def emit_STOREF(self, source, target):[source], self.vars[target])
        pass  # You must implement

    def emit_STOREB(self, source, target):[source], self.vars[target])
        pass  # You must implement

    # Binary + operator
    def emit_ADDI(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.add(self.temps[left],
                                              self.temps[right], target)

    def emit_ADDF(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.fadd(self.temps[left],
                                               self.temps[right], target)
        pass  # You must implement

    # Binary - operator
    def emit_SUBI(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.sub(self.temps[left],
                                              self.temps[right], target)
        pass  # You must implement

    def emit_SUBF(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.fsub(self.temps[left],
                                               self.temps[right], target)
        pass  # You must implement

    # Binary * operator
    def emit_MULI(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.mul(self.temps[left],
                                              self.temps[right], target)
        pass  # You must implement

    def emit_MULF(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.fmul(self.temps[left],
                                               self.temps[right], target)
        pass  # You must implement

    # Binary / operator
    def emit_DIVI(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.sdiv(self.temps[left],
                                               self.temps[right], target)
        pass  # You must implement

    def emit_DIVF(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.fdiv(self.temps[left],
                                               self.temps[right], target)
        pass  # You must implement

    # Print statements
    def emit_PRINTI(self, source):['_print_int'], [self.temps[source]])

    def emit_PRINTF(self, source):['_print_float'], [self.temps[source]])
        pass  # You must implement

    def emit_PRINTB(self, source):['_print_byte'], [self.temps[source]])
        pass  # You must implement
Beispiel #14
class GenerateLLVM(object):
    def __init__(self):
        # Perform the basic LLVM initialization.  You need the following parts:
        #    1.  A top-level Module object
        #    2.  A Function instance in which to insert code
        #    3.  A Builder instance to generate instructions
        # Note: For project 5, we don't have any user-defined
        # functions so we're just going to emit all LLVM code into a top
        # level function void main() { ... }.   This will get changed later.

        self.module = Module('module')
        self.function = Function(self.module,
                                 FunctionType(void_type, []),

        self.block = self.function.append_basic_block('entry')
        self.builder = IRBuilder(self.block)

        # Dictionary that holds all of the global variable/function declarations.
        # Any declaration in the Gone source code is going to get an entry here
        self.vars = ChainMap()

        # Dictionary that holds all of the temporary registers created in
        # the intermediate code.
        self.temps = {}

        self.blocks = { }

        self.funcs = { }

        self.current_func = None

        # Initialize the runtime library functions (see below)

    def declare_runtime_library(self):
        # Certain functions such as I/O and string handling are often easier
        # to implement in an external C library.  This method should make
        # the LLVM declarations for any runtime functions to be used
        # during code generation.    Please note that runtime function
        # functions are implemented in C in a separate file gonert.c

        self.runtime = {}

        # Declare printing functions
        self.runtime['_print_int'] = Function(self.module,
                                              FunctionType(void_type, [int_type]),

        self.runtime['_print_float'] = Function(self.module,
                                                FunctionType(void_type, [float_type]),

        self.runtime['_print_byte'] = Function(self.module,
                                                FunctionType(void_type, [byte_type]),

    def generate_code(self, ircode):
        # Given a sequence of SSA intermediate code tuples, generate LLVM
        # instructions using the current builder (self.builder).  Each
        # opcode tuple (opcode, args) is dispatched to a method of the
        # form self.emit_opcode(args)

        # first collect all the blocks
        for instr in ircode:
            if instr[0] == 'BLK':
                self.blocks[instr[1]] = self.function.append_basic_block(instr[1])

        for opcode, *args in ircode:
            if hasattr(self, 'emit_'+opcode):
                getattr(self, 'emit_'+opcode)(*args)
                print('Warning: No emit_'+opcode+'() method')

        # Add a return statement.  Note, at this point, we don't really have
        # user-defined functions so this is a bit of hack--it may be removed later.

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Opcode implementation.   You must implement the opcodes.  A few
    # sample opcodes have been given to get you started.
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    def emit_FUNCTION_END(self, f_name):

        if not self.block.is_terminated:


    def emit_FUNCTION(self, f_name, arguments, return_type):
        arguments = eval(arguments)
        argtypes = list(map(lambda z: z[0], arguments))

        f_func = Function(self.module,
        self.current_func = f_func

        self.block = self.current_func.append_basic_block('entry')

        self.return_block = self.current_func.append_basic_block('return')
        self.return_var = self.builder.alloca(type_lookup[return_type], name='return')
        self.funcs[f_name] = self.current_func

    def emit_CALL(self, f_name, sources, target):
        #import pdb
        f = self.funcs[f_name]
        self.temps[target] =,
            [self.temps[r] for r in eval(sources)]

    def emit_RETURN(self, var):

    # Creation of literal values.  Simply define as LLVM constants.
    def emit_MOVI(self, value, target):
        self.temps[target] = Constant(int_type, value)

    def emit_MOVF(self, value, target):
        self.temps[target] = Constant(float_type, value)

    def emit_MOVB(self, value, target):
        self.temps[target] = Constant(byte_type, value)

    # Allocation of variables.  Declare as global variables and set to
    # a sensible initial value.
    def emit_VARI(self, name):
        var = GlobalVariable(self.module, int_type, name=name)
        var.initializer = Constant(int_type, 0)
        self.vars[name] = var

    def emit_VARF(self, name):
        var = GlobalVariable(self.module, float_type, name=name)
        var.initializer = Constant(float_type, 0)
        self.vars[name] = var

    def emit_VARB(self, name):
        var = GlobalVariable(self.module, byte_type, name=name)
        var.initializer = Constant(byte_type, 0)
        self.vars[name] = var

    def emit_ALLOCI(self, name):
        var = self.builder.alloca(IntType(32), name=name), 0), var)
        self.vars[name] = var

    # Load/store instructions for variables.  Load needs to pull a
    # value from a global variable and store in a temporary. Store
    # goes in the opposite direction.
    def emit_LOADI(self, name, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.load(self.vars[name], target)

    emit_LOADB = emit_LOADI
    emit_LOADF = emit_LOADI

    def emit_STOREI(self, source, target):[source], self.vars[target])

    emit_STOREF = emit_STOREI
    emit_STOREB = emit_STOREI

    # Binary + operator
    def emit_ADDI(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.add(self.temps[left], self.temps[right], target)

    # Binary + operator
    def emit_ADDF(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.fadd(self.temps[left], self.temps[right], target)

    # Binary - operator
    def emit_SUBI(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.sub(self.temps[left], self.temps[right], target)

    def emit_SUBF(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.fsub(self.temps[left], self.temps[right], target)

    # Binary * operator
    def emit_MULI(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.mul(self.temps[left], self.temps[right], target)

    def emit_MULF(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.fmul(self.temps[left], self.temps[right], target)

    # Binary / operator
    def emit_DIVI(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.sdiv(self.temps[left], self.temps[right], target)

    def emit_DIVF(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.fdiv(self.temps[left], self.temps[right], target)

    def emit_AND(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.and_(self.temps[left], self.temps[right], target)

    def emit_OR(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.or_(self.temps[left], self.temps[right], target)

    def emit_CMPF(self, op, left, right, target):
        temp = self.builder.fcmp_ordered(op, self.temps[left], self.temps[right], 'temp')
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.zext(temp, int_type)

    def emit_CMPI(self, op, left, right, target):
        temp = self.builder.icmp_signed(op, self.temps[left], self.temps[right], 'temp')
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.zext(temp, int_type)

    def cast_to_int(self, value):
        return self.builder.zext(value, int_type)

    def cast_to_byte(self, value):
        return self.builder.trunc(value, IntType(1))

    # Print statements
    def emit_PRINTI(self, source):['_print_int'], [self.cast_to_int(self.temps[source])])

    def emit_PRINTF(self, source):['_print_float'], [self.temps[source]])

    def emit_PRINTB(self, source):['_print_byte'], [self.temps[source]])

    # conditionals and branches

    def emit_CJMP(self, target, true_branch, false_branch):
        self.builder.cbranch(self.cast_to_byte(self.temps[target]), self.blocks[true_branch], self.blocks[false_branch])

    def emit_JMP(self, target):

    def emit_BLK(self, target):
Beispiel #15
class GenerateLLVM(object):

    def __init__(self, name='module'):
        # Perform the basic LLVM initialization.  You need the following parts:
        #    1.  A top-level Module object
        #    2.  A Function instance in which to insert code
        #    3.  A Builder instance to generate instructions
        # Note: For project 5, we don't have any user-defined
        # functions so we're just going to emit all LLVM code into a top
        # level function void main() { ... }.   This will get changed later.

        self.module = Module(name)
        # self.function = Function(self.module,
        #                         FunctionType(void_type, []),
        #                         name='main')

        # self.block = self.function.append_basic_block('entry')
        self.block = None
        # self.builder = IRBuilder(self.block)
        self.builder = None

        # Dictionary that holds all of the global variable/function
        # declarations.
        # Any declaration in the Gone source code is going to get an entry here
        # self.vars = {}
        self.globals = {}
        self.locals = {}

        # Dictionary that holds all of the temporary variables created in
        # the intermediate code.   For example, if you had an expression
        # like this:
        #      a = b + c*d
        # The corresponding intermediate code might look like this:
        #      ('load_int', 'b', 'int_1')
        #      ('load_int', 'c', 'int_2')
        #      ('load_int', 'd', 'int_3')
        #      ('mul_int', 'int_2','int_3','int_4')
        #      ('add_int', 'int_1','int_4','int_5')
        #      ('store_int', 'int_5', 'a')
        # The self.temp dictionary below is used to map names such as 'int_1',
        # 'int_2' to their corresponding LLVM values.  Essentially, every time
        # you make anything in LLVM, it gets stored here.
        self.temps = {}

        # Initialize the runtime library functions (see below)

        self.last_branch = None

    def start_function(self, name, rettypename, parmtypenames):
        rettype = typemap[rettypename]
        parmtypes = [typemap[pname] for pname in parmtypenames]
        # Type.function(rettype, parmtypes, False)
        func_type = FunctionType(rettype, parmtypes)

        # Create the function for which we're generating code
        #, func_type, name)
        self.function = Function(self.module, func_type, name=name)

        # Make the builder and entry block
        self.block = self.function.append_basic_block("entry")
        self.builder = IRBuilder(self.block)

        # Make the exit block
        self.exit_block = self.function.append_basic_block("exit")

        # Clear the local vars and temps
        self.locals = {}
        self.temps = {}

        # Make the return variable
        if rettype is not void_type:
            self.locals['return'] = self.builder.alloca(rettype, name="return")

        # Put an entry in the globals
        self.globals[name] = self.function

    def new_basic_block(self, name=''):
        self.builder = IRBuilder(self.block.instructions)
        return self.function.append_basic_block(name)

    def declare_runtime_library(self):
        # Certain functions such as I/O and string handling are often easier
        # to implement in an external C library.  This method should make
        # the LLVM declarations for any runtime functions to be used
        # during code generation.    Please note that runtime function
        # functions are implemented in C in a separate file gonert.c

        self.runtime = {}

        # Declare printing functions
        self.runtime['_print_int'] = Function(self.module,
                                                  void_type, [int_type]),

        self.runtime['_print_float'] = Function(self.module,
                                                    void_type, [float_type]),

        self.runtime['_print_bool'] = Function(self.module,
                                                   void_type, [int_type]),

    def generate_code(self, ircode):
        # Given a sequence of SSA intermediate code tuples, generate LLVM
        # instructions using the current builder (self.builder).  Each
        # opcode tuple (opcode, args) is dispatched to a method of the
        # form self.emit_opcode(args)

        for opcode, *args in ircode:
            if hasattr(self, 'emit_' + opcode):
                getattr(self, 'emit_' + opcode)(*args)
                print('Warning: No emit_' + opcode + '() method')

        # Add a return statement.  Note, at this point, we don't really have
        # user-defined functions so this is a bit of hack--it may be removed
        # later.
        # self.builder.ret_void()

    def terminate(self):
        # Add a return statement. This connects the last block to the exit
        # block.
        # The return statement is then emitted
        if self.last_branch != self.block:

        if 'return' in self.locals:

    def add_block(self, name):
        # Add a new block to the existing function
        return self.function.append_basic_block(name)

    def set_block(self, block):
        # Sets the current block for adding more code
        self.block = block

    def cbranch(self, testvar, true_block, false_block):
        self.builder.cbranch(self.temps[testvar], true_block, false_block)

    def branch(self, next_block):
        if self.last_branch != self.block:
        self.last_branch = self.block
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Opcode implementation.   You must implement the opcodes.  A few
    # sample opcodes have been given to get you started.
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    # Creation of literal values.  Simply define as LLVM constants.
    def emit_literal_int(self, value, target):
        self.temps[target] = Constant(int_type, value)

    def emit_literal_float(self, value, target):
        self.temps[target] = Constant(float_type, value)

    def emit_literal_bool(self, value, target):
        self.temps[target] = Constant(bool_type, value)

    # def emit_literal_string(self, value, target):
    #     self.temps[target] = Constant(string_type, value)

    # Allocation of variables.  Declare as global variables and set to
    # a sensible initial value.
    def emit_alloc_int(self, name):
        var = self.builder.alloca(int_type, name=name)
        var.initializer = Constant(int_type, 0)
        self.locals[name] = var

    def emit_alloc_float(self, name):
        var = self.builder.alloca(float_type, name=name)
        var.initializer = Constant(float_type, 0)
        self.locals[name] = var

    def emit_alloc_bool(self, name):
        var = self.builder.alloca(bool_type, name=name)
        var.initializer = Constant(bool_type, 0)
        self.locals[name] = var

    def emit_global_int(self, name):
        var = GlobalVariable(self.module, int_type, name=name)
        var.initializer = Constant(int_type, 0)
        self.globals[name] = var

    def emit_global_float(self, name):
        var = GlobalVariable(self.module, float_type, name=name)
        var.initializer = Constant(float_type, 0)
        self.globals[name] = var

    def emit_global_bool(self, name):
        var = GlobalVariable(self.module, bool_type, name=name)
        var.initializer = Constant(bool_type, 0)
        self.globals[name] = var

    # def emit_alloc_string(self, name):
    #     var = GlobalVariable(self.module, string_type, name=name)
    #     var.initializer = Constant(string_type, "")
    #     self.vars[name] = var

    # Load/store instructions for variables.  Load needs to pull a
    # value from a global variable and store in a temporary. Store
    # goes in the opposite direction.
    def lookup_var(self, name):
        if name in self.locals:
            return self.locals[name]
            return self.globals[name]

    def emit_load_int(self, name, target):
        # print('LOADINT %s, %s' % (name, target))
        # print('GLOBALS %s' % self.globals)
        # print('LOCALS %s' % self.locals)
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.load(self.lookup_var(name), target)

    def emit_load_float(self, name, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.load(self.lookup_var(name), target)

    def emit_load_bool(self, name, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.load(self.lookup_var(name), target)

    def emit_store_int(self, source, target):[source], self.lookup_var(target))

    def emit_store_float(self, source, target):[source], self.lookup_var(target))

    def emit_store_bool(self, source, target):[source], self.lookup_var(target))

    # Binary + operator
    def emit_add_int(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.add(
            self.temps[left], self.temps[right], target)

    def emit_add_float(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.fadd(
            self.temps[left], self.temps[right], target)

    # Binary - operator
    def emit_sub_int(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.sub(
            self.temps[left], self.temps[right], target)

    def emit_sub_float(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.fsub(
            self.temps[left], self.temps[right], target)

    # Binary * operator
    def emit_mul_int(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.mul(
            self.temps[left], self.temps[right], target)

    def emit_mul_float(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.fmul(
            self.temps[left], self.temps[right], target)

    # Binary / operator
    def emit_div_int(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.sdiv(
            self.temps[left], self.temps[right], target)

    def emit_div_float(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.fdiv(
            self.temps[left], self.temps[right], target)

    # Unary + operator
    def emit_uadd_int(self, source, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.add(
            Constant(int_type, 0),

    def emit_uadd_float(self, source, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.fadd(
            Constant(float_type, 0.0),

    # Unary - operator
    def emit_usub_int(self, source, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.sub(
            Constant(int_type, 0),

    def emit_usub_float(self, source, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.fsub(
            Constant(float_type, 0.0),

    # Binary < operator
    def emit_lt_int(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.icmp_signed(
            '<', self.temps[left], self.temps[right], target)

    def emit_lt_float(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.fcmp_ordered(
            '<', self.temps[left], self.temps[right], target)

    # Binary <= operator
    def emit_le_int(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.icmp_signed(
            '<=', self.temps[left], self.temps[right], target)

    def emit_le_float(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.fcmp_ordered(
            '<=', self.temps[left], self.temps[right], target)

    # Binary > operator
    def emit_gt_int(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.icmp_signed(
            '>', self.temps[left], self.temps[right], target)

    def emit_gt_float(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.fcmp_ordered(
            '>', self.temps[left], self.temps[right], target)

    # Binary >= operator
    def emit_ge_int(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.icmp_signed(
            '>=', self.temps[left], self.temps[right], target)

    def emit_ge_float(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.fcmp_ordered(
            '>=', self.temps[left], self.temps[right], target)

    # Binary == operator
    def emit_eq_int(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.icmp_signed(
            '==', self.temps[left], self.temps[right], target)

    def emit_eq_bool(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.icmp_signed(
            '==', self.temps[left], self.temps[right], target)

    def emit_eq_float(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.fcmp_ordered(
            '==', self.temps[left], self.temps[right], target)

    # Binary != operator
    def emit_ne_int(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.icmp_signed(
            '!=', self.temps[left], self.temps[right], target)

    def emit_ne_bool(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.icmp_signed(
            '!=', self.temps[left], self.temps[right], target)

    def emit_ne_float(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.fcmp_ordered(
            '!=', self.temps[left], self.temps[right], target)

    # Binary && operator
    def emit_and_bool(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.and_(
            self.temps[left], self.temps[right], target)

    # Binary || operator
    def emit_or_bool(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.or_(
            self.temps[left], self.temps[right], target)

    # Unary ! operator
    def emit_not_bool(self, source, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.icmp_signed(
            '==', self.temps[source], Constant(bool_type, 0), target)
    # Print statements

    def emit_print_int(self, source):['_print_int'], [self.temps[source]])

    def emit_print_float(self, source):['_print_float'], [self.temps[source]])

    def emit_print_bool(self, source):['_print_bool'], [
                          self.builder.zext(self.temps[source], int_type)])

    # Extern function declaration.
    def emit_extern_func(self, name, rettypename, *parmtypenames):
        rettype = typemap[rettypename]
        parmtypes = [typemap[pname] for pname in parmtypenames]
        func_type = FunctionType(rettype, parmtypes)
        self.globals[name] = Function(self.module, func_type, name=name)

    # Call an external function.
    def emit_call_func(self, funcname, *args):
        target = args[-1]
        func = self.globals[funcname]
        argvals = [self.temps[name] for name in args[:-1]]
        self.temps[target] =, argvals)

    # Function parameter declarations.  Must create as local variables
    def emit_parm_int(self, name, num):
        var = self.builder.alloca(int_type, name=name)[num], var)
        self.locals[name] = var

    def emit_parm_float(self, name, num):
        var = self.builder.alloca(float_type, name=name)[num], var)
        self.locals[name] = var

    def emit_parm_bool(self, name, num):
        var = self.builder.alloca(bool_type, name=name)[num], var)
        self.locals[name] = var

    # Return statements
    def emit_return_int(self, source):[source], self.locals['return'])

    def emit_return_float(self, source):[source], self.locals['return'])

    def emit_return_bool(self, source):[source], self.locals['return'])

    def emit_return_void(self):
Beispiel #16
class GenerateLLVM(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.module = Module('module')
        self.globals = {}
        self.blocks = {}

    def declare_runtime_library(self):
        self.runtime = {}

        self.runtime['_print_int'] = Function(self.module,
                                                  void_type, [int_type]),

        self.runtime['_print_float'] = Function(self.module,
                                                    void_type, [float_type]),

        self.runtime['_print_byte'] = Function(self.module,
                                                   void_type, [byte_type]),

    def generate_code(self, ir_function):
        self.function = Function(
            FunctionType(LLVM_TYPE_MAPPING[ir_function.return_type], [
                LLVM_TYPE_MAPPING[ptype] for _, ptype in ir_function.parameters

        self.block = self.function.append_basic_block('entry')
        self.builder = IRBuilder(self.block)

        self.globals[] = self.function

        self.locals = {}

        self.vars = ChainMap(self.locals, self.globals)

        self.temps = {}

        for n, (pname, ptype) in enumerate(ir_function.parameters):
            self.vars[pname] = self.builder.alloca(LLVM_TYPE_MAPPING[ptype],
  [n], self.vars[pname])

        if ir_function.return_type:
            self.vars['return'] = self.builder.alloca(
                LLVM_TYPE_MAPPING[ir_function.return_type], name='return')
        self.return_block = self.function.append_basic_block('return')

        for opcode, *args in ir_function.code:
            if hasattr(self, 'emit_' + opcode):
                getattr(self, 'emit_' + opcode)(*args)
                print('Warning: No emit_' + opcode + '() method')

        if not self.block.is_terminated:

        self.builder.ret(self.builder.load(self.vars['return'], 'return'))

    def get_block(self, block_name):
        block = self.blocks.get(block_name)
        if block is None:
            block = self.function.append_basic_block(block_name)
            self.blocks[block_name] = block

        return block

    def emit_MOV(self, value, target, val_type):
        self.temps[target] = Constant(val_type, value)

    emit_MOVI = partialmethod(emit_MOV, val_type=int_type)
    emit_MOVF = partialmethod(emit_MOV, val_type=float_type)
    emit_MOVB = partialmethod(emit_MOV, val_type=byte_type)

    def emit_VAR(self, name, var_type):
        var = GlobalVariable(self.module, var_type, name=name)
        var.initializer = Constant(var_type, 0)
        self.globals[name] = var

    emit_VARI = partialmethod(emit_VAR, var_type=int_type)
    emit_VARF = partialmethod(emit_VAR, var_type=float_type)
    emit_VARB = partialmethod(emit_VAR, var_type=byte_type)

    def emit_ALLOC(self, name, var_type):
        self.locals[name] = self.builder.alloca(var_type, name=name)

    emit_ALLOCI = partialmethod(emit_ALLOC, var_type=int_type)
    emit_ALLOCF = partialmethod(emit_ALLOC, var_type=float_type)
    emit_ALLOCB = partialmethod(emit_ALLOC, var_type=byte_type)

    def emit_LOADI(self, name, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.load(self.vars[name], name=target)

    emit_LOADF = emit_LOADI
    emit_LOADB = emit_LOADI

    def emit_STOREI(self, source, target):[source], self.vars[target])

    emit_STOREF = emit_STOREI
    emit_STOREB = emit_STOREI

    def emit_ADDI(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.add(self.temps[left],

    def emit_ADDF(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.fadd(self.temps[left],

    def emit_SUBI(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.sub(self.temps[left],

    def emit_SUBF(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.fsub(self.temps[left],

    def emit_MULI(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.mul(self.temps[left],

    def emit_MULF(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.fmul(self.temps[left],

    def emit_DIVI(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.sdiv(self.temps[left],

    def emit_DIVF(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.fdiv(self.temps[left],

    def emit_PRINT(self, source, runtime_name):[runtime_name], [self.temps[source]])

    emit_PRINTI = partialmethod(emit_PRINT, runtime_name="_print_int")
    emit_PRINTF = partialmethod(emit_PRINT, runtime_name="_print_float")
    emit_PRINTB = partialmethod(emit_PRINT, runtime_name="_print_byte")

    def emit_CMPI(self, operator, left, right, target):
        if operator == "=":
            operator = "=="

        tmp = self.builder.icmp_signed(operator, self.temps[left],
                                       self.temps[right], 'tmp')
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.zext(tmp, int_type, target)

    def emit_CMPF(self, operator, left, right, target):
        if operator == "=":
            operator = "=="

        tmp = self.builder.fcmp_ordered(operator, self.temps[left],
                                        self.temps[right], 'tmp')
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.zext(tmp, int_type, target)

    emit_CMPB = emit_CMPI

    def emit_AND(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.and_(self.temps[left],
                                               self.temps[right], target)

    def emit_OR(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.or_(self.temps[left],
                                              self.temps[right], target)

    def emit_XOR(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.xor(self.temps[left],
                                              self.temps[right], target)

    def emit_LABEL(self, lbl_name):
        self.block = self.get_block(lbl_name)

    def emit_BRANCH(self, dst_label):
        if not self.block.is_terminated:

    def emit_CBRANCH(self, test_target, true_label, false_label):
        true_block = self.get_block(true_label)
        false_block = self.get_block(false_label)
        testvar = self.temps[test_target]
        self.builder.cbranch(self.builder.trunc(testvar, IntType(1)),
                             true_block, false_block)

    def emit_RET(self, register):[register], self.vars['return'])

    def emit_CALL(self, func_name, *registers):
        args = [self.temps[r] for r in registers[:-1]]
        target = registers[-1]
        self.temps[target] =[func_name], args)
Beispiel #17
class GenerateLLVM(object):
    def __init__(self):
        # Perform the basic LLVM initialization.  You need the following parts:
        #    1.  A top-level Module object
        #    2.  A Function instance in which to insert code
        #    3.  A Builder instance to generate instructions
        # Note: For project 5, we don't have any user-defined
        # functions so we're just going to emit all LLVM code into a top
        # level function void main() { ... }.   This will get changed later.

        self.module = Module('module')

        # Dictionary that holds all of the global variable/function declarations.
        # Any declaration in the Gone source code is going to get an entry here
        self.globals = {}
        self.vars = ChainMap(self.globals)

        # Dictionary that holds all of the temporary registers created in
        # the intermediate code.

        # Initialize the runtime library functions (see below)

    def declare_runtime_library(self):
        # Certain functions such as I/O and string handling are often easier
        # to implement in an external C library.  This method should make
        # the LLVM declarations for any runtime functions to be used
        # during code generation.    Please note that runtime function
        # functions are implemented in C in a separate file gonert.c

        self.runtime = {}

        # Declare printing functions
        self.runtime['_print_int'] = Function(self.module,
                                                  void_type, [int_type]),

        self.runtime['_print_float'] = Function(self.module,
                                                    void_type, [float_type]),

        self.runtime['_print_byte'] = Function(self.module,
                                                   void_type, [byte_type]),

    def generate_functions(self, functions):
        type_dict = {
            'int': int_type,
            'float': float_type,
            'byte': byte_type,
            'bool': int_type,
            'void': void_type
        for function in functions:
            # register function
            name = if != 'main' else '_gone_main'
            return_type = type_dict[function.return_type]
            param_types = [type_dict[t] for t in function.param_types]
            function_type = FunctionType(return_type, param_types)
            self.function = Function(self.module, function_type, name=name)
            self.globals[name] = self.function
            self.blocks = {}
            self.block = self.function.append_basic_block('entry')
            self.blocks['entry'] = self.block
            self.builder = IRBuilder(self.block)

            # local scope
            self.vars = self.vars.new_child()
            self.temps = {}
            for n, (param_name, param_type) in enumerate(
                    zip(function.param_names, param_types)):
                var = self.builder.alloca(param_type, name=param_name)
                var.initializer = Constant(param_type, 0)
                self.vars[param_name] = var

            # alloc return var / block
            if function.return_type != 'void':
                self.vars['return'] = self.builder.alloca(return_type,
            self.return_block = self.function.append_basic_block('return')

            # generate instructions

            # return
            if not self.block.is_terminated:

            if function.return_type != 'void':
                    self.builder.load(self.vars['return'], 'return'))
            self.vars = self.vars.parents

    def generate_code(self, ircode):
        # Given a sequence of SSA intermediate code tuples, generate LLVM
        # instructions using the current builder (self.builder).  Each
        # opcode tuple (opcode, args) is dispatched to a method of the
        # form self.emit_opcode(args)
        for instr in ircode:
            if instr[0] == 'LABEL':
                self.blocks[instr[1]] = self.function.append_basic_block(

        for opcode, *args in ircode:
            if opcode == 'CALL':
                self.emit_CALL(*args[:-1], target=args[-1])
            elif hasattr(self, 'emit_' + opcode):
                getattr(self, 'emit_' + opcode)(*args)
                print('Warning: No emit_' + opcode + '() method')

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Opcode implementation.   You must implement the opcodes.  A few
    # sample opcodes have been given to get you started.
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    # Creation of literal values.  Simply define as LLVM constants.
    def emit_MOVI(self, value, target):
        self.temps[target] = Constant(int_type, value)

    def emit_MOVF(self, value, target):
        self.temps[target] = Constant(float_type, value)

    def emit_MOVB(self, value, target):
        self.temps[target] = Constant(byte_type, value)

    # Allocation of variables.  Declare as global variables and set to
    # a sensible initial value.
    def emit_VARI(self, name):
        var = GlobalVariable(self.module, int_type, name=name)
        var.initializer = Constant(int_type, 0)
        self.globals[name] = var

    def emit_VARF(self, name):
        var = GlobalVariable(self.module, float_type, name=name)
        var.initializer = Constant(float_type, 0.0)
        self.globals[name] = var

    def emit_VARB(self, name):
        var = GlobalVariable(self.module, byte_type, name=name)
        var.initializer = Constant(byte_type, 0)
        self.globals[name] = var

    # Load/store instructions for variables.  Load needs to pull a
    # value from a global variable and store in a temporary. Store
    # goes in the opposite direction.
    def emit_LOADI(self, name, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.load(self.vars[name], target)

    def emit_LOADF(self, name, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.load(self.vars[name], target)

    def emit_LOADB(self, name, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.load(self.vars[name], target)

    def emit_STOREI(self, source, target):[source], self.vars[target])

    def emit_STOREF(self, source, target):[source], self.vars[target])

    def emit_STOREB(self, source, target):[source], self.vars[target])

    # Binary + operator
    def emit_ADDI(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.add(self.temps[left],
                                              self.temps[right], target)

    def emit_ADDF(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.fadd(self.temps[left],
                                               self.temps[right], target)

    # Binary - operator
    def emit_SUBI(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.sub(self.temps[left],
                                              self.temps[right], target)

    def emit_SUBF(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.fsub(self.temps[left],
                                               self.temps[right], target)

    # Binary * operator
    def emit_MULI(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.mul(self.temps[left],
                                              self.temps[right], target)

    def emit_MULF(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.fmul(self.temps[left],
                                               self.temps[right], target)

    # Binary / operator
    def emit_DIVI(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.sdiv(self.temps[left],
                                               self.temps[right], target)

    def emit_DIVF(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.fdiv(self.temps[left],
                                               self.temps[right], target)

    def emit_CMPI(self, op, left, right, target):
        tmp = self.builder.icmp_signed(op, self.temps[left], self.temps[right],
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.zext(tmp, int_type, target)

    def emit_CMPF(self, op, left, right, target):
        tmp = self.builder.fcmp_ordered(op, self.temps[left],
                                        self.temps[right], 'tmp')
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.zext(tmp, int_type, target)

    def emit_CMPB(self, op, left, right, target):
        tmp = self.builder.icmp_signed(op, self.temps[left], self.temps[right],
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.zext(tmp, int_type, target)

    # Logical ops
    def emit_AND(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.and_(self.temps[left],
                                               self.temps[right], target)

    def emit_OR(self, left, right, target):
        self.temps[target] = self.builder.or_(self.temps[left],
                                              self.temps[right], target)

    # control flow
    def emit_LABEL(self, label):
        self.block = self.blocks[label]

    def emit_BRANCH(self, label):
        if not self.block.is_terminated:

    def emit_CBRANCH(self, test, label1, label2):
        tmp = self.builder.trunc(self.temps[test], IntType(1), 'tmp')
        self.builder.cbranch(tmp, self.blocks[label1], self.blocks[label2])

    # functions
    def emit_ALLOCI(self, name):
        var = self.builder.alloca(int_type, name=name)
        var.initializer = Constant(int_type, 0)
        self.vars[name] = var

    def emit_ALLOCF(self, name):
        var = self.builder.alloca(float_type, name=name)
        var.initializer = Constant(float_type, 0)
        self.vars[name] = var

    def emit_ALLOCB(self, name):
        var = self.builder.alloca(byte_type, name=name)
        var.initializer = Constant(byte_type, 0)
        self.vars[name] = var

    def emit_RET(self, source):[source], self.vars['return'])

    def emit_CALL(self, func_name, *args, target):
        func = self.vars[func_name]
        args = [self.temps[arg] for arg in args]
        self.temps[target] =, args)

    # Print statements
    def emit_PRINTI(self, source):['_print_int'], [self.temps[source]])

    def emit_PRINTF(self, source):['_print_float'], [self.temps[source]])

    def emit_PRINTB(self, source):['_print_byte'], [self.temps[source]])
Beispiel #18

from import (
    Module, Function, FunctionType, IntType,
    Constant, IRBuilder

mod = Module('hello')
hello_func = Function(mod, 
                      FunctionType(IntType(32), []), 
block = hello_func.append_basic_block('entry')
builder = IRBuilder(block)
builder.ret(Constant(IntType(32), 37))

# A user-defined function
from import DoubleType

ty_double = DoubleType()
dsquared_func = Function(mod, 
                         FunctionType(ty_double, [ty_double, ty_double]), 
block = dsquared_func.append_basic_block('entry')
builder = IRBuilder(block)

# Get the function args
x, y = dsquared_func.args

# Compute temporary values for x*x and y*y
xsquared = builder.fmul(x, x)
ysquared = builder.fmul(y, y)
Beispiel #19
def build_func(func: ir.Function):
    block = func.append_basic_block("entry")
    builder = ir.IRBuilder(block)

    yield builder, func.args